test_that("generateFunctionalANOVAData", {
gridsize = 3L
fr = train("regr.rpart", regr.task)
dr1 = generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age"), 1L, mean, gridsize = gridsize)
dir = tempdir()
path = paste0(dir, "/test.svg")
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
dr2 = generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age"), 2L, mean, gridsize = gridsize)
expect_that(dim(dr2$data), equals(c(gridsize^2, 4L)))
expect_that(dr2$interaction, is_true())
plotPartialDependence(dr2, "tile")
dir = tempdir()
path = paste0(dir, "/test.svg")
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_error(generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age"), 3L, mean, gridsize = gridsize))
dr1b = generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age"), 1L,
function(x) quantile(x, c(.025, .5, .975)), gridsize = gridsize)
expect_that(dim(dr1b$data), equals(c(gridsize * length(dr1b$features), 6L)))
dir = tempdir()
path = paste0(dir, "/test.svg")
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
dr2b = generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age"), 2L,
function(x) quantile(x, c(.025, .5, .975)), gridsize = gridsize)
expect_that(dim(dr2b$data), equals(c(gridsize^length(dr2b$features), 6L)))
expect_that(dr2b$interaction, is_true())
plotPartialDependence(dr2b, "tile")
dir = tempdir()
path = paste0(dir, "/test.svg")
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
dr3 = generateFunctionalANOVAData(fr, regr.task, c("lstat", "age", "rm"), 2L)
expect_error(plotPartialDependence(dr3, "tile"))
test_that("generatePartialDependenceData", {
gridsize = 3L
# test regression with interactions, centering, and mixed factor features
fr = train("regr.rpart", regr.task)
dr = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "chas"),
interaction = TRUE, fmin = list("lstat" = 1, "chas" = NA),
fmax = list("lstat" = 40, "chas" = NA), gridsize = gridsize)
nfeat = length(dr$features)
nfacet = length(unique(regr.df[["chas"]]))
n = getTaskSize(regr.task)
expect_that(max(dr$data$lstat), equals(40.))
expect_that(min(dr$data$lstat), equals(1.))
expect_that(nrow(dr$data), equals(gridsize * nfeat))
expect_true(all(dr$data$medv >= min(regr.df$medv) | dr$data$medv <= max(regr.df$medv)))
plotPartialDependence(dr, facet = "chas")
dir = tempdir()
path = paste0(dir, "/test.svg")
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet * gridsize))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(dr, interact = "chas")
# check that if the input is a data.frame things work
dr.df = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.df, features = "lstat")
# check that the interactions and centering work with ICE
dr = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "chas"),
interaction = TRUE, individual = TRUE,
fmin = list("lstat" = 1, "chas" = NA),
fmax = list("lstat" = 40, "chas" = NA), gridsize = gridsize)
expect_that(max(dr$data$lstat), equals(40.))
expect_that(min(dr$data$lstat), equals(1.))
