context("loading forecasts")
test_that("load_covid_forecasts_relative_horizon as_of works correctly", {
orig_forecasts <- load_covid_forecasts_relative_horizon(
hub = "US",
source = "zoltar",
data_processed_subpath = "data-processed/",
monday_dates = "2021-02-01",
as_of = "2021-02-01",
model_abbrs = "SteveMcConnell-CovidComplete",
timezero_window_size = 6,
locations = NULL,
targets = paste0(1:4, " wk ahead cum death"),
max_horizon = 14,
required_quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)
updated_forecasts <- load_covid_forecasts_relative_horizon(
hub = "US",
source = "zoltar",
data_processed_subpath = "data-processed/",
monday_dates = "2021-02-01",
as_of = "2021-02-03",
model_abbrs = "SteveMcConnell-CovidComplete",
timezero_window_size = 6,
locations = NULL,
targets = paste0(1:4, " wk ahead cum death"),
max_horizon = 14,
required_quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)
forecasts_diff <- dplyr::anti_join(orig_forecasts, updated_forecasts)
# only cumulative death forecasts in the US changed:
forecasts_diff[, c("location", "quantile", "target")],
location = "US",
quantile = as.character(c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)),
target = paste0(1:4, " wk ahead cum death")
) %>%
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