#' module_energy_LA154.transportation_UCD
#' Generates transportation energy and other data using UCD transportation database and IEA data.
#' @param command API command to execute
#' @param ... other optional parameters, depending on command
#' @return Depends on \code{command}: either a vector of required inputs,
#' a vector of output names, or (if \code{command} is "MAKE") all
#' the generated outputs: \code{L154.in_EJ_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Yh}, \code{L154.in_EJ_ctry_trn_m_sz_tech_F}, \code{L154.intensity_MJvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y}, \code{L154.loadfactor_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y}, \code{L154.cost_usdvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y}, \code{L154.speed_kmhr_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y}, \code{L154.out_mpkm_R_trn_nonmotor_Yh}. The corresponding file in the
#' original data system was \code{LA154.transportation_UCD.R} (energy level1).
#' @details L154.in_EJ_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Yh and L154.in_EJ_ctry_trn_m_sz_tech_F generated by aggregating IEA data UCD
#' transportation technologies, then scaling to transportation enduse data. Other outputs generated by aggregating UCD data
#' to GCAM regions.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select
#' @importFrom tidyr gather spread
#' @author RH May 2017
module_energy_LA154.transportation_UCD <- function(command, ...) {
UCD_trn_data_name <- paste0("UCD_trn_data_", energy.TRN_SSP)
if(command == driver.DECLARE_INPUTS) {
return(c(FILE = "common/iso_GCAM_regID",
FILE = "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
FILE = "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
FILE = "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
FILE = "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
# This file is currently using a constant to select the correct SSP database
# All SSP databases will be included in the input files
} else if(command == driver.DECLARE_OUTPUTS) {
} else if(command == driver.MAKE) {
## silence package check.
year <- value <- sector <- fuel <- EIA_value <- iso <- UCD_category <- variable <-
UCD_region <- agg <- UCD_region.x <- UCD_region.y <- UCD_sector <- size.class <-
UCD_technology <- UCD_fuel <- UCD_share <- GCAM_region_ID <- trn <- unscaled_value <-
scaled_value <- unit <- vkt_veh_yr <- speed <- speed.x <- speed.y <- weight_EJ <-
intensity <- Tvkm <- `load factor` <- `non-fuel costs` <- size.class.x <- Tpkm <-
Tusd <- Thr <- intensity_MJvkm <- loadfactor <- cost_usdvkm <- speed_kmhr <- variable <-
population <- pkm_percap <- country_name <- year.x <- NULL
all_data <- list(...)[[1]]
# Load required inputs
iso_GCAM_regID <- get_data(all_data, "common/iso_GCAM_regID")
calibrated_techs_trn_agg <- get_data(all_data, "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg")
enduse_fuel_aggregation <- get_data(all_data, "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation")
UCD_ctry <- get_data(all_data, "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry")
UCD_techs <- get_data(all_data, "energy/mappings/UCD_techs")
UCD_trn_data <- get_data(all_data, UCD_trn_data_name) %>%
L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh <- get_data(all_data, "L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh")
L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh <- get_data(all_data, "L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh")
L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh <- get_data(all_data, "L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh")
L100.Pop_thous_ctry_Yh <- get_data(all_data, "L100.Pop_thous_ctry_Yh")
# ===================================================
# Part 1: downscaling country-level transportation energy data to UCD transportation technologies, then scaling to transportation
