
Defines functions convertPricesToReturns dateFilter defineBenchmark download_FF_5_factor_monthly download_FF_5_factor_daily download_FF_5_factor ffModelLM_sub ffModelLM ffModelStepLM_sub ffModelStepLM faCommonDate ffMergeXTS faAlignXTS coefficients_lm coefficients_step rbsa rbsa_calc regressStats rbsa_rolling rbsa_bootstrap scrapeQuoteSummary getPrices getPricesAndReturns makeCompleteMonths getRiskFree downloadDailyReturns downloadMonthlyReturns

Documented in coefficients_lm coefficients_step convertPricesToReturns dateFilter defineBenchmark download_FF_5_factor download_FF_5_factor_daily download_FF_5_factor_monthly downloadMonthlyReturns faAlignXTS faCommonDate ffMergeXTS ffModelLM ffModelLM_sub ffModelStepLM ffModelStepLM_sub getPrices getPricesAndReturns getRiskFree makeCompleteMonths rbsa rbsa_bootstrap rbsa_calc rbsa_rolling regressStats scrapeQuoteSummary

library(xts, quietly = TRUE)
library(readr, quietly = TRUE)
library(quantmod, quietly=TRUE)
library(MASS, quietly = TRUE)
#library(FactorAnalytics, quietly = TRUE)
library(rvest, quietly = TRUE)
library(RQuantLib, quietly = TRUE)
library(PerformanceAnalytics, quietly = TRUE)
library(lubridate, quietly = TRUE)

#' Converts prices to returns    
#' @param prices xts of prices such as returned by getPrices function
#' @param freq M for monthly, or D for daily
#' @return If ncol(prices)==1, an xts object, else a list with xts object of returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' convertPricesToReturns(p)

convertPricesToReturns <- function(prices, freq="D"){
    if(toupper(freq)=="D") {
        rets <- lapply(1:ncol(prices),function(x) periodReturn(prices[,x],period="daily", leading=TRUE))
    } else {
        rets <- lapply(1:ncol(prices),function(x) periodReturn(prices[,x],period="monthly", leading=TRUE))
        rets <- lapply(rets, function(x) makeCompleteMonths(x))
    rets <- lapply(rets,function(x) x[-1]) # remove first row which is 0
    names(rets) <- colnames(prices)
    for(i in 1:length(rets)){
        colnames(rets[[i]]) <- names(rets)[i]
    if(length(rets)==1) rets <- rets[[1]]

#' Filter (subset) an xts object
#' Subsets an xts object from start (s) to end (e).  If either is omitted, the earliest or latest observation is used
#' If n is not null it will return n observations from the last date (e).
#' @param xtsData xts object to be filtered (subsetted) 
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @return xts object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dateFilter(xtsOjbect,s="2012-12-31",e="2017-12-31")
#' dateFilter(xtsOjbect,e="2017-12-31", n=60)

dateFilter <- function(xtsData,s=NULL,e=NULL,n=NULL){
    if(is.null(s)) s<- start(xtsData[1])
    if(is.null(e)) e<- end(xtsData)
    #data <- xtsData[paste(s, e, sep="/")]
    data <- xtsData[paste(lubridate::as_date(s),lubridate::as_date(e),sep="/")]

#' Define a benchmark    
#' A benchmark is used to compare the performance of a fund against. A benchmark may be a single symbol with a weight of 1,
#' or a blend of multiple symbols (a vector) 
#' @param shortName A short name used much the way a symbol (ticker) might be used as a column head.
#' @param description A longer description of the benchmark (e.g., 50% S&P 500 / 50% Barclay's Agg)
#' @param symbol A symbol (ticker) or character vector of symbols 
#' @param weights Weights of the symbol(s). Length must match the symbol
#' @param startDate Start date to get the prices for the benchmarks
#' @param freq Frequency of returns for the benchmark ("M" or "D")
#' @return List with information about the benchmark
#' @export
#' @examples
#' defineBenchmark("SP500","S&P 500 ETF", "SPY", 1)
#' defineBenchmark("Bench","50% S&P 500 / 50% Barclay's Agg", c("SPY","AGG"), c(0.5,0.5))

