
Defines functions is_source_package load_package isString packageInfo sstr .silenceF .hasArgument sVariable isFALSE write.yaml cli_metaheader cli_startup cli_init cli_arg cli_arg0 cli_self cli_spin

Documented in cli_arg write.yaml

# Project: CLIR
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: Nov 20, 2013

'%||%' <- function(a, b) if( is.null(a) ) b else a

is_source_package <- function(path){
    !file.exists(file.path(path, 'Meta'))

load_package <- function(path){
    if( is_source_package(path) ){
        qlibrary('devtools', character.only = TRUE)
        qlibrary('methods', character.only = TRUE)
        lib <- normalizePath(dirname(path))
        ol <- .libPaths()
        .libPaths(c(lib, ol))
        qlibrary(basename(path), character.only = TRUE)

isString <- function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L 
packageInfo <- function(file){
    res <- read.dcf(file)
    as.list(res[1, ])

sstr <- function(x, collapse = "\n"){
    paste0(capture.output(str(x)), collapse = collapse)

.silenceF <- function(f, verbose=FALSE){
    if( verbose ) f
            capture.output(suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressMessages(res <- f(...))))); 

qlibrary <- .silenceF(library, verbose = FALSE)

.hasArgument <- function(ARGS){
    function(x) length(ARGS[[x]]) && nzchar(ARGS[[x]])

sVariable <- function(default=NULL){
	.val <- default
		if( missing(value) ) .val
			old <- .val
			.val <<- value

isFALSE <- function(x) identical(x, FALSE)

#' YAML Utilities
#' @inheritParams yaml::as.yaml
#' @inheritParams base::write
#' @param .metaheader logical that indicates if a metadata header tha includes date time, SHA and 
#' \pkg{CLIR} version number should be added as leading comments.
#' Can also be a character vector, which is then written "as is", one element per line (each line is 
#' prefixed with a "#").
#' @export
#' @rdname yaml
#' @importFrom digest digest
write.yaml <- function(x, file, append = FALSE, ..., .metaheader = TRUE){
    # add metaheader
    if( !isFALSE(.metaheader) ){
        if( isTRUE(.metaheader) ){ # build metaheader
            .metaheader <- cli_metaheader(x, ...)
       cat(paste0("# ", .metaheader), file = file, append = append, sep = "\n")
       append <- TRUE
    write(as.yaml(x, ...), file = file, append = append)

cli_metaheader <- function(...){
    meta <- c(Date = date(), SHA = digest(list(...)))
    c(sprintf("%s: %s", names(meta), meta), sprintf("CLIR: %s", packageVersion('CLIR')))

#' @export
cli_startup <- function(verbose = TRUE){
    script <- cli_self()
    if( verbose ){
        message("* Script: ", script)
        message("* Running in: ", getwd())
        message("* Using ", R.version.string)
        message("* Using ", str_pkg('pkgmaker'))
        message("* Using ", str_pkg('CLIR'))

#' @export
cli_init <- function(verbose = 2, load = TRUE, envir = parent.frame()){
    script <- cli_self()
    # extract parameter specifications from running script
    spec <- cli_parse(script, error = FALSE)
    ARGS <- spec$args
    # force quiet if argument passed
    if( ARGS$quiet && is.finite(verbose) ) verbose <- FALSE
    if( !is.null(ARGS$help) && ARGS$help ){
    cli_startup( verbose )
    # re-parse parameters specifications
    spec <- cli_parse(script, error = TRUE)
    ARGS <- spec$args
    # load arguments in calling environment
    if( load ){
        list2env(ARGS, envir)
    if( verbose > 1 ){
        # show parameters (5 per line) 
        message('* Parameters:')
        ARGS_l <- split(ARGS, cut(seq_along(ARGS), ceiling(length(ARGS) / 4)))
        lapply(ARGS_l, function(x){
            message("  | ", str_out(x, Inf, use.names = TRUE))

#' @inheritParams yaml::yaml.load_file
#' @export
#' @rdname yaml
#' @import yaml
read.yaml <- yaml.load_file

