args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
run_setting <- args[1]
if ( {
run_setting <- "mghpcc_cluster"
# stop("no run setting")
# run_setting <- "cluster"
#run_setting <- "local"
#num_local_cores <- 16L
output_path <- "code/application/retrospective-qra-comparison/log/"
# define analysis combinations to run
if (run_setting == "midas_cluster_single_node") {
# number of available cores on cluster node
num_cores <- 39L
job_ind <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"))
analysis_combinations <- readr::read_csv(
first_ind <- (job_ind - 1) * 39 + 1
if (first_ind > nrow(analysis_combinations)) {
analysis_combinations <- NULL
} else {
analysis_combinations <- analysis_combinations[
seq(from = first_ind, length = min(39, nrow(analysis_combinations))), ,
drop = FALSE]
} else {
# number of cores to use for local runs
num_cores <- 18L
# first_forecast_date <- lubridate::ymd("2020-06-22")
first_forecast_date <- lubridate::ymd("2020-07-27")
last_forecast_date <- lubridate::ymd("2021-06-21")
#last_forecast_date <- lubridate::floor_date(Sys.Date(), unit = "week") + 1
num_forecast_weeks <-
as.numeric(last_forecast_date - first_forecast_date) / 7 + 1
# "main analysis" variations -- single weight per model, shared across all quantile levels and horizons
main_trained_analysis_combinations <- tidyr::expand_grid(
# spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"), # "state_national"),
spatial_resolution = c("state"),
# response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death", "cum_death", "inc_hosp"),
response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death"),
forecast_date = as.character(
lubridate::ymd(first_forecast_date) +
seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7),
intercept = c("FALSE"),
combine_method = c(
# "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "rel_wis_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "convex_median",
# combine_method = c("convex", "convex_median"),
# quantile_group_str = c("per_quantile", "3_groups", "per_model"),
# quantile_group_str = c("3_groups"),
quantile_group_str = c(
# "per_quantile"
noncross = "sort",
missingness = "renormalize",
window_size = c(as.character(c(4, 8, 12)), "full_history"),
top_models = c("0", "5", "10"),
check_missingness_by_target = "TRUE",
do_standard_checks = "FALSE",
do_baseline_check = "FALSE",
drop_anomalies = "FALSE",
horizon_group = c(
# as.character(1:4),
) %>%
(response_var %in% c("cum_death", "inc_death") &
spatial_resolution != "county" &
forecast_date >= "2020-06-22") |
(response_var == "inc_case" & forecast_date >= "2020-09-14") |
(response_var == "inc_hosp" & forecast_date >= "2020-11-23" &
spatial_resolution != "county"),
(spatial_resolution != "county") | window_size %in% c("3", "4")
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window_size, forecast_date)
# per horizon trained variations
per_horizon_trained_analysis_combinations <- tidyr::expand_grid(
# spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"), # "state_national"),
spatial_resolution = c("state"),
# response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death", "cum_death", "inc_hosp"),
response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death"),
forecast_date = as.character(
lubridate::ymd(first_forecast_date) +
seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7),
intercept = c("FALSE"),
combine_method = c(
# "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "rel_wis_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "convex_median",
# combine_method = c("convex", "convex_median"),
# quantile_group_str = c("per_quantile", "3_groups", "per_model"),
# quantile_group_str = c("3_groups"),
quantile_group_str = c(
# "per_quantile"
noncross = "sort",
missingness = "renormalize",
window_size = c(as.character(c(4, 8, 12)), "full_history"),
top_models = c("0", "5", "10"),
check_missingness_by_target = "TRUE",
do_standard_checks = "FALSE",
do_baseline_check = "FALSE",
drop_anomalies = "FALSE",
horizon_group = c(
# "all"
) %>%
(response_var %in% c("cum_death", "inc_death") &
spatial_resolution != "county" &
forecast_date >= "2020-06-22") |
(response_var == "inc_case" & forecast_date >= "2020-09-14") |
(response_var == "inc_hosp" & forecast_date >= "2020-11-23" &
spatial_resolution != "county"),
(spatial_resolution != "county") | window_size %in% c("3", "4")
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window_size, forecast_date)
# per quantile level trained variations
per_quantile_level_trained_analysis_combinations <- tidyr::expand_grid(
# spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"), # "state_national"),
spatial_resolution = c("state"),
# response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death", "cum_death", "inc_hosp"),
response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death"),
forecast_date = as.character(
lubridate::ymd(first_forecast_date) +
seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7),
intercept = c("FALSE"),
combine_method = c(