defineBenchmark <- function(shortName="Bench", description="Benchmark", symbol=NULL, weights=1,
                            startDate="1970-01-01", freq="M"){
    if(length(symbol)!=length(weights)) stop("Error in defineBenchmark: length of symbol is not equal to length of weights.")
    out <- list()
    out$shortName <- shortName
    out$description <- description
    out$symbol <- symbol
    out$weights <- weights/sum(weights)
    p <- getPrices(symbol, startDate, "D")
    r.daily <- convertPricesToReturns(p, "D")
    r.monthly <- convertPricesToReturns(p, "M")
    r.daily <- faCommonDate(r.daily, "D")
    r.monthly <- faCommonDate(r.monthly, "M")
    r.matrix.daily <- matrix(unlist(r.daily),ncol=length(r.daily))
    r.xts.daily <- xts(r.matrix.daily,order.by = index(r.daily[[1]]))
    colnames(r.xts.daily) <- names(r.daily)
        out$returns.daily <- r.xts.daily
    } else {
        b.ret <- t(apply(r.xts.daily,1,function(x) x*weights))
        out$returns.daily <- xts(apply(b.ret,1,sum), order.by = index(r.xts.daily))
    r.matrix.monthly <- matrix(unlist(r.monthly),ncol=length(r.monthly))
    r.xts.monthly <- xts(r.matrix.monthly,order.by = index(r.monthly[[1]]))
    colnames(r.xts.monthly) <- names(r.monthly)
        out$returns.monthly <- r.xts.monthly
    } else {
        b.ret <- t(apply(r.xts.monthly,1,function(x) x*weights))
        out$returns.monthly <- xts(apply(b.ret,1,sum), order.by = index(r.xts.monthly))

#' Download Fama-French 5 factor monthly     
#' source: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ftp/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_CSV.zip
#' @return xts object with monthly data for Fama-French model
#' @examples
#' download_FF_5_factor_monthly()

download_FF_5_factor_monthly <- function(){
    ff_url <- "http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ftp/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_CSV.zip"
    temp <- tempfile()
    ff_data <- read.csv(unz(temp,"F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3.CSV"), skip=3, check.names=TRUE)
    idx <- which(ff_data[,1]== " Annual Factors: January-December ")
    ff_data <- data.frame(apply(ff_data,2,as.numeric))
    ff_data<-as.xts(ff_data, order.by=as.yearmon(as.character(ff_data$X),"%Y%m"))

#' Download Fama-French 5 factor daily data    
#' source: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ftp/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_daily_CSV.zip
#' @return xts object with daily data for Fama-French model
#' @examples
#' download_FF_5_factor_daily()

download_FF_5_factor_daily <- function(){
    ff_url <- "http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ftp/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_daily_CSV.zip"
    temp <- tempfile()
    ff_data <- read.csv(unz(temp,"F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_daily.CSV"), skip=3, check.names=TRUE)
    ff_data <- xts(ff_data, order.by=as.Date(as.character(ff_data$X),"%Y%m%d"))
    ff_data <- ff_data[,-1]

#' Download Fama-French 5 factor model data from Ken French website    
#' @param freq Either "M" for monthly data or "D" for daily data
#' @return xts object with the daily or monthly data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' download_FF_5_factor("M")
#' download_FF_5_factor("D")

download_FF_5_factor <- function(freq="M"){
    if (toupper(substr(freq,1,1))=="M") {
        out <- download_FF_5_factor_monthly()
    } else {
        out <- download_FF_5_factor_daily()

#' Generates individual lm model for a fund using Fama-French data    
#' Not public.  
#' @param y Returns of fund
#' @param ff_data Fama-French data
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of periods
#' @return lm model
#' @examples
#' ffModelLM_sub(y,ff_data)

ffModelLM_sub <- function(y,ff_data,s=NULL,e=NULL,n=NULL){
    data <- ffMergeXTS(y,ff_data,s,e,n)
    mdl <- lm(y~Mkt.RF+SMB+HML+RMW+CMA+RF,data=data)

#' Generates lm models for one or more funds using Fama-French data as independent variables    
#' @param rets List of returns such as generated by convertPricesToReturns()
#' @param ff_data Fama-French data in same frequency as Y
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @return List of lm models
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ffModelLM(rets, ff_data)

ffModelLM <- function(rets,ff_data,s=NULL,e=NULL,n=NULL){
    out <- lapply(rets, function(x) ffModelLM_sub(y=x,ff_data=ff_data,s=s,e=e,n=n))
    names(out) <- names(rets)

