
#' Apply a database caching layer to an arbitrary R function.
#' Requesting data from an API or performing queries can sometimes yield
#' dataframe outputs that are easily cached according to some primary key.
#' This function makes it possible to cache the output along the primary
#' key, while only using the uncached function on those records that
#' have not been computed before.
#' @param uncached_function function. The function to cache.
#' @param key character. A character vector of primary keys. If \code{key} is unnamed,
#'   the user guarantees that \code{uncached_function} has these as formal arguments
#'   and that it returns a data.frame containing columns with at least those
#'   names. For example, if we are caching a function that looks like
#'   \code{function(author) { ... }}, we expect its output to be data.frames
#'   containing an \code{"author"} column with one record for each author.
#'   In this situation, \code{key = "author"}. Otherwise if \code{key} is
#'   a named length 1 vector, the name shall match the uncached_function key
#'   argument, the value shall be matched to at least one of the columns the
#'   returned data.frame contains.
#' @param salt character. The names of the formal arguments of \code{uncached_function}
#'   for which a unique value at calltime should use a different database
#'   table. In other words, if \code{uncached_function} has arguments
#'   \code{id, x, y}, but different kinds of data.frames (i.e., ones with
#'   different types and/or column names) will be returned depending
#'   on the value of \code{x} or \code{y}, then we can set
#'   \code{salt = c("x", "y")} to use a different database table for
#'   each combination of values of \code{x} and \code{y}. For example,
#'   if \code{x} and \code{y} are only allowed to be \code{TRUE} or
#'   \code{FALSE}, with potentially four different kinds of data.frame
#'   outputs, then up to four tables would be created.
#' @param con SQLConnection or character. Database connection object, \emph{or}
#'   character path to database.yml file. In the latter case, you will have to
#'   specify an \code{env} parameter that determines the environment used for
#'   the database.yml file.
#' @param prefix character. Database table prefix. A different prefix should
#'   be used for each cached function so that there are no table collisions.
#'   Optional, but highly recommended. By default, the deparsed name of the
#'   \code{uncached_function} parameter.
#' @param env character. The environment of the database connection if con
#'   is a yaml cofiguration file. By default, \code{"cache"}.
#' @param batch_size integer. Usually, the uncached operation is slow
#'   (or we would not have to cache it!). However, fetching data from the
#'   database is fast. To handle this dichotomy, the \code{batch_size}
#'   parameter gives the ability to control the chunks in which to compute
#'   and cache the uncached operation. This makes it more robust to failures,
#'   and ensures fetching of uncached data is partially stored even when
#'   errors occur midway through the process. The default is \code{100}.
#'   Note that the \href{http://github.com/peterhurford/batchman}{batchman}
#'   package should be installed for batching to take effect.
#' @param safe_columns logical or function.  If safe_columns = \code{TRUE}
#'   and a caching call would add additional columns for an already existing
#'   cache with already existing columns, the function will instead crash.
#'   If safe_columns is a function, that function will be called.  The function
#'   must return /code{TRUE} for this to work.  Also the function will be called
#'   with no arguments.  This is mainly so you can write your own error message.
#'   If safe_columns is /code{FALSE}, the additional columns will be added.
#'   Defaults \code{FALSE}.
#' @param blacklist list. Any elements in this list will be blocked from caching.
#'   This is useful for implementing a conditional cache or adding more safety around
#'   your caching layer.  Defaults to \code{NULL}, no blacklist.
#' @return A function with a caching layer that does not call
#'   \code{uncached_function} with already computed records, but retrieves
#'   those results from an underlying database table.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # These examples assume you have a database connection object
