  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.pos = 'h')

Getting started

# devtools::install_github("robinweide/GENOVA", ref = 'dev')

Input data

GENOVA expects two input files: the signal- and the index-file. Signal-files have three columns (bin1, bin2, contactCount) and index-files have four (chromosome, start, end, bin). These are the default output of the Hi-C mapping pipeline HiC-Pro [@Servant2015], where they are called *.matrix and *.bed. The files are expected to be genome-wide and may be corrected with ICE-normalisation.

Recommended resolutions

To ensure computational strain and time is kept to a minimum, we recommend different resolutions for different functions (table \@ref(tab:tableRES)). More experienced users are free to deviate, while keeping in mind that these datasets are quite memory-heavy (table \@ref(tab:tableMEM)).

Function | Resolution ---------- | ---------- APA | 10kb-20kb ATA | 10kb-40kb cis_trans | 500kb-1Mb chromosome_matrix | 500kb-1Mb RCP | 40kb-500kb intra_inter_TAD | 20kb - 40kb PE-SCAn | 20kb-40kb hic_matrixplot | $\frac{width\ in\ bp\ of\ window}{500}$ centromere.telomere.analysis | 40kb Other matrixplots | 100kb : (#tab:tableRES) Recommended resolutions. These will provide optimal resource/result tradeoffs.

Experiment | Contacts | 10kb | 40kb | 100kb | 1Mb ----------------------|----------|--------|--------|---------|------- Hap1 [@Haarhuis2017] | 433.5M | 2.9Gb | 1.7Gb | 1.1Gb | 0.1Gb iPSC [@Krijger2016] | 427.9M | 3.1Gb | 1.9Gb | 1.0Gb | 53.1MB : (#tab:tableMEM) Memory footprints of objects loaded into R.

Several functions rely on centromere-information. You can add this in the form of a BED-like three-column data.frame when constructing the experiment-object ^[Please make sure that the chromosome-names match.]. If not present, the centromeres will be emperically identified by searching for the largest stretch of no coverage on a chromosome.

centromeres = read.delim('../data/symlinks/../hg19_cytobandAcen.bed', 
                         sep = '\t', 
                         h = F, 
                         stringsAsFactors = F)

Loading data

Every Hi-C experiment will be stored in an experiment-object. This is done by invoking the construct.experiment function. Inside, several sanity checks will be performed, data is normalised to the total number of reads and scaled to a billion reads (the default value of the BPscaling-option). For this example, we are going to use the Hi-C maps of WT and $\Delta$WAPL Hap1 cells from Haarhuis et al. [-@Haarhuis2017]. Since the genome-wide analyses do not need very high-resolution data, we will construct both 10kb, 40kb and 1Mb resolution experiment-objects.

Hap1_WT_10kb <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_10000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_10000_abs.bed',  
  sample_name = "WT", 
  colour = "black"

Hap1_WAPL_10kb <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_10000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_10000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "WAPL", 
  colour = "red"

Hap1_SCC4_10kb <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/SCC4_10000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/SCC4_10000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "SCC4", 
  colour = "green"

Hap1_WT_40kb <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_40000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_40000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "WT",  
  colour = "black"

Hap1_WAPL_40kb <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_40000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_40000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "WAPL", 
  colour = "red"

Hap1_WT_1MB <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_1000000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WT_1000000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "WT", centromeres = centromeres,
  colour = "black"

Hap1_WAPL_1MB <- load_contacts(
  signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_1000000_iced.matrix', 
  indices_path = '../data/symlinks/WAPL_1000000_abs.bed', 
  sample_name = "WAPL", 
  centromeres = centromeres,
  colour = "red"

The resulting contacts-object has several slots. MAT and IDX are the signal- and index-data.tables. We also have slots for the included chromosomes (CHRS) and the given centromers (CENTROMERES).

str(Hap1_WT_10kb, width = 60,   vec.len=0, strict.width = 'wrap')

Finally, the object has a lot of specific attributes, like metadata and given parameters during loading. The amount of contacts in the ICE data.table is likely different from the input-data, because it is scaled to a fixed number of reads (which can be set with the scale_bp-option in load_contacts()).