# enduse data.
# NOTE: We are currently aggregating IEA's data on rail and road due to inconsistencies (e.g. no rail in the Middle East)
# First, replace the international shipping data (swapping in EIA for IEA)
# Only perform this swap for international shipping / refined liquids, and in countries in the EIA database
IEA_data_EIA_intlship <- L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh %>%
# expecting NAs here because we only want to replace certain values
left_join_keep_first_only(L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh %>% rename(EIA_value = value), by = c("iso", "year")) %>%
mutate(value = if_else(sector == "in_trn_international ship" &
fuel == "refined liquids" &
!is.na(EIA_value), EIA_value, value),
sector = sub("in_", "", sector)) %>%
select(iso, sector, fuel, year, value)
# Need to map IEA sector to UCD_category, calibrated_techs_trn_agg data is too busy
UCD_category_mapping <- calibrated_techs_trn_agg %>% select(sector, UCD_category) %>% distinct
# Aggregate IEA data to UCD_category in each country/year instead of sector
IEA_data_aggregated_by_UCD_cat <- IEA_data_EIA_intlship %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_category_mapping, by = "sector") %>%
group_by(iso, UCD_category, fuel, year) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
# Aggregating UCD transportation database by the general categories used for the IEA transportation data
# These will be used to compute shares for allocation of energy to mode/technology/fuel within category/fuel
UCD_trn_data_UCD_techs <- UCD_trn_data %>%
filter(variable == "energy") %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_techs, by = c("UCD_sector", "mode", "size.class", "UCD_technology", "UCD_fuel"))
UCD_trn_data_UCD_cat <- UCD_trn_data_UCD_techs %>%
# Filtering only to base year for computing shares
filter(year == energy.UCD_EN_YEAR) %>%
group_by(UCD_region, UCD_category, fuel) %>%
summarise(agg = sum(value)) %>%
# Match these energy quantities back into the complete table for computation of shares of fuel in category
UCD_trn_data_UCD_techs <- UCD_trn_data_UCD_techs %>%
filter(year == energy.UCD_EN_YEAR) %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_trn_data_UCD_cat, by = c("UCD_region", "UCD_category", "fuel")) %>%
# If the aggregate is 0 or value is NA, set share to 0, rather than NA
mutate(UCD_share = value / agg) %>%
replace_na(list(UCD_share = 0))
# Writing out the UC Davis mode/technology/fuel shares within category/fuel at the country level
# First, creating a table of desired countries with their UCD regions
ctry_iso_region <- tibble(iso = unique(L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh$iso)) %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_ctry, by = "iso")
UCD_fuel_share_in_cat <- UCD_trn_data_UCD_techs %>%
# Adds country name and region for all observations, filtering out by matching region in next step
repeat_add_columns(ctry_iso_region) %>%
filter(UCD_region.x == UCD_region.y) %>%
select(iso, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology,
UCD_fuel, UCD_category, fuel, UCD_share)
# Multiplying historical energy by country/category/fuel times the shares of country/mode/tech/fuel within country/category/fuel
# Need a value for each iso, year, UCD category, and fuel combo, even if not currently in L154.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh
UCD_cat_fuel <- UCD_fuel_share_in_cat %>%
select(UCD_category, fuel) %>%
iso_year <- IEA_data_aggregated_by_UCD_cat %>%
ungroup %>%
select(iso, year) %>%
IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares <- UCD_cat_fuel %>%
repeat_add_columns(iso_year) %>%
left_join(UCD_fuel_share_in_cat, by = c("UCD_category", "fuel", "iso")) %>%
fast_left_join(IEA_data_aggregated_by_UCD_cat, by = c("UCD_category", "fuel", "iso", "year")) %>%
