
Defines functions summary.ccmodel edf.ccmodel BIC.ccmodel AIC.ccmodel logLik.ccmodel coef.ccmodel iwls_logit

Documented in AIC.ccmodel BIC.ccmodel coef.ccmodel edf.ccmodel iwls_logit logLik.ccmodel summary.ccmodel

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - NAME:        iwls_logit.R
# - AUTHOR:      Reto Stauffer
# - DATE:        2018-11-28
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DESCRIPTION: Iterative weighted least squares solver for logistic
#                regression models. Used to estimate the concomitant
#                models in 'foehnix'.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - EDITORIAL:   2018-11-28, RS: Created file on thinkreto.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - L@ST MODIFIED: 2019-04-15 14:13 on marvin
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' IWLS Solver for Binary Logistic Regression Model
#' Iterative weighted least squares solver for a logistic regression
#' model. Used by \code{\link{foehnix.unreg.fit}} to estimate the
#' concomitant model of the two-component foehnix mixture models.
#' @param X model matrix including intercept (if required).
#' @param y response, can be binary or probabilities (values in \code{]0,1[}).
#' @param beta initial regression coefficients. If not set (\code{beta = NULL}, default),
#'        all coefficients will be initialized with \code{0}.
#' @param lambda if set to \code{NULL} (default) no penalty is used during optimization.
#'        A \code{float} can be provided for regularization (ridge/L2 penalty).
#' @param maxit integer, maximum number of iterations, default \code{100}.
#' @param tol float, tolerance for the improvement to check for convergence.
#' @param standardize logical. If set to \code{TRUE} (default) the model matrix
#'        containing the concomitant variables will be standardized.
#' @param verbose logical, if set to \code{FALSE} output is suppressed.
#' @param ... currently unused.
#' @param object object of type \code{ccmodel} (S3 methods).
#' @param which character, defines whether the coefficients should be returned on
#'        the original scale (\code{which = "coef"}) or the standardized scale
#'        (\code{which = "beta"}; identical if \code{standardize} was \code{FALSE}).
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{ccmodel} (concomitant model).
#' The object contains the following information:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{lambda} value used (or \code{NULL}).
#'     \item \code{edf} effective degrees of freedom. Equal to \code{P}
#'         (\code{ncol(X)}) if no regularization is used.
#'     \item \code{loglik} final log-likelihood sum of the model.
#'     \item \code{AIC} Akaike information criteria.
#'     \item \code{BIC} Bayesian information criteria.
#'     \item \code{converged} logical flag whether or not the algorithm
#'         converged (see \code{maxit}, \code{tol}).
#'     \item \code{beta} matrix of dimension \code{P x 1} containing the
#'         estimated and possibly standardized regression coefficients
#'         (see input \code{standardize}). If input \code{standardize = FALSE}
#'         \code{beta == coef}.
#'     \item \code{coef} matrix of dimension \code{P x 1} containing the
#'         destandardized regression coefficients. 
#' }
#' @details
#' Iterative (re-)weighted least squares solver for logistic regression model.
#' The basic call (\code{iwls_solver(X, y)}) solves the unregularized problem.
#' Input matrix \code{X} is the design matrix containing the concomitant
#' variables for the logistic regression model. Matrix is of dimension
#' \code{N x P} where \code{N} is the number of of observations, \code{P} the
#' number of concomitant variables (including the intercept, if required). If
#' more than one column contains constant values the script will throw an
#' error (solution no more identifiable).  \code{y} is the binary response
#' vector of length \code{N} containing \code{0}s and \code{1}s.
#' \code{beta} can be used to specify the initial regression parameters.  If
#' not set (\code{beta = NULL}; default) all parameters will be initialized
#' with \code{0}s.
#' If \code{lambda} is set (\code{float}) a ridge penalty will be added to
#' shrink the regression parameters.
#' The logical option \code{standardize} controls whether or not the model
#' matrix (covariates) should be standardized using Gaussian standardization
#' (\code{(x - mean(x)) / sd(x)}) for all columns with non-constant data. It
#' is recommended to use standardization (\code{standardize = TRUE}) to avoid
#' numerical problems.
#' \code{maxit} and \code{tol} allow to control the iterations of the IWLS
#' solver. \code{maxit} is the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' \code{tol} is used to check the log-likelihood improvements. If the
#' improvements compared with the previous iteration falls below this tolerance
#' the optimizer converged. If \code{maxit} is reached the solver will stop,
#' even if not converged.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{destandardize_coefficients}},
#' \code{\link{standardize}}, \code{\link{is.standardized}}
#' @examples
#' # Example data set
#' data("airquality")
#' airquality <- na.omit(airquality)
#' airquality$Ozone <- as.numeric(airquality$Ozone > 50)
#' # glm model
#' m1 <- glm(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#' # Setting up model.frame, response, and model matrix
#' mf <- model.frame(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality)
#' X  <- model.matrix(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality)
#' y  <- model.response(mf)
#' # Default call
#' m2 <- iwls_logit(X, y)
#' # With standardized coefficients
#' m3 <- iwls_logit(X, y, standardize = TRUE)
#' # No early stop, stop when maxit = 100 is reached. Will through
#' m4 <- iwls_logit(X, y, standardize = TRUE, tol = -Inf, maxit = 100)
#' # Comparing coefficients
#' print(cbind(coef(m1), m2$coef, m3$coef, m4$coef))
#' @author Reto Stauffer
#' @export
iwls_logit <- function(X, y, beta = NULL, lambda = NULL, standardize = TRUE,
                       maxit = 100L, tol = 1e-8, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    # NAns?
    if ( any(is.na(X)) ) stop("Input \"X\" contains NA values. Stop.")
    if ( any(is.na(y)) ) stop("Input \"y\" contains NA values. Stop.")

