
Defines functions barrenSets anSets2 anSets skeleton claudius sterile mb BK cliques neighbourhoods un districts.default dis nhd ant dec anc nb sib sp ch pa

Documented in anc anSets anSets2 ant barrenSets ch claudius cliques dec dis mb nb neighbourhoods nhd pa sib skeleton sp sterile un

##' Familial Mixed Graph Relations
##' The usual familial relations between vertices in
##' mixed graphs.
##' @param graph `mixedgraph` object
##' @param v collection of vertices
##' @param sort integer:1 for unique but unsorted, 2 for 
##' sorted (0 for possibly repeated and unsorted).  If edges are stored as a matrix
##' then output will always be unique and sorted.
##' @details `pa`, `ch`, `sp` and `nb` find the 
##' parents, children, spouses and neighbours of `v` respectively.
##' `anc`, `dec`, `ant`, `dis`, `nhd` finds the ancestors
##' descendants, anterior, district and neighbourhood of `v` respectively.
##' @name family

##' @describeIn family find parents of vertices
##' @export
pa <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=-1, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find children of vertices
##' @export 
ch <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=1, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find spouses (siblings) of vertices
##' @export 
sp <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v, etype="bidirected", dir=0, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find siblings (spouses) of vertices
##' @export 
sib <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v, etype="bidirected", dir=0, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find undirected neighbours of vertices
##' @export 
nb <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v, etype="undirected", dir=0, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find ancestors of vertices
##' @export 
anc <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  grp(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=-1, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find descendants of vertices
##' @export 
dec <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  grp(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=1, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find anterior vertices
##' @export 
ant <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  grp(graph, v, etype=c("directed", "undirected"), dir=c(-1,0), sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find neighbourhood of vertices
##' @export 
nhd <- function(graph, v, sort=1) {
  grp(graph, v, etype="undirected", dir=0, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn family find district of vertices
##' @param fast optionally opt for a faster metod with adjacency matrices or lists
##' @export 
dis <- function(graph, v, sort=1, fast=FALSE) {
  if (!fast) return(grp(graph, v, etype="bidirected", dir=0, sort=sort))
  whEdge <- match("bidirected",names(graph$edges))
  bi_edges <- graph$edges[[whEdge]]  

  if ("adjList" %in% class(bi_edges)) {
    out <- add <- v
    while (length(add) > 0) {
      add <- unlist(bi_edges[add])
      add <- setdiff(add, out)
      out <- c(out, add)
  else if ("adjMatrix" %in% class(bi_edges)) {
    out <- add <- v
    while (length(add) > 0) {
      add <- c(which(bi_edges[add,] > 0,arr.ind = TRUE))
      add <- setdiff(add, out)
      out <- c(out, add)
  else return(grp(graph, v, etype="bidirected", dir=0, sort=sort))

  if (sort > 0) out <- unique.default(out)
  if (sort > 1) out <- sort.int(out)

##' Familial Mixed Graph Groups
##' The usual familial relations between vertices in
##' mixed graphs.
##' @aliases neighbourhoods, un
##' @param graph `mixedgraph` object
##' @param ... other arguments, not currently used
##' @details `districts` and `neighbourhoods` find the
##' bidirected-connected and undirected-connected components of `graph`.
##' `un` finds the undirected part of `graph`.
##' `cliques` uses the Bron-Kirbosch algorithm to find 
##' maximal fully-connected subsets.
##' @export
districts <- function (graph, ...) {

##' @export
districts.default <- function(graph, ...) {
  groups(graph, etype="bidirected")

##' @describeIn districts Obtain undirected component
##' @param sort should vertices be sorted?
##' @export un
un <- function(graph, sort=1) {
  adj(graph, v=graph$v, etype="undirected", dir=0, inclusive=TRUE, sort=sort)

##' @describeIn districts Obtain neighbourhoods
##' @param undirected_only logical: should vertices not adjacent to an 
##' undirected edge be ignored?
##' @export neighbourhoods
neighbourhoods <- function(graph, undirected_only=TRUE) {
  if (undirected_only) groups(graph[un(graph)], etype="undirected")
  else groups(graph, etype="undirected")

##' @param sort should output be sorted?  sort=3 will also sort cliques
##' @param max_len maximum size of clique to consider
##' @describeIn districts Obtain maximal complete undirected subsets
##' @export cliques
cliques <- function(graph, sort=1, max_len) {

  # ## could do this by neighbourhood
  # neigh <- neighbourhoods(graph[un(graph)])
  if (missing(max_len)) max_len <- length(graph$v)

