#' Calculate weighted interval width for multiple intervals at a single value
#' of alpha
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param l lower bound of predictive distribution
#' @param u upper bound of predictive distribution
#' @param alpha the interval [l,u] is a (1 - alpha)*100% predictive interval
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of y
weighted_interval_width <- function(y, l, u, alpha) {
if(length(alpha) > 1 || alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
stop("alpha must be a single number between 0 and 1.")
score = (alpha / 2.0) * (u - l)
#' Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute error,
#' for a parametric distribution.
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param qfm object of class QuantileForecastMatrix
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of x
#' @export
wiw <- function(y, qfm) {
col_index <- attr(qfm, 'col_index')
quantile_levels <- as.numeric(col_index[[attr(qfm, 'quantile_name_col')]])
if(length(unique(quantile_levels)) != length(quantile_levels)) {
stop('Quantile levels must be unique. Did you provide a quantile forecast matrix for a single model?')
# if median is one of the quantiles, keep track of that
median_ind <- which(quantile_levels == 0.5)
# determine number K of intervals to score, and
# initialize score to absolute error if median provided or 0 otherwise
if(length(median_ind) == 1) {
K <- (length(quantile_levels) - 1)/2
score <- abs(y - unclass(qfm)[, median_ind])
} else {
K <- length(quantile_levels) / 2
score <- rep(0.0, length(y))
# interval scores for each interval
for(k in seq_len(K)) {
alpha <- 2*quantile_levels[k]
score <- score + weighted_interval_width(y, unclass(qfm)[, k], unclass(qfm)[, ncol(qfm)+1-k], alpha)
score <- score / (K + length(median_ind))
#' Calculate interval scores for multiple intervals at a single value of alpha
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param l lower bound of predictive distribution
#' @param u upper bound of predictive distribution
#' @param alpha the interval [l,u] is a (1 - alpha)*100% predictive interval
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of y
weighted_interval_penalty <- function(y, l, u, alpha) {
if(length(alpha) > 1 || alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
stop("alpha must be a single number between 0 and 1.")
score = ifelse(y < l, (l - y), 0.0) +
ifelse(y > u, (y - u), 0.0)
#' Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute error,
#' for a parametric distribution.
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param qfm object of class QuantileForecastMatrix
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of x
#' @export
wip <- function(y, qfm) {
col_index <- attr(qfm, 'col_index')
quantile_levels <- as.numeric(col_index[[attr(qfm, 'quantile_name_col')]])
if(length(unique(quantile_levels)) != length(quantile_levels)) {
stop('Quantile levels must be unique. Did you provide a quantile forecast matrix for a single model?')
# if median is one of the quantiles, keep track of that
median_ind <- which(quantile_levels == 0.5)
# determine number K of intervals to score, and
# initialize score to absolute error if median provided or 0 otherwise
if(length(median_ind) == 1) {
K <- (length(quantile_levels) - 1)/2
score <- abs(y - unclass(qfm)[, median_ind])
} else {
K <- length(quantile_levels) / 2
score <- rep(0.0, length(y))
# interval scores for each interval
for(k in seq_len(K)) {
alpha <- 2*quantile_levels[k]
score <- score + weighted_interval_penalty(y, unclass(qfm)[, k], unclass(qfm)[, ncol(qfm)+1-k], alpha)
score <- score / (K + length(median_ind))
#' Calculate interval scores for multiple intervals at a single value of alpha
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param l lower bound of predictive distribution
#' @param u upper bound of predictive distribution
#' @param alpha the interval [l,u] is a (1 - alpha)*100% predictive interval
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of y
interval_score <- function(y, l, u, alpha) {
if(length(alpha) > 1 || alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
stop("alpha must be a single number between 0 and 1.")
score = (alpha / 2.0) * (u - l) +
ifelse(y < l, (l - y), 0.0) +
ifelse(y > u, (y - u), 0.0)
#' Calculate quantile scores for multiple quantile predictions at a single
#' probability level tau
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param q predictive quantile values
#' @param tau the probability level for the predictive quantile q
#' @return vector of quantile scores separately for each element of q
quantile_score <- function(y, q, tau) {
if(length(tau) > 1 || tau < 0.0 || tau > 1.0) {
stop("tau must be a single number between 0 and 1.")
score <- (as.numeric(y < q) - tau) * (q - y)
#' Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute error,
#' for a representation of a distribution for a single model
#' @param y vector of observations from target distribution
#' @param qfm object of class QuantileForecastMatrix representing forecasts
#' from one model
#' @return vector of interval scores separately for each element of x
#' @export
wis <- function(y, qfm) {
col_index <- attr(qfm, 'col_index')
quantile_levels <- as.numeric(col_index[[attr(qfm, 'quantile_name_col')]])
if(length(unique(quantile_levels)) != length(quantile_levels)) {
stop('Quantile levels must be unique. Did you provide a quantile forecast matrix for a single model?')
