# function to combine two data frames with unequal set of columns. missing
# columns in one frame are filled with NA. empty data frames allowed
rbind.all.columns <- function(x, y) {
if ((ncol(x) > 0) & (ncol(y) > 0)) {
x.diff <- setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(y))
y.diff <- setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x))
x[, c(as.character(y.diff))] <- NA
y[, c(as.character(x.diff))] <- NA
return(rbind(x, y))
} else {
return(rbind(x, y))
#' Parse BLAST XML output
#' @description Parses a BLAST xml-file to a
#' \linkS4class{GRangesList} or \link[base]{data.frame} object.
#' @param x A xml file created with NCBI-BLAST option -outfmt 5 or AB-BLAST
#' option -mformat=7.
#' @param grange_output If set TRUE, output is a \linkS4class{GRangesList}
#' object, otherwise a \link[base]{data.frame} object.
#' @param keep_sequences If FALSE, sequence and alignment columns are discarded.
#' @return A list with two elements accessible via: \cr \code{$metadata}:
#' BLAST-metadata such as run parameters, sequence information and
#' statistics.\cr \code{$alignments}: Information about the alignments.\cr If
#' \code{grange_output} is set FALSE, output is a \link[base]{data.frame}
#' object, else a \linkS4class{GRangesList} object with start, end, strand,
#' sequence name and length taken from the subject. Information about the
#' query is presered in the metadata columns.
#' @details This function parses BLAST-xml output files using
#' \link[XML]{xmlParse}. Setting \code{keep_sequences} FALSE will discard all
#' sequence and alignment columns to save memory.
#' @export
read_blast_xml <- function(x, grange_output = T, keep_sequences = F) {
Check <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assertFileExists(x, add = Check)
checkmate::assertLogical(grange_output, add = Check)
checkmate::assertLogical(keep_sequences, add = Check)
xml_file <- xmlParse(x)
if (xmlSize(xmlRoot(xml_file)[[9]]) > 1) {
stop("more than one sequence in query, either change you blast search
or this function")
# get metadata
blast_stats <- data.frame(t(xmlSApply(getNodeSet(xml_file,
function(p) xmlSApply(p, xmlValue))),
blast_stats <- as.data.frame(lapply(blast_stats,
function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
blast_stats$program <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(xml_file,
blast_stats$query_name <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(xml_file,
blast_stats$query_ID <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(xml_file,
blast_stats$query_len <- as.numeric(xmlValue(getNodeSet(xml_file,
blast_params <- data.frame(t(xmlSApply(getNodeSet(xml_file,
function(p) xmlSApply(p, xmlValue))),
# convert numbers to numeric, different format for each blast-program
if (blast_stats$program == "blastn") {
blast_params[,1:5] <- as.data.frame(lapply(blast_params[1:5],
function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
} else if (blast_stats$program %in% c("tblastx", "blastp", "tblastn")) {
blast_params[,2:4] <- as.data.frame(lapply(blast_params[2:4],
function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
} else if (blast_stats$program == "blastp") {
stop('invalid blasttype\n', metadata_frame$program)
metadata_frame <- merge(blast_stats, blast_params)
# get rid of - for compatibility reasons
colnames(metadata_frame) <- gsub(".text", "", colnames(metadata_frame))
colnames(metadata_frame) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(metadata_frame))
# get all alignments for each sequence in the database
xmlallhits <- getNodeSet(xml_file, "//Iteration_hits")[[1]]
n_seqs <- xmlSize(xmlallhits)
seq_frame <- data.frame()
for (s in 1: n_seqs) {
xmltop <- xmlallhits[[s]]
seq_len <- as.numeric(xmlValue(getNodeSet(xmltop, "Hit_len")))
