Defines functions CLIfile CLIargs CLI file_lookup makeCLI is.CLIentry as.CLIentry makeCLIentry makeCLIfunction yaml.docopt

Documented in CLI CLIargs CLIfile yaml.docopt

# Command Line Interface utils
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: May 9, 2013

#' @include utils.R

#' Current CLI Information
#' \code{CLIfile} returns the path to the current CLI script. 
#' @param full logical that indicates if the full path should be returned.
#' If \code{FALSE} (default), only the filename is returned. 
#' @rdname CLI-utils
#' @export
CLIfile <- function(full = FALSE){
    pattern <- "--file=(.*)"
    if( !length(f <- grep(pattern, commandArgs(FALSE), value = TRUE)) ) ''
        pf <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", f[1L])
        if( full ) normalizePath(pf, mustWork = TRUE)
        else basename(pf)

.CLIargs <- sVariable()
.CLIopts <- sVariable()

#' \code{CLIargs} returns the command line arguments in various format.
#' @param format output format of the arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{'parsed'}{ a list of pairs argument/value, where the values were
#' parsed and processed according to each argument specification.}
#' \item{'raw'}{ same as \code{'parsed'}, but with values as passed 
#' to the command line (not working)}
#' \item{'cmd'}{ raw command line (not working)}
#' }
#' @param skip names of arguments to remove from the result
#' @param args character vector of arguments (raw values).
#' If \code{NULL} then the current command line arguments are used.
#' @rdname CLI-utils
#' @export
CLIargs <- function(format = c('parsed', 'raw', 'cmd'), skip = NULL, args = NULL){
    format <- match.arg(format)
    res <- if( is.null(args) ) .CLIargs() else args
    # skip some arguments if requested
    if( !is.null(skip) && !is.null(names(res)) ) res <- res[!names(res) %in% skip]
    # early exit if no arguments
    if( !length(res) ) return(character())
    # format if necessary
    if( !is.null(res) && format != 'parsed' ){
        names(res) <- paste0('--', gsub('_', '-', names(res), fixed = TRUE))
        if( format == 'cmd' )
            res <- paste0(names(res), ' ', res, collapse = ' ')

#' Package Specific Command Line Interface
#' @param commands a character vector of command names that correspond to 
#' functions in the package's namespace -- that are not necessarily exported.
#' If \code{NULL}, then the package's namespace is looked up for function
#' names with prefix \code{'CLI_'}.
#' @param default default command, that should be an element of \code{commands}.
#' If \code{NULL}, then the CLI will have no default, and will require a 
#' command to be specified.
#' @param ARGS list of parsed arguments passed to the command's function.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to the package's CLI function. 
#' @param package name of the package that define the CLI entry points 
#' @import yaml
#' @export
CLI <- function(commands = NULL, default=NULL, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), ..., package = NULL){
#    # check for yaml job config file
#    if( length(cf <- which(grepl("^--config-file", ARGS))) ){
#        if( grepl("=", ARGS[cf], fixed = TRUE) ){
#            ARGS <- c(ARGS[1:cf], gsub("^--config-file=", '', ARGS[cf]), tail(ARGS[-cf], length(ARGS) - cf))    
#        }
#        conf_file <- 'config.yml'
#        if( cf < length(ARGS) && !grepl("^-", ARGS[cf+1L]) ){
#            conf_file <- ARGS[cf+1L]
#            ARGS <- ARGS[-c(cf, cf+1L)]
#        }
#        # check for job array specification
#        array_var <- NULL
#        if( grepl(av_pattern <- "^(.*\\.yml)\\[([^]]+)\\]$", conf_file) ){
#            array_var <- eval(parse(text = gsub(av_pattern, "list(\\2)", conf_file)))
#            conf_file <- gsub(av_pattern, "\\1", conf_file)
#        }
#        ##
#        cli_message('Loading configuration file: ', conf_file, ' ... ')
#        config <- yaml.load_file(conf_file)
#        cli_smessage('OK [', length(config),' variables]')
#        if( !is.null(array_var) ){
#            if( is.null(config[[names(array_var)]]) ) config[[names(array_var)]] <- array_var[[1L]]
#            else config[[names(array_var)]] <- config[[names(array_var)]][array_var[[1L]]] 
#        }
#        ARGS <- config
#        # show configuration
#        cli_message('Using configuration:', appendLF = TRUE)
#        str(ARGS)
#        #
#    }
    # build main CLI
    pkgCLI <- makeCLI(commands = commands, default = default, package = package)
    qlibrary('CLIR', character.only = TRUE)
    # run CLI
    on.exit( {.CLIargs(NULL); .CLIopts(NULL)} )
    pkgCLI(ARGS, ...)

