
Defines functions validate_medication validate_overdiagnosis test_case_detection validate_treatment validate_symptoms validate_gpvisits validate_diagnosis validate_survival validate_exacerbation validate_lung_function validate_comorbidity validate_mortality validate_payoffs validate_COPD sanity_COPD validate_smoking validate_population sanity_check petoc

Documented in sanity_check sanity_COPD test_case_detection validate_comorbidity validate_COPD validate_diagnosis validate_exacerbation validate_gpvisits validate_lung_function validate_medication validate_mortality validate_overdiagnosis validate_payoffs validate_population validate_smoking validate_survival validate_symptoms validate_treatment

report_mode <- 1
# If 1, we are generating a report!

petoc <- function() {
  if (report_mode == 0) {
    message("Press [Enter] to continue")
    r <- readline()
    if (r == "q") {
      stop("User asked for termination.\n")

#' Basic tests of model functionalty. Serious issues if the test does not pass.
#' @return tests results
#' @export
sanity_check <- function() {

  message("test 1: zero all costs\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  for (el in get_list_elements(input$cost)) input$cost[[el]] <- input$cost[[el]] * 0
  input$medication$medication_costs <- 0 * input$medication$medication_costs
  res <- run(100, input = input)
  if (Cget_output()$total_cost != 0)
    message("Test failed!") else message("Test passed!")

  message("test 2: zero all utilities\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  for (el in get_list_elements(input$utility)) input$utility[[el]] <- input$utility[[el]] * 0
  input$medication$medication_utility <- input$medication$medication_utility*0
  input$global_parameters$discount_qaly <- input$global_parameters$discount_qaly*0
  res <- run(100, input = input)
  if (Cget_output()$total_qaly != 0) {
    message("Test failed!")
    message(Cget_output()$total_qaly)} else message("Test passed!")

  message("test 3: one all utilities ad get one QALY without discount\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  input$global_parameters$discount_qaly <- 0
  input$medication$medication_utility <- input$medication$medication_utility*0
  for (el in get_list_elements(input$utility)) input$utility[[el]] <- input$utility[[el]] * 0 + 1
  input$utility$exac_dutil = input$utility$exac_dutil * 0
  res <- run(100, input = input)
  if (Cget_output()$total_qaly/Cget_output()$cumul_time != 1)
    message("Test failed!") else message("Test passed!")

  message("test 4: zero mortality (both bg and exac)\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex <- input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex * 0 - 10000000  # log scale'
  input$agent$p_bgd_by_sex <- input$agent$p_bgd_by_sex * 0
  input$manual$explicit_mortality_by_age_sex <- input$manual$explicit_mortality_by_age_sex * 0
  res <- run(100, input = input)
  if (Cget_output()$n_deaths != 0) {
    message (Cget_output()$n_deaths)
    stop("Test failed!")
  } else message("Test passed!")

#' Returns results of validation tests for population module
#' @param incidence_k a number (default=1) by which the incidence rate of population will be multiplied.
#' @param remove_COPD 0 or 1, indicating whether COPD-caused mortality should be removed
#' @param savePlots 0 or 1, exports 300 DPI population growth and pyramid plots comparing simulated vs. predicted population
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_population <- function(remove_COPD = 0, incidence_k = 1, savePlots = 0) {
  message("Validate_population(...) is responsible for producing output that can be used to test if the population module is properly calibrated.\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- 1e+06
  settings$event_stack_size <- 1
  init_session(settings = settings)
  input <- model_input$values  #We can work with local copy more conveniently and submit it to the Run function

  message("\nBecause you have called me with remove_COPD=", remove_COPD, ", I am", c("NOT", "indeed")[remove_COPD + 1], "going to remove COPD-related mortality from my calculations")

  # CanSim.052.0005<-read.csv(system.file ('extdata', 'CanSim.052.0005.csv', package = 'epicR'), header = T); #package ready
  # reading
  x <- aggregate(CanSim.052.0005[, "value"], by = list(CanSim.052.0005[, "year"]), FUN = sum)
  x[, 2] <- x[, 2]/x[1, 2]
  x <- x[1:input$global_parameters$time_horizon, ]
  plot(x, type = "l", ylim = c(0.5, max(x[, 2] * 1.5)), xlab = "Year", ylab = "Relative population size")
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Relative populaton size")
  message("The plot I just drew is the expected (well, StatCan's predictions) relative population growth from 2015\n")

  if (remove_COPD) {
    input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex <- -1000 + input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex
    input$manual$explicit_mortality_by_age_sex <- 0

  input$agent$l_inc_betas[1] <- input$agent$l_inc_betas[1] + log(incidence_k)

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0) {
    stop("Something went awry; bye!")

  n_y1_agents <- sum(Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_sex[1, ])
  legend("topright", c("Predicted", "Simulated"), lty = c(1, 1), col = c("black", "red"))

  message("And the black one is the observed (simulated) growth\n")
   ######## pretty population growth curve

  CanSim <- tibble::as_tibble(CanSim.052.0005)
  CanSim <- tidyr::spread(CanSim, key = year, value = value)
  CanSim <- CanSim[, 3:51]
  CanSim <- colSums (CanSim)

  df <- data.frame(Year = c(2015:(2015 + model_input$values$global_parameters$time_horizon-1)), Predicted = CanSim[1:model_input$values$global_parameters$time_horizon] * 1000, Simulated = rowSums(Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_sex)/ settings$n_base_agents * 18179400) #rescaling population. There are about 18.6 million Canadians above 40
  message ("Here's simulated vs. predicted population table:")
  dfm <- reshape2::melt(df[,c('Year','Predicted','Simulated')], id.vars = 1)
  plot_population_growth  <- ggplot2::ggplot(dfm, aes(x = Year, y = value)) +  theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F) +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    labs(title = "Population Growth Curve") + ylab ("Population") +
    labs(caption = "(based on population at age 40 and above)") +
    theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
    scale_y_continuous(name="Population", labels = scales::comma)

  plot (plot_population_growth)
  if (savePlots) ggsave(paste0("PopulationGrowth",".tiff"), plot = last_plot(), device = "tiff", dpi = 300)

  pyramid <- matrix(NA, nrow = input$global_parameters$time_horizon, ncol = length(Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_age[1, ]) -

  for (year in 0:model_input$values$global_parameters$time_horizon - 1) pyramid[1 + year, ] <- Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_age[year +1, -(1:input$global_parameters$age0)]

  message("Also, the ratio of the expected to observed population in years 10 and 20 are ", sum(Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_sex[10,
                                                                                                                                  ])/x[10, 2], " and ", sum(Cget_output_ex()$n_alive_by_ctime_sex[20, ])/x[20, 2])

  message("Now evaluating the population pyramid\n")
  for (year in c(2015, 2025, 2034)) {
    message("The observed population pyramid in", year, "is just drawn\n")
    x <- CanSim.052.0005[which(CanSim.052.0005[, "year"] == year & CanSim.052.0005[, "sex"] == "both"), "value"]
    #x <- c(x, rep(0, 111 - length(x) - 40))
    #barplot(x,  names.arg=40:110, xlab = "Age")
    #title(cex.main = 0.5, paste("Predicted Pyramid - ", year))
    dfPredicted <- data.frame (population = x * 1000, age = 40:100)

    # message("Predicted average age of those >40 y/o is", sum((input$global_parameters$age0:(input$global_parameters$age0 + length(x) -
    #                                                                                       1)) * x)/sum(x), "\n")
    # petoc()
    # message("Simulated average age of those >40 y/o is", sum((input$global_parameters$age0:(input$global_parameters$age0 + length(x) -
    #                                                                                       1)) * x)/sum(x), "\n")
    # petoc()

    dfSimulated <- data.frame (population = pyramid[year - 2015 + 1, ], age = 40:110)
    dfSimulated$population <- dfSimulated$population * (-1) / settings$n_base_agents * 18179400 #rescaling population. There are 18179400 Canadians above 40

    p <- ggplot (NULL, aes(x = age, y = population)) + theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F) +
         geom_bar (aes(fill = "Simulated"), data = dfSimulated, stat="identity", alpha = 0.5) +
         geom_bar (aes(fill = "Predicted"), data = dfPredicted, stat="identity", alpha = 0.5) +
         theme(axis.title=element_blank()) +
         ggtitle(paste0("Simulated vs. Predicted Population Pyramid in ", year)) +
         theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
         scale_y_continuous(name="Population", labels = scales::comma) +
         scale_x_continuous(name="Age", labels = scales::comma)
    if (savePlots) ggsave(paste0("Population ", year,".tiff"), plot = last_plot(), device = "tiff", dpi = 300)