seq_name <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(xmltop, "Hit_id"))
try_out <- tryCatch(
expr = {
new_frame <- xmlToDataFrame(getNodeSet(xmltop, "Hit_hsps")[[1]])
new_frame$seq_len <- seq_len
new_frame$seq_ID <- seq_name
if (!keep_sequences) {
new_frame$Hsp_qseq <- NULL
new_frame$Hsp_hseq <- NULL
new_frame$Hsp_midline <- NULL
seq_frame <- rbind.all.columns(seq_frame, new_frame)
error=function(cond) {
# if (!try_out) {
# print("No hits found in BLAST-result, returning empty data.frame")
# return(data.frame())
# }
# get rid of - for compatibility
colnames(seq_frame) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(seq_frame))
seq_frame$query_id <- rep(blast_stats$query_ID, nrow(seq_frame))
seq_frame$query_len <- rep(blast_stats$query_len, nrow(seq_frame))
# check if all columns are there, else create missing ones
required_colnames <- c('Hsp_num', 'Hsp_bit.score', 'Hsp_score',
'Hsp_evalue', 'Hsp_query.from', 'Hsp_query.to',
'query_id', 'query_len', 'Hsp_hit.from', 'Hsp_hit.to',
'Hsp_query.frame', 'Hsp_hit.frame', 'Hsp_identity',
'Hsp_positive', 'Hsp_gaps', 'Hsp_align.len',
'seq_len', 'seq_ID')
missing_colnames <- setdiff(required_colnames, colnames(seq_frame))
for (m in missing_colnames) {
seq_frame[[m]] <- 0
seq_frame <- seq_frame[,c('Hsp_num', 'Hsp_bit.score', 'Hsp_score',
'Hsp_evalue', 'Hsp_query.from', 'Hsp_query.to',
'Hsp_hit.from', 'Hsp_hit.from', 'Hsp_hit.to',
'Hsp_query.frame', 'Hsp_hit.frame', 'Hsp_identity',
'Hsp_positive', 'Hsp_gaps', 'Hsp_align.len',
'seq_len', 'query_len', 'seq_ID', 'query_id')]
seq_frame[,1:17] <- as.data.frame(lapply(seq_frame[1:17],
function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
# check that start is always smaller than end
change_sstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.from > seq_frame$Hsp_hit.to)
if (length(change_sstrand) > 0) {
# print("changing sstart")
seq_frame$X <- seq_frame$Hsp_hit.from
seq_frame[change_sstrand,]$Hsp_hit.from <- seq_frame[change_sstrand,]$Hsp_hit.to
seq_frame[change_sstrand,]$Hsp_hit.to <- seq_frame[change_sstrand,]$X
seq_frame$X <- NULL
change_qstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_query.from > seq_frame$Hsp_query.to)
if (length(change_qstrand) > 0) {
# print("changing qstart")
seq_frame$X <- seq_frame$Hsp_query.from
seq_frame[change_qstrand,]$Hsp_query.from <- seq_frame[change_qstrand,]$Hsp_query.to
seq_frame[change_qstrand,]$Hsp_query.to <- seq_frame[change_qstrand,]$X
seq_frame$X <- NULL
seq_frame$sstrand <- "+"
# check which hits are reverse complement on one genome. for blastn,
# mark always subject strand as "-" for WIS
if (metadata_frame$program == "blastn") {
print("file is from blastn")
minus_strand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_query.frame < 0)
# then from ab-blast, strand info in on query frame field
if (length(minus_strand) > 0) {
seq_frame[minus_strand,]$sstrand <- "-"
# to avoid later confution, move information to hit-strand
seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame <- seq_frame$Hsp_query.frame
seq_frame$Hsp_query.frame <- 1
} else if (length(minus_strand) < 1) {
# then possibly from ncbi-blast, strand info in hit/subject frame field
minus_strand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame < 0)
if (length(minus_strand) > 0) {
# if not, everything seems to be on one strand
seq_frame[minus_strand,]$sstrand <- "-"
# for tblastx, it matters on which genome the minus strand is aligned
} else if (metadata_frame$program == "tblastx") {
print("file is from tblastx")
minus_sstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame < 0)
seq_frame[minus_sstrand,]$sstrand <- "-"
} else if ( metadata_frame$program == "blastp") {
print("file is from blastp")
