


address = fread(paste0(workingDir, "/Data/addressDatabase.csv"))
address = address[latitude >= 41.6 & latitude <= 42.2 &
                  longitude >= 12.2 & longitude <= 12.8 &
                  !, ]

## Estimate region with alpha-hull
for(currentCAP in unique(address$CAP)){
    center = address[CAP == currentCAP, c(mean(longitude), mean(latitude))]
    p = ggmap::get_map(location=center, zoom=14)
    # p = ggmap::ggmap(p)
    continue = TRUE
    alpha = 1
        capPoints = address[CAP == currentCAP, c("latitude", "longitude"), with = FALSE]
        capPoints = unique(capPoints)
        hull = capPoints[, alphahull::ahull(x = longitude, y = latitude, alpha = alpha)]
        # polygon = data.frame(hull$arcs[, c("c1", "c2")])
        polygon = data.frame(hull$ashape.obj$edges)
        ## Reorder the polygon.  Index corresponds to the point index, and the edges are
        ## written arbitrarily (i.e. not counterclockwise or following any particular 
        ## order).  Also, two edges can start at the same point (i.e. ind1 doesn't have
        ## to be the first index in clockwise order).
        newPolygon = polygon
        for(i in 1:(nrow(polygon)-1)){
            index1 = polygon$ind1 == newPolygon[i, "ind2"] &
                polygon$ind2 != newPolygon[i, "ind1"]
            index2 = polygon$ind2 == newPolygon[i, "ind2"] &
                polygon$ind1 != newPolygon[i, "ind1"]
                newPolygon[i+1, ] = polygon[index1, ]
            } else {
                newPolygon[i+1, ] = polygon[index2, c("ind2", "ind1", "x2", "y2", "x1",
                                                      "y1", "mx2", "my2", "mx1", "my1",
                                                      "bp2", "bp1")]
        polygon = newPolygon

        print(ggplot(address, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude)) +
                  geom_point(aes(color = CAP == currentCAP)) +
                  geom_path(data = polygon, aes(x = x1, y = y1)) +
                  xlim(center[1] + c(-.005, .005)) +
                  ylim(center[2] + c(-.005, .005)))
#         print(p + geom_point(data = address, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude,
#                                            color = CAP == currentCAP)) +
#             geom_path(data = coords, aes(x = X1, y = X2))
#         )
        coordinates(polygon) = c("x1", "y1")
        polygon = Polygon(coords = polygon)
        polygon = Polygons(list(polygon), 1)
        polygon = SpatialPolygons(list(polygon))
        coords = data.frame(polygon@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)
        inPolygon = mapply(, point.x = address[, longitude],
                           point.y = address[, latitude],
                           MoreArgs = list(
                                pol.x = polygon@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[, 1],
                                pol.y = polygon@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[, 2]))
        badPoints = address[inPolygon > 0 & CAP != currentCAP, ]
        pointsInHull = nrow(badPoints)
        cat("With alpha =", alpha, "we have", pointsInHull, "bad points\n")
        alpha = alpha / 2
        ## Stopping criteria:
        continue = pointsInHull > 0
        if(pointsInHull / nrow(capPoints) < .02 & alpha <= 0.01){
            continue = FALSE
#        readline("Next?")
    name = paste0("shapefile_", currentCAP)
    setwd(paste0(savingDir, "/CAP/"))
    polygon = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(polygon, data = data.frame(CAP = currentCAP))
    if(!file.exists(paste0(name, ".kml"))){
        rgdal::writeOGR(obj = polygon, dsn = paste0(name, ".kml"), layer = name,
                        driver = "KML")
    name = "allCAPs"
    rgdal::writeOGR(obj = polygon, dsn = paste0(name, ".kml"), layer = name,
                    driver = "KML", overwrite_layer = TRUE)

write.csv(file = paste0(savingDir, "allCaps.csv"), address[, unique(CAP)], row.names = FALSE)

## Fix errors with different CAPs in the wrong CAP
address = fread(paste0(workingDir, "/Data/addressDatabase.csv"))
address = address[latitude >= 41.6 & latitude <= 42.2 &
                  longitude >= 12.2 & longitude <= 12.8 &
                  !, ]
n = nrow(address)
d = address[1:n, .(latitude, longitude)]
## Without adding some small random noise, we get an error about "too many ties
## in distance".  To avoid that, add some small random noise.
model = knn(train = d[, .(latitude + rnorm(n, sd = .000001),
                          longitude + rnorm(n, sd = .000001))],
            test = d, cl = address$CAP[1:n], k = 15, prob = TRUE)
model = data.table(prediction = model, prob = attr(model, "prob"),
                   true = address$CAP[1:n], index = 1:n)
badPts = model[prediction != true, ][order(prob), ]
address[badPts$index, c("newLongitude", "newLatitude") :=
            geocode(paste0(street, ",", ifelse(, "", number),
                           "roma"), source = "google")]
ggplot(address, aes(x = newLatitude, y = latitude)) + geom_point() + xlim(c(40,45))
ggplot(address, aes(x = newLongitude, y = longitude)) + geom_point() + xlim(c(10,15))
address[!, latitude := newLatitude]
address[!, longitude := newLongitude]
address[, c("newLongitude", "newLatitude") := NULL]
write.csv(address, file = paste0(workingDir, "/Data/addressDatabase.csv"),
          row.names = FALSE)
rockclimber112358/romeHousePrices documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m.