expect_that(nrow(dr$data), equals(gridsize * nfeat * n))
plotPartialDependence(dr, facet = "chas", data = regr.df, p = 1)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet))
# counts points which are omitted when individual = TRUE
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet * gridsize * n + n))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(dr, interact = "chas")
# check that multiple features w/o interaction work with a label outputting classifier with
# an appropriate aggregation function
fc = train("classif.rpart", multiclass.task)
dc = generatePartialDependenceData(fc, input = multiclass.task, features = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"),
fun = function(x) table(x) / length(x), gridsize = gridsize)
nfeat = length(dc$features)
n = getTaskSize(multiclass.task)
plotPartialDependence(dc, data = multiclass.df)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
# minus one because the of the legend
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)) - 1, equals(nfeat * gridsize))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)) - 1, equals(nfeat * gridsize))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)) - 1, equals(nfeat * gridsize))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(dc)
# test that an inappropriate function for a classification task throws an error
# bounds cannot be used on classifiers
fcp = train(makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob"), multiclass.task)
expect_error(generatePartialDependence(fcp, input = multiclass.task, features = "Petal.Width",
fun = function(x) quantile(x, c(.025, .5, .975))), gridsize = gridsize)
# check that probability outputting classifiers work w/ interactions
dcp = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, input = multiclass.task, features = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"),
interaction = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
nfacet = length(unique(dcp$data$Petal.Length))
ntarget = length(dcp$target)
plotPartialDependence(dcp, "tile")
# check that probability outputting classifiers work with ICE
dcp = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, input = multiclass.task, features = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"),
interaction = TRUE, individual = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
# check that survival tasks work with multiple features
fs = train("surv.rpart", surv.task)
ds = generatePartialDependenceData(fs, input = surv.task, features = c("x1", "x2"), gridsize = gridsize)
nfeat = length(ds$features)
n = getTaskSize(surv.task)
plotPartialDependence(ds, data = surv.df)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)), equals(gridsize * nfeat))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(ds)
# issue 1180 test
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task,
features = c("lstat", "chas"), gridsize = gridsize)
# check that bounds work for regression
db = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "chas"),
interaction = TRUE,
fun = function(x) quantile(x, c(.25, .5, .75)), gridsize = gridsize)
nfacet = length(unique(regr.df[["chas"]]))
n = getTaskSize(regr.task)
expect_that(colnames(db$data), equals(c("medv", "lstat", "chas", "lower", "upper")))
plotPartialDependence(db, facet = "chas", data = regr.df)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)), equals(nfacet * gridsize + n))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(db, interact = "chas")
# check derivative and factor feature failure
expect_error(generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "chas"),
derivative = TRUE))
# check interaction + derivative failure
expect_error(generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "chas"),
interaction = TRUE, derivative = TRUE))
# check that bounds work w/o interaction
db2 = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "crim"),
fun = function(x) quantile(x, c(.25, .5, .75)), gridsize = gridsize)
nfeat = length(db2$features)
n = getTaskSize(regr.task)
plotPartialDependence(db2, data = regr.df)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat))
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc,, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat * gridsize + n * nfacet))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(db2)
fcpb = train(makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob"), binaryclass.task)
bc = generatePartialDependenceData(fcpb, input = binaryclass.task, features = c("V11", "V12"),
individual = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
# test for issue 1536
bc.center1 = generatePartialDependenceData(fcpb, input = binaryclass.task, features = "V11",
individual = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize,
center = list("V11" = min(binaryclass.df$V11)))
bc.center2 = generatePartialDependenceData(fcpb, input = binaryclass.task, features = c("V11", "V12"),
individual = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize,
center = list("V11" = min(binaryclass.df$V11), "V12" = min(binaryclass.df$V12)))
nfeat = length(bc$features)
n = getTaskSize(binaryclass.task)
plotPartialDependence(bc, data = binaryclass.df)
doc = XML::xmlParse(path)
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, grey.rect.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat))
