
Defines functions read.MFCLPar read.MFCLParBits read.MFCLSel read.MFCLRegion read.MFCLRec read.MFCLTagRep read.MFCLFlags read.MFCLBiol stripDebugNumbers

Documented in read.MFCLBiol read.MFCLFlags read.MFCLPar read.MFCLParBits read.MFCLRec read.MFCLRegion read.MFCLSel read.MFCLTagRep

#FLR4MFCL - R4MFCL built with FLR classes
#Copyright (C) 2018  Rob Scott

# history of par file additions
# >1058
# - xdiff_coffs movement
# >1060
# - implicit_fm_level_regression_pars
# - kludged_equilib_coffs
# - kludged_equilib_level_coffs
# >1061
# - y1diff_coffs and y2diff_coffs movement
# >1062
# - zdiff_coffs movement
# >1063
# - Recruitment standard and Recruitment orthogonal
# Note that the first two numbers specify the dimensions, e.g.
# #Recruitment standard
# 3  60
# 1.46198054165940e+01 1.27997887451213e+01 1.59027441201687e+01 ...
# So you don't need to extend these matrices.

# >1064
# - tag loss

# unexported function to strip Dave's diagnostic stuff out of the par file.

stripDebugNumbers <- function(fstring){
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(fstring[2]), split='[[:blank:]]+')))[200]
  if(vsn >= 1055){
    marks <- 871:879  # who knows if this is all of them - I bet it's not.
    for(mk in marks){
      lines <- grep(mk, fstring)
      lls <- NULL
      for(ll in lines){
        if(length(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(fstring[ll]), split='[[:blank:]]+')))==1)
          lls <- c(lls, ll)
      fstring <- fstring[-lls]

#' read.MFCLBiol
#' Reads the Biol information from the par file and creates an MFCLBiol object.
#' Unfortunately you still need to supply the first year of the time series.
#' Other dimensions are interpreted from the data blocks so care should be taken to check
#' that these have been reproduced correctly
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLBiol.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLBiol("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLBiol <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA){
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  trim.trailing <- function(x) sub("\\s+$", "", x) 
  trim.hash     <- function(x) sub("#",     "", x) # not used - maybe delete
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  res <- new("MFCLBiol")
    par <- readLines(parfile)
    par <- trim.trailing(par)                                          # remove trailing whitespace
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("#", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]
  nseasons <- length(splitter(par, "# season_flags"))
  nyears   <- length(splitter(par, "# Cohort specific growth deviations"))
  nagecls  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of age classes", par)+1])
  nfish    <- length(splitter(par, "# q0_miss")) #grep("# tag flags", par) - grep("# fish flags", par)[1] -1
  ntaggrps <- max(grep("# tag fish rep", par)[1] - grep("# tag flags", par) -1, 0)
  nregions <- length(splitter(par, "# region parameters"))
  dims_age        <- dimnames(FLQuant(quant="age"))
  dims_age$age    <- as.character(0:((nagecls/nseasons)-1))
  dims_age$season <- as.character(1:nseasons)
  dims_all        <- dims_age
  dims_all$year   <- as.character(first.yr:(first.yr+(nyears/nseasons)))
  dims_all$season <- as.character(1:nseasons)
  dims_all$area   <- as.character(1:nregions)
  dims_cohort        <- dimnames(FLCohort())
  #dims_cohort$age    <- "0"
  dims_cohort$cohort <- as.character(first.yr:(first.yr+(nyears-1)/nseasons))
  dims_cohort$season <- as.character(1:nseasons)
  #age_class_pars <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# age-class related parameters", 1:5)), dim=c(nagecls, 5)))
  #age_class_pars <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# age-class related parameters", 1:10)[-1]), dim=c(nagecls, 10)))
  age_class_pars <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# age-class related parameters", 1:10)), dim=c(nagecls, 10)))
  slot(res, "m")                 <- as.numeric(par[grep("# natural mortality coefficient", par)+1])
  #slot(res, "m")                 <- as.numeric(par[grep("# natural mortality coefficient", par)+2])
  slot(res, "m_devs_age")        <- FLQuant(c(t(matrix(age_class_pars[2,], nrow=nseasons))), dimnames=dims_age)
  slot(res, "log_m")             <- FLQuant(c(t(matrix(age_class_pars[5,], nrow=nseasons))), dimnames=dims_age)
  slot(res, "growth_devs_age")   <- FLQuant(c(t(matrix(age_class_pars[3,], nrow=nseasons))), dimnames=dims_age)  
  slot(res, "growth_curve_devs") <- FLQuant(c(t(matrix(age_class_pars[4,], nrow=nseasons))), dimnames=dims_age)  
  slot(res, "mat")      <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# percent maturity")),
                                               dim=c(nseasons,nagecls/nseasons,1,1,1)),c(2,3,4,1,5)), dimnames=dims_age)

