
Defines functions predict.mex.conditioned

#' @noRd
predict.mex.conditioned <- function(object, which, pqu = .99, nsim = 1000, trace=10, smoothZdistribution=FALSE, ...){
  theCall <- match.call()
  # Class can be either mex or bootmex
  theClass <- class(object)[1]
  if (! theClass %in% c("mex", "bootmex")){
    stop("object must have class 'mex' or 'bootmex'")
  if (theClass == "bootmex" ){
    which <- object$which
    migpd <- object$simpleMar
    margins <- object$margins
    constrain <- object$constrain
    dall <- mexDependence( migpd , which=which , dqu=object$dqu, margins = margins[[1]], constrain=constrain )
  } else {
    which <- object$dependence$which
      migpd <- object$margins
    } else {
      migpd <- object$margins$referenceMargin
    margins <- object$dependence$margins
    constrain <- object$dependence$constrain
    dall <- object
  MakeThrowData <- function(dco,z,coxi,coxmi,data){
    numb <- 1:nsim
    ui <- runif( nsim , min=pqu )
    z <- as.matrix(z[ sample( 1:( dim( z )[ 1 ] ), size=nsim, replace=TRUE ) ,])
      nsim <- length(numb)
      ui[numb] <- runif( nsim , min=pqu )
      y <- margins$p2q(ui)
      distFun <- margins$q2p
      z[numb,] <- as.matrix(z[ sample( 1:( dim( z )[ 1 ] ), size=nsim, replace=TRUE ) ,])
        z <- apply(z,2,function(x)x + rnorm(length(x),0,bw.nrd(x)))
      ymi <- sapply( 1:( dim( z )[[ 2 ]] ) , makeYsubMinusI, z=z, v=dco , y=y )
      xmi <- apply( ymi, 2, distFun)
      xi <- u2gpd( ui, p = 1 - migpd$mqu[ which ], th=migpd$mth[ which ], sigma=coxi[ 1 ], xi = coxi[ 2 ] )
      for( i in 1:( dim( xmi )[[ 2 ]] ) ){
        xmi[, i ] <- revTransform( xmi[ ,i ], as.matrix(data[,-which])[, i ],
                                   th = migpd$mth[ -which ][ i ],
                                   qu = migpd$mqu[ -which ][ i ],
                                   sigma=coxmi[ 1,i ], xi=coxmi[ 2,i ] )
      sim <- data.frame( xi , xmi , y, ymi, z)
      names( sim ) <- c( colnames( migpd$data )[ which ], colnames( migpd$data )[ -which ],
                         paste0(c(colnames( migpd$data )[ which ], colnames( migpd$data )[ -which ]),".trans"),
                         paste0(c(colnames( migpd$data )[ -which ]),".Z"))
      sim[,dim(sim)[2]+1] <- y > apply(ymi,1,max) # condlargest extra column
      numb <- which(y < ymi.max)
  makeYsubMinusI <- function( i, z, v , y ){
    v <- v[ , i ]
    z <- z[ , i ]
    if ( !is.na( v[ 1 ] ) ){
      if( v[ 1 ] < 10^(-5) & v[ 2 ] < 0 ){
        if( v[ 4 ] < 10^(-5 ) ) d <- 0
        else d <- v[ 4 ]
        a <- v[ 3 ] - d * log( y )
      else a <- v[ 1 ] * y
    } # close if( !is.na...
    else a <- NA
    a + ( y^v[ 2 ] ) * z
  if (theClass == "bootmex"){
    # The function lfun does most of the work
    lfun <- function( i , bo, pqu, nsim , migpd, which ){
      if ( i %% trace == 0 ) cat( i, "sets done\n" )
      res <- MakeThrowData(dco=bo[[ i ]]$dependence,z=bo[[ i ]]$Z, coxi = bo[[i]]$GPD[,which],
                           coxmi = as.matrix(bo[[ i ]]$GPD[,-which]),
                           data = bo[[i]]$Y)
      res <- res[,1:((dim(res)[2]-1)/2)]
    bootRes <- lapply( 1:length( object$boot ) , lfun ,
                       migpd=migpd, pqu=pqu, bo = object$boot, nsim=nsim,
                       which = which )
    # bootRes contains the bootstrap simulated complete vectors X on the original
    # scale of the data, conditional on having the _which_ component above the pqu quantile.
  } else {
    bootRes <- NULL
  # Get a sample using the point estimates of the parameters
  # that are suggested by the data
  cox <- coef(migpd)[3:4, which]
  coxmi <- as.matrix(coef(migpd)[3:4, -which])
  sim <- MakeThrowData(dco=dall$dependence$coefficients,z=dall$dependence$Z,coxi=cox,coxmi=coxmi,data=migpd$data)
  CondLargest <- sim[,dim(sim)[2]]
  z<- sim[,(2*ncol(migpd$data)+1):(dim(sim)[2]-1)]
  transformed <- sim[,(ncol(migpd$data)+1):(2*ncol(migpd$data))]
  #sim <- sim[,1:((dim(sim)[2]-1)/2)]
  sim <- sim[,1:ncol(migpd$data)]
  m <- 1 / ( 1 - pqu ) # Need to estimate pqu quantile
  zeta <- 1 - migpd$mqu[ which ] # Coles, page 81
  pth <- migpd$mth[ which ] + cox[ 1 ] / cox[ 2 ] * ( ( m*zeta )^cox[ 2 ] - 1 )
  data <- list( real = data.frame( migpd$data[, which ], migpd$data[, -which] ), simulated = sim, z=z, pth=pth,CondLargest=CondLargest, transformed = transformed)
  names(data$real)[1] <- colnames(migpd$data)[which]
  res <- list( call = theCall , replicates = bootRes, data = data,
               which = which, pqu = pqu,
               mth=c( migpd$mth[ which ], migpd$mth[ -which ] ),
               gpd.coef = coef(migpd)[,c(which,(1:dim(data$real)[2])[-which])])
  oldClass( res ) <- "predict.mex"
rjaneUCF/MultiHazard documentation built on April 20, 2024, 12:48 a.m.