#' Generates an lm model using stepwise regression
#' @param y Fund returns
#' @param ff_data Fama-French data
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @return lm model
#' @examples
#' ffModelStepLM_sub(y,ff_data)

ffModelStepLM_sub <- function(y,ff_data, s=NULL, e=NULL, n=NULL){
    data <- ffMergeXTS(y,ff_data,s,e,n)
    mdl <- lm(y~Mkt.RF+SMB+HML+RMW+CMA+RF,data=data)
    return(stepAIC(mdl, direction="both",trace=0))

#' Generates list of lm models using step-wise regression
#' @param y Fund returns
#' @param ff_data Fama-French data
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of periods
#' @return List of lm models
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ffModelStepLM(y,ff_data)

ffModelStepLM <- function(rets,ff_data, s=NULL, e=NULL, n=NULL){
    out <- lapply(rets, function(x) ffModelStepLM_sub(y=x,ff_data=ff_data,s=s,e=e,n=n))
    names(out) <- names(rets)

#' Find common period between xts objects    
#' Given a list of xts objects, it returns a list of those objects with the longest common period (starting at most recent start,
#' and ending at earliest end)
#' @param rets List of xts objects
#' @param freq "M" for monthly, "D" for daily
#' @return List of xts objects with common dates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' faCommonDate(rets)

faCommonDate <- function(rets, freq="M"){
    out<-lapply(rets, function(x) x[paste0(as.Date(s, origin="1970-01-01"),"/",as.Date(e, origin="1970-01-01"))])

#' Merge return series with Fama-French data
#' Merges a xts object of returns with the ff data xts object.
#' @param y Fund return
#' @param ff_data Fama-French data
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @return xts object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ffMergeXTS(y,ff_data)

ffMergeXTS <- function(y,ff_data,s=NULL,e=NULL,n=NULL){
    data <- merge.xts(ff_data,y,join = "inner")
    data <-dateFilter(data,s,e,n)
    colnames(data)[ncol(data)] <- "y"

#' Align date indices of two xts objects
#' @param xts1 First xts object
#' @param xts2 Second xts object
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of periods
#' @return List with two xts objects with the same indices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' faAlignXTS(xts1, xts2)
faAlignXTS <- function(xts1,
                       s = NULL,
                       e = NULL,
                       n = NULL) {
    ncol1 <- ncol(xts1)
    ncol2 <- ncol(xts2)
    out <- merge.xts(xts1, xts2, join = "inner")
    out <- dateFilter(out, s, e, n)
    out <- out[complete.cases(out), ]
    out <- list(out[, 1:ncol1], out[, (ncol1 + 1):(ncol1 + ncol2)])

#' Coefficients from lm models
#' @param lst List of lm models
#' @return Table with coefficients for each model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coefficients.lm(lst)

coefficients_lm <- function(lst){
    temp <- t(sapply(lst,coefficients))

#' Coefficients from stepwise models
#' @param lst List of stepwise models
#' @return Table with coefficients for each model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coefficients.step(lst)

coefficients_step <- function(lst){
    # create a matrix to hold all results
    mdl_coef <- matrix(0,nrow = length(lst), ncol=7)
    for(i in 1:length(lst)){

#' Returns based style analysis    
#' @param r.fund fund returns (xts)
#' @param r.style style returns (xts)
#' @param s start date
#' @param e end date
#' @param n number of observations
#' @param method method from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param leverage leverage from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param selection selection from Factor Analytics package's style.fit function
#' @param scale number of periods in a year
#' @return List of 3: weights, R.squared, and adj.R.squared
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RBSA(r.fund, r.style) 
rbsa <-
             s = NULL,
             e = NULL,
             n = NULL,
             method = "normalized",
             leverage = TRUE,
             selection = "AIC",
             scale = 12) {
        data <- faAlignXTS(r.fund, r.style, s, e, n)
        y <- data[[1]]
        x <- data[[2]]
        out <- rbsa_calc(y, x, method, leverage, selection, scale)