#' Returns results of validation tests for smoking module.
#' @param intercept_k a number
#' @param remove_COPD 0 or 1. whether to remove COPD-related mortality.
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_smoking <- function(remove_COPD = 1, intercept_k = NULL) {
  message("Welcome to EPIC validator! Today we will see if the model make good smoking predictions")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_event"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- 1e+05
  settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 1.7 * 30

  init_session(settings = settings)
  input <- model_input$values

  message("\nBecause you have called me with remove_COPD=", remove_COPD, ", I am", c("NOT", "indeed")[remove_COPD + 1], "going to remove COPD-related mortality from my calculations")
  if (remove_COPD) {
    input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex <- input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex * -10000 # TODO why was this zero? Amin

  if (!is.null(intercept_k))
    input$manual$smoking$intercept_k <- intercept_k


  message("There are two validation targets: 1) the prevalence of current smokers (by sex) in 2015, and 2) the projected decline in smoking rate.\n")
  message("Starting validation target 1: baseline prevalence of smokers.\n")

  # CanSim.105.0501<-read.csv(paste(data_path,'/CanSim.105.0501.csv',sep=''),header=T) Included in the package as internal data
  tab1 <- rbind(CanSim.105.0501[1:3, "value"], CanSim.105.0501[4:6, "value"])/100
  message("This is the observed percentage of current smokers in 2014 (m,f)\n")
  barplot(tab1, beside = T, names.arg = c("40", "52", "65+"), ylim = c(0, 0.4), xlab = "Age group", ylab = "Prevalenc of smoking",
          col = c("black", "grey"))
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Prevalence of current smoker by sex and age group (observed)")
  legend("topright", c("Male", "Female"), fill = c("black", "grey"))

  message("Now I will run the model using the default smoking parameters")
  message("running the model\n")

  run(input = input)
  dataS <- Cget_all_events_matrix()
  dataS <- dataS[which(dataS[, "event"] == events["event_start"]), ]
  age_list <- list(a1 = c(35, 45), a2 = c(45, 65), a3 = c(65, 111))
  tab2 <- tab1
  for (i in 0:1) for (j in 1:length(age_list)) tab2[i + 1, j] <- mean(dataS[which(dataS[, "female"] == i & dataS[, "age_at_creation"] >
                                                                                    age_list[[j]][1] & dataS[, "age_at_creation"] <= age_list[[j]][2]), "smoking_status"])

  message("This is the model generated bar plot")
  barplot(tab2, beside = T, names.arg = c("40", "52", "65+"), ylim = c(0, 0.4), xlab = "Age group", ylab = "Prevalence of smoking",
          col = c("black", "grey"))
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Prevalence of current smoking at creation (simulated)")
  legend("topright", c("Male", "Female"), fill = c("black", "grey"))

  message("This step is over; press enter to continue to step 2")

  message("Now we will validate the model on smoking trends")

  message("According to Table 2.1 of this report (see the extracted data in data folder): http://www.tobaccoreport.ca/2015/TobaccoUseinCanada_2015.pdf, the prevalence of current smoker is declining by around 3.8% per year\n")

  op_ex <- Cget_output_ex()
  smoker_prev <- op_ex$n_current_smoker_by_ctime_sex/op_ex$n_alive_by_ctime_sex
  smoker_packyears <- op_ex$sum_pack_years_by_ctime_sex/op_ex$n_alive_by_ctime_sex

  plot(2015:(2015+input$global_parameters$time_horizon-1), smoker_prev[, 1], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.25), col = "black", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Prevalence of current smoking")
  lines(2015:(2015+input$global_parameters$time_horizon-1), smoker_prev[, 2], type = "l", col = "grey")
  legend("topright", c("male", "female"), lty = c(1, 1), col = c("black", "grey"))
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Annual prevalence of currrent smoking (simulated)")

  plot(2015:(2015+input$global_parameters$time_horizon-1), smoker_packyears[, 1], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 30), col = "black", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Average Pack years")
  lines(2015:(2015+input$global_parameters$time_horizon-1), smoker_packyears[, 2], type = "l", col = "grey")
  legend("topright", c("male", "female"), lty = c(1, 1), col = c("black", "grey"))
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Average Pack-Years Per Year for 40+ Population (simulated)")

  z <- log(rowSums(smoker_prev))
  message("average decline in % of current_smoking rate is", 1 - exp(mean(c(z[-1], NaN) - z, na.rm = T)))

  #plotting overall distribution of smoking stats over time
  smoking_status_ctime <- matrix (NA, nrow = input$global_parameters$time_horizon, ncol = 4)
  colnames(smoking_status_ctime) <- c("Year", "Non-Smoker", "Smoker", "Former smoker")
  smoking_status_ctime[1:(input$global_parameters$time_horizon), 1] <- c(2015:(2015 + input$global_parameters$time_horizon-1))
  smoking_status_ctime [, 2:4] <- op_ex$n_smoking_status_by_ctime / rowSums(as.data.frame (op_ex$n_alive_by_ctime_sex)) * 100
  df <- as.data.frame(smoking_status_ctime)
  dfm <- reshape2::melt(df[,c("Year", "Non-Smoker", "Smoker", "Former smoker")], id.vars = 1)
  plot_smoking_status_ctime  <- ggplot2::ggplot(dfm, aes(x = Year, y = value, color = variable)) +
    geom_point () + geom_line() + labs(title = "Smoking Status per year") + ylab ("%") +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("#66CC99", "#CC6666", "#56B4E9")) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 12))

  plot(plot_smoking_status_ctime ) #plot needs to be showing

  # Plotting pack-years over time
  dataS <- as.data.frame (Cget_all_events_matrix())
  dataS <- subset (dataS, (event == 0 | event == 1 ))
  data_all <- dataS
  dataS <- subset (dataS, pack_years != 0)
  avg_pack_years_ctime <- matrix (NA, nrow = input$global_parameters$time_horizon + 1, ncol = 4)
  colnames(avg_pack_years_ctime) <- c("Year", "Smokers PYs", "Former Smokers PYs", "all")

  avg_pack_years_ctime[1:(input$global_parameters$time_horizon + 1), 1] <- c(2015:(2015 + input$global_parameters$time_horizon))

  for (i in 0:input$global_parameters$time_horizon) {
    smokers <- subset (dataS, (floor(local_time + time_at_creation) == (i)) & smoking_status != 0)
    prev_smokers <- subset (dataS, (floor(local_time + time_at_creation) == (i)) & smoking_status == 0)
    all <- subset (data_all, floor(local_time + time_at_creation) == i)
    avg_pack_years_ctime[i+1, "Smokers PYs"] <- colSums(smokers)[["pack_years"]] / dim (smokers)[1]
    avg_pack_years_ctime[i+1, "Former Smokers PYs"] <- colSums(prev_smokers)[["pack_years"]] / dim (prev_smokers) [1]
    avg_pack_years_ctime[i+1, "all"] <- colSums(all)[["pack_years"]] / dim (all) [1] #includes non-smokers


  df <- as.data.frame(avg_pack_years_ctime)
  dfm <- reshape2::melt(df[,c( "Year", "Smokers PYs", "Former Smokers PYs", "all")], id.vars = 1)
  plot_avg_pack_years_ctime <- ggplot2::ggplot(dfm, aes(x = Year, y = value, color = variable)) +
    geom_point () + geom_line() + labs(title = "Average pack-years per year ") + ylab ("Pack-years")

  plot(plot_avg_pack_years_ctime) #plot needs to be showing

  # Plotting pack-years over age

  avg_pack_years_age <- matrix (NA, nrow = 110 - 40 + 1, ncol = 3)
  colnames(avg_pack_years_age) <- c("Age", "Smokers PYs", "Former Smokers PYs")

  avg_pack_years_age[1:(110 - 40 + 1), 1] <- c(40:110)

  for (i in 0:(110 - 40)) {
    smokers <- subset (dataS, (floor (local_time + age_at_creation) == (i+40)) & smoking_status != 0)
    prev_smokers <- subset (dataS, (floor (local_time + age_at_creation) == (i+40)) & smoking_status == 0)
    avg_pack_years_age[i+1, "Smokers PYs"] <- colSums(smokers)[["pack_years"]] / dim (smokers)[1]
    avg_pack_years_age[i+1, "Former Smokers PYs"] <- colSums(prev_smokers)[["pack_years"]] / dim (prev_smokers) [1]

  df <- as.data.frame(avg_pack_years_age)
  dfm <- reshape2::melt(df[,c( "Age", "Smokers PYs", "Former Smokers PYs")], id.vars = 1)
  plot_avg_pack_years_age <- ggplot2::ggplot(dfm, aes(x = Age, y = value, color = variable, ymin = 40, ymax = 100)) +
    geom_point () + geom_line() + labs(title = "Average pack-years per age ") + ylab ("Pack-years")

  plot(plot_avg_pack_years_age) #plot needs to be showing

  message("This test is over; terminating the session")