  # if(length(grep("# maturity at length",par))>0)
  # RDS 27/02/20 and 16/04/20
  #if(length(grep("# maturity at length",par))>0 & par[grep("# maturity at length",par)+1]!="# The von Bertalanffy parameters")
  if(vsn >= 1056)
    slot(res, 'mat_at_length') <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# maturity at length"))
  slot(res, "growth")   <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# The von Bertalanffy parameters", 1:3)),
                                   dim=c(3,3), dimnames=list(c("est","min","max"),c("Lmin","Lmax","k"))))
  slot(res, "richards") <- as.numeric(par[grep("# extra par for Richards",  par, ignore.case = T)+1])
  slot(res, "len_bias_pars")        <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# First Length bias parameters"))
  slot(res, "common_len_bias_pars") <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Common first Length bias flags"))
  slot(res, "common_len_bias_coffs")<- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Common first Length bias coffs"))
  slot(res, "season_growth_pars")   <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Seasonal growth parameters"))
  slot(res, "growth_devs_cohort")   <- FLCohort(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Cohort specific growth deviations")), dimnames=dims_cohort)
  slot(res, "dimensions") <- c(agecls=nagecls, years=nyears, seasons=nseasons, regions=nregions, fisheries=nfish, taggrps=ntaggrps)
  slot(res, "range") <- c(min=min(as.numeric(dims_all$age)), max=max(as.numeric(dims_all$age)), plusgroup=NA,
                          minyear=min(as.numeric(dims_all$year)), maxyear=max(as.numeric(dims_all$year)))
  slot(res, "growth_var_pars") <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# Variance parameters", 1:2)), dim=c(3,2),
  slot(res, "n_mean_constraints") <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of mean constraints", par)+1])

#kk <- read.MFCLBiol("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")

#' read.MFCLFlags
#' Read flag settings from a par file.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLFlags.
#' @note
#' The traditional way to read in a par file is using \code{read.MFCLPar} that
#' imports all parameter values, flags settings, and a variety of other
#' information.
#' For the purposes of importing flags, \code{read.MFCLFLags} can be more
#' practical, being around 20 x faster.
#' In both cases, the \code{flags()} method can be used to access the
#' \code{flags} data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLFlags("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLFlags <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {

  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[1]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  res    <- new("MFCLFlags")
    par <- trim.leading(readLines(parfile))
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  vsn      <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]  
  marker1  <- ifelse(vsn>=1065, "# tagmort", "# tag fish rep")
  #nfish    <- grep("# tag flags", par) - grep("# fish flags", par)[1] -1
  nfish    <- length(splitter(par, "# q0_miss"))
  ntaggrps <- max(0,grep(marker1, par)[1] - grep("# tag flags", par) -1)
  nregions <- length(splitter(par,"# region parameters"))
  parflags   <- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# The parest_flags"))      # 400 of them
  ageflags   <- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# age flags"))             # 200 of them
  fishflags  <- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# fish flags", 1:nfish))   # 100 for each fishery
  tagflags   <- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# tag flags",  1:ntaggrps)) # 10 for each tag group
  yearflags  <- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# year_flags", 1:10))
  seasonflags<- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# season_flags",1:10))
  regionflags<- as.numeric(splitter(par,"# region control flags",1:10)) # 10 for each region
  parflagsdf <- data.frame(flagtype=1, flag=1:length(parflags), value=parflags)
  ageflagsdf <- data.frame(flagtype=2, flag=1:length(ageflags), value=ageflags)
  fishflagsdf<- data.frame(flagtype=rep(-1:-nfish, each=100), flag=1:100, value=fishflags)
  tagflagsdf <- data.frame(flagtype=rep(-1:-ntaggrps, each=10)-9999, flag=1:10, value=tagflags)
  regionflagsdf<- data.frame(flagtype=rep(-1:-10, each=nregions)-99999,flag=rep(1:nregions,10), value=regionflags)
  slot(res, 'flags') <- rbind(parflagsdf, ageflagsdf, fishflagsdf, tagflagsdf, regionflagsdf)
  slot(res, 'unused')<- list(yrflags  =array(yearflags,  dim=c(10, length(yearflags)/10)),
                             snflags  =array(seasonflags,dim=c(10, length(seasonflags)/10)))

#kk <- read.MFCLFlags("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")

#' read.MFCLTagRep
#' Reads the TAaRep information from the par file and creates an MFCLTagRep object.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLTagRep.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLTagRep("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLTagRep <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[1]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))  
  nlines        <- function(ff, tt) grep('#',ff)[grep('#',ff)>grep(tt,ff)[1]][1]-grep(tt,ff)[1]-1
  res <- new("MFCLTagRep")
    par <- readLines(parfile)
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    if(any(grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3))
      par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  if(length(grep("# tag fish rep", par))==0)  # if there's no tag data just return without doing anything
  vsn      <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]  
  nfish    <- length(splitter(par, '# tag fish rep', 1))
  if(vsn>=1065 & length(grep('tagmort', par))>0)
    slot(res, 'tag_shed_rate')     <-   as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tagmort")) # annoyingly called 'tag shed rate' in ini file and 'tagmort' in par file
                                                                             # works as long as this is entered on one line only in par file
  slot(res, 'tag_fish_rep_rate') <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tag fish rep", 1:(nlines(par, "# tag fish rep")))), 
                                            dim=c(nfish, nlines(par, "# tag fish rep"))))
  slot(res, 'tag_fish_rep_grp')  <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tag fish rep group flags", 1:(nlines(par, "# tag fish rep group flags")))), 
                                            dim=c(nfish, nlines(par, "# tag fish rep group flags"))))
  slot(res, 'tag_fish_rep_flags')<- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tag_fish_rep active flags",1:(nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep active flags")))), 
                                            dim=c(nfish, nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep active flags"))))
  slot(res, 'tag_fish_rep_target')<-t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tag_fish_rep target",      1:(nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep target")))), 
                                            dim=c(nfish, nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep target"))))
  slot(res, 'tag_fish_rep_pen')   <-t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# tag_fish_rep penalty",     1:(nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep penalty")))), 
                                            dim=c(nfish, nlines(par, "# tag_fish_rep penalty"))))
  slot(res, 'rep_rate_dev_coffs') <- lapply(seq(1:nfish), function(x) as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Reporting rate dev coffs",x)))

#kk <- read.MFCLTagRep("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")

#' read.MFCLRec
#' Reads the recruitment information from the par file and creates an MFCLec object.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLRec.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLRec("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLRec <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {

  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[1]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))  

  res <- new("MFCLRec")
    par <- readLines(parfile)
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("#", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]
  nseasons <- length(splitter(par, "# season_flags"))
  nyears   <- length(splitter(par, "# Cohort specific growth deviations"))
  nregions <- length(splitter(par,"# region parameters"))
  nagecls  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of age classes", par)+1])  
  dims        <- dimnames(FLQuant(quant="age"))
  dims$age    <- "0"
  dims$season <- as.character(1:nseasons)
  dims$year   <- as.character(first.yr:(first.yr+(nyears/nseasons)-1))
  dims2       <- dims
  dims2$age   <- as.character(1:((nagecls/nseasons)-1))
  dims2$year  <- as.character(first.yr)
  dims2$area  <- as.character(1:nregions)
  dims3       <- dims
  dims3$area  <- as.character(1:nregions)
  # orth poly levels determined by year, region, season and region*season interaction by parest flags 155, 216-218
  # orth poly rows = sum(1, nregions-1, nseasons-1, ...)
  parflags <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))
  orth_poly_rows <- 1
  if(parflags[155] != 0){
    orth_poly_levels <- c((parflags[155])>0 , parflags[216]>0, parflags[217]>0, parflags[218]>0)
    orth_poly_rows   <- sum(c(1, nregions-1, nseasons-1, (nregions-1)*(nseasons-1))[orth_poly_levels])
  #rel_rec <- array(     as.numeric(splitter(par, "# relative recruitment")),dim=c(nseasons, nyears/nseasons, 1,1,1,1))
  rel_rec <- array(c(NA, as.numeric(splitter(par, "# relative recruitment"))),dim=c(nseasons, nyears/nseasons, 1,1,1,1))
  rel_ini <- array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# relative initial population", 1:nregions)),dim=c(nregions, nagecls-1))
  slot(res, "rec_init_pop_diff") <- as.numeric(par[grep("# rec init pop level difference", par)+1])
  slot(res, "rec_times")         <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# recruitment times"))
  slot(res, "rel_rec")           <- FLQuant(aperm(rel_rec, c(3,2,4,1,5,6)), dimnames=dims)
  slot(res, "rel_ini_pop")       <- rel_ini #FLQuant(aperm(rel_ini, c(2,4,5,1,3,6)), dimnames=dims2)
  slot(res, "tot_pop")           <- as.numeric(par[grep("# total populations scaling parameter", par)+1])
  slot(res, "tot_pop_implicit")  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# implicit total populations scaling parameter", par)+1])

    slot(res, "orth_coffs")       <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# orthogonal poly coffs for relative recruitment", 1:orth_poly_rows)),
                                            nrow=orth_poly_rows, byrow = TRUE)
    slot(res, "new_orth_coffs")   <- as.numeric(par[grep("# new orthogonal coefficients", par)+1])
  if(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[155]>0)
    slot(res, "annual_rel_rec_coffs") <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, '# annual coffs for relative recruitment', 1:orth_poly_rows)),
                                                nrow=orth_poly_rows, byrow = TRUE)
    slot(res, "rec_standard_dim")  <-       as.numeric(splitter(par, "#Recruitment standard"))
    slot(res, 'rec_standard')  <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "#Recruitment standard", 1:nregions+1)), 
                                                      dim=c(nseasons, nyears/nseasons, nregions,1,1)), c(4,2,5,1,3)), dimnames=dims3)
    slot(res, "rec_orthogonal")<- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "#Recruitment orthogonal", 1:nregions)), 
                                                      dim=c(nseasons, nyears/nseasons, nregions,1,1)), c(4,2,5,1,3)), dimnames=dims3)
  slot(res, "range") <- c(min=min(as.numeric(dims$age)), max=max(as.numeric(dims$age)), plusgroup=NA,
                          minyear=min(as.numeric(dims$year)), maxyear=max(as.numeric(dims$year)))

#' read.MFCLRegion
#' Reads the region specific information from the par file and creates an MFCLRegion object.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLRec.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLRegion("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLRegion <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {

  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[1]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))    
  res <- new("MFCLRegion")
    par <- readLines(parfile)
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]
  nseasons <- length(splitter(par, "# season_flags"))
  #nseasons.mov <- max(c(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# movement map")),1))                                ## RDS 29/02/2020
  nseasons.mov <- length(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# movement map")))                                  ## RDS 01/11/2022
  nyears   <- length(splitter(par, "# Cohort specific growth deviations"))/nseasons
  nregions <- length(splitter(par,"# region parameters"))
  nagecls  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of age classes", par)+1])  
  dca <- trim.leading(par[(grep("# movement matrices", par)+2):grep("# age dependent movement coefficients",par)[1]])
  dca <- lapply(lapply(dca[-seq(nregions+1, length(dca), by=nregions+1)], strsplit, split="[[:blank:]]+"), unlist)
  #dca <- t(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(dca)), nrow=nregions+1)[-1,])
  dca <- t(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(dca)), nrow=nregions))
  dca <- aperm(array(dca, dim=c(nregions, nagecls, nseasons.mov, nregions), 
                     dimnames=list(to=as.character(1:nregions), age=as.character(1:nagecls), period=as.character(1:nseasons.mov), from=as.character(1:nregions))),
  rrv <- aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# regional recruitment variation", 1:(nyears*nseasons))), 
                     dim=c(nregions, nseasons, nyears, 1, 1)), 
  slot(res, 'control_flags') <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# region control flags",1:10)), 
  slot(res, 'move_map')      <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# movement map"))

    slot(res, 'diff_coffs')    <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  

  if(vsn>=1059 & vsn<1064)
    slot(res, 'xdiff_coffs')    <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# xmovement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
      slot(res, 'diff_coffs')    <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# diff_coffs movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
      slot(res, 'xdiff_coffs')   <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# xdiff_coffs movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
      slot(res, 'y1diff_coffs')  <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# y1diff_coffs movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
      slot(res, 'y2diff_coffs')  <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# y2diff_coffs movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
      slot(res, 'zdiff_coffs')   <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# zdiff_coffs movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), nrow=nseasons, byrow=T)  
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_mat')<- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# The diffusion coefficients",1:nregions)), nrow=nregions, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_age_period') <- dca
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_age') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# age dependent movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), 
                                        nrow=nseasons.mov, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_nl')  <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# nonlinear movement coefficients",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), 
                                        nrow=nseasons.mov, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_priors')  <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# Movement coefficients priors",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), 
                                        nrow=nseasons.mov, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_age_priors') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# age dependent movement coefficients priors",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), 
                                        nrow=nseasons.mov, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'diff_coffs_nl_priors')  <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# nonlinear movement coefficients priors",1:length(slot(res, 'move_map')))), 
                                        nrow=nseasons.mov, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'region_rec_var') <- FLQuant(rrv, dimnames=list(age="all", year=as.character(seq(first.yr, first.yr+nyears-1)),unit="unique", 
    slot(res, 'region_pars') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# region parameters",1:10)), ncol=nregions, byrow=T)
    slot(res, 'region_pars') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# region parameters",1:100)), ncol=nregions, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'range') <- c(min=0, max=nagecls/nseasons, plusgroup=NA, minyear=first.yr, maxyear=max(as.numeric(dimnames(region_rec_var(res))$year)))

#' read.MFCLSel
#' Reads the Selection information from the par file and creates an MFCLSel object.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLSel.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLSel("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLSel <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  trim.trailing <- function(x) sub("\\s+$", "", x) 
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1, inst=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[inst]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))      
  res <- new("MFCLSel")
    par <- trim.leading(readLines(parfile))
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj

  parversion <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# The parest_flags"))[200]
  nseasons <- length(splitter(par, "# season_flags"))
  nregions <- length(splitter(par,"# region parameters"))
  nagecls  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of age classes", par)+1])  
  nfish    <- length(splitter(par, "# q0_miss")) #grep("# tag flags", par) - grep("# fish flags", par)[1] -1
  xfish    <- sum(matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# fish flags", ll=1:nfish, inst=1)), ncol=nfish)[71,]) # sum ff71 to check for selectivity blocks
  nqgroups <- max(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# fish flags",1:nfish)),dim=c(100,nfish))[29,], na.rm=T) #max value of fishf lag 29
  dims1    <- list(age=as.character(seq(0,(nagecls/nseasons)-1)), year='all', unit='unique', season=c(as.character(1:nseasons)), area='all')
  dims2    <- list(age=as.character(seq(0,(nagecls/nseasons)-1)), year='all', unit=c(as.character(1:nfish)), season=c(as.character(1:nseasons)), area='all')
  dims2a   <- dims2
  dims2a$unit <- as.character(1:(nfish+xfish))
  dims3    <- list(age='all', year='all', unit=as.character(1:nfish), season="all", area="all")

  qdc      <- lapply(1:nfish, function(x) as.numeric(splitter(par, "# catchability deviation coefficients",x)))
  edc      <- lapply(1:nfish, function(x) as.numeric(splitter(par, "# effort deviation coefficients",      x)))
  cdc      <- lapply(1:nqgroups, function(x) as.numeric(splitter(par, "# The grouped_catch_dev_coffs",     x, inst=2)))

  sdc_end  <- cumsum(lapply(qdc, length))+seq(length(qdc))
  sdc_start<- c(1, sdc_end[-length(sdc_end)]+1)
  sdc_lines<- lapply(seq(nfish), function(x) seq(sdc_start[x], sdc_end[x]))
  sdc      <- lapply(sdc_lines, function(x) matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# sel_dev_coffs", x)),ncol=nagecls))
  slot(res, 'availability_coffs') <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# availability coffs")), 
                                                   dim=c(nseasons, nagecls/nseasons,1,1,1)),c(2,3,4,1,5)), dimnames=dims1)
#  slot(res, 'fishery_sel')        <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# fishery selectivity",1:(nfish))), 
#                                                   dim=c(nseasons, nagecls/nseasons,nfish,1,1)),c(2,4,3,1,5)), dimnames=dims2)
# rds 19/02/20 - checks to see if selectivity blocks are specified (xfish) and reads in extra selection parameters  
  slot(res, 'fishery_sel')        <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# fishery selectivity",1:(nfish+xfish))), 
                                                         dim=c(nseasons, nagecls/nseasons,nfish+xfish,1,1)),c(2,4,3,1,5)), dimnames=dims2a)
  slot(res, 'fishery_sel_age_comp')<-FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# age-dependent component of fishery selectivity", 1:nfish)), 
                                                   dim=c(nseasons, nagecls/nseasons,nfish,1,1)),c(2,4,3,1,5)), dimnames=dims2)
  slot(res, 'av_q_coffs')  <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# average catchability coefficients")),
                                                    dim=c(1,1,1,nfish,1)),c(2,3,4,1,5)), dimnames=dims3)
  slot(res, 'ini_q_coffs')  <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# initial trend in catchability coefficients")),
                                                   dim=c(nfish, 1,1,1,1)),c(2,3,1,4,5)), dimnames=dims3)
  slot(res, 'q0_miss')      <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# q0_miss")),
                                                   dim=c(nfish, 1,1,1,1)),c(2,3,1,4,5)), dimnames=dims3)
  slot(res, 'sel_dev_corr') <- FLQuant(aperm(array(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# correlation in selectivity deviations")), 
                                                   dim=c(nfish, 1,1,1,1)),c(2,3,1,4,5)), dimnames=dims3)  
  slot(res, 'season_q_pars')<- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# seasonal_catchability_pars", 1:nfish)), ncol=12, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'q_dev_coffs')      <- qdc
  slot(res, 'effort_dev_coffs') <- edc
  slot(res, 'catch_dev_coffs')  <- cdc
  slot(res, 'catch_dev_coffs_flag') <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The grouped_catch_dev_coffs flag", par)+1])
  # the big ones
  slot(res, 'sel_dev_coffs') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par,"# selectivity deviation coefficients",
                                            1:sum(unlist(lapply(qdc, length))))), ncol=nagecls, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'sel_dev_coffs2')<- sdc
  getfishparms <- function(xx, vsn){
    if(vsn>1040 & vsn<=1049)
      mm <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(xx,"# extra fishery parameters", 1:20)), ncol=nfish, byrow=T)
      mm <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(xx,"# extra fishery parameters", 1:50)), ncol=nfish, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'fish_params')   <- getfishparms(par, parversion)
    slot(res, 'spp_params') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# species parameters", 1:20)), ncol=1, byrow=T)
  slot(res, 'range') <- c(min=0, max=nagecls/nseasons, plusgroup=NA, minyear=1, maxyear=1)
  res <- checkUnitDimnames(res, nfisheries=nfish)