#' Calcualate a RBSA fit and regression statistics
#' @param y Fund series
#' @param x Style serices
#' @param method method from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param leverage leverage from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param selection selection from Factor Analytics package's style.fit function
#' @param scale number of periods in a year
#' @return List with weights, regStats, fund return, benchmark (style) return, excess return
#' @export
#' @examples rbsa_calc(y,x)
rbsa_calc <- function(y,x, method="normalized", leverage=TRUE, selection="AIC", scale=12, trace=0){
    out <- list()
    fit <- fa.style.fit(y,x, method=method, leverage=leverage, selection=selection, trace=0)
    out$weights <- unlist(fit$weights)
    names(out$weights) <- colnames(x)
    yhat <- Return.portfolio(x,out$weights,geometric = FALSE)
    out$regStats <- regressStats(yhat, y, scale)
        out$fundReturn <- prod(1+y) - 1
        out$benchReturn <- prod(1+yhat) -1
    } else {
        out$fundReturn <- prod(1+y)^(scale/length(y)) - 1
        out$benchReturn  <- prod(1+yhat)^(scale/length(yhat)) -1
    out$excessReturn <- out$fundReturn - out$benchReturn

#' Calculate regression statistics
#' @param pred Predicted (yhat) values
#' @param y Actual values
#' @param scale number of periods in a year (default=12)
#' @return Vector with RSquared, TE (tracking error), MAE (mean absolute error),
#'   and RMSE (root mean square error)
#' @export
#' @examples regressStats(pred, y)
regressStats <- function(pred,y, scale=12){
    err <- pred - y
    rsquared <- cor(pred,y)^2
    te <- sd(err)*sqrt(scale)
    mae <- mean(abs(err))
    rmse <- sqrt(mean(err^2))
    return(c(RSquared=rsquared, TE=te,MAE=mae,RMSE=rmse))

#' Returns-based style analysis (RBSA) over a rolling window
#' @param r.fund Fund returns (xts)
#' @param r.style  Style returns (xts)
#' @param s Start date
#' @param e End date
#' @param n Number of Observations
#' @param method Method from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param leverage Leverage from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param width Number of observations in a window
#' @param selection Selection from Factor Analytics package's style.fit function
#' @return List containing: weights - xts object with one row per moving window containing the weights; 
#' meanSDofWeights - mean of the standard deviation of the columns of the weights.  Lower values represent 
#' more consistency of the weightings of the styles; regressStats - xts of the regression stats for each window 
#' including the rsquared (R2), tracking error (TE), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE);
#' fundReturn are the returns of the fund over each window; benchReturn are the returns of a benchmark defined by the 
#' style weight of the window (returns are annualized for periods exceeding one year); excessReturn is the fund 
#' return less the benchmark return.
#' @export
#' @examples RBSA_rolling(r.fund, r.style)
rbsa_rolling <- function(r.fund, r.style, s=NULL, e=NULL, n=NULL, method="normalized", leverage=TRUE, width=30, selection="AIC", scale=12){
    data <- faAlignXTS(r.fund, r.style, s, e, n)
    i <- seq(width,nrow(data[[1]])) # ending index positions
    idx <- index(data[[1]][i]) # index values used for xts conversion
    temp<-lapply(i, function(x) rbsa_calc(data[[1]][(x-width+1):x,], 
                                          method, leverage, selection))
    out$weights <- as.xts(t(sapply(1:length(i), function(x) temp[[x]]$weights)),order.by = idx)
    out$meanSDofWeights <- mean(apply(out$weights,2,sd))
    out$regressStats <- as.xts(t(sapply(1:length(i), function(x) temp[[x]]$regStats)), order.by = idx)
    out$fundReturn <- as.xts(sapply(1:length(i), function(x) temp[[x]]$fundReturn),order.by = idx)
    out$benchReturn <- as.xts(sapply(1:length(i), function(x) temp[[x]]$benchReturn),order.by = idx)
    out$excessReturn <- as.xts(sapply(1:length(i), function(x) temp[[x]]$excessReturn),order.by = idx)

