
#' Performs Washburne et al.'s (2016) Neutrality Test with corrected ks-test
#' @export
#' @param R Compositional matrix whose columns are species and whose rows are timepoints
#' @param tm Optional time-points. Use if time intervals between samples are not uniform.
#' @param ntests Number of constant-volatility transforms to use in test. Must be less than or equal to 2^dim(R)[2]
#' @param regress String, either 'f', or 'tm', based on whether heteroskedasticity should regress against the state, f, or the time, tm. Default is 'f'
#' @param ncores Number of cores for parallelization of constant-volatility tests.
#' @param formula Formula for regression of drift. Default DF~f+I(f^2)
#' @param varformula Formula for regression of residuals in Breush-Pagan test. Default DF~f+I(f^2)
#' @param standard Logical indicating whether to use a standard, reproducible choice of CVTs by setting seed within NeutralCovTest
#' @param method String, either "Kolmogorov" or "logitnorm", for approximation of KS-statistic from P-value distribution of CVTests against uniform. Default is logitnorm.
#' @param ... optional input arguments for bptest
#' @examples
#' library(WrightFisher)
#' library(plotrix)
#' set.seed(10)
#' # For a simple test, we can produce a dataset:
#' R <- wfp(nspecies=12,dt=1e-3)$Community
#' Rg <- gbmMR(nspecies=12,dt=1e-3,sigma=3,mu=2)$Shares
#' # Visualizing Market/Community Dynamics
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' stackpoly(R,stack=T,main='Wright-Fisher Process',ylab='Relative Abundance',xlab='time')
#' stackpoly(Rg,stack=T,main='Mean-Reverting GBM',ylab='Relative Abundance',xlab='time') 
#' # Neutrality Covariance Testing
#' P_wfp <- NeutralCovTest(R)
#' P_gbm <- NeutralCovTest(Rg)
#' P_wfp
#' P_gbm
#' # In the script below, we'll simulate 'reps' neutral communities through simulation of a Volatility-stabilized market, and then
#' # we'll perform a NeutralCovTest on each, using 1000 constant-volatility transformations. If performed on a computer with 4 or more
#' # cores, the parallelized version will be run for a speed-up.  
#' reps <- 20
#' nspecies=50
#' Pvals_vsm <- rep(NA,reps)
#' Pvals_gbm <- rep(NA,reps)
#' parallelize=T
#' for (nn in 1:reps){
#' ## Simulating Communities
#' R <- vsm(nspecies=nspecies,lambda=25,dt=1e-4,Tmax=1,nsamples=125)$Shares
#' R2 <- gbmMR(nspecies=nspecies,Tmax=1,nsamples=125,sigma=4,mu=15)$Shares
#' ## Neutrality Testing
#' if (detectCores()>=3 && parallelize==T){
#' # For species-rich datasets, NeutralCovTest may take a while and can be sped-up through paralellization by inputting ncores
#'  ncores=detectCores()-1
#'  Pvals_vsm[nn] <- NeutralCovTest(R,ncores=ncores)
#'  Pvals_gbm[nn] <- NeutralCovTest(R2,ncores=ncores)
#' } else {
#'  Pvals_vsm[nn] <- NeutralCovTest(R)
#'  Pvals_gbm[nn] <- NeutralCovTest(R2)
#' }
#' }
#' plot(ecdf(Pvals_vsm),xlab='NeutralCovTest Pvalue',ylab='F(P)',main='Pvalues: NeutralCovTest on VSMs',xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#' lines(c(0,1),c(0,1),col='blue',lwd=2)
#' legend(.6,.4,legend=c('Simulations','Uniform'),pch=c(16,NA),lwd=c(1,2),col=c('black','blue'))
#' plot(ecdf(Pvals_gbm),xlab='Pvalue',ylab='F(P)',main='Pvalues: NeutralCovTests on mean-reverting GBMs',xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#' lines(c(0,1),c(0,1),col='blue',lwd=2)
#' legend(.6,.4,legend=c('Simulations','Uniform'),pch=c(16,NA),lwd=c(1,2),col=c('black','blue'))

NeutralCovTest <- function(R,tm=NULL,ntests=NULL,regress='f',ncores=NULL,formula=DF~f+I(f^2),varformula=NULL,standard=T,method='logitnorm',...){
  if (!(method %in% c('Kolmogorov','logitnorm','uncorrected'))){stop('unknown input method. Must be either "Kolmogorov", "logitnorm", or "uncorrected".')}
  # Pull out #species and #timepoints
  S <- ncol(R)
  m <- nrow(R)
  upperbound <- bounds$upperbound
  if (is.null(ntests)){
    ntests <- min(S,floor((upperbound*S)^3))
  } else {
    if (ntests>(upperbound*S)^3){
      warning('ntests input is large relative to number of species, leading to high false-positive rates for P<0.05')
  if (standard){
    old <- .Random.seed
    on.exit( { .Random.seed <<- old } )
  if (is.null(ncores)){
    if (standard){
    Pvals <- CVTest(ntests,R,regress,formula,varformula,tm,...) 
  } else{
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
    if (standard){
      seedList <- as.list(101^seq(1,length(cl)))
    testsEach <- round(ntests/ncores)
    Pvals <- unlist(parallel::parLapply(cl,X=as.list(rep(testsEach,ncores)),fun = CVTest,R=R,regress=regress,formula=formula,varformula=varformula))
  ntests <- length(Pvals)
  D <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(Pvals,'punif')$statistic)
  if (method=='Kolmogorov'){
    Q <- predict(WashburneKSn,newdata=data.frame('f'=ntests,'s'=S))
    nstar_est <- ntests/(1+exp(-Q))
    P <- 1-kolmim::pkolmim(D,nstar_est)
  if (method=='logitnorm'){
    mu_est <- predict(gList$gMu,newdata=data.frame('f'=ntests,'s'=S))
    sigma_est <- predict(gList$gSigma,newdata=data.frame('f'=ntests,'s'=S,'t'=m))
    P <- 1-logitnorm::plogitnorm(D,mu=mu_est,sigma=sigma_est)
  if (method=='uncorrected'){
    P <- ks.test(Pvals,'punif')$p.value
  names(P) <- 'P value'
reptalex/WrightFisher documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:54 a.m.