
"dplot.norm"<- function(dataset, labs = NULL, average = F,
                        main = "", xlab = "time (ms)", ylab = "",
                        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex = 0.5,
                        linetype = F, colour = T,
                        legn = "tl", axes = T, n = 20, printmatrix=T)
  ovec <- NULL
    ylim <- range(dataset$data)
    xlim <- c(0, 1)
  if(is.null(labs)) {
    legn <- ""
    labs <- rep(1, nrow(dataset$index))

  col.lty <- mu.colour(labs, colour, linetype)
  colour <- col.lty$colour
  linetype <- col.lty$linetype

  mat.na <- linear(dataset, n)
  mat.na$ftime <- dataset$ftime
  class(mat.na) <- "trackdata"

  xvec <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
  lval <- nrow(dataset$index)

  if(!average) {
    for(j in 1:lval) {
      plot(xvec, mat.na[j]$data, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, 
           xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F, type = "l", col
           = colour[j], lty = linetype[j])
      par(new = T)
    ovec$data <- mat.na
    ovec$time <- xvec
    ovec$labs <- labs
  else {
    if(!is.null(labs)) {
      outmat <- NULL
      outlabs <- NULL
      for(j in unique(labs)) {
        temp <- labs == j
        vals <- mat.na[temp]$data
        vals <- matrix(vals, ncol = n, byrow = T)
        ## take the mean only if there are more than one
        if( is.matrix(vals) ) {
          mvals <- apply(vals, 2, mean)
        } else {
          mvals <- vals
        outmat <- rbind(outmat, mvals)
        outlabs <- c(outlabs, j)
    } else {
      outmat <- apply(matrix(mat.na, ncol = 20, byrow = T), 2,
      outmat <- rbind(outmat)
      outlabs <- 1
    col.code <- match(col.lty$legend$lab, unique(labs))
    colour <- col.lty$legend$col
    linetype <- col.lty$legend$lty
    for(j in 1:nrow(outmat)) {
      plot(xvec, outmat[j,  ], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab
           = "", ylab = "", axes = F, type = "l", col = 
           colour[col.code[j]], lty = linetype[col.code[j]
      par(new = T)
    ovec$data <- outmat
    ovec$time <- xvec
    ovec$labs <- outlabs
  if(axes) {
    axis(side = 1, cex = cex)
    axis(side = 2, cex = cex)
  title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex = cex)

  if(legn != "") {
    legn <- mu.legend(legn, xlim, ylim)
    legend(legn$x, legn$y, col.lty$legend$lab, col = col.lty$legend$
           col, lty = col.lty$legend$lty, cex = cex)


  function(x, y, colour = T, linetype = F, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = "", 
           xlab = "displacement (mm)", ylab = "displacement (mm)", timelims = NULL,
           legn = "br", type = "l", marktime = NULL, marklab = NULL, defaultcolour
           = 1, pch = "b", arrow = NULL, rel = F, size = 0.2, timestamp=T)
                                        # arrow a list with components
                                        # $time: time in ms at which the arrowhead should be drawn
                                        # optionally $size: a vector in inches of the size of
                                        # the arrowhead
  labs <- x$labs
  xdata <- x$data[[1]]
  ydata <- y$data[[1]]
  if(!is.null(timelims)) {
    temp <- (x$time >= timelims[1]) & (x$time <= timelims[2])
    xdata <- xdata[, temp]
    ydata <- ydata[, temp]
    x$time <- x$time[temp]
    if(!is.matrix(xdata)) {
      xdata <- rbind(xdata)
      ydata <- rbind(ydata)
    xlim <- range(xdata, na.rm = T)
    ylim <- range(ydata, na.rm = T)
  col.lty <- mu.colour(labs, colour, linetype, defaultcolour = 
  mark.lty <- mu.colour(labs, colour, timestamp, defaultcolour = 

  for(j in 1:nrow(xdata)) {
    plot(xdata[j,  ], ydata[j,  ], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab
         = "", ylab = "", col = col.lty$colour[j], lty = 
         col.lty$linetype[j], type = type, pch = pch)
    if (timestamp)
      points(xdata[j,  ], ydata[j,  ], col = mark.lty$colour[j], pch = mark.lty$linetype[j])