#' Extracting Command Line Arguments
#' @param name parameter name, e.g., \code{'-f'}
#' @param default default value to return if parameter is missing
#' @param alt alternative parameter name, e.g. long form code{'--file'} 
#' @param required logical that indicates if the parameter is required.
#' @param trailing.only logical that indicates if the parameter should be looked
#' in the trailing arguments only, or in the arguments meant for \emph{R} or \emph{Rscript}.
#' @param as.is logical that indicates if the name should be looked up as is in the 
#' command line argument or with a double/single dash prefix.
#' @param args vector of command line argument to parse
#' @param with.details logical that indicates if details about the argument match should be returned. 
#' @param error logical that indicates if an error should be raised when the command line arguments 
#' do not meet the constrains, e.g., required. 
#' @export
cli_arg <- function(name, default = NULL, alt = NA, required = FALSE, trailing.only = TRUE
                    , as.is = TRUE, args = commandArgs(trailing.only), with.details = FALSE, error = TRUE){
    # return all cli arguments if missing(x)
    if( missing(name) ) return( args )
    x <- name
    # return running script if NULL
    if( is.null(x) ) return( cli_self(TRUE) )
    res <- default
    attrib <- list(match = '', cmd = '')
    if( is.numeric(x) ){ # positional argument (neither working, nor really implemented)
        pargs <- grep("^-", args, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
        if( length(pargs) >= x ) res <- pargs[x]
        else if( required && error ) stop("Missing required argument ", x, ".", call. = FALSE)
        lookup <- x0 <- x
        if( !as.is ){
            lookup <- paste0("--", gsub(".", "-", lookup, fixed = TRUE))
        if( !length(i <- which(args == lookup)) && !is.na(alt)){
            x0 <- alt
            if( !as.is ) alt <- paste0("-", alt)
            lookup <- alt
        i <- which(args == lookup)
        if( length(i) ){
            attrib$match <- x0
            attrib$cmd <- lookup
            res <- if( is.logical(default) ) !default
                    else if( length(args) > i && !grepl("^-", args[i+1L]) ) args[i+1L]
                    else TRUE
        }else if( required && error ) stop("Argument '", x, "' is required.", call. = FALSE)
    attrib$raw <- res
    # convert to correct type
    if( !is.null(default) && is.character(res) && !is(res, class(default)) ){
        res <- eval(parse(text = res))
    # return value
    if( with.details ){
        attrib$value <- res
    }else res

#' @export 
cli_arg0 <- function(name, ..., envir = parent.frame()){
    x <- name
    val <- cli_arg(x, ..., as.is = FALSE)
    message("* Parameters ", x, ": ", val)
    if( is.character(x) && !is.null(envir) ){
        envir[[x]] <- val
    }else val

#' @export
cli_self <- function(full = TRUE){

#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext file_ext
#' @export 
cli_spin <- function(outdir, ..., .file = cli_self(), .config = NULL, .log = NULL, .clean = TRUE){
    # setup run directory
    if( file.exists(outdir) ){
        if( .clean ) unlink(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
    }else dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
    .file <- normalizePath(.file, mustWork = TRUE)
    rscript <- normalizePath(file.path(outdir, basename(.file)), mustWork = FALSE)
    # ensure that the generated file does not overwrite the orginal script 
    if( rscript == .file ){
        i <- 1
        while( file.exists(rscript <- sprintf("%s-%i.%s", file_path_sans_ext(.file), i, file_ext(.file))) ){
            i <- i + 1
    # copy to output dir
    file.copy(.file, rscript, overwrite = TRUE)
    # remove header section
    l <- readLines(rscript)
    if( !length(ih <- grep("#/header", l, fixed = TRUE) ) ){
        ih <- grep("^quit\\(\\)", l)
    if( length(ih) ) l <- l[-seq(1L, ih[1L])]
    # determine config file path
    if( is.null(.config) ){
        .config <- 'config.yml'
        i <- 1L
        while( file.exists(.config) ){
            .config <- sprintf('config-%i.yml', i)
            i <- i + 1L
    # append initialisation code
    l <- c(sprintf("# /** %s
# Parent: %s 
# */
#+ cli_config, include = FALSE
.CONFIGFILE <- \"%s\"
e <- environment()
list2env(.CONFIG <- CLIR::read.yaml(.CONFIGFILE), envir = e)
", paste0("# ", cli_metaheader(l), collapse = "\n"), .file, .config),l)
    cat(l, file = rscript, sep = "\n")
    ## RUN
    # change to output dir
    owd <- setwd(outdir)
    # write config file
    config_param <- list(...)
    write.yaml(config_param, file = .config)
    # run
    internal <- !is.null(.log) 
    out <- system(sprintf('%sRscript -e "knitr::spin(\'%s\')"', file.path(R.home(), 'bin', ''), basename(rscript)), intern = internal)
    status <- attr(out, 'status')
    if( (internal && status) || out ){
        msg <- if( internal ) out else ''
        stop(sprintf("Error while running spinning script '%s'.\n  %s", rscript, msg))
    if( !is.null(.log) )
        cat(out, file = .log, sep = "\n")
renozao/CLIR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:52 a.m.