    # Checking inputs. Constant covariates (concomitant variables)
    # are not allowed except one column (intercept).
    if(sum(apply(X, 2, sd) == 0) > 1) stop("Multiple columns with constant values!")
    if ( min(y) < 0 | max(y) > 1 ) stop("y values out of range. Have to be within ]0,1[.")

    # Standardize design matrix?
    if ( standardize ) X <- standardize(X)

    # initialize regression coefficients if needed
    if ( is.null(beta) ) beta <- rep.int(0, ncol(X)) # FIXME: there is surely a better solution!

    # If all y in {0, 1} this is the binary response and we have to
    # calculate the initial values for the linear predictor and the
    # response (probabilities). If y in [0,1] these are already
    # probabilities.
    # Calculate linear predictor eta
    eta <- drop(X %*% beta)
    # Apply link function on linear predictor to get response prob (probabilities)
    prob  <- plogis(eta) 

    iter     <- 0L
    llpath   <- list()
    coefpath <- list()
    while( iter < maxit ) {
        # Increase iteration counter
        iter <- iter + 1L

        # New weights
        w <- sqrt(prob * (1 - prob)) + 1e-10
        if( is.null(lambda) ) { reg <- 0 } else { reg <- diag(ncol(X)) * lambda; reg[1,1] <- 0 }
        beta <- solve(t(X*w) %*% (X*w) + reg) %*% t(X*w) %*% (eta * w + (y - prob) / w)
        #beta <- matrix(lm.fit(X * w, eta * w + (y - prob)/w)$coefficients, ncol = 1)

        # Update latent response eta (X^\top \beta)
        eta  <- drop(X %*% beta)

        # Update response (probabilities)
        prob <- plogis(eta)

        # Update log-likelihood sum
        llpath[[iter]]   <- sum(y * eta - log(1 + exp(eta)))
        coefpath[[iter]] <- beta

        # Continue if iter == 1 and/or is.null(tol)
        if ( iter == 1L | is.null(tol) ) next

        if ( verbose) cat(sprintf("Iteration %d, ll = %15.4f, %s\r", iter, ll,
            ifelse(is.null(lambda), "unregularized", sprintf("lambda = %10.4f", lambda))))