If you want to take GENOVA for a spin or compare outputs, we have included some optional test data at 40k and 150k resolution of just two smaller human chromosomes. You can find more details about the data itself in the ?get_test_data documentation. The get_test_data() function downloads and caches a pre-loaded contacts object that can be used in subsequent analysis. Below we'll demonstrate how to get the test data and directly use it in plotting.

test_exp <- get_test_data("40k", download = TRUE)

  chrom = "chr21", start = 20e6, end = 30e6, = 500

To clear the local cache of test data, you can use the erase_GENOVA_cache() function. If you want to use the test data after erasing the cache, you'd need to re-download the data.

Juicebox & cooler

Both .hic and .cooler files can be loaded from version 1 onwards. The same load_contacts() function can be used, which will automatically determine the file-type based on the extention.

Hap1_WT_10kb_juicer <- load_contacts(signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WT.hic', 
                                     sample_name = "WT", 
                                     resolution = 10e3, 
                                     balancing = 'KR', # this is the default
                                           colour = "black")

Hap1_WT_10kb_cooler <- load_contacts(signal_path = '../data/symlinks/WT.cooler', 
                                     sample_name = "WT", 
                                     balancing = T,
                                           colour = "black")


Genome-wide analyses

A good place to start your analyses are some functions on a genome-wide level. We can assess the quality of the library, identify translocations and generate contact probability (aka scaling or interaction decay plots).


Work by the group of Amos Tanay showed that the expected amount of intra-chromosomal contacts is the range of 90 to 93 percent [@Olivares-Chauvet2016]. Assuming that any extra inter-chromosomal contacts are due to debris/noise, the user might aspire to get the cis-percentages as close to 90% as possible. To compute the percentage of per-sample cis-contacts, we simply provide cis_trans() with the contacts-object of interest. The output can be used to make a barplot of the percentages cis per sample (figure \@ref(fig:cis)).

cisChrom_out <- cis_trans( list(Hap1_WT_1MB, Hap1_WAPL_1MB) )
barplot(cisChrom_out$cis, names.arg = cisChrom_out$sample, ylim = c(0, 100) )
abline(h = cisChrom_out$cis[1], col = 'red', lty = 3)
abline(h = cisChrom_out$cis[2], col = 'red', lty = 3)

The same function can also be ran on specific regions. For this example, we will compute the intra-arm percentages. Plotting this shows us that there are interesting differences between the amounts of intra-arm contacts in cis, which is can be attributed to the loss of TADs [@Haarhuis2017] (figure \@ref(fig:cis2)).

p_arms <- data.frame('chromosome' = centromeres[,1],
                     'start' = 0,
                     'end' = centromeres[,2])
cisChrom_out <- cis_trans( list(Hap1_WT_10kb, Hap1_SCC4_10kb) , bed = p_arms)
barplot(cisChrom_out$cis, names.arg = cisChrom_out$sample, ylim = c(0, 100))
abline(h = 90, col = 'red', lty = 3)
abline(h = 93, col = 'red', lty = 3)


Chromosome plots

Hi-C has been shown to be a powerful data-source to detect chromosomal rearrangements [@Harewood2017]. To find possible translocations, we can plot the genome-wide enrichment of interactions between all combinations of chromosomes. The values in the matrix are $log_2(observed/expected)$. The Hap1 cell line has two known translocations, which we can easily see in the resulting plot (figure \@ref(fig:chromMat1)). To narrow-in on this location, you could use the trans.compartment.plot-function (discussed below).

# An automatic attempt is made to exclude the Y-chromosome and 
# mitochondrial genome
# Inversely, you can change the `include_chr` argument to select specific
# chromosomes
chr_mat <- chromosome_matrix(Hap1_WAPL_1MB)



The Relative Contact Probability (RCP) computes the contact probability as a function of genomic distance, as described in [@Lieberman-Aiden2009]. This can be computed for a specific set of chromosomes or genome-wide. To ignore centromeric contacts (which have a aberrant RCP), centromeric information is needed. This is taken from the experiment-object or found empirically by comparing trans-interactions.

