
Defines functions qcStudbook

Documented in qcStudbook

#' Quality Control for the Studbook or pedigree
## Copyright(c) 2017-2020 R. Mark Sharp
## This file is part of nprcgenekeepr
#' Main pedigree curation function that performs basic quality control on
#' pedigree information
#' @return A data.frame with standardized and quality controlled pedigree
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' examplePedigree <- nprcgenekeepr::examplePedigree
#' ped <- qcStudbook(examplePedigree, minParentAge = 2, reportChanges = FALSE,
#'                   reportErrors = FALSE)
#' names(ped)
#' }
#' @param sb A dataframe containing a table of pedigree and demographic
#' information.
#' The function recognizes the following columns (optional columns
#' will be used if present, but are not required):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{id} {--- Character vector with Unique identifier for all individuals}
#' \item{sire} {--- Character vector with unique identifier for the father of
#' the current id}
#' \item{dam} {--- Character vector with unique identifier for the mother of
#' the current id}
#' \item{sex} {--- Factor {levels: "M", "F", "U"} Sex specifier for an
#' individual}
#' \item{birth} {--- Date or \code{NA} (optional) with the individual's birth
#' date}
#' \item{departure} {--- Date or \code{NA} (optional) an individual was sold
#' or shipped from the colony}
#' \item{death} {--- date or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Date of death, if applicable}
#' \item{status} {--- Factor {levels: ALIVE, DEAD, SHIPPED} (optional)
#'  Status of an individual}
#' \item{origin} {--- Character or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Facility an individual originated from, if other than ONPRC}
#' \item{ancestry} {--- Character or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Geographic population to which the individual belongs}
#' \item{spf} {--- Character or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Specific pathogen-free status of an individual}
#' \item{vasxOvx} {--- Character or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Indicator of the vasectomy/ovariectomy status of an animal; \code{NA} if
#'  animal is intact, assume all other values indicate surgical alteration}
#' \item{condition} {--- Character or \code{NA} (optional)
#'  Indicator of the restricted status of an animal. "Nonrestricted" animals
#'  are generally assumed to be naive.}
#' }
#' @param minParentAge numeric values to set the minimum age in years for
#' an animal to have an offspring. Defaults to 2 years. The check is not
#' performed for animals with missing birth dates.
#' @param reportChanges logical value that if \code{TRUE}, the \code{errorLst}
#' contains the list of changes made to the column names. Default is
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param reportErrors logical value if \code{TRUE} will scan the entire file
#' and report back changes made to input and errors in a
#' list of list where each sublist is a type of change or error found.
#' Changes will include column names, case of categorical values (male,
#' female, unknown), etc.
#' Errors will include missing columns, invalid date rows, male dams,
#' female sires, and records with one or more parents  below minimum age
#' of parents.
#' The following changes are made to the cols.
#' \itemize{
#' \item {Column cols are converted to all lower case}
#' \item {Periods (".") within column cols are collapsed to no space ""}
#' \item {\code{egoid} is converted to \code{id}}
#' \item {\code{sireid} is convert to \code{sire}}
#' \item {\code{damid} is converted to \code{dam}}}
#' If the dataframe (\code{sb} does not contain the five required columns
#' (\code{id}, \code{sire}, \code{dam}, \code{sex}), and
#' \code{birth} the function throws an error by calling \code{stop()}.
#' If the \code{id} field has the string \emph{UNKNOWN} (any case) or both
#' the fields \code{sire} or \code{dam} have \code{NA} or \emph{UNKNOWN}
#' (any case), the record is removed.
#' If either of the fields \code{sire} or \code{dam} have the
#' string \emph{UNKNOWN} (any case), they are replaced with a unique identifier
#' with the form \code{Unnnn}, where \code{nnnn} represents one of a series
#' of sequential integers representing the number of missing sires and
#' dams right justified in a pattern of \code{0000}. See \code{addUIds}
#' function.
#' The function \code{addParents} is used to add records for parents missing
#' their own record in the pedigree.
#' The function \code{convertSexCodes} is used with \code{ignoreHerm == TRUE}
#' to convert sex codes according to the following factors of standardized
#' codes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{F} {-- replacing "FEMALE" or "2"}
#' \item{M} {-- replacing "MALE" or "1"}
#' \item{H} {-- replacing "HERMAPHRODITE" or "4", if ignore.herm == FALSE}
#' \item{U} {-- replacing "HERMAPHRODITE" or "4", if ignore.herm == TRUE}
#' \item{U} {-- replacing "UNKNOWN" or "3"}}
#' The function \code{correctParentSex} is used to ensure no parent is both
#' a sire and a dam. If this error is detected, the function throws an error
#' and halts the program.
#' The function \code{convertStatusCodes} converts status indicators to the
#' following factors of standardized codes. Case of the original status value
#' is ignored.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"ALIVE"} {--- replacing "alive", "A" and "1"}
#' \item {"DECEASED"} {--- replacing "deceased", "DEAD", "D", "2"}
#' \item {"SHIPPED"} {--- replacing "shipped", "sold", "sale", "s", "3"}
#' \item{"UNKNOWN"} {--- replacing is.na(status)}
#' \item {"UNKNOWN"} {--- replacing "unknown", "U", "4"}}
#' The function \code{convertAncestry} coverts ancestry indicators using
#' regular expressions such that the following conversions are made from
#' character strings that match selected substrings to the following factors.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"INDIAN"} {--- replacing "ind" and not "chin"}
#' \item{"CHINESE"} {--- replacing "chin" and not "ind"}
#' \item{"HYBRID"} {--- replacing "hyb" or "chin" and "ind"}
#' \item{"JAPANESE"} {--- replacing "jap"}
#' \item{"UNKNOWN"} {--- replacing \code{NA}}
#' \item{"OTHER"} {--- replacing not matching any of the above}}
#' The function \code{convertDate} converts character representations of
#' dates in the columns \code{birth}, \code{death}, \code{departure}, and
#' \code{exit} to dates using the \code{as.Date} function.
#' The function \code{setExit} uses heuristics and the columns \code{death}
#' and \code{departure} to set \code{exit} if it is not already defined.
#' The function \code{calcAge} uses the \code{birth} and the \code{exit}
#' columns to define the \code{age} column. The numerical values is rounded
#' to the nearest 0.1 of a year. If \code{exit} is not defined, the
#' current system date (\code{Sys.Date()}) is used.
#' The function \code{findGeneration} is used to define the generation number
#' for each animal in the pedigree.
#' The function \code{removeDuplicates} checks for any duplicated records and
#' removes the duplicates. I also throws an error and stops the program if an
#' ID appears in more
#' than one record where one or more of the other columns have a difference.
#' Columns that cannot be used subsequently are removed and the rows are
#' ordered by generation number and then ID.
#' Finally the columns \code{id} \code{sire}, and \code{dam} are coerce to
#' character.
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
## ##  rmsutilityr str_detect_fixed_all
#' @export
qcStudbook <- function(sb, minParentAge = 2, reportChanges = FALSE,
                       reportErrors = FALSE) {
  newColumns <- fixColumnNames(names(sb), getEmptyErrorLst())
  cols <- newColumns$newColNames
  errorLst <- newColumns$errorLst
  if (reportChanges == FALSE) # remove changed columns
    errorLst$changedCols <- getEmptyErrorLst()$changedCols
  missingColumns <- checkRequiredCols(cols, reportErrors)
  if (reportErrors & !is.null(missingColumns)) {
    errorLst$missingColumns <- missingColumns
  names(sb) <- cols