fast_left_join(iso_GCAM_regID %>% select(iso, GCAM_region_ID), by = "iso") %>%
# Multiply value by share. Set missing values to 0. These are combinations not available in the data from IEA.
replace_na(list(value = 0)) %>%
mutate(value = value * UCD_share) %>%
select(iso, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology,
UCD_fuel, UCD_category, fuel, GCAM_region_ID, year, value)
# Aggregating by GCAM region
IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares_region <- IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
group_by(GCAM_region_ID, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, fuel, year) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
# Aggregating by fuel to calculate scalers
IEA_UCD_shared_region_fuel_sum <- IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares_region %>%
group_by(GCAM_region_ID, fuel, year) %>%
summarise(unscaled_value = sum(value)) %>%
trn_enduse_data <- L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh %>%
# Filtering out transportation sectors only
filter(grepl("trn", sector)) %>%
# Need to match "aggregate" fuels from IEA
left_join_error_no_match(enduse_fuel_aggregation %>% select(fuel, trn), by = c("fuel")) %>%
select(-fuel, fuel = trn)
trn_enduse_data_fuel_aggregated <- trn_enduse_data %>%
group_by(GCAM_region_ID, fuel, year) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
IEA_UCD_shared_scaled_to_enduse_data <- IEA_UCD_shared_region_fuel_sum %>%
# Keep NAs and then set to zero
left_join(trn_enduse_data_fuel_aggregated, by = c("GCAM_region_ID", "fuel", "year")) %>%
mutate(scaled_value = value / unscaled_value) %>%
replace_na(list(scaled_value = 0)) %>%
select(-unscaled_value, -value)
# Multiplying scalers by original estimates
IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares_region_scaled_to_enduse_data <- IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares_region %>%
left_join(IEA_UCD_shared_scaled_to_enduse_data, by = c("GCAM_region_ID", "fuel", "year")) %>%
mutate(value = value * scaled_value) %>%
# Energy is being dropped due to zeroes in the UCD database. Might want to add new techs to the UC Davis database
replace_na(list(value = 0)) %>%
# Part 2: Downscaling of parameters in the UCD database to the country level
# 2a: Merging of non-fuel costs to assign each technology with a single cost per vkm
# Exogenous fixed charge rate to convert $/veh to $/veh/yr
fcr_veh <- energy.DISCOUNT_RATE_VEH +
energy.DISCOUNT_RATE_VEH / (((1 + energy.DISCOUNT_RATE_VEH) ^ energy.NPER_AMORT_VEH) - 1)
UCD_trn_data_vkm_veh <- UCD_trn_data %>%
filter(variable == "annual travel per vehicle") %>%
# Dropping UCD technology and UCD fuel because they are "All"
select(UCD_region, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, year, vkt_veh_yr = value)
UCD_trn_cost_data <- UCD_trn_data %>%
filter(grepl("\\$", unit)) %>%
# Use the fixed charge rate to convert to $/veh/yr
mutate(value = if_else(unit == "2005$/veh", value * fcr_veh, value),
unit = if_else(unit == "2005$/veh", "2005$/veh/yr", unit)) %>%
# Match in the number of km per vehicle per year in order to calculate a levelized cost (per vkm)
left_join(UCD_trn_data_vkm_veh, by = c("UCD_region", "UCD_sector", "mode", "size.class", "year")) %>%
mutate(value = if_else(unit == "2005$/veh/yr", value / vkt_veh_yr, value),
unit = if_else(unit == "2005$/veh/yr", "2005$/vkt", unit)) %>%
group_by(UCD_region, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, unit, year) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(variable = "non-fuel costs")
# Creating tibble with all GCAM years to join with. The values will be filled out using the first available year.
# Remove years in all GCAM years that are already in UCD database
all_years <- tibble( year = c(HISTORICAL_YEARS, FUTURE_YEARS)) %>%
filter(!(year %in% unique(UCD_trn_data$year)))
UCD_trn_data_allyears <- bind_rows(
filter( UCD_trn_data, variable %in% c("intensity", "load factor", "speed")),
UCD_trn_cost_data) %>%
select(-year, -value) %>%
distinct() %>%
repeat_add_columns(all_years) %>%
mutate(value = NA)
UCD_trn_data_fillout <- bind_rows(
filter( UCD_trn_data, variable %in% c("intensity", "load factor", "speed")),
UCD_trn_data_allyears) %>%
# Fill out all missing values with the nearest available year that is not missing
group_by(UCD_region, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, variable, unit) %>%
arrange(UCD_region, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, variable, unit, year) %>%
mutate(value = if_else(is.na(value), approx_fun(year, value, rule = 2), value)) %>%
# Aggregate the country-level energy consumption by sector and mode. First need to add in the future years for matching purposes
IEA_fut_data_times_UCD_shares <- IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
select(-year, -value) %>%
distinct() %>%
repeat_add_columns(tibble(year = FUTURE_YEARS, value = NA))
IEA_histfut_data_times_UCD_shares <- IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
bind_rows(IEA_fut_data_times_UCD_shares) %>%