# "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "rel_wis_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "convex_median",
# combine_method = c("convex", "convex_median"),
# quantile_group_str = c("per_quantile", "3_groups", "per_model"),
# quantile_group_str = c("3_groups"),
quantile_group_str = c(
# "per_model",
noncross = "sort",
missingness = "renormalize",
window_size = c(as.character(c(4, 8, 12)), "full_history"),
top_models = c("0", "5", "10"),
check_missingness_by_target = "TRUE",
do_standard_checks = "FALSE",
do_baseline_check = "FALSE",
drop_anomalies = "FALSE",
horizon_group = c(
# as.character(1:4),
) %>%
(response_var %in% c("cum_death", "inc_death") &
spatial_resolution != "county" &
forecast_date >= "2020-06-22") |
(response_var == "inc_case" & forecast_date >= "2020-09-14") |
(response_var == "inc_hosp" & forecast_date >= "2020-11-23" &
spatial_resolution != "county"),
(spatial_resolution != "county") | window_size %in% c("3", "4")
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window_size, forecast_date)
# mean weight transfer trained variations
mean_weight_transfer_trained_analysis_combinations <- tidyr::expand_grid(
# spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"), # "state_national"),
spatial_resolution = c("state"),
# response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death", "cum_death", "inc_hosp"),
response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death"),
forecast_date = as.character(
lubridate::ymd(first_forecast_date) +
seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7),
intercept = c("FALSE"),
combine_method = c(
# "convex",
# "rel_wis_weighted_median"
# combine_method = "mean_weights_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "rel_wis_weighted_median",
# combine_method = "convex_median",
# combine_method = c("convex", "convex_median"),
# quantile_group_str = c("per_quantile", "3_groups", "per_model"),
# quantile_group_str = c("3_groups"),
quantile_group_str = c(
# "per_quantile"
noncross = "sort",
missingness = "renormalize",
window_size = c(as.character(c(4, 8, 12)), "full_history"),
top_models = c("0", "5", "10"),
check_missingness_by_target = "TRUE",
do_standard_checks = "FALSE",
do_baseline_check = "FALSE",
drop_anomalies = "FALSE",
horizon_group = c(
# as.character(1:4),
) %>%
(response_var %in% c("cum_death", "inc_death") &
spatial_resolution != "county" &
forecast_date >= "2020-06-22") |
(response_var == "inc_case" & forecast_date >= "2020-09-14") |
(response_var == "inc_hosp" & forecast_date >= "2020-11-23" &
spatial_resolution != "county"),
(spatial_resolution != "county") | window_size %in% c("3", "4")
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(window_size, forecast_date)
# unweighted ensemble variations
unweighted_analysis_combinations <- tidyr::expand_grid(
# spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"),
spatial_resolution = c("state"),
# response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death", "cum_death", "inc_hosp"),
response_var = c("inc_case", "inc_death"),
forecast_date = as.character(
lubridate::ymd(first_forecast_date) +
seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7),
intercept = c("FALSE"),
combine_method = c("ew", "median"),
quantile_group_str = c("per_model"),
noncross = "constrain",
missingness = c("by_location_group"),
window_size = "0",
top_models = "0",
check_missingness_by_target = "FALSE",
do_standard_checks = "FALSE",
do_baseline_check = "FALSE",
drop_anomalies = "FALSE",
horizon_group = "all"
) %>%
(response_var %in% c("cum_death", "inc_death") &
spatial_resolution != "county" &
forecast_date >= "2020-06-22") |
(response_var == "inc_case" & forecast_date >= "2020-09-14") |
(response_var == "inc_hosp" & forecast_date >= "2020-11-23" &
spatial_resolution != "county")
analysis_combinations <- dplyr::bind_rows(
# filter to keep only cases that have not successfully run previously
analysis_combinations <- analysis_combinations %>%
case_str = paste0(
# "intercept_", as.character(intercept),
"combine_method_", combine_method,
# "-missingness_", ifelse(missingness == "mean_impute", "impute", missingness),
"-quantile_groups_", quantile_group_str,
# "-noncross_", noncross,
"-window_size_", window_size,
"-top_models_", top_models,
# "-check_missingness_by_target_", check_missingness_by_target,
# "-do_standard_checks_", do_standard_checks,
# "-do_baseline_check_", do_baseline_check
"-drop_anomalies_", drop_anomalies,
"-horizon_group_", horizon_group
spatial_resolution_path = dplyr::case_when(
spatial_resolution == "all" ~ "",
TRUE ~ spatial_resolution),
forecasts_dir = file.path(
forecast_filename = paste0(
forecasts_dir, "/",
forecast_date, "-",
case_str, ".csv"),
job_complete = file.exists(forecast_filename)) %>%
# create jobs to run all analysis combinations
if (run_setting %in% c("local", "midas_cluster_single_node")) {
registerDoParallel(cores = num_cores)
run_status <- #foreach(row_ind = seq_len(rev(nrow(analysis_combinations)))) %dopar% {
foreach(row_ind = seq_len(2)) %dopar% {
response_var <- analysis_combinations$response_var[row_ind]