#' read.MFCLParBits
#' Reads the remaining information from the par file and creates an MFCLParBits object.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param parobj A character string containing the par file. If parobj is NULL the function uses parfile to read in the par file.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @return An object of class MFCLParBit.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLParBits("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/11.par")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLParBits <- function(parfile, parobj=NULL, first.yr=NA) {

  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1, inst=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[inst]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+"))    
  res <- new("MFCLParBits")

    par <- trim.leading(readLines(parfile))
    par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
    par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("# ", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "
    par <- parobj
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]
  nagecls  <- as.numeric(par[grep("# The number of age classes", par)+1]) 
  nseasons <- length(splitter(par, "# season_flags"))
  nregions <- length(splitter(par,"# region parameters"))
  nfish    <- length(splitter(par, "# q0_miss")) #grep("# tag flags", par) - grep("# fish flags", par)[1] -1
  taglik <- unlist(strsplit(par[grep("# Likelihood component for tags",          par)], split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  mn_l_p <- unlist(strsplit(par[grep("# Average fish mort per fishing incident", par)], split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  av_f_i <- unlist(strsplit(par[grep("# Average fish mort per fishing incident", par)], split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  av_f_y <- unlist(strsplit(par[grep("# Average fish mort per year is",          par)], split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  av_f_a <- unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(par[grep("# Average fish mort per year by age class",par)+1]), split="[[:blank:]]+"))
  mm <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(par[grep("# movement map",par)+1], split="[[:blank:]]+")))

  # changed this to 1051 (from 1053) - not sure why it was 1053 but it seems to be breaking the skj code - rds 28/11/2018
  # I suspect the if conditions here are ot quite right - need to check this cos it breaks for striped marlin. !!!
  #if(any(mm[!is.na(mm)]>0) & vsn >= 1051) 
    if(length(grep("# fm_level_devs", par))>0)  # YFT - no missing catch in yft.frq and therefore no fm_level_devs produced in par file - need to find better approach !!!
      if((grep("# movement map", par) - grep("# fm_level_devs", par)) >1)
        slot(res, 'fm_level_devs') <- par[(grep("# fm_level_devs", par)+1):(grep("# movement map", par)-1)]