#' Basic COPD test.
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
sanity_COPD <- function() {
  settings <- default_settings

  settings$record_mode <- session_env$record_mode["record_mode_agent"]
  # settings$agent_stack_size<-0
  # settings$n_base_agents <- 10000
  # settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 10

  init_session(settings = settings)

  message("Welcome! I am going to check EPIC's sanity with regard to modeling COPD\n ")

  message("COPD incidence and prevalence parameters are as follows\n")


  message("Now I am going to first turn off both prevalence and incidence parameters and run the model to see how many COPDs I get\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0 - 100
  input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0 - 100
  run(input = input)
  message("The model is reporting it has got that many COPDs: ", Cget_output()$n_COPD, " out of ", Cget_output()$n_agents, " agents.\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_start"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in Start event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_end"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in End event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")

  message("Now I am going to switch off incidence and create COPD patients only through prevalence (set at 0.5)")
  input <- model_input$values
  input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0
  input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0 - 100
  run(input = input)
  message("The model is reporting it has got that many COPDs:", Cget_output()$n_COPD, " out of ", Cget_output()$n_agents, "agents.\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_start"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in Start event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_end"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in End event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")

  message("Now I am going to switch off prevalence and create COPD patients only through incidence\n")
  input <- model_input$values
  input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0 - 100

  run(input = input)
  message("The model is reporting it has got that many COPDs:", Cget_output()$n_COPD, " out of ", Cget_output()$n_agents, "agents.\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_start"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in Start event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")
  dataS <- get_events_by_type(events["event_end"])
  message("The prevalence of COPD in End event dump is:", mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0), "\n")


#' Returns results of validation tests for COPD
#' @param incident_COPD_k a number (default=1) by which the incidence rate of COPD will be multiplied.
#' @param return_CI if TRUE, returns 95 percent confidence intervals for the "Year" coefficient
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_COPD <- function(incident_COPD_k = 1, return_CI = FALSE) # The incidence rate is multiplied by K
  out <- list()

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_event"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- 1e+05
  settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 50
  init_session(settings = settings)
  input <- model_input$values

  if (incident_COPD_k == 0)
    input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex <- input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex * 0 - 100 else input$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex[1, ] <- model_input$values$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex[1, ] + log(incident_COPD_k)

  run(input = input)
  op <- Cget_output()
  opx <- Cget_output_ex()
  data <- as.data.frame(Cget_all_events_matrix())
  dataS <- data[which(data[, "event"] == events["event_start"]), ]
  dataE <- data[which(data[, "event"] == events["event_end"]), ]

  out$p_copd_at_creation <- mean(dataS[, "gold"] > 0)

  new_COPDs <- which(dataS[which(dataE[, "gold"] > 0), "gold"] == 0)

  out$inc_copd <- sum(opx$n_inc_COPD_by_ctime_age)/opx$cumul_non_COPD_time
  out$inc_copd_by_sex <- sum(opx$n_inc_COPD_by_ctime_age)/opx$cumul_non_COPD_time

  x <- sqldf::sqldf("SELECT female, SUM(gold>0) AS n_copd, COUNT(*) AS n FROM dataS GROUP BY female")
  out$p_copd_at_creation_by_sex <- x[, "n_copd"]/x[, "n"]

  age_cats <- c(40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 111)
  dataS[, "age_cat"] <- as.numeric(cut(dataS[, "age_at_creation"] + dataS[, "local_time"], age_cats, include.lowest = TRUE))
  x <- sqldf::sqldf("SELECT age_cat, SUM(gold>0) AS n_copd, COUNT(*) AS n FROM dataS GROUP BY age_cat")
  temp <- x[, "n_copd"]/x[, "n"]
  names(temp) <- paste(age_cats[-length(age_cats)], age_cats[-1], sep = "-")
  out$p_copd_at_creation_by_age <- temp

  py_cats <- c(0, 15, 30, 45, Inf)
  dataS[, "py_cat"] <- as.numeric(cut(dataS[, "pack_years"], py_cats, include.lowest = TRUE))
  x <- sqldf::sqldf("SELECT py_cat, SUM(gold>0) AS n_copd, COUNT(*) AS n FROM dataS GROUP BY py_cat")
  temp <- x[, "n_copd"]/x[, "n"]
  names(temp) <- paste(py_cats[-length(py_cats)], py_cats[-1], sep = "-")
  out$p_copd_at_creation_by_pack_years <- temp

  dataF <- data[which(data[, "event"] == events["event_fixed"]), ]
  dataF[, "age"] <- dataF[, "local_time"] + dataF[, "age_at_creation"]
  dataF[, "copd"] <- (dataF[, "gold"] > 0) * 1
  dataF[, "gold2p"] <- (dataF[, "gold"] > 1) * 1
  dataF[, "gold3p"] <- (dataF[, "gold"] > 2) * 1
  dataF[, "year"] <- dataF[, "local_time"] + dataF[, "time_at_creation"]

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 0), ], formula = copd ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_copd_reg_coeffs_male <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_copd_reg_coeffs_male <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 1), ], formula = copd ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_copd_reg_coeffs_female <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_copd_reg_coeffs_female <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 0), ], formula = gold2p ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_gold2p_reg_coeffs_male <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_gold2p_reg_coeffs_male <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 1), ], formula = gold2p ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_gold2p_reg_coeffs_female <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_gold2p_reg_coeffs_female <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 0), ], formula = gold3p ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_gold3p_reg_coeffs_male <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_gold3p_reg_coeffs_male <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}

    res <- glm(data = dataF[which(dataF[, "female"] == 1), ], formula = gold3p ~ age + pack_years + smoking_status + year, family = binomial(link = logit))
    out$calib_prev_gold3p_reg_coeffs_female <- coefficients(res)
    if (return_CI) {out$conf_prev_gold3p_reg_coeffs_female <- stats::confint(res, "year", level = 0.95)}



#' Returns results of validation tests for payoffs, costs and QALYs
#' @param nPatient number of simulated patients. Default is 1e6.
#' @param disableDiscounting if TRUE, discounting will be disabled for cost and QALY calculations. Default: TRUE
#' @param disableExacMortality if TRUE, mortality due to exacerbations will be disabled for cost and QALY calculations. Default: TRUE
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_payoffs <- function(nPatient = 1e6, disableDiscounting = TRUE, disableExacMortality = TRUE)
  out <- list()

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- nPatient
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)
  input <- model_input$values

  if (disableDiscounting)  {
    input$global_parameters$discount_cost <- 0
    input$global_parameters$discount_qaly <- 0

  if (disableExacMortality) {
    input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex <- -1000 + 0*input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex

  run(input = input)
  op <- Cget_output()
  op_ex <- Cget_output_ex()



  out$cumul_time_per_GOLD <- colSums(op_ex$cumul_time_by_ctime_GOLD)[2:5]
  out$total_qaly <- total_qaly
  out$qaly_loss_dueto_exac_by_gold <-  qaly_loss_dueto_exac_by_gold
  out$back_calculated_utilities <- back_calculated_utilities
  out$utility_target_values <- input$utility$bg_util_by_stage
  out$utility_difference_percentage <- (out$back_calculated_utilities - out$utility_target_values[2:5]) / out$utility_target_values[2:5] * 100

  #I=615, II=1831, III=2619, IV=3021

  out$total_cost <- total_cost
  out$cost_dueto_exac_by_gold <- cost_dueto_exac_by_gold
  out$back_calculated_costs <- back_calculated_costs
  out$cost_target_values <- input$cost$bg_cost_by_stage
  out$cost_difference_percentage <- (out$back_calculated_costs - out$cost_target_values[2:5]) / out$cost_target_values[2:5] * 100