RCP_out <- RCP(explist = list(Hap1_WT_40kb, Hap1_WAPL_40kb), 
               chromsToUse = 'chr1')

The user can decide to plot the RCP per chromosome. If the data is sparse, a LOESS-smooting could be convenient. It takes the color and name from the experiment-objects. If we look at the resulting plot, we can see that the $\Delta WAPL$ has more interactions in the $[\pm\text{800kb}, \pm\text{2Mb}]$ range (figure \@ref(fig:RCPPLOT1)). The sizes of TADs are fall into this range, so a next step could be to dive into the TAD-specific analyses (discussed below). Moreover, the $\Delta WAPL$ has less interactions in the far-cis range ($[\pm\text{10Mb}, \pm\text{100Mb}]$): A- and B-compartments are often this size, so a next step could be to look more into compartmentalisation with compartment_matrixplot or trans.compartment.plot, for example.

options(scipen = 1)


We can directly compare samples to one another (for example WT versus WAPL). To plot this, the metric argument has to be set to lfc and contrast to 1, indicating the WT sample (figure \@ref(fig:RCPPLOT2)). This plots the log-fold change of average probabilities.

# Plot RCP: combined
visualise(RCP_out, contrast = 1, metric = 'lfc')


But what if you want to compare the contact probabilities of specific regions, like Cohesin- or CTCF-bound regions? For this purpose, we added the possibility to add a list of BED-data.frames to the bedList-argument. Under the hood, we perform a standard per-arm RCP (thus still enabling users to set the chromsToUse-parameter). Thereafter, we filter out Hi-C bins that do not have entries in the data.frame(s) of bedList. The same plot-function visualise() can be used.

CTCF = read.delim('../data/symlinks/CTCF_WT_motifs.bed', header = FALSE)
SMC1 = read.delim('../data/symlinks/SMC1_WT_peaks.narrowPeak', header = FALSE)

RCP_out = RCP(list(Hap1_WT_40kb, Hap1_WAPL_40kb),
              bedlist =  list("CTCF" = CTCF, 
                              'Cohesin' =SMC1), 
              chromsToUse = 'chr1')

visualise(RCP_out, contrast = 1, metric = 'lfc')


A- and B-compartments

Dividing chromosomes into A- and B-compartments requires the calculation of a compartment score along with information about what parts of the genome are active. To infer which compartment is A (viewed as the active state) and which is B, we can add a BED-data.frame of ChIP-seq peaks from active histone marks (e.g. H3K27ac, H3K4me1). Below, we can use the compartment_score() function with H3K27ac peaks to distinguish the compartments. The compartment score uses the first eigenvector of an eigendecomposition on the distance-dependant observed/expected matrix to get an unsigned compartment score. This score is then correlated to H3K27ac presence to yield signed compartment scores that can be interpreted as A compartments when positive and B compartments when negative.

H3K27acPeaks = read.delim('../data/symlinks/H3K27ac_WT.narrowPeak', 
                          header = FALSE)

CS_out = compartment_score(list(Hap1_WT_40kb, Hap1_WAPL_40kb), 
                           bed = H3K27acPeaks)
visualise(CS_out, chr = "chr17")


To illustrate the self-preference of compartments, one can use the saddle() function to perform a compartment score 'quantile versus quantile' analysis. Every chromosome arm is divided into quantiles based on the compartment score, and distance dependent observed over expected is computed. Every combination of quantile bins is then averaged to produce the saddle analysis.

saddle_out = saddle(list(Hap1_WT_40kb, Hap1_WAPL_40kb), 
                   CS_discovery = CS_out,
                   bins = 50)



The output of the saddle analysis gives a starting point for calculating the compartment strength, which gives a score for how much A-A and B-B interactions occur versus A-B interactions. The comparment strength can be calculated using the quantify() function on the output of the saddle() function.

CSS <- quantify(saddle_out)

compared <- tidyr::spread(unique(CSS[,-c(3,4)]), key = 'exp', value = 'strength')

with(compared, plot(WT, WAPL, xlim = c(0,4), ylim = c(0,4), pch = 20))
abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 1)


Interaction plots

GENOVA has several plotting-functions for genomic loci. compartment_matrixplot() and trans.compartment.plot provide a easy way to plot whole chromosome arms, including compartmentalisation-score tracks. For more zoomed-in plots, hic_matrixplot() can be used. This function also allows rich annotation and between-experiment comparison possibilities. All functions try to guess the most appropriate colour-scale limits, but finer control of this can be gotten by setting the colour_lim-argument.