        # Check if improvement falls below tolerance: early stopping,
        # remove latest likelihood/coefficients and stop iteration.
        if ( (llpath[[iter]] - llpath[[iter - 1L]]) < tol ) {
            # Falling below tolerance, return last step
            llpath[[iter]] <- NULL       # Remove latest likelihood
            coefpath[[iter]] <- NULL     # Remove latest set of coefficients
            iter <- iter - 1L; break     # Stop iteration

    llpath <- structure(do.call(rbind, llpath), dimnames = list(NULL, "loglik"))

    # Not converged? Drop warning.
    if ( ! is.null(tol) & iter == maxit ) warning("IWLS solver for logistic model did not converge.")

    if ( is.standardized(X) ) XDS <- destandardize(X) else XDS <- X
    beta.se <- as.matrix(sqrt(diag(solve(t(XDS*w) %*% (XDS*w)))))

    # Just naming the column containing the coefficients.
    beta <- coefpath[[iter]]  # Last set of coefficients
    colnames(beta) <- c("concomitant")    # Add column name to coefficient matrix

    # Calculate effective degrees of freedom
    if ( is.null(lambda) ) { reg <- 0 } else { reg <- diag(ncol(X)) * lambda; reg[1,1] <- 0 }
    edf <- sum(diag(t(X*w) %*% (X*w) %*% solve(t(X*w) %*% (X*w) + reg)))

    # Unscale coefficients if needed
    ll   <- tail(llpath, 1)
    rval <- list(call = match.call(), iterations = iter,
                 lambda = lambda,
                 edf    = setNames(drop(edf), "edf"),
                 loglik = setNames(drop(ll), "loglik"),
                 AIC    = setNames(drop(-2 * ll + 2 * edf), "AIC"),
                 BIC    = setNames(drop(-2 * ll + log(nrow(X)) * edf), "BIC"),
                 converged = ifelse(iter < maxit, TRUE, FALSE))
    rval$beta      <- beta
    rval$beta.se   <- beta.se
    rval$coef      <- if ( standardize ) destandardize_coefficients(beta, X) else beta

    # Return list object containing
    # - edf (numeric): effective degrees of freedom
    # - loglik (numeric): log-likelihood of the model
    # - converged (logical): flag whether or not the iterative solver converged
    # - beta/coef (matrix): standardized and de-standardized coefficients. If
    #       input "standardized = FALSE" beta and coef are identical.
    class(rval) <- "ccmodel"

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
coef.ccmodel <- function(object, which = "coef", ...) {
    which <- match.arg(which, c("coef", "beta"))
    c <- as.data.frame(t(object[[which]][,1]))
    c <- structure(as.numeric(c), names = sprintf("cc.%s", names(c)))
#    names(c) <- sprintf("cc.%s", names(c))

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
logLik.ccmodel <- function(object, ...) return(object$loglik)

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
AIC.ccmodel <- function(object, ...)    return(object$AIC)

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
BIC.ccmodel <- function(object, ...)    return(object$BIC)

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
edf.ccmodel <- function(object, ...)    return(object$edf)

#' @rdname iwls_logit
#' @export
summary.ccmodel <- function(object, ...) {

    cat("\nConcomitant model: z test of coefficients\n")

    res <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = length(coef(object)),
                  dimnames = list(names(coef(object)),
                                  c("Estimate", "Std. error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")))
    res[,"Estimate"]     <- as.numeric(coef(object))
    res[,"Std. error"]   <- as.numeric(object$beta.se)
    res[,"z value"]      <- res[,"Estimate"] / res[,"Std. error"]
    res[,"Pr(>|z|)"]     <- 2 * pnorm(0, abs(res[,"z value"]))

    printCoefmat(res, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)

    cat(sprintf("Number of IWLS iterations: %d (%s)\n", object$iterations,
        ifelse(object$converged, "algorithm converged", "algorithm did not converge")))
    cat("Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1.\n")

retostauffer/Rfoehnix documentation built on June 5, 2023, 11:39 p.m.