#' Returns results of validation tests for mortality rate
#' @param n_sim number of simulated agents
#' @param bgd a number
#' @param bgd_h a number
#' @param manual a number
#' @param exacerbation a number
#' @param comorbidity a number
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_mortality <- function(n_sim = 5e+05, bgd = 1, bgd_h = 1, manual = 1, exacerbation = 1, comorbidity = 1) {
  message("Hello from EPIC! I am going to test mortality rate and how it is affected by input parameters\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  input$global_parameters$time_horizon <- 1

  input$agent$p_bgd_by_sex <- input$agent$p_bgd_by_sex * bgd

  input$agent$ln_h_bgd_betas <- input$agent$ln_h_bgd_betas * bgd_h

  input$manual$explicit_mortality_by_age_sex <- input$manual$explicit_mortality_by_age_sex * manual

  input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex <- input$exacerbation$logit_p_death_by_sex * exacerbation

  if (comorbidity == 0) {
    input$comorbidity$p_mi_death <- 0
    input$comorbidity$p_stroke_death <- 0
    input$agent$ln_h_bgd_betas[, c("b_mi", "n_mi", "b_stroke", "n_stroke", "hf")] <- 0

  res <- run(input = input)

  message("Mortality rate was", Cget_output()$n_death/Cget_output()$cumul_time, "\n")

  if (Cget_output()$n_death > 0) {

    plot(40:110,ratio[,1],type='l',col='blue',xlab="age",ylab="Ratio", ylim = c(0, 4))
    title(cex.main=0.5,"Ratio of simulated to expected (life table) mortality, by sex and age")

    difference <- (Cget_output_ex()$n_death_by_age_sex[41:91, ]/Cget_output_ex()$sum_time_by_age_sex[41:91, ]) - model_input$values$agent$p_bgd_by_sex[41:91,
    plot(40:90, difference[, 1], type = "l", col = "blue", xlab = "age", ylab = "Difference", ylim = c(-.1, .1))
    legend("topright", c("male", "female"), lty = c(1, 1), col = c("blue", "red"))
    lines(40:90, difference[, 2], type = "l", col = "red")
    title(cex.main = 0.5, "Difference between simulated and expected (life table) mortality, by sex and age")

    return(list(difference = difference))
  } else message("No death occured.\n")

#' Returns results of validation tests for comorbidities
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_comorbidity <- function(n_sim = 1e+05) {
  message("Hello from EPIC! I am going to validate comorbidities for ya\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  output <- Cget_output()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("The prevalence of having MI at baseline was ", (output_ex$n_mi - output_ex$n_incident_mi)/output$n_agent, "\n")
  message("The incidence of MI during follow-up was ", output_ex$n_incident_mi/output$cumul_time, "/PY\n")
  message("The prevalence of having stroke at baseline was ", (output_ex$n_stroke - output_ex$n_incident_stroke)/output$n_agent, "\n")
  message("The incidence of stroke during follow-up was ", output_ex$n_incident_stroke/output$cumul_time, "/PY\n")
  message("The prevalence of having hf at baseline was ", (output_ex$n_stroke - output_ex$n_hf)/output$n_agent, "\n")
  message("The incidence of hf during follow-up was ", output_ex$n_incident_hf/output$cumul_time, "/PY\n")

  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_some_event"]
  settings$events_to_record <- events[c("event_start", "event_mi", "event_stroke", "event_hf", "event_end")]
  settings$n_base_agents <- 1e+05
  settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 1.6 * 10
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  if (run(input = input) < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")
  output <- Cget_output()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  # mi_events<-get_events_by_type(events['event_mi']) stroke_events<-get_events_by_type(events['event_stroke'])
  # hf_events<-get_events_by_type(events['event_hf']) end_events<-get_events_by_type(events['event_end'])

  plot(output_ex$n_mi_by_age_sex[41:100, 1]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[41:100, 1], type = "l", col = "red")
  lines(output_ex$n_mi_by_age_sex[41:100, 2]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[41:100, 2], type = "l", col = "blue")
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Incidence of MI by age and sex")

  plot(output_ex$n_stroke_by_age_sex[, 1]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[, 1], type = "l", col = "red")
  lines(output_ex$n_stroke_by_age_sex[, 2]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[, 2], type = "l", col = "blue")
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Incidence of Stroke by age and sex")

  plot(output_ex$n_hf_by_age_sex[, 1]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[, 1], type = "l", col = "red")
  lines(output_ex$n_hf_by_age_sex[, 2]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[, 2], type = "l", col = "blue")
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Incidence of HF by age and sex")

  output_ex$n_mi_by_age_sex[41:111, ]/output_ex$n_alive_by_age_sex[41:111, ]

#' Returns results of validation tests for lung function
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_lung_function <- function() {
  message("This function examines FEV1 values\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_some_event"]
  settings$events_to_record <- events[c("event_start", "event_COPD", "event_fixed")]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- 1e+05
  settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 100

  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values
  input$global_parameters$discount_qaly <- 0

  run(input = input)

  all_events <- as.data.frame(Cget_all_events_matrix())

  COPD_events <- which(all_events[, "event"] == events["event_COPD"])
  start_events <- which(all_events[, "event"] == events["event_start"])

  out_FEV1_prev <- sqldf::sqldf(paste("SELECT gold, AVG(FEV1) AS 'Mean', STDEV(FEV1) AS 'SD' FROM all_events WHERE event=", events["event_start"],
                                      " GROUP BY gold"))
  out_FEV1_inc <- sqldf::sqldf(paste("SELECT gold, AVG(FEV1) AS 'Mean', STDEV(FEV1) AS 'SD' FROM all_events WHERE event=", events["event_COPD"],
                                     " GROUP BY gold"))

  out_gold_prev <- sqldf::sqldf(paste("SELECT gold, COUNT(*) AS N FROM all_events WHERE event=", events["event_start"], " GROUP BY gold"))
  out_gold_prev[, "Percent"] <- round(out_gold_prev[, "N"]/sum(out_gold_prev[, "N"]), 3)
  out_gold_inc <- sqldf::sqldf(paste("SELECT gold, COUNT(*) AS N FROM all_events WHERE event=", events["event_COPD"], " GROUP BY gold"))
  out_gold_inc[, "Percent"] <- round(out_gold_inc[, "N"]/sum(out_gold_inc[, "N"]), 3)

  COPD_events_patients <- subset(all_events, event == 4)
  start_events_patients <- subset(all_events, event == 0 & gold > 0)

  table(COPD_events_patients[, "gold"])/sum(table(COPD_events_patients[, "gold"]))

  table(start_events_patients[, "gold"])/sum(table(start_events_patients[, "gold"]))

  out_gold_inc_patients <- table(COPD_events_patients[, "gold"])/sum(table(COPD_events_patients[, "gold"]))

  out_gold_prev_patients <- table(start_events_patients[, "gold"])/sum(table(start_events_patients[, "gold"]))

  COPD_ids <- all_events[COPD_events, "id"]

  for (i in 1:100) {
    y <- which(all_events[, "id"] == COPD_ids[i] & all_events[, "gold"] > 0)
    if (i == 1)
      plot(all_events[y, "local_time"], all_events[y, "FEV1"], type = "l", xlim = c(0, 20), ylim = c(0, 5), xlab = "local time",
           ylab = "FEV1") else lines(all_events[y, "local_time"], all_events[y, "FEV1"], type = "l")
  title(cex.main = 0.5, "Trajectories of FEV1 in 100 individuals")

  return(list(FEV1_prev = out_FEV1_prev, FEV1_inc = out_FEV1_inc, gold_prev = out_gold_prev, gold_inc = out_gold_inc, gold_prev_patients = out_gold_prev_patients,
              gold_inc_patients = out_gold_inc_patients))

#' Returns results of validation tests for exacerbation rates
#' @param base_agents Number of agents in the simulation. Default is 1e4.
#' @param input EPIC inputs
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_exacerbation <- function(base_agents=1e4, input=NULL) {

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_event"]
  #settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- base_agents
  #settings$event_stack_size <- 1
  init_session(settings = settings)
  if (is.null(input)) {input <- model_input$values}

  run(input = input)
  op <- Cget_output()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  all_events <- as.data.frame(Cget_all_events_matrix())
  exac_events <- subset(all_events, event == 5)
  exit_events <- subset(all_events, event == 14)