    if(is.list(arrow)) {
      temp <- closest(x$time, arrow$time)
        arrow$size <- 0.2
      arrows(xdata[j, temp - 1], ydata[j, temp - 1], xdata[j, 
                                                           temp], ydata[j, temp])
    if(!is.null(marktime)) {
      for(i in 1:length(marktime)) {
          marklab <- rep("X", length(marktime))
        temp <- closest(x$time, marktime[i])
        text(xdata[j, temp], ydata[j, temp], marklab[i],
             col = colour[j])
    par(new = T)
  title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
  if(legn != F) {
    legn <- mu.legend(legn, xlim, ylim)
    if (timestamp) PCH<- mark.lty$linetype 
    else PCH <- NULL
    legend(legn$x, legn$y, legend = as.character(col.lty$legend$lab
                             ), col = col.lty$legend$col, lty = col.lty$legend$lty, pch = PCH)
## new plotting routines -- currently they have stupid names. These "replace"
## the dplot routines that seem to have become unreliable

## support routines
## convert to an object in which all tracks are the same length by sampling
## the originals -- this uses emu's "linear" function
normTracks <- function(tracks, samples=20, normlength=100)
    if (class(tracks) != "trackdata") {
      stop("Requires a trackdata object\n")

    if (any(apply(is.na(tracks$data), MARGIN=2, all))) {
      stop("A column of only NA's in data - conversion to normalised length won't work\n")
    res <- linear(tracks, n=samples)
    ## convert to a pretend trackdata object

    ftime <- cbind(rep(0, nrow(tracks$index)),
                   rep(normlength, nrow(tracks$index)))
    res$ftime <- ftime
    res$trackname <- "normalised"
    class(res) <- class(tracks)

## produces a track object with as many tracks as labels. Each track is an
## average of all tracks with the same label in the original.
## If the data is not normalised it will do it.
aveTracks <- function(tracks, labels=stop("Labels must be present for averaging"),

                      samples=20, normlength=100)
    if (class(tracks) != "trackdata") {
      stop("Requires a trackdata object\n")

    IdxCount <- tracks$index[,2] - tracks$index[,1] + 1
    if (length(unique(IdxCount)) != 1) {
      cat("Data needs normalising - doing it\n")
      newdata <- normTracks(tracks, samples=samples, normlength=normlength)
    } else {
      cat("Data already normalised\n")
      samples <- IdxCount[1]
      newdata <- tracks
    ULabs <- unique(labels)
    NCOL <- ncol(newdata$data)

    if(is.null(NCOL)) NCOL <- 1

    NewDat <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(ULabs)) {
      these <- (labels == ULabs[i])
      sub <- newdata[these,]
      newres <- matrix(NA, nrow=samples, ncol=NCOL)
      for (j in 1:NCOL) {
        dat <- sub[,j]$data
        dim(dat) <- c(samples, length(dat)/samples)
        newres[,j] <- apply(dat, MARGIN=1, mean)
      NewDat <- rbind(NewDat, newres)
    NewIdx <- ((0:(length(ULabs)-1)) * samples) + 1
    NewIdx <- cbind(NewIdx, NewIdx + samples -1)
    NewFtime <- newdata$ftime[1:length(ULabs), ]
    newtrack <- list(data=NewDat, index=NewIdx, ftime=NewFtime, trackname="averaged")
    class(newtrack) <- class(tracks)
    return(list(track=newtrack, labels=ULabs))

## plot tracks against time
plotTracks <- function(tracks, labels=NULL, xlab="time (ms)",
                       ylab="", main="", legn="tl")
    ## plot the unaveraged versions
    if (class(tracks) != "trackdata") {
      stop("Requires a trackdata object\n")

    NewFtime <- tracks$ftime - tracks$ftime[,1]
    IdxCount <- tracks$index[,2] - tracks$index[,1] + 1
    StartI <- tracks$index[,1]
    EndI <- tracks$index[,2]

    xrange <- range(NewFtime)
    tt <- !is.na(tracks$data)
    yrange <- range(tracks$data[tt])
    NROWS <- nrow(tracks$index)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      ThisColor <- rep(1, NROWS)
    } else {
      ULabs <- unique(labels)
      ThisColor <- match(labels, ULabs)
    xIdx <- function(idx){
      seq(from=NewFtime[idx, 1], to=NewFtime[idx, 2], length=IdxCount[idx])
    ## set up the axes etc
    plot(xIdx(1), tracks[1,1]$data, xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, xlab=xlab,
         ylab=ylab, main=main, type='n')

