
Defines functions mcpotential

Documented in mcpotential

#' @title Compute the Potential Model using Parallelization
#' @description This function computes the potential model with a cutoff 
#' distance and parallel
#' computation.
#' @param x an sf object (POINT), the set of known observations to estimate
#' the potentials from.
#' @param y an sf object (POINT), the set of unknown units for which the
#' function computes the estimates.
#' @param var names of the variables in \code{x} from which potentials are
#' computed. Quantitative variables with no negative values.
#' @param fun spatial interaction function. Options are "p"
#' (pareto, power law) or "e" (exponential).
#' For pareto the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
#' For "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
#' exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
#' The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
#' (\code{beta} and \code{span}).
#' @param span distance where the density of probability of the spatial
#' interaction function equals 0.5.
#' @param beta impedance factor for the spatial interaction function.
#' @param limit maximum distance used to retrieve \code{x} points, in map units.
#' @param ncl number of clusters. \code{ncl} is set to
#' \code{parallel::detectCores() - 1} by default.
#' @param size \code{mcpotential} splits \code{y} in smaller chunks and
#' dispatches the computation in \code{ncl} cores, \code{size} indicates the
#' size of each chunks.
#' @return If only one variable is computed a vector is returned, if more than
#' one variable is computed a matrix is returned.
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_buffer st_centroid st_geometry st_intersects
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(sf)
#' g <- create_grid(x = n3_poly, res = 20000)
#' pot <- mcpotential(
#'   x = n3_pt, y = g, var = "POP19",
#'   fun = "e", span = 75000, beta = 2, 
#'   limit = 300000, 
#'   ncl = 2
#' )
#' g$OUTPUT <- pot
#' equipot <- equipotential(g, var = "OUTPUT", mask = n3_poly)
#' plot(equipot["center"], pal = hcl.colors(nrow(equipot), "cividis"))
#' }
mcpotential <- function(x, y, var, fun,
                        span, beta,
                        limit = 3 * span,
                        ncl, size = 500) {
  test_point(x, "x")
  test_point(y, "y")  
  # launch multiple cores
  if (missing(ncl)) {
    ncl <- parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE) - 1
    if (is.na(ncl)) {
      ncl <- 1
    if (ncl == 0) {
      ncl <- 1
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncl, setup_strategy = "sequential")

  # data simplification
  xsfc <- st_geometry(x)
  kgeom <- matrix(unlist(xsfc), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  v <- as.matrix(x = x[, var, drop = TRUE])

  ysfc <- st_geometry(y)

  # sequence to split unknowpts
  ny <- nrow(y)
  sequence <- unique(c(seq(1, ny, size), ny + 1))
  lseq <- length(sequence) - 1

  # split unknownpts and put it on a list
  ml <- list()
  for  (i in 1:lseq) {
    ml[[i]] <- ysfc[(sequence[i]):(sequence[i + 1] - 1)]

  # dispatch
  pot <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
      ysfc = ml,
      .packages = "sf",
      .combine = c,
      .inorder = FALSE
      # FUNS
      eucledian_simple <- function(from, to) {
        sqrt((from[1] - to[1])^2 + (from[2] - to[2])^2)
      if (fun == "e") {
        alpha <- log(2) / span^beta
        fric <- function(alpha, matdist, beta) {
          exp(-alpha * matdist^beta)
      if (fun == "p") {
        alpha <- (2^(1 / beta) - 1) / span
        fric <- function(alpha, matdist, beta) {
          (1 + alpha * matdist)^(-beta)

      # Buffer limit
      gbuf <- st_buffer(ysfc, limit)
      inter <- st_intersects(gbuf, xsfc, prepared = TRUE)

      # data transformation
      ugeom <- matrix(unlist(ysfc), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

      # go through each y
      l <- vector("list", nrow(ugeom))
      for (i in seq_along(l)) {
        kindex <- unlist(inter[i])
        kn <- kgeom[kindex, , drop = FALSE]
        un <- ugeom[i, ]
        matdist <- apply(kn, 1, eucledian_simple, un)
        un <- apply(
          X = v[kindex, , drop = FALSE],
          MARGIN = 2,
          FUN = function(x) {
            sum(x * fric(alpha, matdist, beta), na.rm = TRUE)
        l[[i]] <- un
  # stop parralel
  if (length(var) == 1) {
    pot <- as.numeric(pot)
  } else {
    pot <- matrix(pot,
      ncol = length(var), byrow = TRUE,
      dimnames = list(NULL, var)

riatelab/potential documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 7:15 a.m.