#' # (as specified in the DBI package) in a local variable `con`.
#' # Imagine we have a function that returns a data.frame of information
#' # about IMDB titles through their API. It takes an integer vector of
#' # IDs and returns a data.frame with an "id" column, with one row for
#' # each title. (for example, 111161 would correspond to
#' # http://www.imdb.com/title/tt111161/ which is The Shawshank Redemption).
#' amazon_info <- function(id) {
#'   # Call external API.
#' }
#' # Sending HTTP requests to Amazon and waiting for the response is
#' # computationally intensive, so if we ask for some IDs that have
#' # already been computed in the past, it would be useful to not
#' # make additional HTTP requests for those records. For example,
#' # we may want to do some processing on all Amazon titles. However,
#' # new records are created each day. Instead of parsing all
#' # the historical records on each execution, we would like to only
#' # parse new records; old records would be retrieved from a database
#' # table that had the same column names as a typical output data.frame
#' # of the `amazon_info` function.
#' cached_amazon_info <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(amazon_info, key = 'id', con = con)
#' # By using the `cache` function, we are asking for the following:
#' #   (1) If we call `cached_amazon_info` with a vector of integer IDs,
#' #       take the subset of IDs that have already been returned from
#' #       a previous call to `cached_amazon_info`. Retrieve the data.frame
#' #       for these records from an underlying database table.
#' #   (2) The remaining IDs (those we have never passed to `cached_amazon_info`)
#' #       should be fed to the base `amazon_info` function as if we had
#' #       called it with this subset. This will yield another data.frame that
#' #       was computed using live HTTP requests.
#' # The `cached_amazon_info` function will return the union (rbind) of these
#' # two data sets as one single data set, as if we had called `amazon_info`
#' # by itself. It will also cache the second data set so another identical
#' # call to `cached_amazon_info` will not trigger any additional HTTP requests.
#' ###
#' # Salts
#' ###
#' # Imagine our `amazon_info` function is slightly more complicated:
#' # instead of always returning the same information about film titles,
#' # it has an additional parameter `type` that controls whether we
#' # want info about the filmography or about the reviews. The output
#' # of this function will still be data.frame's with an `id` column
#' # and one row for each title, but the other columns can be different
#' # now depending on the `type` parameter.
#' amazon_info2 <- function(id, type = 'filmography') {
#'   if (identical(type, 'filmography')) { return(amazon_info(id)) }
#'   else { return(review_amazon_info(id)) } # Assume we have this other function
#' }
#' # If we wish to cache `amazon_info2`, we need to use different underlying
#' # database tables depending on the given `type`. One table may have
#' # columns like `num_actors` or `film_length` and the other may have
#' # column such as `num_reviews` and `avg_rating`.
#' cached_amazon_info2 <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(amazon_info2, key = 'id',
#'   salt = 'type', con = con)
#' # We have told the caching layer to use the `type` parameter as the "salt".
#' # This means different values of `type` will use different underlying
#' # database tables for caching. It is up to the user to construct a
#' # function like `amazon_info2` well so that it always returns a data.frame
#' # with exactly the same column names if the `type` parameter is held fixed.
#' # The salt should usually consist of a collection of parameters (typically
#' # only one, `type` as in this example) that have a small number of possible
#' # values; otherwise, many database tables would be created for different
#' # values of the salt. Consider the following example.
#' bad_amazon_filmography <- function(id, actor_id) {
#'   # Given a single actor_id and a vector of title IDs,
#'   # return information about that actor's role in the film.
#' }
#' bad_cached_amazon_filmography <-
#'   cachemeifyoucan::cache(bad_amazon_filmography, key = 'id',
#'     salt = 'actor_id', con = con)
#' # We will now be creating a separate table each time we call