  Follow_up_GOLD <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  last_GOLD_transition_time <- 0
  for (i in 2:dim(all_events)[1]) {
    if (all_events[i, "id"] != all_events[i - 1, "id"])
      last_GOLD_transition_time <- 0
    if ((all_events[i, "id"] == all_events[i - 1, "id"]) & (all_events[i, "gold"] != all_events[i - 1, "gold"])) {
      Follow_up_GOLD[all_events[i - 1, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD[all_events[i - 1, "gold"]] + all_events[i - 1, "followup_after_COPD"] -
      last_GOLD_transition_time <- all_events[i - 1, "followup_after_COPD"]
    if (all_events[i, "event"] == 14)
      Follow_up_GOLD[all_events[i, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD[all_events[i, "gold"]] + all_events[i, "followup_after_COPD"] -

  #----------------------------DIAGNOSED ------------------------------------

  all_events_diagnosed          <- subset(all_events, diagnosis > 0 & gold > 0 )
  exac_events_diagnosed         <- subset(all_events_diagnosed, event == 5 )
  sev_exac_events_diagnosed    <- subset(all_events_diagnosed, event == 5 & (exac_status == 3 | exac_status == 4) )
  mod_sev_exac_events_diagnosed <- subset(all_events_diagnosed, event == 5 & (exac_status == 3 | exac_status == 4 | exac_status == 2) )
  exit_events_diagnosed         <- subset(all_events_diagnosed, event == 14)

  Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  last_GOLD_transition_time_diagnosed <- 0
  for (i in 2:dim(all_events_diagnosed)[1]) {
    if ((all_events_diagnosed[i, "id"] != all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "id"]))
      last_GOLD_transition_time_diagnosed <- 0
    if ((all_events_diagnosed[i, "id"] == all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "id"]) & (all_events_diagnosed[i, "gold"] != all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "gold"])) {
      Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed[all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed[all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "gold"]] + (all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "local_time"]-all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "time_at_diagnosis"]) -
      last_GOLD_transition_time_diagnosed <- (all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "local_time"]-all_events_diagnosed[i - 1, "time_at_diagnosis"])
    if (all_events_diagnosed[i, "event"] == 14)
      Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed[all_events_diagnosed[i, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed[all_events_diagnosed[i, "gold"]] + (all_events_diagnosed[i, "local_time"]-all_events_diagnosed[i, "time_at_diagnosis"]) -

  #----------------------------UNDIAGNOSED ------------------------------------

  all_events_undiagnosed          <- subset(all_events, diagnosis == 0 & gold > 0 & gold < 3) #CanCOLD is only GOLD 1 and 2
  exac_events_undiagnosed         <- subset(all_events_undiagnosed, event == 5 )
  sev_exac_events_undiagnosed     <- subset(all_events_undiagnosed, event == 5 & (exac_status == 3 | exac_status == 4) )
  mod_sev_exac_events_undiagnosed <- subset(all_events_undiagnosed, event == 5 & (exac_status == 3 | exac_status == 4 | exac_status == 2) )
  exit_events_undiagnosed         <- subset(all_events_undiagnosed, event == 14)

  Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  last_GOLD_transition_time_undiagnosed <- 0
  for (i in 2:dim(all_events_undiagnosed)[1]) {
    if ((all_events_undiagnosed[i, "id"] != all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "id"]))
      last_GOLD_transition_time_undiagnosed <- 0
    if ((all_events_undiagnosed[i, "id"] == all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "id"]) & (all_events_undiagnosed[i, "gold"] != all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "gold"])) {
      Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "gold"]] + (all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "local_time"]-all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "time_at_diagnosis"]) -
      last_GOLD_transition_time_undiagnosed <- (all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "local_time"]-all_events_undiagnosed[i - 1, "time_at_diagnosis"])
    if (all_events_undiagnosed[i, "event"] == 14)
      Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[all_events_undiagnosed[i, "gold"]] = Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[all_events_undiagnosed[i, "gold"]] + (all_events_undiagnosed[i, "local_time"]-all_events_undiagnosed[i, "time_at_diagnosis"]) -


  #----------------------------All ------------------------------------

  message("Exacerbation Rates per GOLD stages for all patients:")

  GOLD_I   <- (as.data.frame(table(exac_events[, "gold"]))[1, 2]/Follow_up_GOLD[1])
  GOLD_II  <- (as.data.frame(table(exac_events[, "gold"]))[2, 2]/Follow_up_GOLD[2])
  GOLD_III <- (as.data.frame(table(exac_events[, "gold"]))[3, 2]/Follow_up_GOLD[3])
  GOLD_IV  <- (as.data.frame(table(exac_events[, "gold"]))[4, 2]/Follow_up_GOLD[4])

  message(paste0("exacRateGOLDI   = ", round(GOLD_I  , 2)))
  message(paste0("exacRateGOLDII  = ", round(GOLD_II , 2)))
  message(paste0("exacRateGOLDIII = ", round(GOLD_III, 2)))
  message(paste0("exacRateGOLDIV  = ", round(GOLD_IV , 2)))

  #----------------------------All ------------------------------------
  total_rate <- round(nrow(exac_events)/sum(Follow_up_GOLD), 2)
  Exac_per_GOLD <- matrix (NA, nrow = 3, ncol =3)
  colnames(Exac_per_GOLD) <- c("GOLD", "EPIC", "CanCOLD")
  # CanCOLD only available for GOLD 1 and 2. See doi: 10.1164/rccm.201509-1795OC

  Follow_up_GOLD_all_2level <- c(Follow_up_GOLD[1], Follow_up_GOLD[2]) # Because CanCOLD is mostly GOLD2, here we compare EPIC's GOLD2 only instead of GOLD2+
#  Follow_up_GOLD_all_2level <- c(Follow_up_GOLD[1], sum(Follow_up_GOLD[2:4]))
  GOLD_counts_all       <- as.data.frame(table(exac_events[, "gold"]))[, 2]
  GOLD_counts_all       <- c(GOLD_counts_all[1], sum(GOLD_counts_all[2:4]))

  Exac_per_GOLD[1:3, 1] <- c("total", "gold1", "gold2+")
  Exac_per_GOLD[1:3, 2] <- c(total_rate,
                                   digit = 2))
  Exac_per_GOLD[1:3, 3] <- c(0.39, 0.28, 0.53)

  df <- as.data.frame(Exac_per_GOLD)
  dfm <- melt(df[,c("GOLD", "EPIC", "CanCOLD")],id.vars = 1)
  plot <-
    ggplot(dfm, aes(x = GOLD, y = as.numeric(value))) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5)) +
    theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F)  +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    ylab ("Rate") +
    labs(caption = "Total rate of exacerbations per year for all patients")

  message("Total rate of exacerbation in all patients (0.39 per year in CanCOLD): ", total_rate)

  #--------------------------- total number of severe exacerbations:

  message("Is the rate of severe and very severe exacerbations around 477 per CIHI?")
  n_exac <- data.frame(year= 1:20,Severe_Exacerbations = (output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity[,3]+output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity[,4])* (100000/rowSums(output_ex$n_alive_by_ctime_sex)))
  avgRate_sevExac <- mean(n_exac$Severe_Exacerbations[round(nrow(n_exac)/2,0):nrow(n_exac)])
  avgRate_sevExac <- round(avgRate_sevExac, 2)
  message(paste0("Average rate during 20 years: ", avgRate_sevExac))

  rate2017_sevExac <-(output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity[3,3]+output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity[3,4])*(100000/sum(output_ex$n_alive_by_ctime_sex[3,]))
  rate2017_sevExac <- round(rate2017_sevExac, 2)
  message(paste0("Rate in 2017: ", rate2017_sevExac))

  #----------------------------Diagnosed ------------------------------------

  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed <- matrix (NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
  colnames(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed) <- c("GOLD", "EPIC", "Hoogendoorn")
  # ACCEPT data is rates from a join of ECLIPSE, MACRO, OPTIMAL and STATCOPE.
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 1] <- c("gold1", "gold2", "gold3", "gold4")
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 2] <- round(
    x=as.data.frame(table(exac_events_diagnosed[, "gold"]))[, 2]/
      Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed, digit = 2)
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 3] <- c(0.82, 1.17, 1.61, 2.10)

  df <- as.data.frame(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed)
  dfm <- melt(df[,c("GOLD", "EPIC", "Hoogendoorn")],id.vars = 1)
  plot <- ggplot(dfm, aes(x = GOLD, y = as.numeric(value))) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5)) +
    theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F)  +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    ylab ("Rate") +
    labs(caption = "Total rate of exacerbations per year for diagnosed patients")

  message("Total rate of exacerbation in diagnosed patients (1.5 per year in Hoogendoorn): ", round(nrow(exac_events_diagnosed)/sum(Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed), 2))

  #----------------------------Diagnosed Moderate and Severe------------------------------------

