
context("Test imputation of recombination fraction matrix")
pedigree <- f2Pedigree(1000)
map <- qtl::sim.map(len = rep(100, 3), n.mar = 11, anchor.tel = TRUE, include.x = FALSE, eq.spacing=TRUE)
cross <- simulateMPCross(map=map, pedigree=pedigree, mapFunction = haldane)
rf <- estimateRF(cross, keepLod = TRUE, keepLkhd = TRUE)

test_that("Check that impute warns when re-imputing",
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 3, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		imputed <- impute(grouped)
		expect_warning(imputed <- impute(imputed), "Existing imputation data wil be overwritten")
test_that("Check that impute generates an error if there is no recombination fraction data", 
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 3, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		grouped@rf <- NULL
		expect_that(impute(grouped), throws_error("did not contain recombination fraction"))
test_that("Check that impute just makes copies of parts of the diagonal, if there are no NA values",
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 3, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		imputed <- impute(grouped)
		for(group in 1:3)
			expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[group]], subset(imputed@rf@theta, markers = which(imputed@lg@groups == group)))
test_that("Check that impute throws an error if imputation doesn't work",
		copiedMap <- map
		#Ensure that markers 1 and 2 are the same
		copiedMap[[1]][1:2] <- 0:1
		cross <- simulateMPCross(map=copiedMap, pedigree=pedigree, mapFunction = haldane)
		rf <- estimateRF(cross, keepLod = TRUE, keepLkhd = TRUE)
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 1, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")

		groupedWithNA <- grouped
		thetaAsMatrix <- as(grouped@rf@theta, "matrix")
		thetaAsMatrix[,1] <- thetaAsMatrix[1,] <- NA
		groupedWithNA@rf@theta <- as(thetaAsMatrix, "rawSymmetricMatrix")

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 16, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		expect_error(imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA))

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 1, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		expect_error(imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA))
test_that("Check that impute copies the most closely linked data",
		copiedMap <- map
		#Ensure that markers 1 and 2 are the same
		copiedMap[[1]][1:2] <- 0:1
		cross <- simulateMPCross(map=copiedMap, pedigree=pedigree, mapFunction = haldane)
		rf <- estimateRF(cross, keepLod = TRUE, keepLkhd = TRUE)
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 1, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")

		groupedWithNA <- grouped
		thetaAsMatrix <- as(grouped@rf@theta, "matrix")
		thetaAsMatrix[(-1):(-3),1] <- thetaAsMatrix[1,(-1):(-3)] <- NA
		groupedWithNA@rf@theta <- as(thetaAsMatrix, "rawSymmetricMatrix")

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 16, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA)
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 1, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 2, drop=TRUE])
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][1, 4:11, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][2, 4:11, drop=TRUE])

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 1, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA)
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 1, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 2, drop=TRUE])
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][1, 4:11, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][2, 4:11, drop=TRUE])

		#Ensure there is now no way of comparing the first and second markers. We should now copy the third marker, for the missing data of the first marker. 
		thetaAsMatrix[2,1:3] <- NA
		thetaAsMatrix[1:3, 2] <- NA
		groupedWithNA@rf@theta <- as(thetaAsMatrix, "rawSymmetricMatrix")

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 16, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA)
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 1, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 3, drop=TRUE])
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][1, 4:11, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][3, 4:11, drop=TRUE])

		.Call("omp_set_num_threads", 1, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		imputed <- impute(groupedWithNA)
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 1, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][4:11, 3, drop=TRUE])
		expect_identical(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][1, 4:11, drop=TRUE], imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[1]][3, 4:11, drop=TRUE])
test_that("Check that imputed marker data is discarded if the linkage groups are recalculated",
		#Ensure that markers 1 and 2 are the same
		copiedMap <- map
		copiedMap[[1]][1:2] <- 0:1
		cross <- simulateMPCross(map=copiedMap, pedigree=pedigree, mapFunction = haldane)
		rf <- estimateRF(cross, keepLod = TRUE, keepLkhd = TRUE)
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 3, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		imputed <- impute(grouped)

		grouped <- formGroups(imputed, groups = 2, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		expect_identical(length(grouped@lg@allGroups), 2L)
test_that("Check that imputed marker data is kept if we call subset",
		grouped <- formGroups(rf, groups = 3, clusterBy = "theta", method = "average")
		imputed <- impute(grouped)

		subsetted1 <- subset(imputed, markers = markers(imputed))
		expect_identical(imputed, subsetted1)

		#Reverse the orders of all the groups
		markersForSubset <- unlist(sapply(1:3, function(x) rev(names(which(imputed@lg@groups == x))), simplify = FALSE))
		subsetted2 <- subset(imputed, markers = markersForSubset)
		for(i in 1:3) expect_identical(subsetted2@lg@imputedTheta[[i]], subset(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[i]], markers = rev(imputed@lg@imputedTheta[[i]]@markers)))
rm(pedigree, cross, rf, map)
rohan-shah/mpMap2 documentation built on July 21, 2020, 8:58 p.m.