#' # `bad_amazon_filmography` for a different actor!
#' ###
#' # Prefixes
#' ###
#' # It is very important to give the function you are caching a prefix:
#' # when it is stored in the database, its table name will be the prefix
#' # combined with some string derived from the values in the salt.
#' cached_review_amazon_info <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(review_amazon_info,
#'   key = 'id', con = con)
#' # Remember our `review_amazon_info` function from an earlier example?
#' # If we attempted to cache it without a prefix while also caching
#' # the vanilla `amazon_info` function, the same database table would be
#' # used for both functions! Since function representation in R is complex
#' # and there is no good way in general to determine whether two functions
#' # are identical, it is up to the user to determine a good prefix for
#' # their function (usually the function's name) so that it does not clash
#' # with other database tables.
#' cached_amazon_info <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(amazon_info,
#'   prefix = 'amazon_info', key = 'id', con = con)
#' cached_review_amazon_info <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(review_amazon_info,
#'   prefix = 'review_amazon_info', key = 'id', con = con)
#' # We will now use different database tables for these two functions.
#' ###
#' # force.
#' ###
#' # `force.` is a reserved argument for the to-be-cached function. If
#' # it is specified to be `TRUE`, the caching layer will forcibly
#' # repopulate the database tables for the given ids. The default value
#' # is `FALSE`.
#' cached_amazon_info <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(amazon_info,
#'   prefix = 'amazon_info', key = 'id', con = con)
#' cached_amazon_info(c(10, 20), force. = TRUE) # Will forcibly repopulate.
#' ###
#' # Advanced features
#' ###
#' # We can use multiple primary keys and salts.
#' grab_sql_table <- function(table_name, year, month, dbname = 'default') {
#'   # Imagine we have some function that given a table name
#'   # and a database name returns a data.frame with aggregate
#'   # information about records created in that table from a
#'   # given year and month (e.g., ensuring each table has a
#'   # created_at column). This function will return a data.frame
#'   # with one record for each year-month pair, with at least
#'   # the columns "year" and "month".
#' }
#' cached_sql_table <- cachemeifyoucan::cache(grab_sql_table,
#'   key = c('year', 'month'), salt = c('table_name', 'dbname'), con = con,
#'   prefix = 'sql_table')
#' # We would like to use a separate table to cache each combination of
#' # table_name and dbname. Note that the character vector passed into
#' # the `salt` parameter has to exactly match the names of the formal
#' # arguments in the initial function, and must also be the name of
#' # the columns returned by the data.frame. If these do not agree,
#' # you can wrap your function. For example, if the data.frame returned
#' # has 'mth' and 'yr' columns, you could instead cache the wrapper:
#' wrap_sql_table <- function(table_name, yr, mth, dbname = 'default') {
#'   grab_sql_table(table_name = table_name, year = yr, month = mth, dbname = dbname)
#' }
#' ###
#' # Debugging option `cachemeifyoucan.debug`
#' ###
#' Sometimes it might be interesting to take a look at the underlying database
#' tables for debugging purposes. However, the contents of the database are
#' somewhat obfuscated. If you set `cachemeifyoucan.debug` option to TRUE will
#' every time you execute a cached function you will see some additional metadata
#' printed out, helping you navigate the database. An example output looks like this:
#' Using table name: amazon_data_c3204c0a47beb9238a787058d4f03834
#' Shard dimensions:
#'   shard1_f8e8e2b41ac5c783d0954ce588f220fc: 45 rows * 308 columns
#' 11 cached keys
#' 5 uncached keys
#' }
cache <- function(uncached_function, key, salt, con, prefix = deparse(uncached_function),
                  env = "cache", batch_size = 100, safe_columns = FALSE, blacklist = NULL) {
    is.character(prefix), length(prefix) == 1,
    is.character(key), length(key) > 0,
    is.atomic(salt) || is.list(salt), is.numeric(batch_size),
    (is.logical(safe_columns) || is.function(safe_columns)),
    (is.list(blacklist) || is.null(blacklist)))