forecast_date <- analysis_combinations$forecast_date[row_ind]
intercept <- analysis_combinations$intercept[row_ind]
combine_method <- analysis_combinations$combine_method[row_ind]
quantile_group_str <- analysis_combinations$quantile_group_str[row_ind]
noncross <- analysis_combinations$noncross[row_ind]
missingness <- analysis_combinations$missingness[row_ind]
window_size <- analysis_combinations$window_size[row_ind]
top_models <- analysis_combinations$top_models[row_ind]
check_missingness_by_target <-
do_standard_checks <- analysis_combinations$do_standard_checks[row_ind]
do_baseline_check <- analysis_combinations$do_baseline_check[row_ind]
spatial_resolution <- analysis_combinations$spatial_resolution[row_ind]
drop_anomalies <- analysis_combinations$drop_anomalies[row_ind]
horizon_group <- analysis_combinations$horizon_group[row_ind]
run_cmd <- paste0(
"R CMD BATCH --vanilla \'--args ",
run_setting, " ",
response_var, " ",
forecast_date, " ",
intercept, " ",
combine_method, " ",
missingness, " ",
quantile_group_str, " ",
noncross, " ",
window_size, " ",
top_models, " ",
check_missingness_by_target, " ",
do_standard_checks, " ",
do_baseline_check, " ",
spatial_resolution, " ",
drop_anomalies, " ",
"\' code/application/retrospective-qra-comparison/fit_retrospective_model.R ",
output_path, "output-", response_var, "-", forecast_date, "-",
intercept, "-", combine_method, "-", missingness, "-", quantile_group_str,
"-", noncross, "-", window_size, "-", top_models, "-",
check_missingness_by_target, "-", do_standard_checks, "-",
do_baseline_check, "-", spatial_resolution, "-", drop_anomalies, "-",
horizon_group, ".Rout")
} else if (run_setting == "mghpcc_cluster") {
# for(row_ind in seq_len(nrow(analysis_combinations))) {
for(row_ind in seq_len(2)) {
response_var <- analysis_combinations$response_var[row_ind]
forecast_date <- analysis_combinations$forecast_date[row_ind]
intercept <- analysis_combinations$intercept[row_ind]
combine_method <- analysis_combinations$combine_method[row_ind]
quantile_group_str <- analysis_combinations$quantile_group_str[row_ind]
noncross <- analysis_combinations$noncross[row_ind]
missingness <- analysis_combinations$missingness[row_ind]
window_size <- analysis_combinations$window_size[row_ind]
top_models <- analysis_combinations$top_models[row_ind]
check_missingness_by_target <-
do_standard_checks <- analysis_combinations$do_standard_checks[row_ind]
do_baseline_check <- analysis_combinations$do_baseline_check[row_ind]
spatial_resolution <- analysis_combinations$spatial_resolution[row_ind]
drop_anomalies <- analysis_combinations$drop_anomalies[row_ind]
horizon_group <- analysis_combinations$horizon_group[row_ind]
model_case <- paste0(
"-", forecast_date,
"-", as.character(intercept),
"-", combine_method,
# "-", ifelse(missingness == "mean_impute", "impute", missingness),
"-", quantile_group_str,
# "-", noncross,
"-", window_size,
"-", top_models,
# "-", check_missingness_by_target,
# "-", do_standard_checks,
# "-", do_baseline_check,
"-", spatial_resolution,
"-", drop_anomalies,
"-", horizon_group
filename <- paste0(
model_case, ".sh")
if (combine_method == "convex_median" && window_size == "full_history") {
num_cores <- "8"
memory <- "8000"
} else {
num_cores <- "1"
if (window_size == "full_history") {
memory <- "40000"
} else {
memory <- as.character(as.numeric(window_size) * 3000)
requestCmds <- "#!/bin/bash\n"
requestCmds <- paste0(requestCmds, "#BSUB -n ", num_cores, " # how many cores we want for our job\n",
"#BSUB -R span[hosts=1] # ask for all the cores on a single machine\n",
"#BSUB -R rusage[mem=", memory, "] # ask for memory\n",
"#BSUB -o covidEnsembles.out # log LSF output to a file\n",
"#BSUB -W 72:00 # run time\n",
"#BSUB -q long # which queue we want to run in\n")
cat(requestCmds, file = filename)
# cat("module load gcc/8.1.0\n", file = filename, append = TRUE)
# cat("module load R/4.0.0_gcc\n", file = filename, append = TRUE)
# cat("module load gurobi/900\n", file = filename, append = TRUE)
cat("module load singularity/singularity-3.6.2\n", file = filename, append = TRUE)
"singularity exec code/application/singularity/singularity_tfp_cpu.sif ",
"R CMD BATCH --vanilla \'--args ",
"cluster_single_node ",
response_var, " ",
forecast_date, " ",
intercept, " ",
combine_method, " ",
missingness, " ",
quantile_group_str, " ",
noncross, " ",
window_size, " ",
top_models, " ",
check_missingness_by_target, " ",
do_standard_checks, " ",
do_baseline_check, " ",
spatial_resolution, " ",
drop_anomalies, " ",
"\' code/application/retrospective-qra-comparison/fit_retrospective_model.R ",
output_path, "output-", response_var, "-", forecast_date, "-",
intercept, "-", combine_method, "-", missingness, "-", quantile_group_str,
"-", noncross, "-", window_size, "-", top_models, "-", check_missingness_by_target, "-",
do_standard_checks, "-", do_baseline_check, "-", spatial_resolution, "-",
drop_anomalies, "-", horizon_group,
file = filename, append = TRUE)
bsubCmd <- paste0("bsub < ", filename)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.