
Defines functions convertDate

Documented in convertDate

#' Converts date columns formatted as characters to be of type datetime
## Copyright(c) 2017-2020 R. Mark Sharp
## This file is part of nprcgenekeepr
#' Part of Pedigree Curation
## ##  rmsutilityr get_and_or_list
## ##  rmsutilityr is_valid_date_str
#' @return A dataframe with an updated table with date columns converted from
#' \code{character} data type to \code{Date} data type. Values that do not
#' conform to the format %Y%m%d are set to NA. NA values are left as NA.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(lubridate)
#' set_seed(10)
#' someBirthDates <- paste0(sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 10,
#'                                 replace = TRUE) + 2000, "-",
#'                          sample(1:12, 10, replace = TRUE), "-",
#'                          sample(1:28, 10, replace = TRUE))
#' someBadBirthDates <- paste0(sample(1:12, 10, replace = TRUE), "-",
#'                             sample(1:28, 10, replace = TRUE), "-",
#'                             sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 10,
#'                                    replace = TRUE) + 2000)
#' someDeathDates <- sample(someBirthDates, length(someBirthDates),
#'                          replace = FALSE)
#' someDepartureDates <- sample(someBirthDates, length(someBirthDates),
#'                              replace = FALSE)
#' ped1 <- data.frame(birth = someBadBirthDates, death = someDeathDates,
#'                    departure = someDepartureDates)
#' someDates <- ymd(someBirthDates)
#' ped2 <- data.frame(birth = someDates, death = someDeathDates,
#'                    departure = someDepartureDates)
#' ped3 <- data.frame(birth = someBirthDates, death = someDeathDates,
#'                    departure = someDepartureDates)
#' someNADeathDates <- someDeathDates
#' someNADeathDates[c(1, 3, 5)] <- ""
#' someNABirthDates <- someDates
#' someNABirthDates[c(2, 4, 6)] <- NA
#' ped4 <- data.frame(birth = someNABirthDates, death = someNADeathDates,
#'                    departure = someDepartureDates)
#' ## convertDate identifies bad dates
#' result = tryCatch({
#'   convertDate(ped1)
#' }, warning = function(w) {
#'   print("Warning in date")
#' }, error = function(e) {
#'   print("Error in date")
#' })
#' ## convertDate with error flag returns error list and not an error
#' convertDate(ped1, reportErrors = TRUE)
#' ## convertDate recognizes good dates
#' all(is.Date(convertDate(ped2)$birth))
#' all(is.Date(convertDate(ped3)$birth))
#' ## convertDate handles NA and empty character string values correctly
#' convertDate(ped4)
#' }
#' @param ped a dataframe of pedigree information that may contain birth,
#' death, departure, or exit dates. The fields are optional, but will be used
#' if present.(optional fields: birth, death, departure, and exit).
#' @param time.origin date object used by \code{as.Date} to set \code{origin}.
#' @param reportErrors logical value if TRUE will scan the entire file and
#' make a list of all errors found. The errors will be returned in a
#' list of list where each sublist is a type of error found.
#' @importFrom stringi stri_trim_both stri_c
#' @export
convertDate <- function(ped, time.origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"),
                        reportErrors = FALSE) {
  ## Ignore records added because of unknown parents
  if (any("recordStatus" %in% names(ped))) {
    addedPed <- ped[ped$recordStatus == "added", ]
    ped <- ped[ped$recordStatus == "original", ]
    if (nrow(ped) == 0)
      return(rbind(ped, addedPed))

  headers <-  tolower(names(ped))
  headers <- headers[headers %in% getDateColNames()]
  format <- "%Y-%m-%d"
  invalid_date_rows <- NULL
  for (header in headers) {
    dates <- ped[[header]]
    if (any(class(dates) %in% c("factor","logical", "integer"))) {
      dates <- as.character(dates)
    if (class(dates) == "Date") {
      dates <- removeEarlyDates(dates, 1000)
      originalNAs <- is.na(dates)
      dates <- dates[!originalNAs]
    } else if (class(dates) == "character") {
      dates[stri_trim_both(dates) == ""] <- NA
      ped[[header]] <- dates
      originalNAs <- is.na(dates)
      dates <- dates[!originalNAs]
      if (length(dates) > 0) {
        dates <- insertSeparators(dates)
        dates <- as.Date(dates, format = format, origin = time.origin,
                         optional = TRUE)
        dates <- removeEarlyDates(dates, 1000)
    } else {
      stop(stri_c("class(dates) is not 'character', 'factor', 'integer', or ",
                  "'Date' it is == ", class(dates)))

    if (any(is.na(dates))) {
      goodAndBadDates <- ifelse(is.na(dates), "bad", "good")
      originalDates <- as.character(ped[[header]])
      originalDates[originalNAs] <- "good"
      originalDates[!originalNAs] <- goodAndBadDates
      if (reportErrors) {
        invalid_date_rows <- c(invalid_date_rows,
                               seq_along(originalDates)[originalDates == "bad"])
      rowNums <- get_and_or_list(
        seq_along(originalDates)[originalDates == "bad"], "and")
      stop(paste0("Column '", header, "' has invalid dates on row(s) ",
                  rowNums, "."))
    ped[!originalNAs, header] <- dates
    ped[originalNAs, header] <- NA # For those NAs from dates <= 1000 CE
    ped[[header]] <- as.Date(as.integer(ped[[header]]), origin = time.origin)
  if (reportErrors) {
    if (!is.null(invalid_date_rows))
      invalid_date_rows <- as.character(sort(invalid_date_rows))
  } else {
    ## Add back records of unknown parents
    if (any("recordStatus" %in% names(ped)))
      ped <- rbind(ped, addedPed)
rmsharp/nprcmanager documentation built on April 24, 2021, 3:13 p.m.