The compartmentalisation of the chromatin into A and B van already described in the original Hi-C paper [@Lieberman-Aiden2009]. Serval papers have described the loss of compartmentalisation when the Cohesin complex is stabalised [@Haarhuis2017,@Wutz2017,@Gassler2017]. To view this interesting level of chromatin organisation, we can use compartment_matrixplot(). This function can plot one arm of a chromosome with the compartment-score plotted above. In figure \@ref(fig:CCP1) you can see the resulting plots, where you can see that the chequerboard-pattern in the matrix and the amplitude of the compartment-score are diminished in the WAPL-knockout.

  exp1 = Hap1_WT_40kb,
  exp2 = Hap1_WAPL_40kb,
  CS_discovery = CS_out,
  chrom = "chr14", arm = "q",
  colour_lim = c(0, 15)

The compartment-score is calculated by performing an eigenvector decomposition on the correlation-matrix of the expected over expected matrix. To view this observed over expected matrix, we can set the metric-option to "obsexp". Alternatively, we can set metric = "correlation" to view the Pearson correlation of the observed over expected matrix. These metrics gives a visually better indication of the A- and B-compartments (figure \@ref(fig:CCP3)).

  exp1 = Hap1_WT_40kb,
  exp2 = Hap1_WAPL_40kb,
  CS_discovery = CS_out,
  chrom = "chr20", arm = "q",
  metric = "log2obsexp"



The function trans_matrixplot() will allow the user to plot a trans-matrix (i.e. a matrix of the arms of two different chromosomes). This function could also be used to investigate chromosomal translocations: the $\text{9q;22q}$ translocation can be clearly seen if we use this function, as in figure \@ref(fig:TCP).

  chrom_up = "chr9", start_up = 100e6, end_up = 140e6,
  chrom_down = "chr22", start_down = 16e6, end_down = 40e6,
  colour_lim = c(0, 20)


Matrix plots

To produce richly annotated zoomed-in (i.e. max 10Mb) plots of specific regions, we use the hic_matrixplot() function. In this, we can use one or two experiment objects: two can be shown either in diff-mode (the difference between the two) or upper/lower triangle mode. TAD- and loop-annotations can be added, as well as bigwig- and bed-tracks. Moreover, genemodel-files can be added. In this section, we will build up to a final, fully annotated, matrix from a humble one-experiment plot (figure \@ref(fig:HMP1)).

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
      = 50) # upper limit of contacts

Two experiments

Adding a second experiment will give us the option of coplot, which can be dual (default) or diff. The left plot shows the WT sample in the upper triangle and KO sample in the lower. In the right plot, the KO sample is subtracted from the WT in diff-mode: red is therefore more contacts in the KO and blue denotes more contacts in the WT (figure \@ref(fig:HMPdiff1)).

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               exp2 = Hap1_WAPL_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
      = 50) # upper limit of contacts

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               exp2 = Hap1_WAPL_10kb,
               coplot = 'diff',
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
               end=30e6, # upper limit of contacts
      = 25) 


TADs and loops

It can be very useful to annotate the matrix with the positions of TADs and loops: take, for example, the situation where these structures are altered in a knockout for example. We are going to use the TAD- and loop-calls of WT Hap1 20-kb matrices from Haarhuis et al. [-@Haarhuis2017], generated with HiCseg [@Levy-Leduc2014].