  ## restrict to undirected part of the graph
  if (is_UG(graph)) gr_u <- graph
  else gr_u <- graph[un(graph)]

  ## get list of neighbours  
  n <- nv(graph)
  nbs <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
  nbs[gr_u$v] <- lapply(gr_u$v, function(x) nb(gr_u, x))

  ## call Bron-Kirbosch algorithm
  out <- BK(R=integer(0), P=gr_u$v, X=integer(0), nbs, max_len=max_len)

  if (sort > 1) out <- lapply(out, sort.int)
  if (sort > 2) {
    out <- out[order(sapply(out, function(x) sum(2^x)))]

## Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm
BK <- function(R, P, X, nbs, max_len) {
  ## if nothing else to add, then return R
  if (length(R) == max_len || (length(P) == 0 && length(X) == 0)) {
    # print(R)
  ## otherwise, make a list
  out <- list()
  for (v in P) {
    ## add each vertex in turn
    nb_v <- nbs[[v]]
    out <- c(out, BK(c(R,v), intersect(P, nb_v), intersect(X, nb_v), nbs, max_len))
    P <- setdiff(P, v)
    X <- c(X, v)
  # return list of cliques found

# findCliques <- function(graph) {
#   vs <- graph$v
#   for (v in vs) {
#     nb(graph, v)
#   }
# }

##' Find Markov blanket
##' Find the Markov blanket for a vertex in an 
##' ancestral set
##' @param graph `mixedgraph` object
##' @param v a vertex, childless in `A`
##' @param A an ancestral collection of vertices
##' @param check logical: check `A` is ancestral?
##' @param sort integer:1 for unique but unsorted, 2 for 
##' sorted (0 for possibly repeated and unsorted).  If edges are stored as a matrix
##' then output will always be unique and sorted.
##' @details Finds the Markov blanket of `v` in `A`.
##' @export mb
mb <- function(graph, v, A, check=TRUE, sort=1) {
  if (check && !is.mixedgraph(graph)) stop("'graph' should be an object of class 'mixedgraph'")
  if (missing(A)) A <- graph$v
  if (!(v %in% A)) stop("v must be a member of A")
  if (check) {
    A2 <- pa(graph, A)
    if (!all(A2 %in% A)) {
      stop("Error: A is not ancestral")
  # consider subgraph over A
  graph <- graph[A]
  if (length(ch(graph, v)) > 0) stop("v is not childless in A")
  ## get Markov blanket  
  D <- dis(graph, v)
  out <- c(pa(graph, D), D)
  if (sort == 1) {
    out <- unique.default(out)
  else if (sort == 2) {
    out <- sort.default(unique.default(out))

##' Find barren, sterile, orphaned vertices
##' @param graph an object of class `mixedgraph`
##' @param v set of vertices of `graph`
##' @details Barren vertices (within `v`) are those
##' that have no proper descendants also within `v`.
##' Sterile (orphaned) vertices in `v` have no 
##' children (parents) also within `v`.
##' @export barren
barren <- function (graph, v = graph$v) {
  if (length(v) == 0) return(integer(0))
  if (setequal(v, graph$v)) {
    ans = adj(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=-1)
    ans <- setdiff(v, ans)
  else {
    ancs <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(v)) {
      if (v[i] %in% unlist(ancs)) next
      else ancs[[i]] <- grp(graph, v[i], etype="directed", dir=-1, inclusive = FALSE)
    ans <- setdiff(v, unlist(ancs))

##' @describeIn barren find vertices with no parents
##' @export orphaned
orphaned <- function (graph, v = graph$v) {
  if (length(v) == 0) return(integer(0))
  ans = adj(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=1)
  out <- setdiff(v, ans)

##' @export sterile
##' @describeIn barren find vertices with no children in the same set
sterile <- function(graph, v=graph$v){
  if (length(v) == 0) return(integer(0))
  pas = adj(graph, v, etype="directed", dir=-1)
  out <- setdiff(v, pas)

##' Find Claudius of a (bidirected-connected) set
##' Find the Claudius of a (presumably) bidirected-connected set.
##' @param graph a `mixedgraph` object
##' @param v set of vertices to consider
##' @details Drops strict spouses of `v` and any of their 
##' descendants.
##' @examples 
##' data(gr1)
##' claudius(gr1, 1)
##' claudius(gr1, 4)
##' @export claudius
claudius <- function(graph, v) {
  sibs <- adj(graph, v, etype="bidirected", dir=0, inclusive=FALSE)
  setdiff(graph$v, dec(graph, sibs))

