
Defines functions packageMakefile R_OS is_Mac getDevtoolsFunction library_project load_project find_devpackage is_package_path match_mix is_pattern

Documented in find_devpackage is_package_path library_project load_project

# Utils for R package projects
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: May 1, 2013

is_pattern <- function(x){
  grepl('[*^?)$([]', x)
# match with exact or regular expression lookup
match_mix <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, ignore.case = FALSE){
  # find regular expression patterns
  is_reg <- is_pattern(table)
  case <- function(x) if( ignore.case ) tolower(x) else x
  hit <- match(case(x), case(table[!is_reg]), nomatch = nomatch)
  if( any(is_reg) ){
    reg_match <- unlist_(sapply(table[is_reg], grep, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, simplify = FALSE))
    reg_match <- reg_match[!duplicated(reg_match)]
    hit[reg_match] <- pmin(hit[reg_match], match(names(reg_match), table), na.rm = TRUE)

#' Test for Package Root Directory
#' Tells if a directory is a package directory, i.e. that it contains
#' a \code{DESCRIPTION} file.
#' @param x path to the directory to test
#' @param error logical that indicates if an error should be raised
#' if the directory is not a package directory.
#' @keywords internal
is_package_path <- function(x, error = FALSE) {
	if (is.null(x)) return(FALSE)
	x <- normalizePath(x, mustWork = FALSE)
	x <- gsub("\\\\$", "", x)
	desc_path <- file.path(x, "DESCRIPTION")
	if( !error ){
		file.exists(x) && file.exists(desc_path)
		if ( !file.exists(x) ) stop("Can't find directory ", x, call. = FALSE)
		if ( !file.info(x)$isdir ) stop(x, " is not a directory", call. = FALSE)
		if (!file.exists(desc_path)) stop("No DESCRIPTION file found in ", x, call. = FALSE)

#' Find Path to Development Package Root Directory
#' Development packages are looked-up according to rules
#' defined in a file \code{.Rpackages} in the user's home directory. 
#' @section Specification of package path:
#' Package paths are specified in a list with:
#'   * unnamed elements: character strings give path to directories to lookup for sub-directories that match
#' exactly the package's name;
#'   * named element containing character strings: these are paths that are looked up only for packages that 
#' match the element name. If the element name contains any of the characters `*?()$^\\][`, then it is matched using 
#' regular expression.
#' @param x name of the development package to lookup.
#' @param error logical that indicates if an error is thrown when the project root directory 
#' could not be found.
#' @return A character string containing the path to the package.
#' @export
find_devpackage <- function(x, error = TRUE) 
	if (is_package_path(x)) {
	config_path <- "~/.Rpackages"
	if (!file.exists(config_path)) {
	config_path <- path.expand(config_path)
	lookup <- source(config_path)$value
  default_lookup <- lookup$default
  lookup <- lookup[!names(lookup) %in% 'default']
  # check for a match
  i <- c(match_mix(x, names(lookup), ignore.case = TRUE), which(names(lookup) %in% ''))
  if( length(i) ){
      reg_spec <- is_pattern(names(lookup))
      for(k in i){
        val <- lookup[[k]]
        n <- names(lookup)[k]
        if( grepl('*', val, fixed = TRUE) ){ # check path like a/b/*/c
          p <- gsub('*', x, val, fixed = TRUE)
          if( is_package_path(p) ){
            message("Loading path resolved by ", n, ':', val)
        } else if( !reg_spec[k] && is_package_path(val) ){ # exact match
          message("Loading path resolved by ", n, ':', val)
        }else if( reg_spec[k] ){
          paths <- list.dirs(val, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
          x2 <- sub(n, "", x)
          x2[!nzchar(x2)] <- x[!nzchar(x2)]
          hit <- match(x2, basename(paths))
          p <- paths[hit[1L]]
          if( length(hit) && is_package_path(p) ){
            message("Loading path resolved by ", n, ':', val)
  if( !is.null(default_lookup) ) {
		default_loc <- default_lookup(x)
		if ( is_package_path(default_loc, error = error) ) {
      message("Loading path resolved by default lookup")
  if( error ) message("Could not find package directory for project ", x) 