Lets load some TAD- and loop-annotations:

WT_TADs  = read.delim('../data/symlinks/WT_hicseg_TADs.bed', h = F)
WT_Loops = read.delim('../data/symlinks/WT_HICCUPS.bedpe', h = F, skip = 1)
sanborn2015_Loops = read.delim('../data/symlinks/GSE74072_Hap1_HiCCUPS_looplist.txt.gz')
WT_Loops$V1 = gsub(pattern = "^", replacement = "chr", x = WT_Loops$V1) 
WT_Loops$V4 = gsub(pattern = "^", replacement = "chr", x = WT_Loops$V4)
WT_TADs = WT_TADs[!WT_TADs$V3 < WT_TADs$V2,] 
sanborn2015_Loops[,1] = gsub(sanborn2015_Loops[,1], pattern = "^", replacement = "chr")
sanborn2015_Loops[,4] = gsub(sanborn2015_Loops[,4], pattern = "^", replacement = "chr")

Add them to the plot by using the tad- and loops-arguments. Both can be plotted in one or both of the triangles and coloured as deemed appropriate (figure \@ref(fig:HMPtadloop)). Since loops are very small in a hic-matrixplot, they will be fully overlapped by the loop-annotations. To overcome this, we expand the annotations with a fixed distance in basepairs using loops.resize. This will draw a circle around the loop location.

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
               loops = WT_Loops, # see APA
               loops.colour = 'blue', # blue loops
               loops.type = 'upper', # only plot in upper triangle
               loops.radius = 20e3, # expand for visibility
               tads = WT_TADs, # see ATA
               tads.type = 'lower', # only plot in lower triangle
               tads.colour = 'limegreen', # green TAD-borders
      = 25) # upper limit of contacts


BigWigs and BEDs

Manipulation of CTCF-binding sites can result in loss or gain of loops and/or TADs [@DeWit2015a]. If you are interested in the effects of a knockout on the binding of a protein in combination with changes in interaction frequencies, adding ChIP-seq signal or -peaks to the matrix can be helpful. You can add up to two tracks above and two tracks to the left. These can be either BED-like data.frames or the paths to the .bw files. For example, let's load a BED6-file (chrom, start, end, name, score, and strand ^[]) of CTCF-motifs under CTCF-ChIP peaks. The argument type can be set to either triangle or rectangle. The triangle is nice to use if you want to look at the orientation of the BED-entries (figure \@ref(fig:HMPchip)). If you only have a three column BED, then the output will always be rectangle.

CTCF = read.delim('../data/symlinks/CTCF_WT_motifs.bed', h = F)
SMC1 = read.delim('../data/symlinks/SMC1_WT_peaks.narrowPeak', h = F)
  head(CTCF, 3), caption = 'A data.frame holding a standard BED6 format.'

Moreover, we can use a bigwig (.bw) file to plot a track. For this example, we are using a SMC1 ChIP-seq track from [@Haarhuis2017]. We load the bigwig data with the rtracklayer package that is available from Bioconductor. The yMax argument is handy if you want to compare bigwig-tracks: it lets you set the y-axis maximum.

requireNamespace("rtracklayer", quietly = TRUE)

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',  start = 26.75e6,  end=28.5e6, 
               loops = WT_Loops, # see APA
               loops.colour = 'purple', # purple loops
               loops.type = 'upper', # only plot in upper triangle
               loops.radius = 20e3, # expand for visibility
               type = 'triangle',
               chip = list('../data/symlinks/', # inner top
                           CTCF),# outer-top
               symmAnn = F, # place annotations also on left side
      = 65) # upper limit of contacts



[@Dixon2012] showed that housekeeping-genes are enriched in the vicinity of TAD-borders. Another interesting question could be whether differentially expressed genes are also found near TAD-borders or binding sites of specific proteins when studying a knockout. These type of questions can be tackled by adding the appropriate gene-models to hic_matrixplot(). To do this, we use a data.fame, where each row is an exon of a gene. There are several ways to get this, and one of the easier ways is to use biomart to get exon-coordinates. You could use the biomaRt-package or the web-based service. For this example, we downloaded data of all exons from the Ensembl biomart and plotted both the BED-file and the genes (figure \@ref(fig:HMPchipGene)).