    ## now plot the data
    plotSingle <- function(r, c) {
      dd <- tracks$data[StartI[r]:EndI[r], c]
      lines(xIdx(r), dd, col=ThisColor[r])
    for (i in 1:ncol(tracks$data)) {
      lapply(1:NROWS, plotSingle, i)
    ## legend
    LegPos <- mu.legend(legn, xrange, yrange)
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
      legend(LegPos$x, LegPos$y, ULabs, col=1:length(ULabs), lty=1)

plotAveTracks <- function(tracks, labels=stop("Labels must be present for averaging"),
                          xlab="time (ms)", ylab="", main="", legn="tl",
                          samples=20, normlength=100)
    atracks <- aveTracks(tracks, labels=labels, samples=samples,
    newtracks <- atracks$track
    ULabs <- atracks$labels
    plotTracks(newtracks, labels=ULabs, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, legn=legn)

createLabColors <- function(labels)
    ## creates a vector of labels suitable for plotXYTrack and plotXYAveTrack
    distinct.colors <- colors()[c(552, 257, 26, 68, 450, 91, 81, 31, 36,
                                  490, 656, 642, 572, 639, 587, 96, 614,
                                  476, 506, 429, 594, 117, 12,
                                  563, 633, 461, 645, 84, 640, 556)]
    if (length(labels) > length(distinct.colors)) {
      stop("Not enough colours")
    result <- distinct.colors[1:length(labels)]
    names(result) <- labels

plotXYTrack <- function (tracksx, tracksy, labels = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", 
                         main = "", legn = "tl", velMarkers = TRUE, markStart = TRUE,
                         markEnd = TRUE, markMid = TRUE,
                         palaisX = NULL, palaisY = NULL, doColor=TRUE, labColours=NULL, xmarg=0.1, ymarg=xmarg) 
  if ((class(tracksx) != "trackdata") | (class(tracksy) != 
              "trackdata")) {
    stop("Requires two trackdata objects\n")
  if (ncol(tracksx$data) != ncol(tracksy$data)) {
    stop("Number of columns in tracksx and tracksy must be the same\n")
  if (ncol(tracksx$data) != ncol(tracksy$data)) {
    stop("Sample lengths must be identical\n")

  exprange <- function(rng, marg)
      offset <- marg * abs(rng[2] - rng[1])
      rng[1] <- rng[1] - offset
      rng[2] <- rng[2] + offset
  NewFtime <- tracksx$ftime - tracksy$ftime[, 1]
  IdxCount <- tracksx$index[, 2] - tracksx$index[, 1] + 1
  StartI <- tracksx$index[, 1]
  EndI <- tracksx$index[, 2]
  tt <- !is.na(tracksx$data)
  if (is.null(palaisX)) {
    xrange <- range(tracksx$data[tt])
  else {
    xrange <- range(c(tracksx$data[tt], palaisX))

  xrange <- exprange(xrange, xmarg)
  tt <- !is.na(tracksy$data)
  if (is.null(palaisY)) {
    yrange <- range(tracksy$data[tt])
  else {
    yrange <- range(c(tracksy$data[tt], palaisY))

  yrange <- exprange(yrange, ymarg)

  NROWS <- nrow(tracksx$index)
  if (doColor) {
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      ThisColor <- rep(1, NROWS)
    } else {
      ULabs <- unique(labels)
      if (is.null(labColours)) {
        ## use some default colours. These aren't going to match labels between plots  
        ThisColor <- match(labels, ULabs)
      } else {
        ## use a user defined set of labels. This should be a vector of colour indexes
        ## with names corresponding to labels. Use createLabColors(labels)
        ThisColor <- labColours[labels]
  } else {
    if (!is.null(labels))
      ULabs <- unique(labels)
    ThisColor <- rep(1, NROWS)

