
Defines functions fill_exp_decay_extrapolate get_ssp_regions reduce_mgd_carbon add_carbon_info replace_GLU append_GLU add_node_leaf_names set_subsector_shrwt write_to_all_states set_years set_traded_names write_to_all_regions rename_SO2 set_water_input_name

Documented in add_carbon_info add_node_leaf_names append_GLU fill_exp_decay_extrapolate get_ssp_regions reduce_mgd_carbon rename_SO2 replace_GLU set_subsector_shrwt set_traded_names set_water_input_name set_years write_to_all_regions write_to_all_states

# module-helpers.R
# Module specific helper functions

#' set_water_input_name
#' Get the appropriate minicam.energy.input name to use in the GCAM supplysector.
#' @param water_sector A character vector containing water sector information
#' @param water_type A character vector containing water type information
#' @param water_mapping A tibble with a mapping between \code{water.sector} and  \code{supplysector}
#' @param GLU An optional character vector containing GLU information (only used for irrigation with mapped water types)
#' @details Get the appropriate minicam.energy.input name to use in the GCAM supplysector
#' by looking up using a mapping to the water.sector and water_type. The minicam.energy.input
#' name to use will have to be some water mapping sector for water_types that are "mapped".
#' @return A vector of names of form supplysector_watertype or supplysector_GLU_watertype.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select
#' @importFrom tidyr gather spread
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @author BBL April 2017
set_water_input_name <- function(water_sector, water_type, water_mapping, GLU = NA_character_) {

  water.sector <- supplysector <- wt_short <- new_name <- . <- NULL  # silence package check.

  # Sanity checks
  assert_that(length(water_sector) == length(water_type))
  assert_that(all(c("water.sector", "supplysector") %in% names(water_mapping)))

  # If there's an irrigation sector w/ mapped water type, need a GLU
  if(any(water_sector == water.IRRIGATION & water_type %in% water.MAPPED_WATER_TYPES)) {
    assert_that(length(GLU) == length(water_sector))

  tibble(water_sector, water_type, GLU) %>%
    # Add in the base mapped sector name and short water names
    left_join_error_no_match(select(water_mapping, water.sector, supplysector), by = c("water_sector" = "water.sector")) %>%
    mutate(wt_short = water.MAPPED_WATER_TYPES_SHORT[water_type],
           # non-mapped water_types keep their names unchanged
           new_name = if_else(water_type %in% water.MAPPED_WATER_TYPES, NA_character_, water_type),
           # non-irrigation mapped types
           new_name = if_else(water_sector != water.IRRIGATION & water_type %in% water.MAPPED_WATER_TYPES,
                              paste(supplysector, wt_short, sep = "_"), new_name),
           # irrigation mapped types - needs the GLU column
           new_name = if_else(water_sector == water.IRRIGATION & water_type %in% water.MAPPED_WATER_TYPES,
                              paste(supplysector, GLU, wt_short, sep = "_"), new_name)) %>%

#' rename_SO2
#' Add a suffix to the SO2 gas name indicating which of four major world regions to assign the emissions to
#' @param x A tibble, with columns \code{region} and \code{Non.CO2}
#' @param so2_map A tibble, with columns \code{region} and \code{SO2_name}
#' @param is_awb Logical flag - use "_AWB" suffix?
#' @return Data object with \code{Non.CO2} changed to SO2 name for SO2 data.
#' @details Add a suffix to the SO2 gas name indicating which of four major world regions to assign the emissions to,
#' as Hector considers the geographic location of sulfur emissions. Any code writing out CSVs for conversion to XML
#' handling SO2 related data should use this function. Agricultural waste burning emissions already have a suffix
#' assigned (_AWB), so in this case, the SO2 region number is assigned between the "SO2" and "AWB" strings.
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @author BBL May 2017
rename_SO2 <- function(x, so2_map, is_awb = FALSE) {

  Non.CO2 <- SO2_name <- region <- . <- NULL # silence package checks.


  extension <- if_else(is_awb, "_AWB", "")
  data_so2 <- filter(x, Non.CO2 == paste0("SO2", extension))
  data_notso2 <- filter(x, Non.CO2 != paste0("SO2", extension))

  so2_map %>%
    mutate(SO2_name = paste0(SO2_name, extension)) %>%
    # pull so2_map information into SO2 data
    select(region, SO2_name) %>%
    left_join_error_no_match(data_so2, ., by = "region") %>%
    rename(Non.CO2 = SO2_name) %>%

