
Defines functions nedge2 withEdgeList withEdgeMatrix withAdjList withAdjMatrix is.adjList is.adjMatrix is.eList is.edgeMatrix makeEdgeList edgeList eList edgeMatrix symAdjList revAdjList adjList adjMatrix

Documented in adjList adjMatrix edgeList edgeMatrix eList is.adjList is.adjMatrix is.edgeMatrix is.eList makeEdgeList revAdjList symAdjList withAdjList withAdjMatrix withEdgeList withEdgeMatrix

##' Get adjacency matrix from list of edges
##' @param edges list or matrix giving edges
##' @param n total number of vertices, defaults to maximal value
##' @param directed logical: if `TRUE` edges are assumed directed
##' @param sparse logical: use a sparse matrix?
##' @export 
adjMatrix <- function(edges, n, directed=FALSE, sparse=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges)) {
    if (sparse) {
      out <- Matrix(0L,n,n)
    else {
      out <- matrix(0L,n,n)
    class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
  if (is.adjMatrix(edges, checknm=TRUE)) {
  else if (is.adjList(edges, checknm = TRUE)) {
    n <- length(edges)

    if (sparse) {
      out <- Matrix(0L,n,n)
      class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
    else {
      out <- matrix(0L,n,n)
      class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
    for (i in seq_along(edges)) {
      out[i,edges[[i]]] <- 1
    # if (!directed && !isSymmetric(out)) stop("Error in input")
  else if (is.eList(edges)) {
    if (length(edges) == 0) {
      if (missing(n)) {
        warning("number of vertices not supplied, assumed to be 0")
        n <- 0
      ## return zero matrix
      if (sparse) {
        out <- Matrix(0L,n,n)
        class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
      else {
        out <- matrix(0L,n,n)
        class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
    tmp <- matrix(unlist(edges), nrow=2)
  else if (is.edgeMatrix(edges)) tmp <- edges
  else if (is.null(edges)) return(NULL)
  else stop("Failed to identify edge type")
  if (missing(n)) n <- max(tmp)
  idx <- c(1, n) %*% (tmp-1) + 1
  if (!directed) idx <- c(idx, c(n, 1) %*% (tmp-1) + 1)
  if (sparse) out <- Matrix(0, n, n, doDiag = FALSE)
  else out <- matrix(0, n, n)
  out[c(idx)] <- 1
#  dim(out) <- c(n,n)
  class(out) <- c("adjMatrix", class(out))
  # if (!missing(vnames)) dimnames(out) <- list(vnames, vnames)


##' Get adjacency list of edges
##' @param edges list or matrix giving edges in the form of an 
##' `eList`, `adjMatrix` or `edgeMatrix`
##' @param n total number of vertices (defaults to maximum value)
##' @param directed logical: if `TRUE` edges are assumed directed
##' @param transpose logical: if `TRUE` we consider children instead of parents
##' @details Stores adjacencies by one of their vertices.  E.g. directed edges
##' are stored indexed by the child vertex, undirected by both neighbours.
##' @export
adjList <- function(edges, n, directed=FALSE, transpose=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges) || length(edges) == 0L) {
    out <- rep(list(integer(0)), n)
    class(out) <- "adjList"
  if (is.adjList(edges, checknm=TRUE)) {
    ## nothing to do, just check everything is an integer
    edges <- lapply(edges, as.integer)
  else if (is.eList(edges)) {
    ## seems to be an eList
    if (length(edges) == 0) {
      if (missing(n)) {
        warning("number of vertices not supplied, assumed to be 0")
        n <- 0
      class(edges) <- "adjList"
    else if (missing(n)) n <- max(sapply(edges, max))
    out <- vector(mode = "list", length=n)
    for (i in seq_along(edges)) {
      ## go through each edge and record in appropriate position on list
      out[[edges[[i]][1]]] <- c(out[[edges[[i]][1]]], edges[[i]][2])
      if (!directed) out[[edges[[i]][2]]] <- c(out[[edges[[i]][2]]], edges[[i]][1])
  else if (is.edgeMatrix(edges)) {
    ## seems to be an edgeMatrix

    if (transpose) edges <- edges[2:1,,drop=FALSE]
    # tmp <- edges
    if(missing(n)) n <- max(edges)
    out <- rep(list(integer(0)), n) #vector(mode="list", length=n)