  cached_function <- new("function")

  ## Retain the same formal arguments as the base function.
  formals(cached_function) <- formals(uncached_function)

  ## Check "force.", "dry." name collision
  lapply(c("force.", "dry."), function(x) {
    if (x %in% names(formals(cached_function))) {
      stop(sQuote(x), " is a reserved argument in cachemeifyoucan layer, ",
      "collision with formals in the cachemeifyoucan function.", call. = FALSE)

  ## Default force. argument to be FALSE
  formals(cached_function)$force. <- FALSE

  ## Default dry. argument to be FALSE
  formals(cached_function)$dry. <- FALSE

  ## Inject some values we will need in the body of the caching layer.
  environment(cached_function) <-
    list2env(list(`_prefix` = prefix, `_key` = key, `_salt` = salt
      , `_uncached_function` = uncached_function, `_con` = NULL
      , `_con_build` = c(list(con), if (!missing(env)) list(env))
      , `_env` = if (!missing(env)) env
      , `_blacklist` = blacklist
      , `_safe_columns` = safe_columns
      , `_batch_size` = batch_size
      parent = environment(uncached_function))


#' Fetch the uncached function
#' If applied to a regular function it returns this function.
#' @param fn function. The function that you want to uncache.
#' @export
uncached <- function(fn) {
  if (is(fn, "cached_function")) {
  } else {

build_cached_function <- function(cached_function) {
  ## All cached functions will have the same body.
  body(cached_function) <- quote({
    ## If a user calls the uncached_function with, e.g.,
    ##   fn <- function(x, y) { ... }
    ##   fn(1:2), fn(x = 1:2), fn(y = 5, 1:2), fn(y = 5, x = 1:2)
    ## then `call` will be a list with names "x" and "y" in all
    ## situations.

    raw_call <- match.call()
    ## Strip function name but retain arguments.
    call     <- as.list(raw_call[-1])

    ## Strip away the `dry.` and `force.` parameter, which are reserved.
    is_force <- isTRUE(eval.parent(call$force.))
    is_dry <- isTRUE(eval.parent(call$dry.))
    call$force. <- NULL
    call$dry. <- NULL

    ## Evaluate function call parameters in the calling environment
    for (name in names(call)) {
      call[[name]] <- eval.parent(call[[name]])

    ## Only apply salt on provided values.
    true_salt <- call[intersect(names(call), `_salt`)]

    ## Since the values in `call` might be expressions, evaluate them
    ## in the calling environment to get their actual values.
    for (name in names(true_salt)) {
      true_salt[[name]] <- eval.parent(true_salt[[name]])

    ## The database table to use is determined by the prefix and
    ## what values of the salted parameters were used at calltime.
    tbl_name <- cachemeifyoucan:::table_name(`_prefix`, true_salt)

    ## Check database connection and reconnect if necessary
    if (is.null(`_con`) || !dbtest::is_db_connected(`_con`)) {
      if (!is.null(`_con_build`[[1]])) {
        `_con` <<- do.call(dbtest::build_connection, `_con_build`)
      } else {
        stop("Cannot re-establish database connection (caching layer)!")

    ## Check whether **force.** was set
    if (is_force) {
      force. <- TRUE
      message("`force.` detected. Overwriting cache...\n")
    } else force. <- FALSE

    fcn_call <- cachemeifyoucan:::cached_function_call(`_uncached_function`, call,
        parent.frame(), tbl_name, `_key`, `_con`, force., `_batch_size`,
        `_safe_columns`, `_blacklist`)

    ## Grab the all keys
    keys <- fcn_call$call[[fcn_call$key]]

    ## Log cache metadata if in debug mode
    if (is_dry) {
      cachemeifyoucan:::debug_info(fcn_call, keys)
    } else {
      cachemeifyoucan:::execute(fcn_call, keys)

  class(cached_function) <- append("cached_function", class(cached_function))

## A helper function to execute a cached function call.
execute <- function(fcn_call, keys) {

  ## If some keys were populated by another process, we will keep track of those
  ## so that we do not have to duplicate the caching effort.
  intercepted_keys <- list2env(list(keys = integer(0)))

  compute_and_cache_data <- function(keys, overwrite = FALSE) {

    if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
      remove_old_key(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table, keys, fcn_call$output_key)