# again, omission of points for individual = TRUE
expect_that(length(XML::getNodeSet(doc, red.line.xpath, ns.svg)), equals(nfeat * n))
# plotPartialDependenceGGVIS(bc)
# check that derivative estimation works for ICE and pd for classification and regression
subset = 1:5
fr = train(makeLearner("regr.ksvm"), regr.task)
pfr = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, input = regr.df[subset, ], features = c("lstat", "crim"),
derivative = TRUE, individual = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
fc = train(makeLearner("classif.ksvm", predict.type = "prob"), multiclass.task)
pfc = generatePartialDependenceData(fc, input = multiclass.df[subset, ],
features = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"),
derivative = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
fs = train(makeLearner("surv.coxph"), surv.task)
pfs = generatePartialDependenceData(fs, input = surv.df[subset, ],
features = c("x1", "x2"),
derivative = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
# check that se estimation works
fse = train(makeLearner("regr.lm", predict.type = "se"), regr.task)
pfse = generatePartialDependenceData(fse, input = regr.task, features = c("lstat", "crim"),
bounds = c(-2, 2), gridsize = gridsize)
# check that tile + contour plots work for two and three features with regression and survival
expect_error(plotPartialDependence(ds, geom = "tile")) # interaction == FALSE
tfr = generatePartialDependenceData(fr, regr.df, features = c("lstat", "crim", "chas"),
interaction = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
plotPartialDependence(tfr, geom = "tile", facet = "chas", data = regr.df)
tfs = generatePartialDependenceData(fs, surv.df, c("x1", "x2"), interaction = TRUE)
plotPartialDependence(tfs, geom = "tile", data = surv.df)
# facetting works with plotPartialDependence:
q = plotPartialDependence(dr, facet = "chas", data = regr.df,
facet.wrap.nrow = 2L)
testFacetting(q, 2L)
q = plotPartialDependence(dr, facet = "chas", facet.wrap.ncol = 2L,
data = regr.df)
testFacetting(q, ncol = 2L)
# with the joint distribution as the weight function generatePartialDependenceData
# should return NA for regions with zero probability
x = runif(50L)
y = 2 * x
idx = which(x > .5)
x[idx] = NA
test.task = makeRegrTask(data = data.frame(x = x[-idx], y = y[-idx]), target = "y")
fit = train("regr.rpart", test.task)
fun = function(x, newdata) {
w = ifelse(newdata$x > .5, 0, 1)
if (sum(w) == 0) {
} else {
weighted.mean(x, w)
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fit, test.task, fun = fun,
fmin = list("x" = 0), fmax = list("x" = 1), gridsize = gridsize)
expect_that(all($data[pd$data$x > .5, "y"])), is_true())
# issue 55 in the tutorial
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, multiclass.task, "Petal.Width",
center = list("Petal.Width" = min(multiclass.df$Petal.Width)), gridsize = gridsize)
# subsequent bug found in pr #1206
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, multiclass.task, "Petal.Width",
individual = TRUE,
center = list("Petal.Width" = min(multiclass.df$Petal.Width)), gridsize = gridsize)
# issue 63 in the tutorial
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, multiclass.task, "Petal.Width",
individual = TRUE, derivative = TRUE, gridsize = gridsize)
# test rng as paratmeter
petal.width = c(seq(0.1, 0.6, 0.1), seq(1, 2.5, 0.1))
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fcp, multiclass.task, "Petal.Width", range = petal.width)
expect_that(length(pd$data$Petal.Width), equals(length(unique(pd$data$Class)) * length(petal.width)))
test_that("generateFeatureGrid", {
data = data.frame(
w = seq(0, 1, length.out = 5),
x = factor(letters[1:5]),
y = ordered(1:5),
z = 1:5
gridsize = 3
features = colnames(data)
fmin = sapply(features, function(x)
ifelse(is.ordered(data[[x]]) | is.numeric(data[[x]]),
min(data[[x]], na.rm = TRUE), NA), simplify = FALSE)
fmax = sapply(features, function(x)
ifelse(is.ordered(data[[x]]) | is.numeric(data[[x]]),
max(data[[x]], na.rm = TRUE), NA), simplify = FALSE)
out = generateFeatureGrid(features, data, "none", gridsize = gridsize, fmin, fmax)
expect_true(all(sapply(out, length) == gridsize))
expect_that(out$w, is_a("numeric"))
expect_that(range(out$w), equals(range(data$w)))
expect_that(length(out$w), equals(gridsize))
expect_that(out$x, is_a("factor"))
expect_that(length(out$x), equals(gridsize))
expect_that(levels(out$x), equals(levels(data$x)))
expect_that(out$y, is_a("ordered"))
expect_that(levels(out$y), equals(levels(data$y)))
expect_that(range(out$y), equals(range(data$y)))
expect_that(out$z, is_a("integer"))
expect_that(range(out$z), equals(range(data$z)))
out.sub = generateFeatureGrid(features, data, "subsample",
gridsize = gridsize, fmin, fmax)
expect_true(all(sapply(out.sub, length) == gridsize))
expect_that(out.sub$w, is_a("numeric"))
expect_that(length(out.sub$w), equals(gridsize))
expect_that(out.sub$x, is_a("factor"))
expect_that(length(out.sub$x), equals(gridsize))
expect_that(levels(out.sub$x), equals(levels(data$x)))
expect_that(out.sub$y, is_a("ordered"))
expect_that(levels(out.sub$y), equals(levels(data$y)))
expect_that(out.sub$z, is_a("integer"))
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