    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      if (directed) {
        wh_i <- which(edges[1,] == i)
        out[[i]] <- edges[2,wh_i]
      else {
        wh_i <- which(apply(edges, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(x) any(x==i)))
        wh_j <- apply(edges[,wh_i,drop=FALSE], 2, FUN=function(x) which(x==i))
        out[[i]] <- edges[cbind(3-wh_j,wh_i)]
  else if (is.adjMatrix(edges)) {
    ## seems to be an adjMatrix
    if (!directed) edges <- edges+t(edges)
    out <- unlist(apply(edges, 1, function(x) list(which(x > 0))), recursive=FALSE)
    # if (is.numeric(out)) out <- unlist(lapply(out, list), recursive = FALSE)
  else if (is.null(edges)) return(NULL)
  else stop("Don't know what kind of edge-set this is")
  # if (missing(n)) n <- max(tmp)
  # idx <- c(1, n) %*% (tmp-1) + 1
  # if (!directed) idx <- c(idx, c(n, 1) %*% (tmp-1) + 1)
  # out <- rep(0, n*n)
  # out[idx] <- 1

  out <- lapply(out, as.integer)
  class(out) <- "adjList"
  # if (!missing(vnames)) dimnames(out) <- list(vnames, vnames)

##' @describeIn adjList Get reverse directions for edges
##' @export
revAdjList <- function(edges) {
  n <- length(edges)
  out <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
  out[] <- list(integer(0))
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    out[edges[[i]]] <- lapply(out[edges[[i]]], function(x) c(x,i))
  class(out) <- "adjList"

##' @describeIn adjList Make adjList symmetric
##' @param unq logical: should values be made unique and sorted?
##' @export
symAdjList <- function(edges, unq=TRUE) {
  edges_r <- revAdjList(edges)
  if (unq) out <- mapply(function(x,y) sort.int(unique.default(c(x,y))), edges, edges_r, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  else out <- mapply(c, edges, edges_r, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  class(out) <- "adjList"

##' Get edges from adjacency matrix or list
##' @param edges list or adjacency matrix of edges
##' @param directed logical: if `TRUE` edges are assumed to be directed
##' @param double logical: if `TRUE`, edges are written in both directions
##' @export 
edgeMatrix <- function(edges, directed=FALSE, double=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges) || length(edges) == 0) {
    out <- matrix(NA, 2, 0)
    class(out) <- "edgeMatrix"

  if (is.edgeMatrix(edges)) {
    out <- edges
    # if (double) {
    #   edges <- cbind(edges, edges[2:1,])
    #   edges <- unique.matrix(edges, MARGIN=2)
    # }
    # return(edges)
  else if (is.adjMatrix(edges)) {
    rs <- row(edges)[edges > 0]
    cs <- col(edges)[edges > 0]
    if (!directed) {
      wh <- (rs < cs)
      rs <- rs[wh]; cs <- cs[wh]
    out <- matrix(c(rs,cs), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
  else if (is.adjList(edges, checknm=TRUE)) {
    if (directed) out <- matrix(NA, 2, sum(lengths(edges)))
    else {
      if (sum(lengths(edges)) %% 2 == 1) stop("Should not be an odd number of edge entries for non-directed edge-type")
      out <- matrix(NA, 2, sum(lengths(edges))/2)
    pos <- 0
    for (i in seq_along(edges)) {
      if (directed) {
        out[1,pos + seq_along(edges[[i]])] <- i
        out[2,pos + seq_along(edges[[i]])] <- edges[[i]]
        pos <- pos + length(edges[[i]])
      else {
        out[1,pos + seq_len(sum(edges[[i]] < i))] <- i
        out[2,pos + seq_len(sum(edges[[i]] < i))] <- edges[[i]][edges[[i]] < i]
        pos <- pos + length(edges[[i]][edges[[i]] < i])
  else if (is.eList(edges)) { # && all(lengths(edges) %in% c(0,2))) {
    out <- matrix(unlist(edges), nrow=2)
  else stop("Hyperedges not supported for this format")
  if (double) {
    ## requested to double edges, do this
    out <- cbind(out, out[2:1,,drop=FALSE])
    out <- unique.matrix(out, MARGIN=2)
  out[] <- as.integer(out)
  class(out) <- "edgeMatrix"

