
Defines functions build_binary_main bootstrap order_packages topological_order

## To be called from the python server script; this is designed to
## make very few assumptions about how the python version is
## structured in terms of directories, but of course there is still a
## bunch of information that has to match up nicely.
build_binary_main <- function(package_id, path_source, path_binary, path_info,
                              path_library) {
  desc <- read.dcf(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "buildr"))
  for (d in get_deps(desc, FALSE)) {
  path_library <- normalizePath(path_library, "/", TRUE)
  path_source <- normalizePath(path_source, "/", TRUE)
  path_binary <- normalizePath(path_binary, "/", TRUE)
  path_info <- normalizePath(path_info, "/", TRUE)


  build1 <- function(package_id) {
    message(sprintf("BUILDR: %s (%s)", package_id, Sys.time()))
    res <- build_binary(file.path(path_source, package_id), path_binary,
    info <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(hash_source = package_id,
                                  hash_binary = tools::md5sum(res),
                                  filename_binary = basename(res),
                                  filename_source = package_id),
                             auto_unbox = TRUE)
    writeLines(info, file.path(path_info, package_id))
    file.rename(res, file.path(path_binary, package_id))

  if (grepl(",", package_id)) {
    package_ids <- strsplit(package_id, ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
    package_ids <- basename(order_packages(file.path(path_source, package_ids)))
    for (id in package_ids) {
  } else {


## To run this properly, buildr must be installed somewhere accessible
## from the commandline.
bootstrap <- function(lib) {
  dir.create(lib, FALSE, TRUE)
  r <- getOption("repos")
  r[["CRAN"]] <- "https://cran.rstudio.com"
  oo <- options(repos = r)
  desc <- read.dcf(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "buildr"))
  deps <- get_deps(desc, FALSE)
  existing <- .packages(TRUE, lib)
  needed <- setdiff(deps, existing)
  if (length(needed)) {
    message("Installing dependencies: ", paste(needed, collapse = ", "))
    install.packages(needed, lib = lib)
  if (!("buildr" %in% existing)) {
    path <- system.file(package = "buildr")
    file.copy(path, lib, recursive = TRUE)

order_packages <- function(filenames) {
  desc <- lapply(filenames, extract_DESCRIPTION)
  name <- vcapply(desc, function(x) as.vector(x[, "Package"]))
  names(desc) <- name
  deps <- lapply(desc, get_deps, FALSE)
  filenames[match(topological_order(deps), name)]

## This comes from odin:
topological_order <- function(graph) {
  no_dep <- lengths(graph) == 0L
  graph_sorted <- names(no_dep[no_dep])
  graph <- graph[!no_dep]

  while (length(graph) > 0L) {
    acyclic <- FALSE
    for (i in seq_along(graph)) {
      edges <- graph[[i]]
      if (!any(edges %in% names(graph))) {
        acyclic <- TRUE
        graph_sorted <- c(graph_sorted, names(graph[i]))
        graph <- graph[-i]
    if (!acyclic) {
      f <- function(x) {
        y <- graph[[x]]
        i <- vapply(graph[y], function(el) x %in% el, logical(1))
        sprintf("\t%s: depends on %s", x, y[i])
      err <- intersect(edges, names(graph))
      stop(sprintf("A cyclic dependency detected for %s:\n%s",
                   paste(err, collapse = ", "),
                   paste(vcapply(err, f), collapse = "\n")), call. = FALSE)

richfitz/buildr documentation built on Nov. 22, 2019, 8:31 a.m.