
Defines functions verifyNoAdductIonizationArg prepareMakeSetAdducts assertAndGetMSPLSetsArgs checkAndUnSetOther makeSetAlgorithm

makeSetAlgorithm <- function(setObjects)
    if (length(setObjects) == 0)
        setAlgo <- "empty"
        setAlgo <- paste0(unique(sapply(setObjects, algorithm)), collapse = ",")
    return(paste(setAlgo, "set", sep = "-"))

# checks if NULL, verifies if all sets are present and syncs sets order while unsetting
checkAndUnSetOther <- function(targetSets, obj, objName, handleNULL = FALSE)
    if (handleNULL && is.null(obj))
        return(setNames(as.list(rep(list(NULL), length(targetSets))), targetSets))
    missingSets <- setdiff(targetSets, sets(obj))
    if (length(missingSets) > 0)
        stop("Missing sets in ", objName, ": ", paste0(missingSets, collapse = ", "))
    return(sapply(targetSets, unset, obj = obj, simplify = FALSE))

assertAndGetMSPLSetsArgs <- function(fGroupsSet, MSPeakListsSet)
    checkmate::assertClass(MSPeakListsSet, "MSPeakListsSet")
    unsetMSPeaksList <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroupsSet), MSPeakListsSet, "MSPeakLists")
    return(lapply(unsetMSPeaksList, function(x) list(MSPeakLists = x)))

prepareMakeSetAdducts <- function(objects, adducts, labels)
    adducts <- lapply(adducts, checkAndToAdduct, .var.name = "adducts")
    adducts <- rep(adducts, length.out = length(objects))
    if (!is.null(labels))
        assertSetLabels(labels, length(objects), .var.name = "labels")
        names(adducts) <- labels
        names(adducts) <- make.unique(ifelse(sapply(adducts, "slot", "charge") < 0, "negative", "positive"))

verifyNoAdductIonizationArg <- function(adduct)
    if (!is.null(adduct))
        stop("Setting the adduct/ionization argument is not supported for sets workflows!", call. = FALSE)
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.