#' Bootstrap of returns-based style analysis (RBSA)
#' @param r.fund Fund returns
#' @param r.style Style returns
#' @param n Number of trials (bootstrap)
#' @param method Method from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param leverage Leverage from Factor Analyticss package's style.fit function
#' @param width Number of observations in a window
#' @param selection Selection from Factor Analytics package's style.fit function
#' @param scale Number of periods in a year
#' @param seed If not NULL (default) this is used in the set.seed function.
#' @return List containing: weights - xts object with one row per moving window containing the weights; 
#' meanSDofWeights - mean of the standard deviation of the columns of the weights.  Lower values represent 
#' more consistency of the weightings of the styles; regressStats - xts of the regression stats for each window 
#' including the rsquared (R2), tracking error (TE), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE);
#' fundReturn are the returns of the fund over each window; benchReturn are the returns of a benchmark defined by the 
#' style weight of the window (returns are annualized for periods exceeding one year); excessReturn is the fund 
#' return less the benchmark return.
#' @export
#' @examples rbsa_rolling(r.fudn, r.style)
rbsa_bootstrap <- function(r.fund, r.style, n=120L, method="normalized", leverage=TRUE, 
                           width=30, selection="AIC", scale=12, seed=NULL){
    if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    data <- faAlignXTS(r.fund, r.style)
    nperiods <- nrow(data[[1]])
    if(width > nperiods) stop("Width greater than number of periods in the data")
    z <- t(replicate(n,sample(seq(1,nperiods),width, replace = TRUE)))
    temp <- lapply(1:n, function(x) {
        ry<-data[[1]][z[x, ]]
        rx<-data[[2]][z[x, ]]
        rbsa_calc(ry, rx, method, 
                  leverage, selection, scale = scale)
    # temp<-lapply(1:n, function(x) {rbsa_calc(data[[1]][z[x,]], 
    #                                          data[[2]][z[x,]],
    #                                          method, leverage, selection,
    #                                          scale=scale)})
    out$weights <- t(sapply(1:n, function(x) temp[[x]]$weights))
    colnames(out$weights) <- colnames(data[[2]])
    out$meanSDofWeights <- mean(apply(out$weights,2,sd))
    out$regressStats <- t(sapply(1:n, function(x) temp[[x]]$regStats))
    out$fundReturn <- sapply(1:n, function(x) temp[[x]]$fundReturn)
    out$benchReturn <- sapply(1:n, function(x) temp[[x]]$benchReturn)
    out$excessReturn <- sapply(1:n, function(x) temp[[x]]$excessReturn)

#' Scrape quote summary from Yahoo Finance
#' @param symbol Ticker of fund
#' @param ntries number of attempts after which NULL is returned
#' @return List with data from quote summary
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scrapeQuoteSummary("SPY")

scrapeQuoteSummary <- function(symbol, ntries=5){
    url <- paste0("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/",symbol,"?p=",symbol)
    attempt <- 0
    while(length(result)==0 && attempt <= ntries){
        attempt <- attempt +1
        webpage <- read_html(url)
        result <- html_nodes(webpage, "#quote-summary")
        result <- html_nodes(result, "table") %>% html_table()
    if(length(result) > 0){
        fundName <- html_nodes(webpage,"h1") %>% html_text()
        startPos <- regexpr(" - ",fundName)
        fundName <- substr(fundName,startPos+3,nchar(fundName))    
        out <-  c(symbol,fundName, result[[1]]$X2,result[[2]]$X2)
        names(out)<-c("Symbol","Fund Name",result[[1]]$X1,result[[2]]$X1)
    } else {
        warning(paste("scrapequotesummary failed after", ntries, "attempts for symbol", symbol))
        out <- NULL

#' Get prices for one or more symbols    
#' @param symbols Tickers of the mutual funds and ETFs
#' @param startDate default is 1970-01-01
#' @param freq M for monthly or D for daily
#' @param endDate default is today's date (Sys.Date)
#' @return xts object with prices. Index will be yearmon for monthly data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getPrices("IVV")
#' getPrices("IVV", startDate="2015-12-31", freq="D")

getPrices <- function(symbols, startDate="1970-01-01", freq="M", endDate=Sys.Date()){
    getSymbols(symbols,warnings=FALSE, from=startDate, to=endDate)
    data<-xts(frequency = "Date")
    for (symbol in symbols){
        #cat(symbol," ... ")
    index(data) <- as.Date(index(data))
    data <- na.omit(data)
    #colnames(data) <- sapply(colnames(data),function(x) substr(x,1,regexpr("\\.",x)-1))
    colnames(data) <- symbols
    if(toupper(freq) != "D"){
        mon_idx <- endpoints(data, on="months")
        data <- data[mon_idx,]