group_by(iso, UCD_sector, mode, size.class, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, UCD_category, fuel) %>%
mutate(value = if_else(is.na(value), approx_fun(year, value, rule = 2), value)) %>%
IEA_data_times_UCD_shares_UCD_sector_agg <- IEA_histfut_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
group_by(iso, UCD_sector, mode, year) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
# Spreading by variable to join all at once
UCD_trn_data_variable_spread <- UCD_trn_data_fillout %>%
ungroup %>%
distinct() %>%
select(-unit) %>%
spread(variable, value)
ALL_ctry_var <- IEA_histfut_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_ctry, by = "iso") %>%
# The energy weights will be replaced by the energy weights of each mode, as many techs have 0 consumption in the base year
select(-value) %>%
by = c("iso", "UCD_sector", "mode", "year")) %>%
# Using a floor on the weighting factor to avoid having zero weights for any countries
mutate(weight_EJ = pmax(value, energy.MIN_WEIGHT_EJ)) %>%
# Next, match in the derived variables, specific to each individual country/sector/mode/size.class/tech/fuel, except speed
# There will be NA non-fuel costs which can be set to zero
fast_left_join(UCD_trn_data_variable_spread %>% select(-speed),
by = c("UCD_sector", "mode", "size.class", "UCD_technology", "UCD_fuel", "year", "UCD_region")) %>%
replace_na(list(`non-fuel costs` = 0))
# Adding in speed - this is matched by the mode and (for some) size class. Match size class first
speed_data <- UCD_trn_data_variable_spread %>%
select(UCD_sector, mode, size.class, year, UCD_region, speed) %>%
ALL_ctry_var <- ALL_ctry_var %>%
by = c("UCD_sector", "mode", "size.class", "year", "UCD_region")) %>%
# For the missing values, join using the mode ID
by = c("UCD_sector", "mode", "year", "UCD_region")) %>%
mutate(speed.x = if_else(is.na(speed.x), speed.y, speed.x)) %>%
replace_na(list(speed.x = 1))
# Calculate the weighted volumes. No need to convert units because these will be aggregated and divided by weights
ALL_region_var <- ALL_ctry_var %>%
mutate(Tvkm = weight_EJ / intensity,
Tpkm = Tvkm * `load factor`,
Tusd = Tvkm * `non-fuel costs`,
Thr = Tvkm / speed.x) %>%
group_by(UCD_technology,UCD_fuel, UCD_sector, mode, size.class.x, year, GCAM_region_ID) %>%
summarise(weight_EJ = sum(weight_EJ), Tvkm = sum(Tvkm), Tpkm = sum(Tpkm),Tusd = sum(Tusd), Thr = sum(Thr)) %>%
# Reverse the calculations to calculate the weighted average of each derived variable
ALL_region_var <- ALL_region_var %>%
mutate(intensity_MJvkm = weight_EJ / Tvkm,
loadfactor = Tpkm / Tvkm,
cost_usdvkm = Tusd / Tvkm,
speed_kmhr = Tvkm / Thr) %>%
# Dropping unnecessary columns
select(-Tvkm, -Tpkm, -Tusd, -Thr, -weight_EJ) %>%
gather(variable, value, intensity_MJvkm, loadfactor, cost_usdvkm, speed_kmhr) %>%
# Reordering columns
select(GCAM_region_ID, UCD_sector, mode, size.class = size.class.x, UCD_technology, UCD_fuel, variable, year, value)
# Build the final data frames by variable
out_var_df <- split(ALL_region_var, ALL_region_var$variable) %>%
lapply(function(df) {select(df, -variable)})
# Part 3: Downscaling of non-motorized transport to the country level, using population
# Filtering population to UCD energy year and then aggregating by UCD region
Pop_thous_UCD_R <- L100.Pop_thous_ctry_Yh %>%
filter(year == energy.UCD_EN_YEAR) %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_ctry, by = "iso") %>%
group_by(UCD_region) %>%
summarise(population = sum(value)) %>%
# Calculating non-motorized passenger-km per person
PKM_percap_nonmotor_UCD_R <- UCD_trn_data %>%
filter(mode %in% c("Walk", "Cycle"), variable == "service output") %>%
left_join_error_no_match(Pop_thous_UCD_R, by = "UCD_region") %>%
mutate(pkm_percap = value * CONV_BIL_MIL * CONV_MIL_THOUS / population) %>%
select(UCD_region, mode, year, pkm_percap)
# Compute the nonmotorized service output at the country level, using the historical population
PKM_nonmotor_ctry <- L100.Pop_thous_ctry_Yh %>%
repeat_add_columns(tibble(mode = c("Walk", "Cycle"))) %>%
left_join_error_no_match(UCD_ctry %>% select(-country_name), by = "iso") %>%
left_join_error_no_match(PKM_percap_nonmotor_UCD_R %>% filter(year == energy.UCD_EN_YEAR),
by = c("UCD_region", "mode")) %>%
mutate(value = value * 1 / CONV_MIL_THOUS * pkm_percap)
# Aggregate by GCAM region and write it out
PKM_nonmotor_GCAM_R <- PKM_nonmotor_ctry %>%
left_join_error_no_match(iso_GCAM_regID, by = "iso") %>%
group_by(GCAM_region_ID, mode, year = year.x) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(year %in% HISTORICAL_YEARS)
# ===================================================
# Produce outputs
IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares_region_scaled_to_enduse_data %>%
add_title("Regional transportation energy data at UCD transportation technology level") %>%
add_units("EJ") %>%
add_comments("Aggregated country-level transportation energy data to UCD transportation technologies") %>%
add_comments("Scaled to transport end-use data") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.in_EJ_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Yh") %>%