# # if median is one of the quantiles, keep track of that
# median_ind <- which(quantile_levels == 0.5)
# # determine number K of intervals to score, and
# # initialize score to absolute error if median provided or 0 otherwise
# if (length(median_ind) == 1) {
# K <- (length(quantile_levels) - 1)/2
# score <- 0.5 * abs(y - unclass(qfm)[, median_ind])
# } else {
# K <- length(quantile_levels) / 2
score <- rep(0.0, length(y))
# }
# interval scores for each interval
# for(k in seq_len(K)) {
# alpha <- 2*quantile_levels[k]
# score <- score + interval_score(y, unclass(qfm)[, k], unclass(qfm)[, ncol(qfm)+1-k], alpha)
# }
# score <- score / (K + length(median_ind)/2)
for(k in seq_along(quantile_levels)) {
score <- score + 2 * quantile_score(y, unclass(qfm)[, k], quantile_levels[k])
score <- score / length(quantile_levels)
#' compute wis and contributions to wis from each interval level
#' @param qfm QuantileForecastMatrix with predictions to score
#' @param observed_by_location_target_end_date data frame of observed values
#' @return data frame with column per component of wis
#' @export
get_all_wis_components <- function(
observed_by_location_target_end_date) {
row_index <- attr(qfm, 'row_index')
y_test <- row_index %>%
horizon = as.integer(substr(target, 1, 1)),
base_target = substr(target, 3, nchar(target)),
target_end_date = as.character(lubridate::ymd(forecast_week_end_date) + 7*horizon)
) %>%
by = c('location', 'target_end_date', 'base_target')
) %>%
row_index$wis <- covidEnsembles::wis(y_test, qfm)
col_index <- attr(qfm, 'col_index')
for(i in seq_len((nrow(col_index) - 1)/2)) {
wis_name <- paste0('wis_', format(as.numeric(col_index$quantile[i]) * 2,
nsmall=2, digits=2))
row_index[[wis_name]] <- covidEnsembles::wis(
y_test, qfm[, c(i, nrow(col_index) + 1 - i)])
i <- i + 1
row_index[['wis_1']] <- abs(y_test - unclass(qfm)[, i])
return(row_index[!is.na(y_test), ])
calc_relative_wis <- function(y, qfm, baseline = "COVIDhub-baseline", agg_method=c("geom_mean", "mean")) {
agg_method <- match.arg(agg_method)
col_index <- attr(qfm, 'col_index')
model_col <- attr(qfm, 'model_col')
models <- unique(col_index[[model_col]])
wis_per_model <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(qfm), ncol = length(models))
for (m in seq_along(models)) {
model <- models[m]
model_qfm <- qfm[, col_index[[model_col]] == model]
wis_per_model[, m] <- wis(y, model_qfm)
pairwise_ratios <- diag(length(models))
for (m1 in seq_along(models)) {
for (m2 in seq_len(m1 - 1)) {
non_na_inds <- which(!is.na(wis_per_model[, m1]) & !is.na(wis_per_model[, m2]))
pairwise_ratios[m1, m2] <- mean(wis_per_model[non_na_inds, m1]) / mean(wis_per_model[non_na_inds, m2])
pairwise_ratios[m2, m1] <- 1 / pairwise_ratios[m1, m2]
rownames(pairwise_ratios) <- models
if (baseline %in% models) {
ind_baseline <- which(rownames(pairwise_ratios) == baseline)
} else {
ind_baseline <- 1L
if (agg_method == "geom_mean") {
geom_mean_ratios <- exp(rowMeans(log(pairwise_ratios[, -ind_baseline, drop = FALSE]), na.rm = TRUE))
ratios_baseline2 <- geom_mean_ratios / geom_mean_ratios[ind_baseline]
model_names <- names(geom_mean_ratios)
} else if (agg_method == "mean") {
mean_ratios <- rowMeans(pairwise_ratios[, -ind_baseline, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
ratios_baseline2 <- mean_ratios / mean_ratios[ind_baseline]
model_names <- names(mean_ratios)
tab <- data.frame(
model = model_names,
rel_wis = ratios_baseline2)
tab <- tab[order(tab$rel_wis), ]
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