file_lookup <- function(f, dirs){
    f <- file.path(dirs, f)
    lk <- sapply(f, file_test, op = '-f')

makeCLI <- function(commands = NULL, default = NULL, package = NULL){
    main_exec <- CLIfile(full = TRUE)
    main <- basename(main_exec)
    # detect package name and path
    if( is.null(package) ){
        if( nzchar(main_exec) 
                && length(dfile <- file_lookup('DESCRIPTION', c(dirname(main_exec), dirname(dirname(main_exec))))) ){
            path <- dirname(dfile)
            package.info <- packageInfo(dfile)
            package <- package.info$Package
        if( is.null(path <- find.package(package, quiet = TRUE)) )
            stop("Could not find package '", package, "'", call.=FALSE)
    # detect entry points in package if necessary
    if( is.null(commands) ) commands <- rd_list.topics(path, pattern = "^CLI_")
    # create entry CLI entries
    .CLI_entries <- sapply(seq_along(commands), function(i, ...){
                e <- commands[i]
                # use specified entry names if any
                if( identical(name <- names(e), '') ) name <- NULL
                makeCLIentry(e, name = name, ...)
            }, main = main, path = path, simplify = FALSE)
    # define main controller
	    # new CLI argument parser
        parser <- CLIArgumentParser(main)
        # use first command if no default was provided
        # add a command for each entry point    
        lapply(.CLI_entries, function(e){
            parser$add_command(e$command, e$fun, e$parser, e$title, default = identical(e$command, default))

#        cat(parser$python_code, sep = "\n")
        parseCMD(parser, ...)

#' @importFrom methods is
is.CLIentry <- function(x) is(x, 'CLIentry')
as.CLIentry <- function(x, name = NULL){
    if( is.CLIentry(x) ) return(x)
    res <- list()
    rd <- x
    usage_string <- rd_tag2txt(rd, 'usage')
    res$rd <- rd
    res$entry <- cmd <- gsub(" *([^( ]+).*", "\\1", usage_string)
    res$command <- if( is.null(name) ) gsub("^CLI_", '', cmd) else name
    .title <- rd_tag2txt(rd, 'title')
    res$title <- gsub("^CLI: *", '', .title[[1]][[1]])
    res$description <- rd_tag2txt(rd, 'description')
    res$details <- rd_tag2txt(rd, 'details')

    # describe parameters
    .param_raw <- rd_topic_args2txt(cmd, rd, format = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
    .param <- rd_topic_args2txt(cmd, rd, format = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
    CLI_fun <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("function%s{}", gsub(cmd, '', usage_string))))   
	defaults <- formals(CLI_fun)
    res$parameters <- mapply(function(p, d, raw){
            # define specs
            specs <- list(long = p)
            # extract special arguments from help string
            abv_pattern <- "^ *%[[] *(-([^ ,]+))? *,?([^]]*)[]] *(.*)"
            if( grepl(abv_pattern, raw) ){
                    if( nchar(abv <- gsub(abv_pattern, "\\2", raw)) )
                        specs <- c(short = abv, specs)
                    # extra arguments
                    if( nchar(extra <- gsub(abv_pattern, "\\3", raw)) ){
                        extra_specs <- try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("c(%s)", extra))), silent = TRUE)
                        if( is(extra_specs, 'try-error') ){
                            warning(sprintf("Dropped invalid parameter specification: %s", extra))
                        }else specs <- c(specs, extra_specs)
                    d <- gsub(abv_pattern, "\\4", d)
            specs$help <- d
            if( !is.symbol(def <- defaults[[p]]) ) specs$default <- def
            else specs$required <- TRUE
    }, names(.param), .param, .param_raw, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    structure(res, class = 'CLIentry')