  if (is.null(labels)) {
    plotChar <- rep(1, NROWS)
  } else {
    if (is.null(labColours)) {
      plotChar <- 1:length(ULabs)
    } else {
      dd <- 1:length(labColours)
      names(dd) <- names(labColours)
      plotChar <- dd[labels]
  plot(tracksx[1, 1]$data, tracksy[1, 1]$data,
       xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, main = main, 
       type = "n")
  if (!is.null(palaisX) & !is.null(palaisY)) {
    lines(palaisX, palaisY)
  if (velMarkers) {
    plotSingle <- function(r, c) {
      ddx <- tracksx$data[StartI[r]:EndI[r], c]
      ddy <- tracksy$data[StartI[r]:EndI[r], c]
      lines(ddx, ddy, col = ThisColor[r])
      points(ddx, ddy, col = ThisColor[r], pch = plotChar[r])
      if (markStart) {
        text(ddx[1], ddy[1], labels = "s", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
      if (markEnd) {
        ll <- length(ddx)
        text(ddx[ll], ddy[ll], labels = "e", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
      if (markMid) {
        ll <- round(length(ddx)/2)
        text(ddx[ll], ddy[ll], labels = "m", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
  else {
    plotSingle <- function(r, c) {
      ddx <- tracksx$data[StartI[r]:EndI[r], c]
      ddy <- tracksy$data[StartI[r]:EndI[r], c]
      lines(ddx, ddy, col = ThisColor[r])
      if (markStart) {
        text(ddx[1], ddy[1], labels = "s", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
      if (markEnd) {
        ll <- length(ddx)
        text(ddx[ll], ddy[ll], labels = "e", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
      if (markMid) {
        ll <- round(length(ddx)/2)
        text(ddx[ll], ddy[ll], labels = "m", col = ThisColor[r], 
             pos = 2)
  for (i in 1:ncol(tracksx$data)) {
    lapply(1:NROWS, plotSingle, i)
  LegPos <- mu.legend(legn, xrange, yrange)
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    if (velMarkers) {
      legend(LegPos$x, LegPos$y, ULabs, col = ThisColor, 
             pch = plotChar, lty = 1)
    else {
      legend(LegPos$x, LegPos$y, ULabs, col = ThisColor, 
             lty = 1)

plotXYAveTrack <- function (tracksx, tracksy, labels = stop("Labels must be present for averaging"), 
                            xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", legn = "tl", velMarkers = TRUE, 
                            markStart = TRUE, markEnd = TRUE, markMid = TRUE, samples = 20,
                            normlength = 100, palaisX = NULL, 
                            palaisY = NULL, doColor=TRUE, labColours=NULL, xmarg=0.1, ymarg=xmarg) 
  aveX <- aveTracks(tracksx, labels = labels, samples = samples, 
                    normlength = normlength)
  aveY <- aveTracks(tracksy, labels = labels, samples = samples, 
                    normlength = normlength)
  if (!is.null(palaisX) & !is.null(palaisY)) {
    palaisX <- lowess(palaisX, f = 1/10)$y
    palaisY <- lowess(palaisY, f = 1/10)$y
  plotXYTrack(aveX$track, aveY$track, aveX$labels, xlab = xlab, 
              ylab = ylab, main = main, velMarkers = velMarkers, markStart = markStart,
              markEnd = markEnd, markMid=markMid,
              legn = legn, palaisX = palaisX, palaisY = palaisY, doColor=doColor, labColours=labColours, xmarg=xmarg, ymarg=ymarg)

euclidDist <- function(xdata, ydata, toplip, bottomlip, 
                       LabelList=NULL, timeMarks=list(NULL), pause=TRUE)
  freq <- diff(as.vector(xdata[1,1]$ftime))/1000
  freq <- (diff(as.vector(xdata[1,1]$index)) + 1)/freq

  markPoints <- list()
  for (uu in 1:length(timeMarks)) {
    markPoints[[uu]] <- (timeMarks[[uu]] - xdata$ftime[,1]) * freq/1000

  if (pause) {
    thisPar <- par(ask=TRUE)

  result <- NULL
  for (j in 1:nrow(xdata$ftime)) {
    xt <- xdata[j, toplip]$data
    yt <- ydata[j, toplip]$data
    xb <- xdata[j, bottomlip]$data
    yb <- ydata[j, bottomlip]$data
    sampTime <- xdata[j, ]$ftime
    timesPos <- seq(sampTime[1], sampTime[2], length = nrow(xt))
    edist <- sqrt((xt - xb)^2 + (yt - yb)^2)
    mpos <- which.min(edist)
    val <- edist[mpos]
                                        # return data
    result <- rbind(result, c(val, timesPos[mpos]))
    maintext <- paste("Token ", j, ":" )
    if (!is.null(LabelList)) {
      for (i in LabelList) {
        maintext <- paste(maintext, i[j])

    plot(timesPos, edist, main=maintext)
    points(timesPos[mpos], val, pch=2, col="blue")
    for (ll in 1:length(markPoints)) {
      pos <- markPoints[[ll]][j,]
      points(timesPos[pos], edist[pos], pch="O", col="red", cex=1.5)

  if (pause) {
richardbeare/emuExt documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:58 a.m.