#' write_to_all_regions
#' Copy data table to all regions, selecting which columns to keep.
#' @param data Base tibble to start from
#' @param names Character vector indicating the column names of the returned tibble
#' @param GCAM_region_names Tibble with GCAM region names and ID numbers
#' @param has_traded Logical indicating whether any rows in the base table have "traded" goods; if true,
#' \code{\link{set_traded_names}} will be called
#' @param apply_selected_only Logical indicating whether \code{\link{set_traded_names}} is applied to
#' the whole tibble, or only selected rows
#' @param set_market Logical indicating whether to create a \code{market.name} column whose values are equal
#' to \code{region} prior to \code{\link{set_traded_names}} re-setting \code{region} names
#' @note Used for data that GCAM contains within each region, but whose values are not actually differentiated by region.
#' @return Tibble with data written out to all GCAM regions.
write_to_all_regions <- function(data, names, GCAM_region_names, has_traded = FALSE,
                                 apply_selected_only = TRUE, set_market = FALSE) {

  GCAM_region_ID <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  if("logit.year.fillout" %in% names) {
    data$logit.year.fillout <- "start-year"
  if("price.exp.year.fillout" %in% names) {
    data$price.exp.year.fillout <- "start-year"

  data %>%
    set_years %>%
    repeat_add_columns(select(GCAM_region_names, GCAM_region_ID)) %>%
    left_join_error_no_match(GCAM_region_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") ->

  if("market.name" %in% names) {
    data_new$market.name <- data_new$region
  if(has_traded) {
    if(set_market) {
      data_new$market.name <- data_new$region
    data_new <- set_traded_names(data_new, GCAM_region_names$region, apply_selected_only)

#' set_traded_names
#' Re-set region names in tables with traded secondary goods so that the traded secondary goods are all contained
#' within one specified region, with the (actual) region name prepended to the subsector and technology names (where applicable)
#' @param data Tibble to operate on
#' @param GCAM_region_names Tibble with GCAM region names and ID numbers
#' @param apply_selected_only Logical indicating whether region/subsector/technology re-assignment is applied to
#' the whole tibble, or only selected rows
#' @return Tibble returned with modified region, subsector, and/or technology information.
set_traded_names <- function(data, GCAM_region_names, apply_selected_only = TRUE) {

  sel <- TRUE # select all rows
  if(apply_selected_only) {
    sel <- data$traded == gcam.USA_CODE  # by default selected only

  if("subsector" %in% names(data)) {
    data$subsector[sel] <- paste(data$region[sel], data$subsector[sel])
  if("technology" %in% names(data)) {
    data$technology[sel] <- paste(data$region[sel], data$technology[sel])
  if("region" %in% names(data)) {
    data$region[sel] <- GCAM_region_names[gcam.USA_CODE]


#' set_years
#' Replace text descriptions of years in exogenous input CSVs with numerical values. This allows model time periods
#' to be modified without requiring similar modifications in many input CSV tables.
#' @param data Tibble with text descriptions of model time periods to be replaced with numerical values.
#' @details Text strings include \code{start-year}, \code{final-calibration-year}, \code{final-historical-year},
#' \code{initial-future-year}, \code{initial-nonhistorical-year}, and \code{end-year}.
#' @return Modified tibble with 'numerical' values instead of text.
#' @note The returned 'numerical' values are actually characters; this helper function doesn't touch column types.
set_years <- function(data) {
  if(nrow(data)) {
    data[data == "start-year"] <- min(MODEL_BASE_YEARS)
    data[data == "final-calibration-year"] <- max(MODEL_BASE_YEARS)
    data[data == "final-historical-year"] <- max(HISTORICAL_YEARS)
    data[data == "initial-future-year"] <- min(MODEL_FUTURE_YEARS)
    data[data == "initial-nonhistorical-year"] <- min(MODEL_YEARS[MODEL_YEARS > max(HISTORICAL_YEARS)])
    data[data == "end-year"] <- max(MODEL_FUTURE_YEARS)