makeCLIentry <- function(entry, main, path, name = NULL){
    rd <- rd_topic(entry, path, simplify = FALSE)
    res <- as.CLIentry(rd, name = name)
    ## PARSER
    parser <- CLIArgumentParser(prog = paste(main, res$command)
                                , description = res$description
                                , epilog = res$details)
    parser$rd <- res$rd
    lapply(res$parameters, function(x){
        if( length(x$short) ) x$short <- paste0('-', x$short)
        x$long <- paste0('--', gsub('_', '-', x$long, fixed = TRUE))
        # remove names
        i <- names(x) %in% c('short', 'long')
        names(x)[i] <- ''
        # push into argument stack
        do.call(parser$add_argument, x)

#    fun <- function(ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE)){
##        cat(parser$python_code, sep = "\n")
#        # return parser if no arguments
#        if( nargs() == 0L || is.null(ARGS) ) return( parser )
#        if( is.character(ARGS) ){ # used in dev/debugging
#            # parse arguments if needed
#            ARGS <- parser$parse_args(ARGS)
#            message('Call: ', parser$call_string(ARGS))
#            message('Parsed arguments:')
#            str(ARGS)
#        }
#        # wrap entry function into special CLI environment
#        entry <- makeCLIfunction(entry, path)
#        # call CLI function with arguments
#        invisible(do.call(entry, ARGS))
#    }  
    res$parser <- parser
    res$fun <- makeCLIfunction(entry, path)
#    list(entry = name, command = .cmd, title = .title, fun = fun)

makeCLIfunction <- function(entry, path){
    # load function
    pkg <- load_package(path)
    entry_str <- entry
    entry <- getFunction(entry, where = asNamespace(pkg), mustFind = FALSE)
    if( is.null(entry) ){
      cli_stop(sprintf("Could not find entrypoint '%s' in package %s.\n       Try checking/updating its man pages."
                  , entry_str, basename(path)))
    # wrap into special CLI environment 
    cli_env <- new.env(parent = environment(entry))
    cli_env$message <- cli_message
    cli_env$smessage <- cli_smessage
    cli_env$stop <- cli_stop
    cli_env$warning <- cli_warning
    environment(entry) <- cli_env
    # returned wrapper function
        # call modified CLI function with arguments
        invisible(do.call(entry, ARGS))

#' Extract Docopt String from R Markdown YAML Header
#' @param file rmarkdown file
#' @return string
#' @export
yaml.docopt <- function(file){
  .collapse <- function(...) paste0(..., collapse = "\n")
  yml <- gsub("^#' ", "", readLines(file))
  i_yml <- grep("^---", yml)
  if( length(i_yml) < 2 ) stop("Invalid YAML header: must be enclosed between '---' lines.")
  yml <- yml[seq(i_yml[1L]+1L, i_yml[2L]-1L)]
  yml_header <- yaml.load(.collapse(yml))
# find out where the docopt string is in the yaml header
  i_docopt <- which(names(yml_header) == 'docopt')
  if( i_docopt == length(yml_header) ){
    lines_docopt <- seq(grep('^docopt\\s*:', yml)[1L], length(yml))
  }else lines_docopt <- seq(seq(grep('^docopt\\s*:', yml)[1L], grep(sprintf('^%s\\s*:', names(yml_header)[i_docopt+1L]), yml)[1L]))
  docopt_lines <- yml[lines_docopt]
  docopt_lines[1L] <- gsub("^docopt\\s*:\\s*[\"']", '', docopt_lines[1L])
  doc <- .collapse(docopt_lines)
  # attach parsed yaml header
  attr(doc, 'yaml') <- yml_header
renozao/CLIR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:52 a.m.