##' Graph skeleton
##' Find undirected skeleton of a mixed graph
##' @param graph a `mixedgraph` object
##' @export skeleton
skeleton <- function(graph) {
  if (!is.mixedgraph(graph)) stop("'graph' should be an object of class 'mixedgraph'")
  # e = lapply(unlist(graph$edges, recursive=FALSE), sort.int)
  # e = unique(e)
  e = collapse(graph$edges, dir=0)
  out = mixedgraph(v=graph$v, edges=makeEdgeList(undirected=e), vnames=graph$vnames)

##' Find ancestral sets of a graph.
##' @param graph object of class `mixedgraph`, should be a summary graph
##' @param topOrder optional topological order of vertices
##' @param sort integer:1 for unique but unsorted, 2 for 
##' sorted.
##' @details Algorithm:
##' 1. Find a topological order of nodes.
##' 2. Base case: {} is ancestral
##' 3. Induction: (i) Assume we have a list L of all ancestral sets involving Xi-1 in the order.
##' (ii) If an ancestral set S in L contains all parents of Xi, Xi + S is also ancestral.
##' The function `anSets2` proceeds by adding a new barren vertex to the 
##' set, which is not a descendant of any existing vertices.  It consequently 
##' provides the option `maxbarren` to cap this at a fixed value.
##' @author Ilya Shpitser
##' @export anSets
anSets <- function(graph, topOrder, sort=1) {
  if (length(graph$v) <= 1) return(list(graph$v))
  out = list(integer(0))
  if (missing(topOrder)) topOrder <- topologicalOrder(graph)
  for(node in topOrder) {
    parents <- pa(graph, node)
    additions <- list()
    for(set in out){
      if(length(parents) == 0 || all(parents %in% set)){
        additions <- c(additions, list(c(set, node)))
    out <- c(out, additions)
  if (sort > 1) out <- lapply(out, sort.int)
  if (sort > 2) {
    ord <- order(sapply(out, function(x) sum(2^x)))
    out <- out[ord]

##' @param maxbarren maximum size of barren subsets
##' @param same_dist logical, should barren vertices be in the same district?
##' @describeIn anSets Uses different algorithm 
##' @export anSets2
anSets2 <- function(graph, topOrder, maxbarren, same_dist=FALSE, sort=1) {
  if (missing(maxbarren) || maxbarren > nv(graph)) maxbarren <- nv(graph)
  if (maxbarren < 1) return(list())
  # children <- lapply(graph$v, function(x) ch(graph, x))
  parents <- vector("list", nv(graph))
  parents[graph$v] <- lapply(graph$v, function(x) pa(graph, x))
  bar <- barrenSets(graph, max_size = maxbarren, same_dist = same_dist, 
                    sort=sort, return_anc_sets = TRUE)
  ancs <- attr(bar, "anSets")

  barSet <- list()
  for (b in seq_along(bar)) {
    tmp <- powerSet(bar[[b]], m = maxbarren)[-1]
    sm <- setmatch(barSet, tmp, nomatch = 0)
    if (any(sm > 0)) tmp <- tmp[-sm]
    barSet <- c(barSet, tmp)
  ancs <- lapply(barSet, function(x) unlist(ancs[x]))
  if (sort > 0) {
    ancs <- lapply(ancs, unique.default)
    if (sort > 1) ancs <- lapply(ancs, sort.int)

#   out <- tmp <- ancs[!sapply(ancs, is.null)]
#   bar <- barSet # unlist(lapply(graph$v, list), recursive = FALSE)
#   b <- 2
#   while (b <= maxbarren) {
#     if (b > 2) {
#       tmp <- tmp2
#       bar <- bar2
#     }
#     tmp2 <- bar2 <- list()
#     for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
#       if (same_dist) {
#         ## look for larger variables not already in
#         set <- setdiff(dis(graph, tmp[[i]][1]), seq_len(max(bar[[i]])))
#       }
#       else set <- setdiff(graph$v, seq_len(max(bar[[i]])))
#       ## go through and add in any non-ancestors
#       for (j in set) {
#         if (!all(ancs[[j]] %in% tmp[[i]]) && !any(bar[[i]] %in% ancs[[j]])) {
#           tmp2 <- c(tmp2, list(unique.default(c(tmp[[i]], ancs[[j]]))))
#           bar2 <- c(bar2, list(c(bar[[i]], j)))
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     ## if nothing new to add, then break out
#     if (length(tmp2) == 0) break
#     out <- c(out, tmp2)
#     b <- b+1
#   }
#   if (sort > 1) out <- lapply(out, sort.int)
  # out