#' write_to_all_states
#' write out data to all states
#' @param data Base tibble to start from
#' @param names Character vector indicating the column names of the returned tibble
#' @note Used for USA national data by GCAM region, which is repeated for each US state
#' @return Tibble with data written out to all USA states
write_to_all_states <- function(data, names, region_states=NULL) {


  region <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  if("logit.year.fillout" %in% names) {
    data$logit.year.fillout <- "start-year"

  if("price.exp.year.fillout" %in% names) {
    data$price.exp.year.fillout <- "start-year"

    region_states <- gcamusa.STATES

  data %>%
    set_years %>%
    mutate(region = NULL) %>% # remove region column if it exists
    repeat_add_columns(tibble(region = region_states)) %>%

#' set_subsector_shrwt
#' Calculate subsector shareweights in calibration periods, where subsectors may have multiple technologies
#' @param data Tibble to operate on
#' @return Tibble returned with a new column of calculated subsector shareweights.
set_subsector_shrwt <- function(data) {


  region <- supplysector <- subsector <- year <- calOutputValue_agg <- calOutputValue <-
    subs.share.weight <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  data_aggregated <- data %>%
    group_by(region, supplysector, subsector, year) %>%
    summarise(calOutputValue_agg = sum(calOutputValue)) %>%

  data %>%
    left_join_error_no_match(data_aggregated, by = c("region", "supplysector", "subsector", "year")) %>%
    mutate(subs.share.weight = if_else(calOutputValue_agg > 0, 1, 0)) %>%

#' add_node_leaf_names
#' Match in the node and leaf names from a land nesting table
#' @param data Data, tibble
#' @param nesting_table Table of node names (as column names) and leaf data (contents), tibble
#' @param leaf_name Name of leaf name column in \code{nesting_table}, character
#' @param ... Names of columns to add leaf nodes for, character
#' @param LT_name Name of land type column in \code{data}, character
#' @param append_GLU Append GLU column to new leaf name columns? Logical
#' @return Data with new leaf name columns added.
add_node_leaf_names <- function(data, nesting_table, leaf_name, ..., LT_name = "Land_Type", append_GLU = TRUE) {
  assert_that(leaf_name %in% names(nesting_table))
  assert_that(LT_name %in% names(data))

  data$LandAllocatorRoot <- "root"
  dots <- list(...)
  for(x in dots) {
    assert_that(x %in% names(nesting_table))
    data[[x]] <- nesting_table[[x]][match(data[[LT_name]], nesting_table[[leaf_name]])]

  data[[leaf_name]] <- data[[LT_name]]

  if(append_GLU) {
    data <- append_GLU(data, leaf_name, ...)
  if("Irr_Rfd" %in% names(data)) {
    data[[leaf_name]] <- paste(data[[leaf_name]], data[["Irr_Rfd"]], sep = aglu.IRR_DELIMITER)

#' append_GLU
#' Append GLU to all specified variables
#' @param data Data, a tibble
#' @param ... Names of variables to concatenate with \code{GLU} column, character
#' @return A tibble with the \code{...} variable names concatenated with the \code{GLU}.
append_GLU <- function(data, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  for(x in dots) {
    assert_that(x %in% names(data))
    data[[x]] <- paste(data[[x]], data[["GLU"]], sep = aglu.LT_GLU_DELIMITER)

#' replace_GLU
#' Replace GLU numerical codes with names, and vice versa
#' @param d A tibble with a column named "GLU"
#' @param map A tibble with columns \code{GLU_code} and \code{GLU_name}
#' @param GLU_pattern Regular expression string to identify the GLU codes
#' @return A tibble with codes substituted for pattern, or vice versa, depending on the original
#' contents of the \code{GLU} column.
replace_GLU <- function(d, map, GLU_pattern = "^GLU[0-9]{3}$") {
  assert_that("GLU" %in% names(d))
  assert_that(all(c("GLU_code", "GLU_name") %in% names(map)))

  # Determine the direction of the change based on character string matching in the first element
  if(all(grepl(GLU_pattern, d$GLU))) {
    d$GLU <- map$GLU_name[match(d$GLU, map$GLU_code)]  # switch from GLU numerical codes to names
  } else {
    d$GLU <- map$GLU_code[match(d$GLU, map$GLU_name)]  # switch from GLU names to numerical codes

#' add_carbon_info
#' function to translate from soil, veg, and mature age data (already in a table) to the required read-in model parameters
#' @param data = input data tibble to receive carbon info
#' @param carbon_info_table = table with veg and soil carbon densities, and mature.age
#' @param matchvars =  a character vector for by = in left_join(data, carbon_info_table, by = ...)
#' @return the original table with carbon density info added
add_carbon_info <- function( data, carbon_info_table, matchvars = c("region", "GLU", "Cdensity_LT" = "Land_Type")) {