# features downloaded:
## Gene stable ID & Transcript stable ID & Chromosome/scaffold name &
## Transcript start (bp) & Transcript end (bp) & Exon region start (bp) &
## Exon region end (bp) & Strand
# martExport = read.delim('../data/mart_export.txt.gz', stringsAsFactors = F)
# colnames(martExport) = c('ENSG','ENST','chrom' , # change column names
#                          'txStart' , 'txEnd' , 
#                          'exonStart' , 'exonEnd' , 'strand')
# martExport$chrom = gsub(martExport$chrom, # add chr-prefix
#                         pattern = '^',
#                         replacement = 'chr') 
# martExport$strand = ifelse(martExport$strand == 1, '+',"-") # 1/-1 to +/-
  head(martExport[,-c(1,2)], 5), caption = 'A data.frame holding the needed columns for plotting genes.'
hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',  start = 26.75e6,  end=28.5e6, 
               genes = martExport,
      = 65) # upper limit of contacts


Everthing together

Finally, we can combine all these options in one. This might put too much information in a single plot, but it can be quite handy. In this example, we can see that most TAD-borders and loop-anchors have clear SMC1- and CTCF-signal (figure \@ref(fig:HMPall)). Both these are expected to be found at these locations according to the chromatin extrusion model. Moreover, we can also see that the CTCF-orientation of the upstream and downstream loop-anchor are forward and reverse, respectively. This convergent rule is a known feature of loops [@DeWit2015].

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
               loops = WT_Loops, # see APA
               loops.colour = '#998ec3', # purple loops
               loops.type = 'upper', # only plot in upper triangle
               loops.radius = 20e3, # expand for visibility
               genes = martExport,
               chip.colour = 'black',
               chip = list('../data/symlinks/', # inner-top
                           SMC1, # outer-top
                           '../data/symlinks/', # inner-left
                           CTCF), # outer-left
               tads = WT_TADs, # see ATA
               tads.type = 'lower', # only plot in lower triangle
               tads.colour = '#91cf60', # green TAD-borders
      = 50) # upper limit of contacts


Pyramid plots

In GENOVA, 'pyramid plots' are plots of a region in the Hi-C interaction map rotated at an 45 degree angle (figure \@ref(fig:pyramidBasic)). This rotation coincides the diagonal with the x-axis, and the y-direction indicates distance from the diagonal.

pyramid(exp = Hap1_WT_10kb,
        chrom = 'chr7',
        start = 25e6,
        colour = c(0, 50))

Pyramid plots can be cropped in the x-and y-direction to make them more space efficient (figure \@ref(fig:pyramidRect)).

pyramid(exp = Hap1_WT_10kb,
        chrom = 'chr7',
        start = 25e6,
        crop_x = c(26e6, 27.5e6), # cropping in x direction uses locations
        crop_y = c(0, 2e6), # cropping in y direction uses distance
        colour = c(0, 50))

For comparing two different samples with pyramid plots, there are two options. The first option is to use pyramid_difference(), which works very similar to pyramid(), but takes two samples instead of one \@ref(fig:pyramidDiff)).

  chrom = "chr7", start = 25e6, end = 28.5e6

The alternative option is to stack the plots together using plot composition. Because pyramid() is based on the ggplot2 package, we can use the patchwork plot composition package to stack two (or more) plots \@ref(fig:pyramidPatch)).


wt_pyramid <- pyramid(
  chr = "chr7", start = 25e6, end = 28.5e6,
  crop_y = c(0, 1.5e6),
  colour = c(0, 50)
) + ggplot2::ggtitle("Wildtype")

ko_pyramid <- pyramid(
  chr = "chr7", start = 25e6, end = 28.5e6,
  crop_y = c(0, 1.5e6),
  colour = c(0, 50)
) + ggplot2::ggtitle("WAPL KO")

ko_pyramid / wt_pyramid + plot_layout(guides = "collect")



Topologically Associated Domains (TADs) are $\pm0.8-2\text{Mb}$ regions, which are seen as triangles in the matrix: regions that have more interactions within than outside. GENOVA has a repertoire of functions to generate and analyse TADs. Fist, we will use the insulation score to call TADs and compare the strength of TAD-borders between samples. Next, we will explore ATA() to analyse aggregates of TADs. Finally, we'll investigate whether TADs interact with their neighbouring TADs.