    ## Re-query which keys are not cached, since someone else could have
    ## populated them in parallel (if another user requested the same IDs).
    uncached_keys <- get_new_key(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table, keys, fcn_call$output_key)
    intercepted_keys$keys <- c(intercepted_keys$keys, setdiff(keys, uncached_keys))
    keys <- uncached_keys
    if (!length(keys)) return(data.frame())
    uncached_data <- compute_uncached_data(fcn_call, keys)
    write_data_safely(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table,
      uncached_data, fcn_call$output_key, fcn_call$safe_columns, fcn_call$blacklist)

  if (fcn_call$force) {
    uncached_keys <- keys
  } else {
    uncached_keys <- get_new_key(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table, keys, fcn_call$output_key)

  if (length(uncached_keys) > fcn_call$batch_size &&
      ("batchman" %in% installed.packages()[,1])) {
    batched_fn <- batchman::batch(
      compute_and_cache_data, "keys",
      size = fcn_call$batch_size,
      combination_strategy = plyr::rbind.fill,
      batchman.verbose = verbose(),
      retry = 3,
      stop = TRUE
    uncached_data <- batched_fn(uncached_keys, fcn_call$force)
  } else {
    uncached_data <- compute_and_cache_data(uncached_keys, fcn_call$force)

  ## Since computing and caching data may take a long time and some of the
  ## keys may have been populated by a different R process (in case of parallel)
  ## cache requests, we need to query *now* which keys are cached.
  cached_keys <- Reduce(setdiff, list(keys, uncached_keys, intercepted_keys$keys))

  ## Actually compute for the uncached keys
  cached_data <- compute_cached_data(fcn_call, cached_keys)

  result <- try({
    # Incompatible types could cause an error with bind_rows,
    # which rbind.fill will handle gracefully below.
    data <- dplyr::bind_rows(uncached_data, cached_data)
    class(data) <- "data.frame" # un-dplyr
  }, silent = TRUE)

  if (is(result, "try-error")) {
    data <- plyr::rbind.fill(uncached_data, cached_data)

  if (fcn_call$force) {
    ## restore column names using existing cache columns
    old_columns <- get_column_names_from_table(fcn_call)
    tmp_df <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(old_columns), nrow = 0)), old_columns)
    ## rbind.fill with a 0-row dataframe will set the missing columns to NA, just what we want
    data <- plyr::rbind.fill(data, tmp_df)
  ## This seems to cause a bug.
  ## Have to sort to conform with order of keys.
  data[order(match(data[[fcn_call$output_key]], keys), na.last = NA), , drop = FALSE]

debug_info <- function(fcn_call, keys) {
  uncached_keys <- get_new_key(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table, keys, fcn_call$output_key)
  cached_keys <- setdiff(keys, uncached_keys)

  shard_names <- get_shards_for_table(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table)
  shard_info <- lapply(shard_names, function(name) {
    if (DBI::dbExistsTable(fcn_call$con, name)) {
      num_rows <- DBI::dbGetQuery(fcn_call$con, paste0("SELECT count(*) from ", name))[1, 1]
      query <- paste0("select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='", name, "'")
      num_cols <- DBI::dbGetQuery(fcn_call$con, query)[1, 1]
      paste0('  ', name, ': ', num_rows, ' rows * ', num_cols, ' columns')
    } else {
      paste0('  ', name, ': new shard')

  if (isTRUE(getOption('cachemeifyoucan.debug'))) {
    msg <- paste(
        paste0("Using table name: ", fcn_call$table),
        "Shard dimensions:",
        paste0(length(cached_keys)  , " cached keys"),
        paste0(length(uncached_keys), " uncached keys")
      collapse = "\n"

    cached_keys = cached_keys,
    uncached_keys = uncached_keys,
    shard_names = shard_names,
    table_name = fcn_call$table