  GCAM_region_names <- veg_c <- soil_c <- hist.veg.carbon.density <- hist.soil.carbon.density <-
    mature.age <- GCAM_region_ID <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  if(!("region" %in% names(carbon_info_table))) {
    carbon_info_table %>%
      left_join_error_no_match(GCAM_region_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") ->

  data %>%
    left_join(carbon_info_table, by = matchvars) %>%
    rename(hist.veg.carbon.density = veg_c,
           hist.soil.carbon.density = soil_c) %>%
    mutate(hist.veg.carbon.density = round(hist.veg.carbon.density, aglu.DIGITS_C_DENSITY),
           hist.soil.carbon.density = round(hist.soil.carbon.density, aglu.DIGITS_C_DENSITY),
           mature.age = round(mature.age, aglu.DIGITS_MATUREAGE),
           mature.age.year.fillout = min(MODEL_BASE_YEARS),
           veg.carbon.density = hist.veg.carbon.density,
           soil.carbon.density = hist.soil.carbon.density,
           min.veg.carbon.density = aglu.MIN_VEG_CARBON_DENSITY,
           min.soil.carbon.density = aglu.MIN_SOIL_CARBON_DENSITY)

#' reduce_mgd_carbon
#' Reduce the carbon density of a managed land type from its unmanaged land
#' type's carbon density using constant multipliers
#' @param data Unput data tibble to adjust carbon densities for
#' @param LTfor Land_Type name to use for Forest land types
#' @param LTpast Land_Type name to use for Pasture land types
#' @return The original table with carbon density adjusted for the managed land types
reduce_mgd_carbon <- function( data, LTfor = "Forest", LTpast = "Pasture") {

  Land_Type <- hist.veg.carbon.density <- veg.carbon.density <-
    hist.soil.carbon.density <- soil.carbon.density <- NULL # silence package check notes

  data %>%
    mutate(hist.veg.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTpast, hist.veg.carbon.density * aglu.CVEG_MULT_UNMGDPAST_MGDPAST, hist.veg.carbon.density),
           veg.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTpast, veg.carbon.density * aglu.CVEG_MULT_UNMGDPAST_MGDPAST, veg.carbon.density),
           hist.soil.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTpast, hist.soil.carbon.density * aglu.CSOIL_MULT_UNMGDPAST_MGDPAST, hist.soil.carbon.density),
           soil.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTpast, soil.carbon.density * aglu.CSOIL_MULT_UNMGDPAST_MGDPAST, soil.carbon.density),
           hist.veg.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTfor, hist.veg.carbon.density * aglu.CVEG_MULT_UNMGDFOR_MGDFOR, hist.veg.carbon.density),
           veg.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTfor, veg.carbon.density * aglu.CVEG_MULT_UNMGDFOR_MGDFOR, veg.carbon.density),
           hist.soil.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTfor, hist.soil.carbon.density * aglu.CSOIL_MULT_UNMGDFOR_MGDFOR, hist.soil.carbon.density),
           soil.carbon.density = if_else(Land_Type == LTfor, soil.carbon.density * aglu.CSOIL_MULT_UNMGDFOR_MGDFOR, soil.carbon.density))

#' get_ssp_regions
#' Get regions for different income groups in SSP4 2010 (by default)
#' @param pcGDP A tibble with per capita GDP estimates, including columns \code{GCAM_region_ID},
#' \code{scenario}, \code{year}, and \code{value}
#' @param reg_names A tibble with columns \code{GCAM_region_ID} and \code{region}
#' @param income_group A string indicating which region group (low, medium, high)
#' @param ssp_filter A string indicating which SSP to filter to (SSP4 by default)
#' @param year_filter An integer indicating which year to use (2010 by default)
#' @return A character vector of region names belonging to the specified income group.
get_ssp_regions <- function(pcGDP, reg_names, income_group,
                            ssp_filter = "SSP4", year_filter = 2010) {

  value <- scenario <- year <- GCAM_region_ID <- region <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  pcGDP %>%
    left_join_error_no_match(reg_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") %>%
    mutate(value = value * gdp_deflator(year_filter, 1990)) %>%
    filter(scenario == ssp_filter, year == year_filter) %>%
    select(GCAM_region_ID, value, region) ->

  if(income_group == "low") {
    regions <- filter(pcGDP_yf, value < aglu.LOW_GROWTH_PCGDP)
  } else if(income_group == "high") {
    regions <- filter(pcGDP_yf, value > aglu.HIGH_GROWTH_PCGDP)
  } else if(income_group == "medium") {
    regions <- filter(pcGDP_yf, value < aglu.HIGH_GROWTH_PCGDP, value > aglu.LOW_GROWTH_PCGDP)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown income_group!")