##' Edge list
##' Returns an `eList` object from an adjacency matrix
##' or edge matrix object.
##' @param edges `adjList`, `edgeMatrix`, `adjMatrix`, or a `list` of pairs of edges
##' @param directed logical: if `TRUE` edges are assumed directed
##' @details The `directed` argument is important; if omitted, 
##' then some edges may be recorded only once, even though they are present 
##' in both directions.
##' @export
eList <- function(edges, directed=FALSE) {
  if (!is.logical(directed)) stop("argument 'directed' must be logical")
  if (missing(edges) || is.null(edges)) {
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "eList"
  else if (is.adjMatrix(edges)) {
    rs <- row(edges)[edges > 0]
    cs <- col(edges)[edges > 0]
    if (!directed) {
      wh <- (rs < cs)
      rs <- rs[wh]; cs <- cs[wh]
    out <- mapply(c, rs, cs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  else if (is.adjList(edges, checknm=TRUE)) {
    out <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(edges)) {
      tmp <- edges[[i]]
      if (!directed) tmp <- tmp[tmp < i]
      if (length(tmp) > 0) out <- c(out, lapply(tmp, function(x) c(i,x)))
      # if (directed) out <- c(out, lapply(tmp, function(x) c(x,i)))
      # else {
      #   out <- c(out, lapply(tmp, function(x) c(x[x < i],i)))
      # }
    # assertthat::are_equal(lengths(out), rep(2L, length(out)))
  else if (is.edgeMatrix(edges)) {
     out <- mapply(c, edges[1,], edges[2,], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  else if (is.list(edges)) out <- edges
  else if (is.numeric(edges) && length(edges) == 2) out <- list(edges)
  else stop("Not a valid edgeList")
  out <- lapply(out, as.integer)
  class(out) <- "eList"

##' Deprecated function
##' @param edges an "eList" object
##' @param directed logical, should edges be interpreted as directed?
edgeList <- function(edges, directed=FALSE) {
  eList(edges, directed)

##' Make an edgeList from a collection of edges
##' @param ... list of named edge objects
##' @export
makeEdgeList <- function(...) {
  ## get arguments, and return an empty list if necessary
  args <- list(...)
  if (length(args) == 0) {
    class(args) <- "edgeList"
  ## otherwise, compare to standard edge types
  etys <- edgeTypes()$type
  if (length(args) > 0) {
    wh <- pmatch(names(args), etys)
    names(args)[!is.na(wh)] <- etys[na.omit(wh)]
    if (any(is.na(wh))) {
      warning(paste("edge types", paste(names(args)[is.na(wh)], collapse=", "), "not matched"))
      args <- args[!is.na(wh)]
    ## define edges to be an edgeList consisting of entries from ...
    edges <- args
    class(edges) <- "edgeList"

##' Check if edge object could be in given format
##' @param object item of purported type
##' @param n (optionally) number of vertices in graph
##' @param checknm logical: use class of object to determine answer?
##' @name check_edge_type

##' @describeIn check_edge_type check if could be `edgeMatrix`
##' @export
is.edgeMatrix <- function(object, n, checknm=TRUE) {
  if("edgeMatrix" %in% class(object)) return(TRUE)
  else if (checknm || any(c("adjList", "eList", "adjMatrix") %in% class(object))) return(FALSE)
  if (!is.matrix(object)) return(FALSE)
  if (!missing(n) && any(object > n)) return(FALSE)
  if (nrow(object) != 2) return(FALSE)
  if (any(object <= 0)) return(FALSE)

##' @describeIn check_edge_type check if could be `eList`
##' @export
is.eList <- function(object, n, checknm=TRUE) {
  if ("eList" %in% class(object)) return(TRUE)
  else if (checknm || any(c("adjList", "adjMatrix", "edgeMatrix") %in% class(object))) return(FALSE)
  if (!is.list(object)) return(FALSE)
  if (!missing(n) && any(unlist(object) > n)) return(FALSE)
  if (any(unlist(object) <= 0)) return(FALSE)