add_precursors("common/iso_GCAM_regID", "L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh",
"L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh", "L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh",
"energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg", "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
"energy/mappings/UCD_ctry", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
UCD_trn_data_name) ->
IEA_hist_data_times_UCD_shares %>%
add_title("Country-level transportation energy data at UCD transportation technology level") %>%
add_units("EJ") %>%
add_comments("Aggregated country-level transportation energy data to UCD transportation technologies") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.in_EJ_ctry_trn_m_sz_tech_F") %>%
add_precursors("common/iso_GCAM_regID", "L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh",
UCD_trn_data_name, "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
"energy/mappings/UCD_ctry", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
"L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh") ->
out_var_df[["intensity_MJvkm"]] %>%
add_title("Transportation energy intensity") %>%
add_units("MJ/vkm") %>%
add_comments("UCD transportation database data aggregated to GCAM region") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.intensity_MJvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y") %>%
add_precursors(UCD_trn_data_name, "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
"common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg", "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh", "common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
"energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
"L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh", "L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh") ->
out_var_df[["loadfactor"]] %>%
add_title("Transortation load factors") %>%
add_units("pers/veh or tonnes/veh") %>%
add_comments("UCD transportation database data aggregated to GCAM region") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.loadfactor_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y") %>%
add_precursors(UCD_trn_data_name, "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
"common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg", "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh", "common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
"energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
"L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh", "L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh") ->
out_var_df[["cost_usdvkm"]] %>%
add_title("Transportation non-fuel costs") %>%
add_units("2005USD/vkm") %>%
add_comments("UCD transportation database data aggregated to GCAM region") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.cost_usdvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y") %>%
add_precursors(UCD_trn_data_name, "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
"common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg", "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh", "common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
"energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
"L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh", "L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh") ->
out_var_df[["speed_kmhr"]] %>%
add_title("Transportation vehicle speeds") %>%
add_units("km/hr") %>%
add_comments("UCD transportation database data aggregated to GCAM region") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.speed_kmhr_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y") %>%
add_precursors(UCD_trn_data_name, "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
"common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg", "energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh", "common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/calibrated_techs_trn_agg",
"energy/enduse_fuel_aggregation", "energy/mappings/UCD_techs",
"L101.in_EJ_ctry_trn_Fi_Yh", "L1011.in_EJ_ctry_intlship_TOT_Yh",
"L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh") ->
PKM_nonmotor_GCAM_R %>%
add_title("Non-motor transportation service output") %>%
add_units("Million passenger kilometers") %>%
add_comments("UCD transportation data combined with population data") %>%
add_legacy_name("L154.out_mpkm_R_trn_nonmotor_Yh") %>%
add_precursors("common/iso_GCAM_regID", "energy/mappings/UCD_ctry",
"L100.Pop_thous_ctry_Yh") ->
return_data(L154.in_EJ_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Yh, L154.in_EJ_ctry_trn_m_sz_tech_F,
L154.intensity_MJvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y, L154.loadfactor_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y,
L154.cost_usdvkm_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y, L154.speed_kmhr_R_trn_m_sz_tech_F_Y,
} else {
stop("Unknown command")
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