  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed <- matrix (NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
  colnames(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed) <- c("GOLD", "EPIC", "ACCEPT")
  # ACCEPT data is rates from a join of ECLIPSE, MACRO, OPTIMAL and STATCOPE.
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 1] <- c("gold1", "gold2", "gold3", "gold4")
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 2] <- round(
    x=as.data.frame(table(mod_sev_exac_events_diagnosed[, "gold"]))[, 2]/
      Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed, digit = 2)
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 3] <- c(0.58, 0.91, 1.41, 1.69)

  df <- as.data.frame(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed)
  dfm <- melt(df[,c("GOLD", "EPIC", "ACCEPT")],id.vars = 1)
  plot <-
    ggplot(dfm, aes(x = GOLD, y = as.numeric(value))) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5)) +
    theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F)  +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    ylab ("Rate") +
    labs(caption = "Total rate of moderate/severe exacerbations per year for diagnosed patients")


  #----------------------------Diagnosed Severe------------------------------------

  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed <- matrix (NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
  colnames(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed) <- c("GOLD", "EPIC", "Hoogendoorn", "ACCEPT")
  # ACCEPT data is rates from a join of ECLIPSE, MACRO, OPTIMAL and STATCOPE.
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 1] <- c("gold1", "gold2", "gold3", "gold4")
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 2] <- round(
    x=as.data.frame(table(sev_exac_events_diagnosed[, "gold"]))[, 2]/
      Follow_up_GOLD_diagnosed, digit = 2)

  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 3] <- c(0.11, 0.16, 0.22, 0.28)
  Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed[1:4, 4] <- c(0.10, 0.14, 0.32, 0.42)

  df <- as.data.frame(Exac_per_GOLD_diagnosed)
  dfm <- melt(df[,c("GOLD", "EPIC", "Hoogendoorn", "ACCEPT")],id.vars = 1)
  plot <-
    ggplot(dfm, aes(x = GOLD, y = as.numeric(value))) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5)) +
    theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F)  +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    ylab ("Rate") +
    labs(caption = "Total rate of severe exacerbations per year for diagnosed patients")


  #----------------------------Undiagnosed ------------------------------------
  total_rate_undiagnosed <- round(nrow(exac_events_undiagnosed)/sum(Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed), 2)
  Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed <- matrix (NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
  colnames(Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed) <- c("GOLD", "EPIC", "CanCOLD")
  Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed[1:3, 1] <- c("total", "gold1", "gold2+")

  Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed_2level <- c(Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[1],
                                         Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[2]) #Because CANCold is mostly GOLD2, we comprare to GOLD2 EPIC
  #Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed_2level <- c(Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[1], sum(Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed[2:4]))
  GOLD_counts_undiagnosed   <- as.data.frame(table(exac_events_undiagnosed[, "gold"]))[, 2]
  GOLD_counts_undiagnosed   <- c(GOLD_counts_undiagnosed[1],

  Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed[1:3, 2] <- c(total_rate_undiagnosed,
    round(x=GOLD_counts_undiagnosed/Follow_up_GOLD_undiagnosed_2level, digit = 2))
  Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed[1:3, 3] <- c(0.30, 0.24, 0.40)

  df <- as.data.frame(Exac_per_GOLD_undiagnosed)
  dfm <- melt(df[,c("GOLD", "EPIC", "CanCOLD")],id.vars = 1)
  plot <-
   ggplot(dfm, aes(x = GOLD, y = as.numeric(value))) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5)) +
    theme_tufte(base_size=14, ticks=F)  +
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    ylab ("Rate") +
    labs(caption = "Total rate of exacerbations per year for undiagnosed patients")

  message("Total rate of exacerbation in undiagnosed patients (0.30 per year in CanCOLD): ",


#' Returns the Kaplan Meier curve comparing COPD and non-COPD
#' @param savePlots TRUE or FALSE (default), exports 300 DPI population growth and pyramid plots comparing simulated vs. predicted population
#' @param base_agents Number of agents in the simulation. Default is 1e4.
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_survival <- function(savePlots = FALSE, base_agents=1e4) {

  if (!requireNamespace("survival", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"survival\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("survminer", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"survminer\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_event"]
  #settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- base_agents
  #settings$event_stack_size <- 1
  init_session(settings = settings)
  input <- model_input$values  #We can work with local copy more conveniently and submit it to the Run function

  run(input = input)
  events <- as.data.frame(Cget_all_events_matrix())

  cohort <- subset(events, ((event==7) | (event==13) | (event==14)))

  cohort <- cohort %>% filter((id==lead(id) | ((event == 14) & id!=lag(id))))

  cohort$copd <- (cohort$gold>0)
  cohort$death <- (cohort$event!=14)
  cohort$age <- (cohort$age_at_creation+cohort$local_time)

  #fit <- survfit(Surv(age, death) ~ copd, data=cohort)
  fit <- survival::survfit(Surv(age, death) ~ copd, data=cohort)

  # Customized survival curves
  surv_plot <- survminer::ggsurvplot(fit, data = cohort, censor.shape="", censor.size = 1,
                          surv.median.line = "hv", # Add medians survival

                          # Change legends: title & labels
                          legend.title = "Disease Status",
                          legend.labs = c("Non-COPD", "COPD"),
                          # Add p-value and tervals
                          pval = TRUE,

                          conf.int = TRUE,
                          xlim = c(40,110),         # present narrower X axis, but not affect
                          # survival estimates.
                          xlab = "Age",   # customize X axis label.
                          break.time.by = 20,     # break X axis in time intervals by 500.
                          # Add risk table
                          #risk.table = TRUE,
                          tables.height = 0.2,
                          tables.theme = theme_cleantable(),

                          # Color palettes. Use custom color: c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF"),
                          # or brewer color (e.g.: "Dark2"), or ggsci color (e.g.: "jco")
                          #palette = c("gray0", "gray1"),
                          ggtheme = theme_tufte() +
                            theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
                                  panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                  panel.border = element_blank(),
                                  panel.background = element_blank())  # Change ggplot2 theme

  plot (surv_plot)

  if (savePlots) ggsave((paste0("survival-diagnosed", ".tiff")), plot = plot(surv_plot), device = "tiff", dpi = 300)

  fitcox <- coxph(Surv(age, death) ~ copd, data = cohort)
  ftest <- cox.zph(fitcox)


#' Returns results of validation tests for diagnosis
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_diagnosis <- function(n_sim = 1e+04) {
  message("Let's take a look at diagnosis\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("Here are the proportion of COPD patients diagnosed over model time: \n")

  diag <- data.frame(Year=1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  diag$Proportion <- round(diag$Diagnosed/diag$COPD,2)


  message("The average proportion diagnosed from year", round(length(diag$Proportion)/2,0), "to", length(diag$Proportion), "is",

  diag.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=diag, key="Variable", value="Number", c(COPD,Diagnosed))

  diag.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(diag.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Number, col=Variable)) +
                  geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                  theme_bw() + ylab("Number of COPD patients") + xlab("Years")


  message("Now let's look at the proportion diagnosed by COPD severity.\n")

  prop <- data.frame(Year=1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(prop) <- c("Year","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")
  prop <- prop[-1,]

  message("The average proportion of GOLD 1 and 2 that are diagnosed from year", round(nrow(prop)/2,0), "to", max(prop$Year), "is",
      (mean(prop$GOLD1[round((nrow(prop)/2),0):nrow(prop)]) + mean(prop$GOLD2[round((nrow(prop)/2),0):nrow(prop)]))/2,"\n")

  prop.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=prop, key="GOLD", value="Proportion", c(GOLD1:GOLD4))

  prop.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(prop.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Proportion, col=GOLD)) +
                    geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                    theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion diagnosed") + xlab("Years")



#' Returns results of validation tests for GP visits
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_gpvisits <- function(n_sim = 1e+04) {
  message("Let's take a look at GP visits\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("Here is the Average number of GP visits by sex:\n")

  GPSex <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(GPSex) <- c("Year","Male","Female")


  GPSex.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=GPSex, key="Sex", value="Visits", c(Male,Female))

  GPSex.plot <- subset(GPSex.plot, Year!=1)

  GPSex.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(GPSex.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Visits, col=Sex)) +
                      geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                      theme_bw() + ylab("Average GP visits/year") + xlab("Years")



  message("Here is the Average number of GP visits by COPD severity:\n")

  GPCOPD <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(GPCOPD) <- c("Year","NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  GPCOPD.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=GPCOPD, key="COPD", value="Visits", c(NoCOPD:GOLD4))

