
Defines functions `lmSlopeDifference`

# linearRegressionTools.R

`lmSlopeDifference` <- function( lmAns1, lmAns2, coef1=2, coef2=2, nCoefObjects=1) {

# Two different citations for the identical formula:
#       formula for the test statistic:  Z = (b1-b2) / sqrt( SEb1^2 + SEb2^2)
#       for 2 slopes 'b1, b2' with standard errors 'SEb1, SEb2'
#  1)   http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/55501/test-a-significant-difference-between-two-slope-values
#	cites: 	Paternoster, R., Brame, R., Mazerolle, P., & Piquero, A. R. (1998). 
#		Using the Correct Statistical Test for the Equality of Regression Coefficients. Criminology, 36(4), 859–866.
#  2)   http://www.real-statistics.com/regression/hypothesis-testing-significance-regression-line-slope/
#			comparing-slopes-two-independent-samples/
#	cites:	David Howells textbook entitled Statistical Methods for Psychology, Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning, 2010.

	# extract the slope and standard error from the summary objects of two separate liner regression model objects
	lmSummary1 <- summary( lmAns1)
	modelCoefs1 <- coef( lmSummary1)
	lmSummary2 <- summary( lmAns2)
	modelCoefs2 <- coef( lmSummary2)
	df1 <- lmSummary1$df[2]
	df2 <- lmSummary2$df[2]

	# a few complex models return more than a single fit object.  Hurdle and Zero Inflated Negative Binomial return 2
	if (nCoefObjects > 1) {
		modelCoefs1 <- modelCoefs1[[1]]
		modelCoefs2 <- modelCoefs2[[1]]
		df1 <- attributes( logLik(lmAns1))[["df"]]
		df2 <- attributes( logLik(lmAns2))[["df"]]

	# now extract the wanted coefficients (slope and standard error) from each model
	# (in most any LM model, the origin is row #1, and our coefficient of interest is in row #2)
	# (the slope is in column 1, and the standard error is in column 2)
	slope1 <- modelCoefs1[ coef1, 1]
	se1 <- modelCoefs1[ coef1, 2]
	yintercept1 <- modelCoefs1[ 1, 1]
	xintercept1 <- (-yintercept1) / slope1
	slope2 <- modelCoefs2[ coef2, 1]
	se2 <- modelCoefs2[ coef2, 2]
	yintercept2 <- modelCoefs2[ 1, 1]
	xintercept2 <- (-yintercept2) / slope2

	# difference in slopes is 'model2 - model1'
	dslope <- slope2 - slope1
	dyintercept <- yintercept2 - yintercept1
	dxintercept <- xintercept2 - xintercept1

	# the test statistic 'Z'
	pooledVariance <- sqrt( se1*se1 + se2*se2)
	t.value.slope <- dslope / pooledVariance
	t.value.yintercept <- dyintercept / pooledVariance
	t.value.xintercept <- dxintercept / pooledVariance

	# the combined degrees of freedom
	degFree <- df1 + df2

	# calculated the P-value for seeing that large a T statistic ( 2-sided -- 'are the slopes equal')
	p.value.slope <- pt( abs(t.value.slope), df=degFree, lower.tail=FALSE) * 2
	p.value.yintercept <- pt( abs(t.value.yintercept), df=degFree, lower.tail=FALSE) * 2
	p.value.xintercept <- pt( abs(t.value.xintercept), df=degFree, lower.tail=FALSE) * 2

	return( list( "difference"=dslope, "p.value"=p.value.slope, 
			"yintercept.difference"=dyintercept, "yintercept.p.value"=p.value.yintercept,
			"xintercept.difference"=dxintercept, "xintercept.p.value"=p.value.xintercept))
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 4:51 p.m.