  sb <- toCharacter(sb, headers = c("id", "sire", "dam"))
  sb <- unknown2NA(sb)
  sb <- addUIds(sb)
  sb <- addParents(sb) # add parent record for parents that don't have
                       #their own line entry
  # Add and standardize needed fields
  sb$sex <- convertSexCodes(sb$sex)
  if (reportErrors) {
    testVal <- correctParentSex(sb$id, sb$sire, sb$dam, sb$sex,
                                sb$recordStatus, reportErrors)
    if (is.null(testVal$femaleSires) & is.null(testVal$maleDams)
        & is.null(testVal$sireAndDam)) {
      sb$sex <- correctParentSex(sb$id, sb$sire, sb$dam, sb$sex,
                                 sb$recordStatus, reportErrors = FALSE)
    } else {
      errorLst$femaleSires <- testVal$femaleSires
      errorLst$maleDams <- testVal$maleDams
      errorLst$sireAndDam <- testVal$sireAndDam
  } else {
    sb$sex <- correctParentSex(sb$id, sb$sire, sb$dam, sb$sex, sb$recordStatus)

  if (any("status" %in% cols)) {
    sb$status <- convertStatusCodes(sb$status)
  if (any("ancestry" %in% cols)) {
    sb$ancestry <- convertAncestry(sb$ancestry)
  if (any("fromCenter" %in% cols)) {
    sb$fromCenter <- convertFromCenter(sb$fromCenter)
  # converting date column entries from strings and integers to date
  if (reportErrors) {
    sbAndErrors <- getDateErrorsAndConvertDatesInPed(sb, errorLst)
    sb <- sbAndErrors$sb
    errorLst <- sbAndErrors$errorLst
  } else {
    sb <- convertDate(sb, time.origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))
    sb <- setExit(sb, time.origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

  # ensure parents are older than offspring
  suspiciousParents <- checkParentAge(sb, minParentAge, reportErrors)
  if (reportErrors) {
    if (!is.null(suspiciousParents)) {
      if (nrow(suspiciousParents) > 0)
        errorLst$suspiciousParents <- suspiciousParents
  } else {
    if (nrow(suspiciousParents) > 0) {
      fileName <- paste0(tempdir(), "/lowParentAge.csv")
                file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)

      stop(paste0("Parents with low age at birth of offspring are listed in ",
                  fileName, ".\n"))
  # setting age:
  # uses current date as the end point if no exit date is available
  if (any(("birth" %in% cols)) && !any(("age" %in% cols))) {
    if (all(is.Date(sb$birth)))
      sb["age"] <- calcAge(sb$birth, sb$exit)

  # Adding generation numbers
  sb["gen"] <- findGeneration(sb$id, sb$sire, sb$dam)

  # Cleaning-up the data.frame
  # Filtering unnecessary columns and ordering the data
  if (reportErrors) {
    testVal <- removeDuplicates(sb, reportErrors = reportErrors)
    if (!is.null(testVal)) {
      errorLst$duplicateIds <- testVal
    } ## else do not update sb, because it will fail
  } else {
    sb <- sb <- removeDuplicates(sb)

  sb <- fixGenotypeCols(sb)
  cols <- intersect(getPossibleCols(), colnames(sb))
  novelCols <- colnames(sb)[!colnames(sb) %in% cols]
  sb <- sb[, c(cols, novelCols)]
  sb <- sb[with(sb, order(gen, id)), ]
  rownames(sb) <- seq(length.out = nrow(sb))

  # Ensuring the IDs are stored as characters
  sb <- toCharacter(sb, headers = c("id", "sire", "dam"))
  if (reportErrors) {
  } else {
rmsharp/nprcmanager documentation built on April 24, 2021, 3:13 p.m.