#' Get prices and returns for a set of symbols
#' @param symbols List of symbols
#' @param startDate Start date, default is 1970-01-01
#' @param endDate End date, default is today's date Sys.Date()
#' @return List of 3 items. Prices is an xts object with one column per symbol. returns.daily 
#' is a list with one item per symbol containing daily returns.  returns.monthly contains the monthly returns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getPricesAndReturns(c("FNDB","IVV","SPY"))

getPricesAndReturns <- function(symbols, startDate="1970-01-01", endDate=Sys.Date()){
    out$prices <- getPrices(symbols, startDate, freq = "D", endDate)
    out$returns.daily <- convertPricesToReturns(out$prices, freq="D")
    out$returns.monthly <- convertPricesToReturns(out$prices, freq="M")

#' Makes sure the last month in an xts object is a full trading month    
#' This is used when converting to monthly returns. If the last price was not at the end 
#' of a month (e.g. 2/13/2018) a return will still be produced for that month (Feb 2018). 
#' We may not want to use a partial month for some calculations such as when calculating
#' the return for the last x months, so we eliminate those types of months.  
#' @param x xts object
#' @return xts object
#' @examples
#' makeCompleteMonths(x)

makeCompleteMonths <- function(x){
    if(! isEndOfMonth("UnitedStates/NYSE",end(x))) x<-x[1:(length(x)-1)] # from RQuantLib package

#' Get price and returns for 13 Week Treasury Bills    
#' @return List with 4 xts objects: yield, prices, returns.daily, and returns.monthly
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getRiskFree()
getRiskFree <- function(){
    out <- list()
    out$yield <- getSymbols("^IRX",freq="M") # retrieve 13 Week TBill yields annualized
    out$yield <- Ad(IRX) # keep adjusted close
    out$yield <- na.omit(out$yield)/100 # remove NAs and convert to decimal 
    colnames(out$yield) <- "TBILL"
    rf.yld <- (1+out$yield)^(1/252) # convert to daily yield +1
    out$prices <- cumprod(rf.yld)

#' Download daily returns
#' @param tickers Symbols of securities
#' @param fromDate Start date (default=1970-12-31)
#' @param toDate End date (default is system date)
#' @return tibble object with daily returns
#' @export
#' @examples downloadDailyReturns("FNDB")
downloadDailyReturns <- function(tickers,
                                 fromDate = "1970-12-31",
                                 toDate = Sys.Date()){
    data <- riingo::riingo_prices(ticker = tickers,
                                  start_date = fromDate,
                                  end_date = toDate,
                                  resample_frequency = "daily")
    returns_daily <- data %>% mutate(date = ymd(date)) %>% group_by(ticker) %>% 
        tq_mutate(select = adjClose, mutate_fun = periodReturn,
              period = "daily", type = "arithmetic", leading = FALSE) %>% select(c("ticker", "date", "adjClose", "daily.returns")) %>%

#' Download monthly returns Produces only complete months
#' @param symbol Symbol (ticker) of security
#' @param fromDate Start date (default=1970-12-31)
#' @param toDate End date (default is system date)
#' @return xts object with monthly returns and a yearmon index
#' @export
#' @examples downloadMonthlyReturns("FNDB")
downloadMonthlyReturns <-
             fromDate = "1970-12-31",
             toDate = Sys.Date()) {
        cname <- make.names(symbol)
        if (day(toDate) > 1) {
            toDate <- make_date(year(toDate), month(toDate), 1)
        out <- NA
        try(out <- symbol %>%
                tq_get(get = "stock.prices",
                       from = fromDate,
                       to = toDate) %>%
                    select = adjusted,
                    mutate_fun = periodReturn,
                    period = "monthly",
                    col_rename = cname
            silent = TRUE)
        if (typeof(out) == "list")
            out <-
            xts(out[2:nrow(out), cname], order.by = as.yearmon(out$date, "%Y-%m-%d")[2:nrow(out)])