  GPCOPD.plot <- subset(GPCOPD.plot, Year!=1)

  GPCOPD.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(GPCOPD.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Visits, col=COPD)) +
                        geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                        theme_bw() + ylab("Average GP visits/year") + xlab("Years")



  message("Here is the Average number of GP visits by COPD diagnosis status:\n")

  Diagnosed <- rowSums(output_ex$n_Diagnosed_by_ctime_sex)
  Undiagnosed <- rowSums(output_ex$cumul_time_by_ctime_GOLD[,2:5]) - Diagnosed
  data <- cbind(Undiagnosed, Diagnosed)

  GPDiag<- data.frame(Year=1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,


  GPDiag.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=GPDiag, key="Diagnosis", value="Visits", c(Undiagnosed,Diagnosed))

  GPDiag.plot <- subset(GPDiag.plot, Year!=1)

  GPDiag.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(GPDiag.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Visits, col=Diagnosis)) +
                        geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                        theme_bw() + ylab("Average GP visits/year") + xlab("Years")




#' Returns results of validation tests for Symptoms
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_symptoms <- function(n_sim = 1e+04) {
  message("Let's take a look at symptoms\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("I'm going to plot the prevalence of each symptom over time and by GOLD stage\n")

  cough <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(cough) <- c("Year","NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  # plot
  cough.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=cough, key="GOLD", value="Prevalence", NoCOPD:GOLD4)
  cough.plot$Symptom <- "cough"

  cough.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(cough.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Prevalence, col=GOLD)) +
                      geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y~x, level=0) + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                      theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion with cough") + xlab("Model Year")




  phlegm <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(phlegm) <- c("Year","NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  # plot
  phlegm.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=phlegm, key="GOLD", value="Prevalence", NoCOPD:GOLD4)
  phlegm.plot$Symptom <- "phlegm"

  phlegm.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(phlegm.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Prevalence, col=GOLD)) +
    geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y~x, level=0) + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
    theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion with phlegm") + xlab("Model Year")




  wheeze <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(wheeze) <- c("Year","NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  # plot
  wheeze.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=wheeze, key="GOLD", value="Prevalence", NoCOPD:GOLD4)
  wheeze.plot$Symptom <- "wheeze"

  wheeze.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(wheeze.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Prevalence, col=GOLD)) +
    geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y~x, level=0) + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
    theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion with wheeze") + xlab("Model Year")




  dyspnea <- data.frame(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  names(dyspnea) <- c("Year","NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  # plot
  dyspnea.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=dyspnea, key="GOLD", value="Prevalence", NoCOPD:GOLD4)
  dyspnea.plot$Symptom <- "dyspnea"

  dyspnea.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(dyspnea.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Prevalence, col=GOLD)) +
    geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y~x, level=0) + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
    theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion with dyspnea") + xlab("Model Year")


  message("All symptoms plotted together:\n")

  all.plot <- rbind(cough.plot, phlegm.plot, wheeze.plot, dyspnea.plot)

  all.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(all.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Prevalence, col=GOLD)) +
    geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y~x, level=0) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Symptom) +
    expand_limits(y = 0) +  theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion with symptom") + xlab("Model Year")



#' Returns results of validation tests for Treatment
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_treatment<- function(n_sim = 1e+04) {
  message("Let's make sure that treatment (which is initiated at diagnosis) is affecting the exacerbation rate.\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("Exacerbation rate for undiagnosed COPD patients.\n")

  undiagnosed <- data.frame(cbind(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon, output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity_undiagnosed/
                                    (rowSums(output_ex$n_COPD_by_ctime_severity[,-1]) - rowSums(output_ex$n_Diagnosed_by_ctime_sex))))

  names(undiagnosed) <- c("Year","Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")
  undiagnosed$Diagnosis <- "undiagnosed"

  message("Exacerbation rate for diagnosed COPD patients.\n")

  diagnosed <- data.frame(cbind(1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  diagnosed[1,2:5] <- c(0,0,0,0)
  names(diagnosed) <- c("Year","Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")
  diagnosed$Diagnosis <- "diagnosed"

  # plot
  exac.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=rbind(undiagnosed, diagnosed), key="Exacerbation", value="Rate", Mild:VerySevere)

  exac.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(exac.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Rate, fill=Diagnosis)) +
                      geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") + facet_wrap(~Exacerbation, labeller=label_both) +
                      scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
                      xlab("Model Year") + ylab("Annual rate of exacerbations") + theme_bw()



  message("Now, set the treatment effects to 0 and make sure the number of exacerbations increased among diagnosed patients.\n")

  init_session(settings = settings)

  input_nt <- model_input$values

  input_nt$medication$medication_ln_hr_exac <- rep(0, length(inputs$medication$medication_ln_hr_exac))

  res <- run(input = input_nt)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs_nt <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex_nt <- Cget_output_ex()

  exac.diff <- data.frame(cbind(1:inputs_nt$global_parameters$time_horizon,
                          output_ex_nt$n_exac_by_ctime_severity_diagnosed - output_ex$n_exac_by_ctime_severity_diagnosed))

  names(exac.diff) <- c("Year","Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")

  message("Without treatment, there was an average of:\n")
  message(mean(exac.diff$Mild),"more mild exacerbations,\n")
  message(mean(exac.diff$Moderate),"more moderate exacerbations,\n")
  message(mean(exac.diff$Severe),"more severe exacerbations, and\n")
  message(mean(exac.diff$VerySevere),"more very severe exacerbations per year.\n")

  message("Now, set all COPD patients to diagnosed, then undiagnosed, and compare the exacerbation rates.\n")

  init_session(settings = settings)

  input_nd <- model_input$values

  input_nd$diagnosis$logit_p_prevalent_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=-100, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                            cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,
                                                                     female=c(intercept=-100-0.1638, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                              cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,

  input_nd$diagnosis$p_hosp_diagnosis <- 0

  input_nd$diagnosis$logit_p_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=-100, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                                  gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,
                                                           female=c(intercept=-100-0.4873, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                                    gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,

  input_nd$diagnosis$logit_p_overdiagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=-100, age=0.0025, smoking=0.6911, gpvisits=0.0075,
                                                                      cough=0.7264, phlegm=0.7956, wheeze=0.66, dyspnea=0.8798,
                                                               female=c(intercept=-100+0.2597, age=0.0025, smoking=0.6911, gpvisits=0.0075,
                                                                        cough=0.7264, phlegm=0.7956, wheeze=0.66, dyspnea=0.8798,

  res <- run(input = input_nd)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  output_ex_nd <- Cget_output_ex()

  exac_rate_nodiag <- rowSums(output_ex_nd$n_exac_by_ctime_severity)/rowSums(output_ex_nd$n_COPD_by_ctime_sex)



  init_session(settings = settings)

  input_d <- model_input$values

  input_d$diagnosis$logit_p_prevalent_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=100, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                        cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,
                                                                 female=c(intercept=100-0.1638, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                          cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,

  input_d$diagnosis$p_hosp_diagnosis <- 1

  input_d$diagnosis$logit_p_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=100, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                              gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,
                                                       female=c(intercept=100-0.4873, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                                gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,

  res <- run(input = input_d)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs_d <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex_d <- Cget_output_ex()

  exac_rate_diag <- rowSums(output_ex_d$n_exac_by_ctime_severity)/rowSums(output_ex_d$n_COPD_by_ctime_sex)

  message("Annual exacerbation rate (this is also plotted):\n")

  trt_effect<- data.frame(Year=1:inputs_d$global_parameters$time_horizon,
                          Diagnosed = exac_rate_diag,
                          Undiagnosed = exac_rate_nodiag)

  trt_effect$Delta <- (trt_effect$Undiagnosed - trt_effect$Diagnosed)/trt_effect$Undiagnosed


  message("Treatment reduces the rate of exacerbations by a mean of:", mean(trt_effect$Delta),"\n")

  # plot
  trt.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=trt_effect, key="Diagnosis", value="Rate", Diagnosed:Undiagnosed)

  trt.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(trt.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Rate, col=Diagnosis)) +
                            geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
                            theme_bw() + ylab("Annual exacerbation rate") + xlab("Years")