To estimate the strength of TAD-borders, we can look at the insulation-score [@Crane2015]. At a TAD-border, this score reaches a local minimum: the lower the score, the stronger the insulation. We can generate this for a specific sliding-window size with insulation_score(). The choice of window-size is quite tricky, since smaller windows will be sensitive to very local effects (i.e. mapping-errors, loops), while too big windows will lead a an under-representation. Luckily, we can generate a domainogram of a range of window-sizes for a specific genomic region with insulation_domainogram.


To make a domainogram, we simply choose our experiment and our region of interest. The window-size is directly proportional to the amount of Hi-C bins.

ID <- insulation_domainogram(
  chrom = 'chr7', 
  start = 25e6,
  end   = 29e6, 
  window_range = c(1, 101),
  step = 2

A nice feature of hic_matrixplot() is that if you use it without plotting anything on the sides (i.e. genes and/or ChIP-tracks), you can insert other plots. This allows us to plot the domainogram directly under the matrix, making it very easy to compare the insulation with the actual data (figure \@ref(fig:domainogram2)).

hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 25e6,
               tads = WT_TADs, # see ATA
               tads.type = 'upper', # only plot in lower triangle
               tads.colour = '#91cf60', # green TAD-borders
      = 25, # upper limit of contacts
               skipAnn = T) # skip the outside annotation
plot(ID, minimalist = TRUE)


Computing the insulation score

To get the genome-wide insulation score in .bedgraph-format ^[BED3 + signal column], we provide the insulation_score() function, that takes a contacts-object and the window-size of choice. As can be seen in the domainogram above, at $W=25$ we will catch the majority of the hotspots, while limiting the amount of noise. The visualise()-function can show both the insulation-scores and the difference between them.

Hap1_10kb_insulation <- insulation_score(
  list(Hap1_WT_10kb, Hap1_SCC4_10kb),
  window = 25
          chr = 'chr7', start = 25e6, end=29e6, 
          contrast = 1)


We can align the border-strength of TADs in multiple samples to a specific BED-file, to compare "borderness" of feature. For example, let's use the TAD-borders from [@Haarhuis2017]. In figure \@ref(fig:INSalign) we can see that the average signal drops at the border (which is to be expected) and that this is a genome-wide feature, as we see in the heatmap.

tornado_insulation(Hap1_10kb_insulation, bed = CTCF, bed_pos = 'center')


Call TADs

The insulation-discovery object can also be used to call TADs.

TADcalls <- call_TAD_insulation(Hap1_10kb_insulation)
hic_matrixplot(exp1 = Hap1_WT_10kb,
               exp2 = Hap1_SCC4_10kb,
               chrom = 'chr7',
               start = 24e6,
               tads = list(TADcalls$SCC4, TADcalls$WT), # see ATA
               tads.type = list('lower', 'upper'), # only plot in lower triangle
               tads.colour = c('green', 'grey'), # green TAD-borders = 25) # upper limit of contacts



TADs can be investigated globally by aggregating Hi-C matrix around TADs. In aggregate TAD analyses (ATA), because TADs have different sizes, they are rescaled to a uniform size and then the result is averaged across the genome.

ATA_Hap1_WTcalls <- ATA(list("WT" = Hap1_WT_10kb,
                             'WAPL' = Hap1_WAPL_10kb),
                        bed = TADcalls$WT) 

We can use visualise() to plot the ATA-results.

          colour_lim = c(0,50),
          colour_lim_contrast = c(-5,5), 
          metric = "diff",
          focus = 1) # which entry to use as comparison



A TAD+N analysis computes the interaction density within TADs and their 1,2,...,N neighbours. This can be used to compare whether TADs in two samples interact differently with their neighbouring TADs.

TAD_N_WT   <- intra_inter_TAD(list("WT" = Hap1_WT_10kb,
                                   'WAPL' = Hap1_WAPL_10kb),
                              tad_bed = TADcalls$WT, 
                              max_neighbour = 10)

We can compute the enrichment of contacts between TADs with the visualise()-function.

visualise(TAD_N_WT, geom = 'jitter')
visualise(TAD_N_WT, geom = 'violin')



For this section, we are using both the called primary and the extended loops from Haarhuis et al. [-@Haarhuis2017]. The primary loops are the anchor-combinations of the merged loop-calls of WT Hap1 5-, 10- and 20-kb matrices, generated with HICCUPS [@Rao2014]. The extended loops are called by taking the primary loops and taking combinations of 5' and 3' anchor locations that are larger than the input loops, up to some distance.