wrong_sstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame != 0)
wrong_qstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_query.frame != 0)
if (length(wrong_qstrand) > 0 | length(wrong_sstrand) > 0) {
stop("File from ", metadata_frame$program, "contains invalid values
for strand, should be 0")
# no strandedness expected here, nothing to do
} else if (metadata_frame$program == "blastx") {
print("file is from blastx")
wrong_sstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame != 0)
if (length(wrong_sstrand) > 0) {
stop("File from ", metadata_frame$program, "contains invalid values
for hit strand, should be 0")
# hits are proteins, so always of frame 0, nothing to do either for now
} else if (metadata_frame$program == "tblastn") {
print("file is from tblastn")
wrong_qstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_query.frame != 0)
if (length(wrong_qstrand) > 0) {
stop("File from ", metadata_frame$program, "contains invalid values
for query strand, should be 0")
minus_sstrand <- which(seq_frame$Hsp_hit.frame < 0)
seq_frame[minus_sstrand,]$sstrand <- "-"
} else {
stop('invalid blasttype\n', metadata_frame$program)
seq_frame$raw_score <- seq_frame$Hsp_score
seq_frame$ID <- 1: nrow(seq_frame)
seq_frame$filter_pass <- TRUE # create filter column
#create granges output
if (grange_output) {
seq_granges <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seq_frame, keep.extra.columns = T,
seqnames.field = 'seq_ID',
start.field = 'Hsp_hit.from',
end.field = 'Hsp_hit.to',
strand.field = 'sstrand')
# create metadata column with granges object for query intervals
query_ranges <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(seq_frame, keep.extra.columns = F,
seqnames.field = 'query_id',
start.field = 'Hsp_query.from',
end.field = 'Hsp_query.to',
ignore.strand = T)
names(seq_granges) <- seq_frame$ID
names(query_ranges) <- seq_frame$ID
# print(unique(seq_frame$seq_len))
seqlengths(seq_granges) <- unique(seq_frame$seq_len)
seqlengths(query_ranges) <- unique(seq_frame$query_len)
seq_granges$query_ranges <- query_ranges
out_data <- list(alignments = seq_granges, metadata = metadata_frame)
} else {
out_data <- list(alignments = seq_frame, metadata = metadata_frame)
#' Simple BLAST-results filter
#' @description Filter BLAST-results by different criteria. Removes every
#' alignment not fulfilling the criteria
#' @param raw_granges A \linkS4class{GRangesList} as
#' returned from [read_blast_xml].
#' @param grange_output If set TRUE, output it a
#' \linkS4class{GRangesList} object, otherwise a
#' \link[base]{data.frame} object.
#' @param keep_sequences If FALSE, sequence and alignment columns are discarded.
#' @param min_len,max_e,min_identity Integer or float to filter the
#' BLAST-results by minimum length, maximum e-value or minimum percent idenity
#' @export
filter_blast <- function(raw_granges, min_len = 0, max_e = 100,
min_identity = 0) {
# filter alignments according to filter criteria
filter_len <- which ((raw_granges$Hsp_align.len < min_len))
raw_granges[filter_len]$filter_pass <- rep(FALSE, length(filter_len))
filter_e <- which ((raw_granges$Hsp_evalue > max_e))
raw_granges[filter_e]$filter_pass <- rep(FALSE, length(filter_e))
filter_identity <- which ((raw_granges$Hsp_identity < min_identity))
raw_granges[filter_identity]$filter_pass <- rep(FALSE, length(filter_identity))
print("Number of alignments filtered out")
n_filter_bad <- length(which(raw_granges$filter_pass == F))
print("Number of alignments that passed filter")
n_filter_good <- length(raw_granges) - n_filter_bad
raw_granges <- raw_granges[which(raw_granges$filter_pass == TRUE)]
if (n_filter_good < 1) {
warning("No alignemnts that match filter criteria.")
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