##' Get barren subsets
##' Return list of barren subsets up to specified size
##' @param graph object of class `mixedgraph`
##' @param topOrder optionally, a topological order
##' @param max_size integer giving maximum size to consider
##' @param same_dist logical: should barren sets be in the same district?
##' @param sort integer:1 for unique but unsorted, 2 for 
##' sorted.
##' @param return_anc_sets logical: return ancestral sets for each vertex as an attribute?
##' @details Uses `clique` algorithm on a suitable undirected graph.
##' \strong{Warning:} Doesn't work for cyclic graphs.
##' @export barrenSets
barrenSets <- function(graph, topOrder, max_size, same_dist=FALSE, 
                      sort=1, return_anc_sets=FALSE) {
  if (missing(max_size) || max_size > nv(graph)) max_size <- nv(graph)
  if (max_size < 1) {
    out <- list()
    if (return_anc_sets) {
      attr(out, "anSets") <- list()
  else if (max_size == 1) {
    out <- lapply(graph$v, FUN = function(x) x)
    if (return_anc_sets) {
      tmp <- vector("list", length=length(graph$vnames))
      tmp[graph$v] <- lapply(graph$v, function(v) anc(graph, v))
      attr(out, "anSets") <- tmp
  # children <- lapply(graph$v, function(x) ch(graph, x))
  parents <- withAdjList(graph, "directed", force=TRUE)$edges$directed
  # parents <- list()
  # parents[graph$v] <- lapply(graph$v, function(x) pa(graph, x))
  if (missing(topOrder)) topOrder <- topologicalOrder(graph)
  ancs <- vector(mode="list", length = length(parents))
  ## create a new undirected graph where edge v -- w exists if 
  ## and only if v and w are incomparable in graph
  adjM <- adjMatrix(n=length(graph$vnames))
  adjM[graph$v, graph$v] = 1 - diag(nrow=nv(graph))
  graph2 <- mixedgraph(v=graph$v, edges=list(undirected=adjM), vnames=graph$vnames) # mutilate(graph, graph$v)
  # class(graph2$edges$undirected) <- "eList"

  for (i in topOrder) {
    ancs[[i]] <- c(i, unique.default(unlist(ancs[parents[[i]]])))
    graph2 <- removeEdges(graph2, list(un = eList(lapply(ancs[[i]][-1], function(x) c(x,i)))))
    # graph2$edges$undirected <- c(graph2$edges$undirected, lapply(ancs[[i]][-1], function(x) c(x,i)))
  ### perhaps speed this up by using sparse matrices when same_dist = TRUE
  # graph2 <- withAdjMatrix(graph2, sparse = FALSE)
  # graph2$edges$undirected[v,v] <- 1 - graph2$edges$undirected[v,v] - diag(nrow=nv(graph2))
  out <- list()
  # if (requireNamespace("igraph")) {
  #   if (same_dist) {
  #     dis <- districts(graph)
  #     for (d in seq_along(dis)) {
  #       gr_u <- convert(graph2[dis[[d]]], "igraph")
  #       tmp <- igraph::max_cliques(gr_u)
  #       tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(x) match(names(x), graph$vnames))
  #       out <- c(out, tmp)
  #     }
  #   }
  #   else {
  #     gr_u <- convert(graph2, "igraph")
  #     tmp <- igraph::max_cliques(gr_u)
  #     tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(x) match(names(x), graph$vnames))
  #     out <- cliques(graph2, max_len = max_size)
  #   }
  # }
  # else {
  if (same_dist) {
    dis <- districts(graph)
    for (d in seq_along(dis)) {
      out <- c(out, cliques(graph2[dis[[d]]], max_len = max_size))
  else {
    out <- cliques(graph2, max_len = max_size)
  # }
  ## now check if any exceed the maximum size allowed
  lens <- lengths(out)
  if (max_size < max(lens)) {
    for (i in which(lens > max_size)) out <- c(out, combn(out[[i]], max_size, simplify = FALSE))
    # remove overly long sets
    out <- out[-which(lens > max_size)]

    # remove any duplicates
    f <- function(n) sum(2^n)
    chk <- sapply(out, f)
    out <- out[!duplicated(chk)]
  if (sort > 1) out <- lapply(out, sort.int)

  if (return_anc_sets) attr(out, which = "anSets") <- ancs
  else attr(out, which = "anSets") <- NULL
rje42/MixedGraphs documentation built on March 20, 2024, 8:09 a.m.