
Defines functions getNPC.DonohoGavish fpca.ssvd

Documented in fpca.ssvd

#'Smoothed FPCA via iterative penalized rank one SVDs.
#'Implements the algorithm of Huang, Shen, Buja (2008) for finding smooth right
#'singular vectors of a matrix \code{X} containing (contaminated) evaluations of
#'functional random variables on a regular, equidistant grid. If the number of
#'smooth SVs to extract is not specified, the function hazards a guess for the
#'appropriate number based on the asymptotically optimal truncation threshold
#'under the assumption of a low rank matrix contaminated with i.i.d. Gaussian
#'noise with unknown variance derived in Donoho, Gavish (2013). Please note that
#'Donoho, Gavish (2013) should be regarded as experimental for functional PCA,
#'and will typically not work well if you have more observations than grid
#'@param Y data matrix (rows: observations; columns: grid of eval. points)
#'@param ydata a data frame \code{ydata} representing
#'  irregularly observed functions. NOT IMPLEMENTED for this method.
#'@param argvals the argument values of the function evaluations in \code{Y},
#'  defaults to a equidistant grid from 0 to 1. See Details.
#'@param npc how many smooth SVs to try to extract, if \code{NA} (the default)
#'  the hard thresholding rule of Donoho, Gavish (2013) is used (see Details,
#'  References).
#'@param center center \code{Y} so that its column-means are 0? Defaults to
#'  \code{TRUE}
#'@param maxiter how many iterations of the power algorithm to perform at most
#'  (defaults to 15)
#'@param tol convergence tolerance for power algorithm (defaults to 1e-4)
#'@param diffpen difference penalty order controlling the desired smoothness of
#'  the right singular vectors, defaults to 3 (i.e., deviations from local
#'  quadratic polynomials).
#'@param gridsearch use \code{\link[stats]{optimize}} or a grid search to find
#'  GCV-optimal smoothing parameters? defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#'@param alphagrid  grid of smoothing parameter values for grid search
#'@param lower.alpha lower limit for for smoothing parameter if
#'  \code{!gridsearch}
#'@param upper.alpha upper limit for smoothing parameter if \code{!gridsearch}
#'@param verbose generate graphical summary of progress and diagnostic messages?
#'  defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param integration ignored, see Details.
#'@details Note that \code{fpca.ssvd} computes smoothed orthonormal eigenvectors
#'  of the supplied function evaluations (and associated scores), not (!)
#'  evaluations of the smoothed orthonormal eigenfunctions. The smoothed
#'  orthonormal eigenvectors are then rescaled by the length of the domain
#'  defined by \code{argvals} to have a quadratic integral approximately equal
#'  to one (instead of crossproduct equal to one), so they approximate the behavior
#'  of smooth eigenfunctions. If \code{argvals} is not equidistant,
#'  \code{fpca.ssvd} will simply return the smoothed eigenvectors without rescaling,
#'  with a warning.
#'@return an \code{fpca} object like that returned from \code{\link{fpca.sc}},
#'  with entries \code{Yhat}, the smoothed trajectories, \code{Y}, the observed
#'  data, \code{scores}, the estimated FPC loadings, \code{mu}, the column means
#'  of \code{Y} (or a vector of zeroes if \code{!center}),  \code{efunctions},
#'  the estimated smooth FPCs (note that these are orthonormal vectors, not
#'  evaluations of orthonormal functions if \code{argvals} is not equidistant),
#'  \code{evalues}, their associated eigenvalues, and \code{npc}, the number of
#'  smooth components that were extracted.
#'@seealso  \code{\link{fpca.sc}} and \code{\link{fpca.face}} for FPCA based on
#'  smoothing a covariance estimate; \code{\link{fpca2s}} for a faster SVD-based
#'  approach.
#'@author Fabian Scheipl
#'@references Huang, J. Z., Shen, H., and Buja, A. (2008). Functional principal
#'  components analysis via penalized rank one approximation. \emph{Electronic
#'  Journal of Statistics}, 2, 678-695
#'  Donoho, D.L., and Gavish, M. (2013). The Optimal Hard Threshold for Singular
#'  Values is 4/sqrt(3). eprint arXiv:1305.5870. Available from
#'  \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.5870}.
#'  ## as in Sec. 6.2 of Huang, Shen, Buja (2008):
#'  set.seed(2678695)
#'  n <- 101
#'  m <- 101
#'  s1 <- 20
#'  s2 <- 10
#'  s <- 4
#'  t <- seq(-1, 1, l=m)
#'  v1 <- t + sin(pi*t)
#'  v2 <- cos(3*pi*t)
#'  V <- cbind(v1/sqrt(sum(v1^2)), v2/sqrt(sum(v2^2)))
#'  U <- matrix(rnorm(n*2), n, 2)
#'  D <- diag(c(s1^2, s2^2))
#'  eps <- matrix(rnorm(m*n, sd=s), n, m)
#'  Y <- U%*%D%*%t(V) + eps
#' smoothSV <- fpca.ssvd(Y, verbose=TRUE)
#'  layout(t(matrix(1:4, nr=2)))
#'  clrs <- sapply(rainbow(n), function(c)
#'            do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(c)/255, .1))))
#'  matplot(V, type="l", lty=1, col=1:2, xlab="",
#'          main="FPCs: true", bty="n")
#'  matplot(smoothSV$efunctions, type="l", lty=1, col=1:5, xlab="",
#'          main="FPCs: estimate", bty="n")
#'  matplot(1:m, t(U%*%D%*%t(V)), type="l", lty=1, col=clrs, xlab="", ylab="",
#'          main="true smooth Y", bty="n")
#'  matplot(1:m, t(smoothSV$Yhat), xlab="", ylab="",
#'          type="l", lty=1,col=clrs, main="estimated smooth Y", bty="n")