##' @describeIn check_edge_type check if could be `adjMatrix`
##' @export
is.adjMatrix <- function(object, n, checknm=TRUE) {
  if("adjMatrix" %in% class(object)) return(TRUE)
  else if (checknm || any(c("adjList", "eList", "edgeMatrix") %in% class(object))) return(FALSE)
  if (!is.matrix(object) && !is(object, "Matrix")) return(FALSE)
  if (!missing(n) && n != ncol(object) && n != nrow(object)) return(FALSE)  
  else if (nrow(object) != ncol(object)) return(FALSE)  ## do we really require n rows and n columns?
  if (any(is.na(object))) return(FALSE)
  if (any(object < 0) || any(object > 1)) return(FALSE)
  if (all(object > 0)) return(FALSE)

##' @describeIn check_edge_type check if could be `adjList`
##' @export
is.adjList <- function(object, n, checknm = TRUE) {
  if("adjList" %in% class(object)) return(TRUE)
  else if (checknm || any(c("adjMatrix", "eList", "edgeMatrix") %in% class(object))) return(FALSE)
  ## check it is a list
  if (!is.list(object)) return(FALSE)
  if (missing(n)) {
    ## if n is not known, check length makes sense with values
    min_n <- suppressWarnings(max(unlist(object)))
    if (!is.infinite(min_n) && length(object) < min_n) return(FALSE)
  else {
    ## if n is known, check length and values make sense
    if(n != length(object)) return(FALSE)
    if (any(unlist(object) > n)) return(FALSE)
  if (any(unlist(object) <= 0)) return(FALSE)


##' Change representation of edges
##' Change edge representation of (part of) graph to use `adjMatrix`,
##' `adjList`, `eList` or `edgeMatrix` formats.
##' @param graph an object of class `mixedgraph`
##' @param edges character vector of edge types to change, defaults to all
##' @param sparse logical: should sparse matrices be used?
##' @param force logical: should edge sets be added when named?
##' @export
withAdjMatrix <- function(graph, edges, sparse=FALSE, force=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges)) idx <- seq_along(graph$edges)
  else idx <- pmatch(edges, names(graph$edges))
  if (any(is.na(idx))) {
    if (force) {
      idx2 <- pmatch(edges, edgeTypes()[,1])
      if (any(is.na(idx2))) stop("Some edge types not valid")
      nms <- c(names(graph$edges), edgeTypes()[idx2[is.na(idx)],1])
      graph$edges <- c(graph$edges, rep(list(adjMatrix(n=length(graph$vnames))), sum(is.na(idx))))
      names(graph$edges) <- nms
    else {
      warning("Some edge types not matched")
      edges <- edges[!is.na(idx)]
      idx <- na.omit(idx)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

  ## get directed and number of vertices, then transform using adjMatrix()
  dir <- edgeTypes()$directed[pmatch(names(graph$edges[idx]), edgeTypes()$type)]
  n <- length(graph$vnames)
  graph$edges[idx] <- mapply(adjMatrix, graph$edges[idx], directed=dir, n=n, sparse=sparse, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

##' @describeIn withAdjMatrix Change to `adjList` format
##' @export
withAdjList <- function(graph, edges, force=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges)) idx <- seq_along(graph$edges)
  else {
    idx <- pmatch(edges, names(graph$edges))
  if (any(is.na(idx))) {
    if (force) {
      idx2 <- pmatch(edges, edgeTypes()[,1])
      if (any(is.na(idx2))) stop("Some edge types not valid or specified ambiguously")
      nms <- c(names(graph$edges), edgeTypes()[idx2[is.na(idx)],1])
      graph$edges <- c(graph$edges, rep(list(adjList(n=length(graph$vnames))), sum(is.na(idx))))
      idx[is.na(idx)] <- length(na.omit(idx)) + seq_len(sum(is.na(idx)))
      names(graph$edges) <- nms
    else {
      warning("Some edge types not matched")
      edges <- edges[!is.na(idx)]
      idx <- na.omit(idx)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

