#' Summary statistics of multiples variables
#'Compute the summary statistics of numeric variables from a given dataset. Compute the `mean`, `sd`, `sem`, `median`, `n_Waves`, `n_Cells`, `n_Animals` and `Normality_Shapiro_p.` NOTE: Shapiro-Wilk test will fail if less than 2 samples!.
#' @param my_dataset A previously cleaned dataframe with the function `clean_and_tidy_df_func()`.
#' @param my_grouping_vars Character vector. A character vector of groups names assigned to perform the aggregation. Don't change at least you know what you are doing!
#' @param Na_rm Boolean. Shall Nas be removed for summary functions computation?. Default to TRUE.
#' @param round_to Integer. A value to indicate number of decimals to used in final output. Default to 2.
#' @param shapiro Character. asses shapiro wilk test for normality. Requiere dataset length bigger than 2, otherwise will raise a warning.
#' @return Return a dataframe with the mean, median, SD, SEM, number of elements analized (cells or wave), number of animals, and asses Normality of the distribution with the Shapiro-Wilk test.
#' @export
#' @examples # the example is missing
my_summ_stat_func <- function(my_dataset,
my_grouping_vars = c("Animal", "Treatment", "Condition"),
Na_rm = TRUE,
round_to = 2,
shapiro = "yes"){
###### check for n datapoints <= 2 to allow Shapiro test of normality ######
test_minimal_n <- my_dataset %>%
group_by(across(any_of(my_grouping_vars))) %>%
~ n() <= 3),
.groups = "drop") %>%
# filter(across(where(is.logical), ~ .x == T))
filter(if_any(where(is.logical), ~ .x == T))
if(dim(test_minimal_n)[1] != 0){
message("You have at least one variable with 2 or less datapoints.\nShapiro test for normality check requires n == 3 or more. Shapiro test will not be assesed!")
shapiro = "no"
# create summary df
yes = summarized_DF <- my_dataset %>%
group_by(across(any_of(my_grouping_vars))) %>%
list(n = ~ length(.x),
mean = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
sd = ~ stats::sd(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
sem = ~ sem_func(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
median = ~ stats::median(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
NormalityShapirop = ~ stats::shapiro.test(.x)$p.value),
.names = "{.col}_{.fn}"), .groups = "drop"),
no = summarized_DF <- my_dataset %>%
group_by(across(any_of(my_grouping_vars))) %>%
list(n = ~ length(.x),
mean = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
sd = ~ stats::sd(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
sem = ~ sem_func(.x, na.rm = Na_rm),
median = ~ stats::median(.x, na.rm = Na_rm)),
# NormalityShapirop = ~ stats::shapiro.test(.x)$p.value),
.names = "{.col}_{.fn}"), .groups = "drop")
# make it tidy
rearranged_table <- summarized_DF %>%
pivot_longer(cols = contains("_"),
names_to = "Parameters") %>%
mutate(stats = str_extract(.data$Parameters,
pattern = "([^_]*)$"),
Parameters = str_extract(.data$Parameters,
pattern = "([^_]*_[^_]*)")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = .data$stats) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.double), ~ round(.x, round_to)))
# calculate separately animal no
animal_no <- my_dataset %>%
group_by(across(any_of(my_grouping_vars))) %>%
distinct(across(any_of(c("Animal", "Condition", "Animal_No")))) %>%
summarise(n_Animals = n(), .groups = "drop")
if( "Treatment" %in% colnames(rearranged_table)){
final_table <- left_join(rearranged_table,
by = my_grouping_vars) %>%
.before = .data$n)
if( !"Treatment" %in% colnames(rearranged_table)){
final_table <- left_join(rearranged_table,
by = my_grouping_vars[-2]) %>%
.before = .data$n)
rm(summarized_DF, animal_no, rearranged_table)
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