#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @title print
#' @param x A tagMepprIndex object
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
print.tagMepprIndex <- function(x, ...){
cat(paste0('\tProtocol: ', x$ITR,"\n\n"))
cat(paste0('\tDirectory: ', dirname(x$index),"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tFasta: ', basename(x$index),"\n\n"))
cat(paste0('\tTarget insertion site: ', x$targetInsertionSite,"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tTIS: ', gsub(x = basename(x$index), pattern = ".fa.gz",
replacement = ".tis", fixed = T),"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tNumber of target insertion sites: ',length(x$TIS), "\n\n"))
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @title print
#' @param x A tagMepprSample object
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges reduce
#' @export
print.tagMepprSample <- function(x, ...){
# name
# protocol
cat(paste0('\tName: ', x$name,"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tProtocol: ', x$protocol,"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tPrimer checked: no (highly recommended!!!)\n'))
} else if(x$rev5_fwd3){
cat(paste0('\tPrimer checked: yes\n'))
} else {
cat(paste0('\tPrimer checked: yes (flipped)\n'))
# if aligned: num(aligned), num(informative)
cat(paste0("\tAligned: FALSE\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0('\tAlignment-folder: ', x$alignmentFolder,"\n"))
if(! x$dedup ){
cat(paste0('\tDeduplicated: ', x$dedup,"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tInformative FWD-reads: ', length(unique(x$alignedReadsFWD$readName)),"\n"))
cat(paste0('\tInformative REV-reads: ', length(unique(x$alignedReadsREV$readName)),"\n"))
# if FI: num(sig sites)
cat(paste0("\tAnalysed: FALSE\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0('\tUnique TISs covered: ', length(GenomicRanges::reduce(x$results)),"\n"))
cat(paste0('\t\tp<0.05: ', length(GenomicRanges::reduce(x$results[x$results$padj < 0.05])),"\n"))
#' Obtain the results
#' Running this will generate a data.frame of results
#' @title results
#' @param tagMepprSample Your sample
#' @param alpha A p-value treshold (default: 1)
#' @param countThreshold A p-value treshold (default: 0)
#' @param orientation Select insertions with a specific orientation
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' results(tagMepprSample, alpha = 0.05, countThreshold = 100)
#' }
#' @export
results <- function(tagMepprSample, alpha = 1, countThreshold = 0, orientation = "*") UseMethod("results")
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges as.data.frame
results.tagMepprSample <- function(tagMepprSample, alpha = 1, countThreshold = 0, orientation = "*"){
x = NULL
cat(paste0("\tFirst run findInsertions() \n"))
} else {
x = GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(tagMepprSample$results)
if(orientation %in% c("-", "+")){
x = x[x$strand == orientation,]
x = x[x$padj < alpha &
x$fwdCount > countThreshold &
x$revCount > countThreshold,]
x$width = NULL
x$fwdD = round(x$fwdD,digits = 2)
x$revD = round(x$revD,digits = 2)
x$pval[x$pval < 2e-16] = 2e-16
x$padj[x$padj < 2e-16] = 2e-16
rownames(x) = NULL
x = x[,c(1:5,8,6,9,12)]
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