  ## get directed and number of vertices, then transform using adjList()
  dir <- edgeTypes()$directed[pmatch(names(graph$edges[idx]), edgeTypes()$type)]
  n <- length(graph$vnames)
  graph$edges[idx] <- mapply(adjList, graph$edges[idx], directed=dir, n=n, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  for (i in idx) class(graph$edges[[i]]) <- "adjList"
  class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

##' @describeIn withAdjMatrix Change to `edgeMatrix` format
##' @export
withEdgeMatrix <- function(graph, edges, force=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges)) idx <- seq_along(graph$edges)
  else idx <- pmatch(edges, names(graph$edges))
  if (any(is.na(idx))) {
    if (force) {
      idx2 <- pmatch(edges, edgeTypes()[,1])
      if (any(is.na(idx2))) stop("Some edge types not valid")
      nms <- c(names(graph$edges), edgeTypes()[idx2[is.na(idx)],1])
      graph$edges <- c(graph$edges, rep(list(edgeMatrix()), sum(is.na(idx))))
      names(graph$edges) <- nms
    else {
      warning("Some edge types not matched")
      edges <- edges[!is.na(idx)]
      idx <- na.omit(idx)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"
  ## get directed and number of vertices, then transform using edgeMatrix()
  dir <- edgeTypes()$directed[pmatch(names(graph$edges[idx]), edgeTypes()$type)]
  n <- length(graph$vnames)
  graph$edges[idx] <- mapply(edgeMatrix, graph$edges[idx], directed=dir, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

##' @describeIn withAdjMatrix Change to `eList` format
##' @export
withEdgeList <- function(graph, edges, force=FALSE) {
  if (missing(edges)) idx <- seq_along(graph$edges)
  else idx <- pmatch(edges, names(graph$edges))
  if (any(is.na(idx))) {
    if (force) {
      idx2 <- pmatch(edges, edgeTypes()[,1])
      if (any(is.na(idx2))) stop("Some edge types not valid")
      nms <- c(names(graph$edges), edgeTypes()[idx2[is.na(idx)],1])
      graph$edges <- c(graph$edges, rep(list(eList()), sum(is.na(idx))))
      names(graph$edges) <- nms
    else {
      warning("Some edge types not matched")
      edges <- edges[!is.na(idx)]
      idx <- na.omit(idx)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"
  ## get directed and number of vertices, then transform using eList()
  dir <- edgeTypes()$directed[pmatch(names(graph$edges[idx]), edgeTypes()$type)]
  n <- length(graph$vnames)
  graph$edges[idx] <- mapply(eList, graph$edges[idx], directed=dir, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  class(graph$edges) <- "edgeList"

##' @describeIn graphOps number of edges
##' @export
nedge <- function (graph, edges) {
  if (missing(edges)) idx <- seq_along(graph$edges)
  else {
    idx2 <- pmatch(edges, edgeTypes()$type)
    if (any(is.na(idx2))) stop(paste0("edge type",ifelse(sum(is.na(idx2)>1), "s", 
                                      "")," '", paste(edges[is.na(idx2)], 
                                      collapse="', '"), "' not matched"))
    idx <- na.omit(match(edgeTypes()$type[idx2], names(graph$edges)))
  if (length(idx) == 0) return(0L)
  dir <- edgeTypes()$directed[pmatch(names(graph$edges[idx]), edgeTypes()$type)]
  return(sum(mapply(nedge2, graph$edges[idx], dir)))

## internal function to count edges 
nedge2 <- function(edges, directed=TRUE) {
  if (is.adjMatrix(edges)) {
    if (directed) return(sum(edges != 0))
    else {
      return(sum(edges[upper.tri(edges)] != 0))
  else if (is.adjList(edges, checknm=TRUE)) {
  else if (is.edgeMatrix(edges)) {
  else if (is.eList(edges)) {
  else if(is.null(edges)) return(0L)
  else stop("Edge type not recognised")
rje42/MixedGraphs documentation built on June 4, 2024, 9:47 a.m.