fpca.ssvd <- function(Y=NULL, ydata = NULL, argvals = NULL, npc = NA, center = TRUE, maxiter = 15,
  tol = 1e-4, diffpen = 3, gridsearch = TRUE, alphagrid = 1.5^(-20:40),
  lower.alpha = 1e-5, upper.alpha = 1e7, verbose = FALSE, integration = "trapezoidal"){

  if(any(is.na(Y))) stop("No missing values in <Y> allowed.")
  m <- ncol(Y)
  n <- nrow(Y)
  if(!is.null(ydata)) {
    stop(paste("<ydata> argument for irregular data is not supported,",
        "please use fpca.sc instead."))
  irregular <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(argvals)) {
      length(argvals) == m,
    if(any(diff(argvals)/mean(diff(argvals)) > 1.05 |
        diff(argvals)/mean(diff(argvals)) < 0.95)) {
      warning(paste("non-equidistant <argvals>-grid detected:",
        "fpca.ssvd will return orthonormal eigenvectors of the function evaluations",
        "not evaluations of the orthonormal eigenvectors.",
        "Use fpca.sc() for the latter instead."))
      irregular <- TRUE
  } else {
    argvals <- seq(0, 1, length = m)

  #GCV criterion from eq. (10), App. C:
  gcv <- function(alpha, w, m, lambda){
    sqrt(sum( (w * (alpha*lambda)/(1 + alpha*lambda))^2 ))/
      (1- 1/m * sum( 1/(1 + alpha*lambda) ))
  # Recursion for difference operator matrix
  makeDiffOp <- function(degree, dim){
    } else {
      return(diff(makeDiffOp(degree-1, dim)))

    npc <- getNPC.DonohoGavish(Y)

  if(!is.numeric(npc)) stop("Invalid <npc>.")
  if(npc<1 | npc>min(m,n)) stop("Invalid <npc>.")
    cat("Using ", npc , "smooth components based on Gavish and Donoho (2014).\n")

  if(!is.numeric(alphagrid)) stop("Invalid <alphagrid>.")
  if(any(is.na(alphagrid)) | any(alphagrid<.Machine$double.eps)) stop("Invalid <alphagrid>.")
  uhoh <- numeric(0)
  if(verbose & interactive()){
    cat("Singular values of smooth and non-smooth ('noise') parts:")

  Omega  <- crossprod(makeDiffOp(degree=diffpen, dim=m))
  eOmega <- eigen(Omega, symmetric=TRUE)
  lambda <- eOmega$values
  Gamma  <- eOmega$vectors

  U <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=npc)
  V <- matrix(NA, nrow=m, ncol=npc)
  d <- rep(NA, npc)

  Yorig <- Y
    meanY <- predict(smooth.spline(x=1:m, y=colMeans(Y)), x=1:m)$y
    Y <- t(t(Y) - meanY)
  } else {
    meanY <- rep(0, ncol(Y))

  Ynow <- Y

  for(k in 1:npc){
    ## 'Power algorithm', Section 3 / Appendix C :
    YnowGamma <- Ynow%*%Gamma
    vold <- svd(Ynow, nu=0, nv=1)$v[,1]
    u <- Ynow %*% vold
    iter <- 1; reldiff <- tol+1
    while(all(c(reldiff > tol, iter<=maxiter))){
      w <- t(YnowGamma)%*%u
        gridmin <- which.min(sapply(alphagrid, gcv, w=w, m=m, lambda=lambda))
        minalpha <- alphagrid[gridmin]
      } else {
        minalpha <- optimize(f=gcv, interval=c(lower.alpha, upper.alpha),
          w=w, m=m, lambda=lambda)$minimum
      # v = S(alpha)^-1 Y u = Gamma%*%(I + minalpha*Lambda)^-1 Gamma' Y u)
      vnew <- Gamma%*%(w/(1+minalpha*lambda))

      vnew <- vnew/sqrt(sum(vnew^2))
      reldiff <- sum((vold-vnew)^2)/sum(vold^2)
      iter <- iter +1
      vold <- vnew
      u <- Ynow %*% vold
    } # end while(reldiff)
    if(reldiff > tol){
      warning("Not converged for SV ", k,
        "; relative difference was ", format(reldiff),".")