#' Returns results of Case Detection strategies
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @param p_of_CD probability of recieving case detection given that an agent meets the selection criteria
#' @param min_age minimum age that can recieve case detection
#' @param min_pack_years minimum pack years that can recieve case detection
#' @param only_smokers set to 1 if only smokers should recieve case detection
#' @param CD_method Choose one case detection method: CDQ195", "CDQ165", "FlowMeter", "FlowMeter_CDQ"
#' @return results of case detection strategy compared to no case detection
#' @export
test_case_detection <- function(n_sim = 1e+04, p_of_CD=0.1, min_age=40, min_pack_years=0, only_smokers=0, CD_method="CDQ195") {
  message("Comparing a case detection strategy to no case detection.\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
#  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  input$diagnosis$p_case_detection <- p_of_CD
  input$diagnosis$min_cd_age <- min_age
  input$diagnosis$min_cd_pack_years <- min_pack_years
  input$diagnosis$min_cd_smokers <-only_smokers

  input$diagnosis$logit_p_prevalent_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=1.0543, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                     cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,
                                                              female=c(intercept=1.0543-0.1638, age=-0.0152, smoking=0.1068, fev1=-0.6146,
                                                                       cough=0.075, phlegm=0.283, wheeze=-0.0275, dyspnea=0.5414,

  input$diagnosis$logit_p_diagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=-2, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                           gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,
                                                    female=c(intercept=-2-0.4873, age=-0.0324, smoking=0.3711, fev1=-0.8032,
                                                             gpvisits=0.0087, cough=0.208, phlegm=0.4088, wheeze=0.0321, dyspnea=0.722,

  input$diagnosis$logit_p_overdiagnosis_by_sex <- cbind(male=c(intercept=-5.2169, age=0.0025, smoking=0.6911, gpvisits=0.0075,
                                                               cough=0.7264, phlegm=0.7956, wheeze=0.66, dyspnea=0.8798,
                                                        female=c(intercept=-5.2169+0.2597, age=0.0025, smoking=0.6911, gpvisits=0.0075,
                                                                 cough=0.7264, phlegm=0.7956, wheeze=0.66, dyspnea=0.8798,
  message("Here are your inputs for the case detection strategy:\n")

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output <- Cget_output()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  # Exacerbations
  exac <- output$total_exac
  names(exac) <- c("Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")
    # rate
  total.gold <- colSums(output_ex$n_COPD_by_ctime_severity[,2:5])
  names(total.gold) <- c("GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")

  exac.gs <- data.frame(output_ex$n_exac_by_gold_severity)
  colnames(exac.gs) <- c("Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")

  exac_rate <- rbind(GOLD1=exac.gs[1,]/total.gold[1],
  exac_rate$CD <- "Case detection"
  exac_rate$GOLD <- rownames(exac_rate)

  # GOLD
  gold <- data.frame(CD="Case detection",
  gold$GOLD <- c("NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")


  ## Rerunning with no case detection

  init_session(settings = settings)

  input_nocd <- model_input$values

  input_nocd$diagnosis$p_case_detection <- 0

  message("Now setting the probability of case detection to", input_nocd$diagnosis$p_case_detection, "and re-running the model\n")

  res <- run(input = input_nocd)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs_nocd <- Cget_inputs()
  output_nocd <- Cget_output()
  output_ex_nocd <- Cget_output_ex()

  # Exacerbations
  exac_nocd <- output_nocd$total_exac
  names(exac_nocd) <- c("Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")
    # rate
  total.gold_nocd <- colSums(output_ex_nocd$n_COPD_by_ctime_severity[,2:5])
  names(total.gold_nocd) <- c("GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")

  exac.gs_nocd <- data.frame(output_ex_nocd$n_exac_by_gold_severity)
  colnames(exac.gs_nocd) <- c("Mild","Moderate","Severe","VerySevere")

  exac_rate_nocd <- rbind(GOLD1=exac.gs_nocd[1,]/total.gold_nocd[1],
  exac_rate_nocd$CD <- "No Case detection"
  exac_rate_nocd$GOLD <- rownames(exac_rate_nocd)

  # GOLD
  gold_nocd<- data.frame(CD="No case detection",
  gold_nocd$GOLD <- c("NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4")

  ## Difference between CD and No CD
  # Exacerbations
  exac.diff <- data.frame(cbind(CD=exac, NOCD=exac_nocd))
  exac.diff$Delta <- exac.diff$CD - exac.diff$NOCD

  message("Here are total number of exacerbations by severity:\n")

  message("The annual rate of exacerbations with case detection is:\n")
  message("The annual rate of exacerbations without case detection is:\n")
  message("This data is also plotted.\n")

  exac.plot <- tidyr::gather(rbind(exac_rate, exac_rate_nocd), key="Exacerbation", value="Rate", Mild:VerySevere)

  exac.plotted <-ggplot2::ggplot(exac.plot, aes(x=Exacerbation, y=Rate, fill=CD)) +
                      geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") + facet_wrap(~GOLD, scales="free_y") +
                      scale_y_continuous(expand = expand_scale(mult=c(0, 0.1))) +
                      xlab("Exacerbation") + ylab("Annual rate of exacerbations") + theme_bw()

  exac.plotted <- exac.plotted + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) +
                    theme(legend.title = element_blank())


  # GOLD
  # plot
  message("The average proportion of agents in each gold stage is also plotted.\n")

  gold.plot <- rbind(gold, gold_nocd)

  gold.plot$GOLD <- factor(gold.plot$GOLD, levels=c("NoCOPD","GOLD1","GOLD2","GOLD3","GOLD4"))

  gold.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(gold.plot, aes(x=GOLD, y=Proportion, fill=CD)) +
                      geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
                      scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits=c(0,1)) +
                      xlab("GOLD stage") + ylab("Average proportion") + theme_bw()

  gold.plotted <- gold.plotted + theme(legend.title = element_blank())




#' Returns results of validation tests for overdiagnosis
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results
#' @export
validate_overdiagnosis <- function(n_sim = 1e+04) {
  message("Let's take a look at overdiagnosis\n")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_none"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- 0
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

  res <- run(input = input)
  if (res < 0)
    stop("Execution stopped.\n")

  inputs <- Cget_inputs()
  output_ex <- Cget_output_ex()

  message("Here are the proportion of non-COPD subjects overdiagnosed over model time: \n")

  overdiag <- data.frame(Year=1:inputs$global_parameters$time_horizon,

  overdiag$Proportion <- overdiag$Overdiagnosed/overdiag$NonCOPD


  message("The average proportion overdiagnosed from year", round(length(overdiag$Proportion)/2,0), "to", length(overdiag$Proportion), "is",

  overdiag.plot <- tidyr::gather(data=overdiag, key="Variable", value="Number", c(NonCOPD, Overdiagnosed))

  overdiag.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(overdiag.plot, aes(x=Year, y=Number, col=Variable)) +
    geom_line() + geom_point() + expand_limits(y = 0) +
    theme_bw() + ylab("Number of non-COPD subjects") + xlab("Years")





#' Returns results of validation tests for medication module.
#' @param n_sim number of agents
#' @return validation test results for medication
#' @export

validate_medication <- function(n_sim = 5e+04) {
  message("Plotting medimessageion usage over time:")

  settings <- default_settings
  settings$record_mode <- record_mode["record_mode_event"]
  settings$agent_stack_size <- 0
  settings$n_base_agents <- n_sim
  settings$event_stack_size <- settings$n_base_agents * 1.7 * 30
  init_session(settings = settings)

  input <- model_input$values

res <- run(input = input)
if (res < 0)
  stop("Execution stopped.\n")

all_events <- as.data.frame(Cget_all_events_matrix())
all_annual_events <- all_events[all_events$event==1,] # only annual event

# Prop on each med class over time and by gold
all_annual_events$time <- floor(all_annual_events$local_time + all_annual_events$time_at_creation)

med.plot <- all_annual_events %>%
  group_by(time, gold) %>%
  count(medication_status) %>%

med.plot$gold <- as.character(med.plot$gold )

# overall among COPD patients
copd <- med.plot %>%
  filter(gold>0) %>%
  group_by(time, medication_status) %>%
  summarise(n=sum(n)) %>%
  mutate(prop=n/sum(n), gold="all copd") %>%
  select(time, gold, everything())

med.plot <- rbind(med.plot, copd)

med.plot$medication_status <- ifelse(med.plot$medication_status==0,"none",

med.plotted <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=med.plot, aes(x=time, y=prop, col=medication_status)) +
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~gold, labeller=label_both) +
  expand_limits(y = 0) + theme_bw() + ylab("Proportion per medication class") + xlab("Years") +



resplab/epicR documentation built on May 20, 2023, 7:35 p.m.