# Anchors are defined as a matrix with two columns of bin IDs
WT_Loops_extended = anchors_extendedloops(Hap1_WT_10kb$IDX, 
                                          res = resolution(Hap1_WT_10kb), 
                                          bedpe = WT_Loops)
options(scipen = 1e9)
  head(, 5), caption = "Anchor-combinations of anchors_extendedLoops"
options(scipen = 1)


Aggregate peak analysis (APA) looks up small portions of the Hi-C matrix from a twodimensional set of locations, such as loops. These are then aggregated to get a genome wide impression of the loops.

APA_Hap1_WT  <- APA(list("WT" = Hap1_WT_10kb,
                          'WAPL' = Hap1_WAPL_10kb),
                    dist_thres = c(200e3, Inf),
                    bedpe = WT_Loops)

APA_Hap1_WT_extended <- APA(list("WT" = Hap1_WT_10kb,
                               'WAPL' = Hap1_WAPL_10kb),
                            bedpe = WT_Loops,
                            dist_thres = c(200e3, Inf),
                            anchors = WT_Loops_extended)

Once again, we can use visualise() to make plots of the APA results.

          title = "Hap1 Hi-C WT vs WAPL-KO loops", 
          colour_lim = c(0, 40), # set the colour limits of the upper row
          colour_lim_contrast = c(-5, 5),
          metric = "diff",
          contrast = 1) # Compare against 1st sample in APA_Hap1_WT

          title = "Hap1 Hi-C WT vs WAPL-KO extended loops", 
          colour_lim = c(0, 8), # set the colour limits of the upper row
          colour_lim_contrast = c(-4, 4),
          metric = "diff",
          contrast = 1) # Compare against 1st sample in APA_Hap1_WT_extended

To get some basic statistics on the output(s) of APA-run(s), we use quantify(). This function averages the region surrounding the center of each loop, where a region is defined as a square of $\text{pixel width} \times \text{pixel width}$.

quantifyAPA_out <-  quantify(APA_Hap1_WT)
quantifyAPA_out_extended <-  quantify(APA_Hap1_WT_extended)

# plot boxplot with base-R (ggplot2 would be also easy)
              f = quantifyAPA_out_extended$per_loop$sample), 
        col = c('red', 'darkgrey'), outline = F, 
        ylab = 'pixel enrichment extended loops')


Far-cis interactions


Some regulatory features, like super-enhancers come together in 3D-space. To test this, we implemented PE-SCAn. Here, the enrichment of interaction-frequency of all pairwise combinations of given regions is computed. The background is generated by shifting all regions by a fixed distance (1Mb: can be changed with the shift-argument).

superEnhancers = read.delim('../data/symlinks/superEnhancers.txt',
                            header = FALSE, 
                            comment.char = "#")
  head(superEnhancers[,1:6], 5), caption = "A data.frame holding the output of homer's findPeaks -style super."

The standard visualisation is comparable to ATA and APA: the first row shows the enrichment of all included samples, while the bottom row shows the difference.

WT_PE_OUT = PESCAn(list(Hap1_WT_40kb, Hap1_WAPL_40kb), bed = superEnhancers[,2:4])

Another way of looking at the PE-SCAn results, is to make a perspective plot. Here, the enrichment is encoded as the z-axis.

persp(WT_PE_OUT, border = NA,
      cex.axis = 0.6, cex.lab = 0.6)



We saw a enriched signal between chromosomes 15 and 19. We can wh

out1519 = centromere.telomere.analysis(Hap1_WT_40kb, chrom.vec = c('chr15', 'chr19'))
par(pty ='s')
out1519 = centromere.telomere.analysis(Hap1_WT_40kb, chrom.vec = c('chr15', 'chr19'))

Please post questions, comments and rants on our github issue tracker.

Session info

```r sessionInfo() ````


robinweide/GENOVA documentation built on March 14, 2024, 11:16 p.m.