compute_uncached_data <- function(fcn_call, uncached_keys) {
  error_fn(data_injector(fcn_call, uncached_keys, FALSE))

get_column_names_from_table <- function(fcn_call) {
  ## Fetch one row from each corresponding shard
  ## omitting the id column
  ## and return a vector of column names
  shards <- get_shards_for_table(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table)
  lst <- lapply(shards, function(shard) {
    df <- if (DBI::dbExistsTable(fcn_call$con, shard))
      DBI::dbGetQuery(fcn_call$con, paste0("SELECT * from ", shard, " LIMIT 1"))
    else data.frame()
    as.character(setdiff(colnames(df), c(fcn_call$output_key, META_COLS)))
  ## We don't really have to unique, but better safe than sorry!
  unique(c(fcn_call$output_key, translate_column_names(unlist(lst), fcn_call$con)))

compute_cached_data <- function(fcn_call, cached_keys) {
  error_fn(data_injector(fcn_call, cached_keys, TRUE))

cached_function_call <- function(fn, call, context, table, key, con, force, batch_size,
                                 safe_columns, blacklist) {
  # TODO: (RK) Handle keys of length more than 1
  if (is.null(names(key))) {
    output_key <- key
  } else {
    output_key <- unname(key)
    key <- names(key)
  structure(list(fn = fn, call = call, context = context, table = table, key = key,
                 output_key = output_key, con = con, force = force, batch_size = batch_size,
                 safe_columns = safe_columns, blacklist = blacklist),
    class = 'cached_function_call')

data_injector <- function(fcn_call, keys, cached) {
  if (length(keys) == 0) {
  } else if (isTRUE(cached)) {
    data_injector_cached(fcn_call, keys)
  } else {
    data_injector_uncached(fcn_call, keys)

data_injector_uncached <- function(fcn_call, keys) {
  fcn_call$call[[fcn_call$key]] <- keys
  eval(as.call(append(fcn_call$fn, fcn_call$call)), envir = fcn_call$context)

data_injector_cached <- function(fcn_call, keys) {
  ## Find all the shards that correspond to this function call
  ## Read data from all the shards into a list. We will thus obtain a list of data frames.
  ## Now we have to merge all the data.frames in the list into one and return.
  ## Notice that these data frames have different column names (that's the whole point of
  ## our columnar sharding), except for the key by which we query.
  shards <- get_shards_for_table(fcn_call$con, fcn_call$table)
  lst <- lapply(shards, function(shard) read_df_from_a_shard(fcn_call, keys, shard))
  if (length(unique(vapply(lst, NROW, integer(1)))) > 1) {
    warning("cachemeifyoucan detected an integrity error: All shards should ",
      "have the same number of rows. If this is ",
      "not an error you understand, please report it to the ",
      "cachemeifyoucan developers at github.com/robertzk/cachemeifyoucan",
      call. = FALSE)
  merge2(lst, fcn_call$output_key)

read_df_from_a_shard <- function(fcn_call, keys, shard) {
  sql <- paste("SELECT * FROM", shard, "WHERE", fcn_call$output_key, "IN (",
               paste(sanitize_sql(keys), collapse = ', '), ")")
  db2df(dbGetQuery(fcn_call$con, sql),
        fcn_call$con, fcn_call$output_key)

## Gotta love some method dispatch here in cachemeifyoucan
sanitize_sql <- function(x) { UseMethod("sanitize_sql") }
sanitize_sql.numeric <- function(x) { x }
sanitize_sql.character <- function(x) {
  paste0("'", gsub("'", "\\'", x, fixed = TRUE), "'")

#' Stop on given errors and print corresponding error message.
#' @name error_fn
#' @param data data.frame.
error_fn <- function(data) {
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("Function cached with cachemeifyoucan ",
         "package must return data.frame outputs", call. = FALSE)
robertzk/cachemeifyoucan documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:34 a.m.