#' fill_exp_decay_extrapolate
#' Takes a wide format tibble with years as columns, coverts to long format, and
#' ensures values are filled in for all \code{out_years} using the following rules:
#'   - Linearly interpolated for missing values that have end points
#'   - Extrapolated using an exponential decay function paramaterized by the columns
#'     \code{improvement.rate} and \code{improvement.max} using the following formulation
#'     \code{v_0*max+(v_0-v_0*max)*(1-rate)^(y-y_0)}
#'   - For rows that specify a char value in the column \code{improvement.shadow.technology}
#'     exponential decay will be calculated on the difference between the values calculated
#'     by left joining with itself on the column \code{improvement.shadow.technology} with
#'     the column \code{technology}.  In other words for shadowing technologies the decay is
#'     only applied to the difference in the values in the last year in which one was
#'     specified. This is to allow for instance a Gas CC plant to have cost reductions at a
#'     moderate pace but a Gas CC+CCS can have rapid cost reductions tothe CCS portion of
#'     the cost.
#' @param d The wide format tibble with values under year columns that will be filled
#' to ensure the given years are present using the rules mentioned above.
#' @param out_years A vector of integers specifying which years must have values in the
#' output data.
#' @return The filled out data set in long format.  The years will be in the \code{year}
#' column and will include all values in \code{out_years} and the filled in values will
#' be in the \code{value} column.  All extrapolation parameters will be cleaned out.
#' @importFrom tibble has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select setdiff rename ungroup
#' @importFrom tidyr gather complete
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @author Pralit Patel
fill_exp_decay_extrapolate <- function(d, out_years) {
  . <- value <- year <- improvement.rate <- improvement.max <-
    improvement.shadow.technology <- technology <- year_base <-
    value_base <- shadow.value <- NULL  # silence package check notes

  # Some error checking first
  assert_that(has_name(d, "improvement.rate"))
  assert_that(has_name(d, "improvement.max"))
  # either improvement.rate/max are both NA or neither are
  assert_that(all(is.na(d$improvement.rate) == is.na(d$improvement.max)))

  # Note we want to allow use of the improvement.shadow.technology feature to be
  # optional so we will check if they have not provided the column and fill NAs
  # if not to avoid error
  if(!has_name(d, "improvement.shadow.technology")) {
    d %>%
      mutate(improvement.shadow.technology = as.character(NA)) ->

  # The first step is to linearly interpolate missing values that are in between
  # values which are specified (approx_fun rule=1)
  d <- gather_years(d)

  # We would like to replicate values for all years including those found in the
  # data as well as requested in out_years with the exception of the year (which
  # which is the column we are replicating on) and value which we would like to
  # just fill the missing values with NA (which is what complete does)
  # NOTE: the approach for programmatically selecting columns got completely
  # overhauled in recent version of dplyr, and it seems to have affected the nesting
  # function particularly. How to specify columns also seems inconsistent
  # between the versions, and thus we fall back on checking versions and doing
  # something different.
  if(utils::packageVersion("dplyr") < "0.7") {
    d %>%
      complete(tidyr::nesting_(select(., -year, -value)), year = union(year, out_years)) ->
  } else {
    nesting_vars <- paste0('`', names(d)[!(names(d) %in% c("year", "value"))], '`')
    d %>%
      complete(tidyr::nesting_(nesting_vars), year = union(year, out_years)) ->
  d %>%
    # for the purposes of interpolating (and later extrapolating) we would like
    # to just group by everything except year and value
    dplyr::group_by_(.dots = paste0('`', names(.)[!(names(.) %in% c("year", "value"))], '`')) %>%
    # finally do the linearly interpolation between values which are specified
    mutate(value = approx_fun(year, value, rule = 1)) ->