#' Load Development Package
#' @param pkg name of the package/project to load.
#' @param reset logical that indicates if the package should be reloaded (passed to \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}}.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}}.
#' @param utests logical that indicates if an environment containing the unit test functions should be created.
#' If \code{TRUE} this environment is accessible at \code{pkgname::UnitTests$test.filename.r$function.name}.
#' @param verbose logical that indicates if log messages should be printed.
#' @param addlib logical that indicates if the \code{lib/} sub-directory, if it exists, should be prepended 
#' to the library path. 
#' This enables to control the version of the loaded dependencies.
#' @param character.only logical that indicates if argument \var{pkg} should be evaluated or taken litteral. 
#' @param try.library logicatl that indicates if projects that could not be found should be looked up in 
#' the installed packages.
#' @return Invisibly the `package` object of the loaded package.
#' @export 
load_project <- function(pkg, reset = FALSE, ..., utests = TRUE, verbose=FALSE, addlib=TRUE, character.only = FALSE, try.library = FALSE) {
	if( !character.only ){
		pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
		pkg <- sub("^\"(.*)\"$", "\\1", pkg)
  # lookup dev package root directory
	devpkg_path <- find_devpackage(pkg, error = !try.library)
  # load from installed pacakges if not found and requested
  if( is.null(devpkg_path) ){
    if( !try.library ) return(invisible())
    message(sprintf("Trying to load installed package %s ... ", pkg), appendLF = FALSE)
    library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
	pkg <- devpkg_path 

  if( !requireNamespace('devtools') ){
    stop("Could not load package: required package 'devtools' is not installed.")
	# add ../lib to the path if necessary
	if( addlib && is.character(tp <- pkg) ){
		tp <- as.package(tp)
		pdir <- normalizePath(file.path(dirname(tp$path), "lib"), mustWork=FALSE)
		if( file_test('-d', pdir) && !is.element(pdir, .libPaths()) ){
			message("Adding to .libPaths: '", pdir, "'")
			olibs <- .libPaths()
			.libPaths(c(pdir, .libPaths()))
			on.exit( .libPaths(olibs), add=TRUE )
	devpkg <- as.package(pkg)
	# load package
	op <- options(verbose=verbose)
	on.exit(options(op), add=TRUE)  
	devtools::load_all(pkg, reset = reset, ...)
	# source unit test files if required
	udir <- file.path(devpkg$path, 'inst', c('tests', 'unitTests'))
	if( utests && length(w <- which(file.exists(udir))) ){
		message("# Sourcing unit test directory ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
		f <- list.files(udir[w[1L]], pattern = "\\.[Rr]$", full.names=TRUE)
		if( length(f) ){
#			if( !requireNamespace('RUnit') ) stop("Missing required dependency 'RUnit' to load unit tests")
			# create unit test environment
      ns_env <- getDevtoolsFunction('ns_env')
			utest_env <- new.env(parent = ns_env(devpkg))
			assign('UnitTests', utest_env, ns_env(devpkg))
			# source test files in separate sub-environments
			sapply(f, function(f){
						e <- new.env(parent = utest_env)
						assign(basename(f), e, utest_env)
						sys.source(f, envir = e)
		message('OK [', length(f), ']')
		# reload to export the unit test environment
		devtools::load_all(pkg, reset = FALSE, ...)