    U[,k] <- u/sqrt(sum(u^2))
    V[,k] <- vnew
    d[k]  <- sqrt(sum(u^2))


      layout(t(matrix(1:6, ncol=2)))
      matlplot <- function(...) matplot(..., type="l", lty=1, col=1, lwd=.1)

      matlplot(t(Ynow), ylim=range(Ynow), main=bquote(Ynow[.(k)]), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")
      matlplot(t(U[,k, drop=FALSE]%*%t(V[,k, drop=FALSE]*d[k])),
        ylim=range(Ynow), main=bquote((UDV^T)[.(k)]), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")
      matlplot(t(Ynow - U[,k, drop=FALSE]%*%t(V[,k, drop=FALSE]*d[k])),
        ylim=range(Ynow), main=bquote(Ynow[.(k)] - (UDV^T)[.(k)]), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")

      matlplot(t(Y), ylim=range(Y), main=bquote(Y), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")
      matlplot(t(U[,1:k, drop=FALSE]%*%(t(V[,1:k, drop=FALSE])*d[1:k])),
        ylim=range(Y), main=bquote(Y[.(k)]), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")
      matlplot(t(Ynow - U[,k, drop=FALSE]%*%(t(V[,k, drop=FALSE])*d[k])),
        ylim=range(Y), main=bquote(Y - Y[.(k)]), xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")

    Ynow <- Ynow - U[, k, drop=FALSE] %*% (t(V[, k, drop=FALSE]) * d[k])
    noisesv <- svd(Ynow, nu=0, nv=0)$d[1]
      cat("k:",k, "-- smooth:", d[k], "-- 'noise':", noisesv, "-- alpha:", minalpha, "\n")
    if(noisesv > 1.1 * d[k]){
      uhoh <- c(uhoh, k)
  }# end for(k)
  if(length(uhoh)) warning("First SV for remaining un-smooth signal larger than ",
    "SV found for smooth signal for component(s) ", paste(uhoh, collapse=","))
    # scale smooth eigenvectors so they're scaled as realizations of orthonormal
    # eigenfunctions i.e. so that colSums(diff(argvals) * V^2) == 1 instead of
    # crossprod(V) == diag(npc)
    scale <- sqrt(mean(diff(argvals)))
    V <- V / scale
    d <-  d * scale
  } else {
    scale <- 1
  scores <- U%*%(d * diag(length(d)))

  ret = list(
    Yhat = t(meanY + t(scores%*%t(V))),
    Y = Yorig,
    scores = scores,
    mu = meanY,
    efunctions = V,
    #FIXME: this should be d^2 but the scaling is way off....
    evalues = diag(var(scores)),
    npc = npc)
  class(ret) = "fpca"


getNPC.DonohoGavish <- function(X){
  # use Gavish and Donoho (2014) for estimating suitable number of sv's to extract:

  n <- nrow(X)
  m <- ncol(X)

  beta <- n/m

  if(beta > 1 | beta < 1e-3){
    warning("Approximation for \\beta(\\omega) may be invalid.")
  #            ## approx for omega.beta below eq. (25):
  #            betaplus  <- 1 + sqrt(beta)^2
  #            betaminus <- 1 - sqrt(beta)^2
  #            marcenkopastur <- function(x){
  #                abs(integrate(function(t){
  #                          sqrt((betaplus - t) * (t - betaminus))/(2*pi*t)
  #                        }, lower=betaminus, upper=x, subdivisions=1e5,
  #                        stop.on.error = FALSE)$value - 0.5)
  #            }
  #            mu.beta <- optimize(marcenkopastur,
  #                    interval=c(betaminus, betaplus))$minimum
  #            # eq. (10)
  #            lambda.beta <- sqrt(2*(beta+1) + (8*beta)/(beta + 1 + sqrt(beta^2 + 14*beta +1)))
  #            omega.beta <- lambda.beta/sqrt(mu.beta)

  omega.beta <- .56*beta^3 - 0.95*beta^2 + 1.82*beta + 1.43
  y <- svd(X, nu=0, nv=0)$d
  rankY <- min(which(cumsum(y[y>0])/sum(y[y>0]) > .995))
  y.med <- median(y)

  npc <- min(max(1, sum(y > omega.beta * y.med)),  rankY)
refunders/refund documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 5:46 p.m.