  # Rows in which improvement.max/rate is not specified should not be extrapolated,
  # so split those out for now
  d %>%
    filter(is.na(improvement.max) | is.na(improvement.rate)) ->

  d %>%
    setdiff(d_no_extrap) ->

  # First partition the technologies that are not "shadowing" another technology
  # and apply the exponential decay extrapolation to them
  d_extrap %>%
    filter(is.na(improvement.shadow.technology)) %>%
    # figure out the last specified year from which we will be extrapolating
    # (adding a -Inf in case there are no extrapolation years, to avoid a warning)
    mutate(year_base = max(c(-Inf, year[!is.na(value)]))) %>%
    # fill out the last specified value from which we will be extrapolating
    mutate(value_base = value[year == year_base]) %>%
    # calculate the exponential decay to extrapolate a new value from the last
    # specified value
    mutate(value = if_else(is.na(value),
                           value_base * improvement.max + (value_base - value_base * improvement.max) *
                             (1.0 - improvement.rate ) ^ (year - year_base),
                           value)) %>%
    select(-year_base, -value_base) %>%
    ungroup() ->

  # Now we can calculate the exponential decay extrapolation for technologies that
  # were shadowing another
  d_nonshadowed %>%
    # Merge the "shadow" technologies onto those that specified one in the "improvement.shadow.technology"
    select(technology, year, value) %>%
    rename(shadow.value = value) %>%
    left_join_error_no_match(d_extrap %>% filter(!is.na(improvement.shadow.technology)), .,
                             by = c("improvement.shadow.technology" = "technology", "year" = "year")) %>%
    # figure out the last specified year from which we will be extrapolating
    # (adding a -Inf in case there are no extrapolation years, to avoid a warning)
    mutate(year_base = max(c(-Inf, year[!is.na(value)])),
           # for shadowing technologies the decay is only applied to the difference
           # in the values in the last year in which one was specified
           # this is to allow for instance a Gas CC plant to have cost reductions at
           # a moderate pace but a Gas CC+CCS can have rapid cost reductions to
           # the CCS portion of the cost
           value_base = value - shadow.value,
           value_base = value_base[year == year_base],
           value = if_else(is.na(value),
                           shadow.value +
                             value_base * improvement.max + (value_base - value_base * improvement.max ) *
                             (1.0 - improvement.rate) ^ (year - year_base),
                           value)) %>%
    # drop the extra columns created for the shadow / exp decay calculation
    select_(.dots = paste0('`', names(d_nonshadowed), '`')) %>%
    ungroup() ->

  # Pull all the data together and drop exptrapolation parameters.
  bind_rows(ungroup(d_no_extrap), d_nonshadowed, d_shadowed) %>%
    select(-matches('improvement.')) %>%
    filter(year %in% out_years)

#' downscale_FAO_country
#' Helper function to downscale the countries that separated into
#' multiple modern countries (e.g. USSR).
#' @param data Data to downscale, tibble
#' @param country_name Pre-dissolution country name, character
#' @param dissolution_year Year of country dissolution, integer
#' @param years Years to operate on, integer vector
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @return Downscaled data.
downscale_FAO_country <- function(data, country_name, dissolution_year, years = aglu.AGLU_HISTORICAL_YEARS) {

  assert_that(dissolution_year %in% years)

  countries <- item <- element <- NULL                     # silence package check notes

  # Compute the ratio for all years leading up to the dissolution year, and including it
  # I.e. normalizing the time series by the value in the dissolution year
  ctry_years <- years[years < dissolution_year]
  yrs <- as.character(c(ctry_years, dissolution_year))
  data %>%
    select(item, element, yrs) %>%
    group_by(item, element) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    ungroup ->

  data_ratio[yrs] <- data_ratio[yrs] / data_ratio[[as.character(dissolution_year)]]

  # Use these ratios to project the post-dissolution country data backwards in time
  newyrs <- as.character(ctry_years)
  data_new <- filter(data, countries != country_name)
  data_new[newyrs] <- data_new[[as.character(dissolution_year)]] *
    data_ratio[match(paste(data_new[["item"]], data_new[["element"]]),
                     paste(data_ratio[["item"]], data_ratio[["element"]])), newyrs]
  data_new[newyrs][is.na(data_new[newyrs])] <- 0
rohmin9122/gcam-korea-release documentation built on Nov. 26, 2020, 8:11 a.m.