#' @describeIn load_project shortcut for `load_project(..., try.library = TRUE)`, to load project
#' code from installed library if not found as a development project.
#' All its arguments are passed to `load_project`.
#' @export
library_project <- function(...) load_project(..., try.library = TRUE)

getDevtoolsFunction <- function(name){
  if( qrequire('devtools') && !is.null(fun <- ns_get(name, 'devtools')) ) return(fun)
  if( qrequire('pkgload') && !is.null(fun <- ns_get(name, 'pkgload')) ) return(fun)
  if( qrequire('pkgbuild') && !is.null(fun <- ns_get(name, envir = 'pkgbuild')) ) return(fun)

is_Mac <- function(check.gui=FALSE){
	is.mac <- (length(grep("darwin", R.version$platform)) > 0)
	# return TRUE is running on Mac (adn optionally through GUI)
	is.mac && (!check.gui || .Platform$GUI == 'AQUA')

R_OS <- function(){
	if( is_Mac() ) 'MacOS'
	else .Platform$OS.type

packageMakefile <- function(package=NULL, template=NULL, temp = FALSE, print = TRUE){
        if( !requireNamespace('devtools', quietly = TRUE) ) 
                stop("Package 'devtools' is required to generate a package Makefile")
#	defMakeVar <- pkgmaker::defMakeVar
#	subMakeVar <- pkgmaker::subMakeVar
	project_path <- getwd()
	project_name <- basename(project_path)
	subproject_path_part <- ''
	if( is.null(package) || isString(package) ){
		if( isString(package) && !nzchar(package) ) package <- NULL
		lookup_dir <- c('pkg', '.')
		if( !is.null(package) ){
			lookup_dir <- c(package, lookup_dir, file.path('pkg', package))
			subproject_path_part <- file.path(package, '')
		pdir <- file.path(lookup_dir, 'DESCRIPTION')
		if( !length(sd <- which(is.file(pdir))) ){
			stop("Could not detect package source directory")
		package <- pdir[sd[1L]]
	package <- normalizePath(package)
	p <- pkg <- as.package(dirname(package));
	pdir <- package_dir <- p[['path']];
	## create makefile from template
	# load template makefile
	if( is.null(template) ){
		template <- packagePath('package.mk', package='pkgmaker')
	l <- paste(readLines(template), collapse="\n")
	# user
	cuser <- Sys.info()["user"]
	l <- defMakeVar('AUTHOR_USER', cuser, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE', pkg$package, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PATH', package_dir, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PROJECT', project_name, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PROJECT_PATH', project_path, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART', subproject_path_part, l)
	# R_BIN
	l <- subMakeVar('R_BIN', R.home('bin'), l)
    repo_dirs <- gsub("^\\./", "", sapply(c('source', 'win.binary', 'mac.binary'), contrib.url, repos = '.'))
    l <- defMakeVar('REPO_DIRS', paste0(repo_dirs, collapse = ' '), l)
    l <- defMakeVar('BUILD_DIR', file.path(repo_dirs['source'], ''), l)
	pkg_targz <- file.path(repo_dirs['source'], package_buildname(p, 'source'))
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ', pkg_targz, l)
	pkg_zip <- file.path(repo_dirs['win.binary'], package_buildname(p, 'win.binary'))
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_ZIP', pkg_zip, l)
	pkg_mac <- file.path(repo_dirs['mac.binary'], package_buildname(p, 'mac.binary'))
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_TGZ', pkg_mac, l)
	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_OS', R_OS(), l)

    # auto-conf variables
    init_var <- list(version = pkg$version)
    if( is.dir(file.path(package_dir, 'vignettes')) ) 
        init_var <- c(init_var, has_vignettes=TRUE)
    # dump variables
    if( length(init_var) ){
        init_var <- setNames(init_var, paste0('R_PACKAGE_', toupper(names(init_var))))
        init_var_str <- str_out(init_var, Inf, use.names = TRUE, sep = "\n")
        l <- subMakeVar('INIT_CHECKS', init_var_str, l)
	rlibs <- ''
    if( is.dir(devlib <- file.path(dirname(pdir), 'lib')) ){
		rlibs <- paste0("R_LIBS=", devlib, ' ')
    l <- subMakeVar('R_LIBS', rlibs, l)

	# create makefile
	mk <- if( temp ) tempfile('package_', tmpdir='.', fileext='.mk') else 'package.mk'
	cat(l, file=mk)
	if ( print ){
renozao/pkgmaker documentation built on May 3, 2023, 6:04 p.m.