#' Calculate effective style weights
#' This is a clone of the style.fit function from the Factor Analytics package. The only difference is
#' that it includes a trace parameter to pass to the step function to control its output.
#' @param R.fund matrix, data frame, or zoo object with fund returns to be analyzed
#' @param R.style matrix, data frame, or zoo object with style index returns. Data object must be of the same length and time-aligned with R.fund
#' @param model logical. If 'model' = TRUE in style.QPfit, the full result set is shown from the output of solve.QP.
#' @param method specify the method of calculation of style weights as "constrained", "unconstrained", or "normalized". For more information, see style.fit
#' @param leverage logical, defaults to 'FALSE'. If 'TRUE', the calculation of weights assumes that leverage may be used. For more information, see style.fit
#' @param selection either "none" (default) or "AIC". If "AIC", then the function uses a stepwise regression to identify find the model with minimum AIC value. See step for more detail.
#' @param trace value passed to the step function to control feedback. Default is zero to suppress printing.
#' @param ...
#' @return list with weights and r-squared values.
#' @export
#' @examples fa.style.fit(R.fund, R.style)
fa.style.fit <- function (R.fund,
                          model = FALSE,
                          method = c("constrained", "unconstrained", "normalized"),
                          leverage = FALSE,
                          selection = c("none", "AIC"),
                          trace = 0,
    method = method[1]
    selection = selection[1]
    R.fund = checkData(R.fund)
    R.style = checkData(R.style)
    style.rows = dim(R.style)[1]
    style.cols = dim(R.style)[2]
    fund.rows = dim(R.fund)[1]
    fund.cols = dim(R.fund)[2]
    style.colnames = colnames(R.style)
    for (fund.col in 1:fund.cols) {
        if (method == "constrained") {
            column.result = style.QPfit(
                R.fund = R.fund[, fund.col,
                                drop = FALSE],
                R.style = R.style,
                leverage = leverage
            if (fund.col == 1) {
                result.weights = column.result$weights
                result.R2 = column.result$R.squared
                result.adjR2 = column.result$adj.R.squared
            else {
                result.weights = cbind(result.weights, column.result$weights)
                result.R2 = cbind(result.R2, column.result$R.squared)
                result.adjR2 = cbind(result.adjR2, column.result$adj.R.squared)
        else if (method == "unconstrained" |
                 method == "normalized") {
            column.lm = lm(R.fund[, fund.col] ~ 0 + ., data = R.style)
            if (selection == "AIC") {
                column.result = step(column.lm, trace = trace)
                if (fund.col == 1)
                    column.weights = data.frame(matrix(
                        rep(0, length(style.colnames) *
                        nrow = length(style.colnames),
                        ncol = fund.cols
                    row.names = style.colnames)
                column.coef = as.data.frame(coef(column.result))
                if (length(coef(column.result)) > 0) {
                    row.loc = match(rownames(column.coef),
                    for (i in 1:length(row.loc))
                                       fund.col] = column.coef[i, 1]
            else {
                column.result = column.lm
                column.weights = as.data.frame(coef(column.lm))
            rownames(column.weights) = colnames(R.style)
            colnames(column.weights) = colnames(R.fund)[fund.col]
            R2 = as.data.frame(summary(column.result)$r.squared)
            adjR2 = as.data.frame(summary(column.result)$adj.r.squared)
            colnames(R2) = colnames(R.fund)[fund.col]
            colnames(adjR2) = colnames(R.fund)[fund.col]
            rownames(R2) = "R-squared"
            rownames(adjR2) = "Adj R-squared"
            if (method == "normalized") {
                column.weights = column.weights / sum(column.weights)
            if (fund.col == 1) {
                result.weights = column.weights
                result.R2 = R2
                result.adjR2 = adjR2
            else {
                result.weights = cbind(result.weights, column.weights)
                result.R2 = cbind(result.R2, R2)
                result.adjR2 = cbind(result.adjR2, adjR2)
                "Method is mis-specified.  Select from \"constrained\", \"unconstrained\", or  \"normalized\""
    result = list(weights = result.weights,
                  R.squared = result.R2,
                  adj.R.squared = result.adjR2)
rexmacey/fundAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 5:50 p.m.