  slot(res, 'fm_level_regression_pars') <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# fsh.implicit_fm_level_regression_pars", 1:nfish)), byrow=T, nrow=nfish)
  slot(res, 'obj_fun')   <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Objective function value"))
  slot(res, 'n_pars')    <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# The number of parameters"))
  slot(res, 'tag_lik')   <- as.numeric(taglik[length(taglik)])
  slot(res, 'max_grad')  <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# Maximum magnitude gradient value"))
  slot(res, 'first_year')<- as.numeric(first.yr)
  if(length(grep('# First year in model', par))>0)
    slot(res, 'first_year')<- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# First year in model"))
  if(is.na(slot(res, 'first_year')))
    stop("First year has not been set: use the 'first.yr' arg to set the first year")
  slot(res, 'mn_len_pen')        <- as.numeric(mn_l_p[length(mn_l_p)])
  slot(res, 'av_fish_mort_inst') <- as.numeric(av_f_i[length(av_f_i)])
  slot(res, 'av_fish_mort_year') <- as.numeric(av_f_y[length(av_f_y)])
  slot(res, 'av_fish_mort_age')  <- as.numeric(av_f_a[-1])
    slot(res, 'logistic_normal_params') <- par[(grep("# The logistic normal parameters", par)+1):(grep("# The logistic normal parameters", par)+6)]
    start <- grep("# Lambdas for augmented Lagrangian", par)+1
    end   <- grep("# Reporting rate dev coffs", par)-1
    slot(res, 'lagrangian') <- par[start:end]
    #slot(res, 'lagrangian') <- par[(grep("# Lambdas for augmented Lagrangian", par)+1):(grep("# Reporting rate dev coffs", par)-1)]
    ## Need to keep an eye on this as dimensions may be off !!
    slot(res, 'kludged_eq_coffs') <- t(array(as.numeric(splitter(par, "# kludged_equilib_coffs", 1:(nseasons*nregions))), 
    slot(res, 'kludged_eq_level_coffs') <- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# kludged_equilib_level_coffs"))
    slot(res, 'first_year')<- as.numeric(splitter(par, "# First year in model"))
  if(length(grep("# Historical_flags", par))>0)
    slot(res, 'historic_flags') <- par[(grep("# Historical_flags", par)+1):length(par)]

#parfile <- "Q:/yft/2017/assessment/Model_Runs/Sensitivity_annualSRR_steepness0.65/12.par"

#' read.MFCLPar
#' Read information from the par file.
#' @param parfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read.
#' @param first.yr The first year of the input data time series (default value NA).
#' @details
#' The \code{first.yr} argument is ignored when reading par files from MFCL
#' version (2023-07-07) and later, since the correct first year is now
#' embedded in the par file.
#' For older par files that do not contain the first year, the user is required
#' to pass an appropriate value as \code{first.yr}. The \code{\link{firstYear}}
#' function can be helpful when working with old model runs.
#' @return An object of class \code{MFCLPar}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{read.MFCLFlags}}, \code{\link{firstYear}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLPar("yft/2020/11.par", first.yr=1952)  # old MFCL, must specify year
#' read.MFCLPar("yft/2023/11.par")                 # new MFCL, automatic year
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLPar <- function(parfile, first.yr=NA) {
  trim.trailing <- function(x) sub("\\s+$", "", x) 
  slotcopy <- function(from, to){
    for(slotname in slotNames(from)){
      slot(to, slotname) <- slot(from, slotname)
  res <- new("MFCLPar")
  par <- trim.trailing(readLines(parfile))
  par <- par[nchar(par)>=1]                                          # remove blank lines
  par <- par[-seq(1,length(par))[grepl("#", par) & nchar(par)<3]]   # remove single hashes with no text "# "  
  vsn <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trimws(par[2]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))[200]
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLParBits(parfile,par, first.yr), res)
    first_year(res) <- first.yr
    first.yr <- first_year(res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLBiol(parfile,   par, first.yr), res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLFlags(parfile,  par, first.yr), res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLTagRep(parfile, par, first.yr), res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLRec(parfile,    par, first.yr), res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLRegion(parfile, par, first.yr), res)
  res <- slotcopy(read.MFCLSel(parfile,    par, first.yr), res)
  slot(res, 'range') <- c(min=0, max=max(as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(fishery_sel(res))['age']))), 
  res <- checkUnitDimnames(res, nfisheries = dimensions(res)["fisheries"])

robscott3/FLR4MFCL documentation built on July 25, 2024, 2:08 p.m.