#' Bootstrap MSPE Estimator of OBP.
#' This function computes the bootstrap MSPE estimator of the Observed Best Predictor (OBP).
#' @param theta.OBP A vector of OBPs.
#' @param D Scalar, Vector (or diagonal matrix) of random error variances.
#' @param x Design matrix without intercept.
#' @param L Number of bootstrap samples. the default is 200.
#' @return This function will return a vector of the Bootstrap MSPE estimator of OBP.
#' @references Jiang J, Nguyen T, and Rao J. S. (2011), "Best Predictive Small Area Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export
### Bootstrap MSPE Estimator of OBP ###
MSPE_boot <- function(theta.OBP, D, x, L=200){
if(length(D) == 1){
D <- D * diag(rep(1,length(theta.OBP)))
} else if(is.vector(D)){
D <- diag(D) #If D is a vector, convert it to a diagonal matrix.
## Bootstrap Sample
normal.sample <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(L, mean = theta.OBP, sigma = D)
y.boot = t(normal.sample)
## Calculate Bootstrap MSPE Estimator
obpFH.wrapper <- function(y_wrapper){
for (ii in ls(parent.frame())){
return(obpFH(y_wrapper~x, errorvar=diag(D))$theta.OBP)
OBP.boot <- apply(y.boot, 2, FUN = obpFH.wrapper)
theta.OBP.mat <- matrix(rep(theta.OBP, L), ncol = L)
square.mat <- (OBP.boot - theta.OBP.mat)^2
MSPE_boot_est <- rowMeans(square.mat)
#' Bootstrap MSPE estimator of Adjusted Observed Best Predictor (Adjusted OBP).
#' This function computes the bootstrap MSPE estimator of benchmarked adjusted OBP.
#' @param theta.OBP.adjusted A vector of adjusted OBPs.
#' @param D Scalar, Vector (or diagonal matrix) of random error variances.
#' @param x Design matrix without intercept term.
#' @param weight Weight of each small area for calculating the benchmarked OBP (generally sampling weights of each small area).
#' @param L is the number of bootstrap samples. the default is 200.
#' @return This function will return a vector of the Bootstrap MSPE estimator of Adjusted OBP.
#' @references Bandyopadhyay R, Jiang J (2017) "Benchmarking the Observed Best Predictor"
#' @references Jiang J, Nguyen T, and Rao J. S. (2011), "Best Predictive Small Area Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export
### Bootstrap MSPE Estimator of OBP ###
MSPE_boot_adjusted <- function(theta.OBP.adjusted, D, x, weight, L=200){
if(length(D) == 1){
D <- D * diag(rep(1,length(theta.OBP.adjusted)))
} else if(is.vector(D)){
D <- diag(D) #If D is a vector, convert it to a diagonal matrix.
normal.sample <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(L, mean = theta.OBP.adjusted, sigma = D)
y.boot = t(normal.sample)
### Calculate Bootstrap MSPE for Adjusted OBP
obpFH.adjusted.wrapper <- function(y_wrapper){
for (ii in ls(parent.frame())){
return(obpFH_adjusted(y_wrapper~x, errorvar=diag(D), weight = weight)$obpAdjusted)
OBP.boot.adjusted <- apply(y.boot, 2, FUN = obpFH.adjusted.wrapper)
theta.OBP.adjusted.mat <- matrix(rep(theta.OBP.adjusted, L), ncol = L)
square.mat.adjusted <- (OBP.boot.adjusted - theta.OBP.adjusted.mat)^2
MSPE_boot_adjusted_est <- rowMeans(square.mat.adjusted)
#' Bootstrap MSPE estimator of Augmented Observed Best Predictor (Augmented OBP).
#' This function computes the bootstrap MSPE estimator of benchmarked augmented OBP.
#' @param theta.OBP.augmented A vector of augmented OBPs.
#' @param D Scalar, Vector (or diagonal matrix) of random error variances.
#' @param x Design matrix without intercept term.
#' @param weight Weight of each small area for calculating the benchmarked OBP (generally sampling weights of each small area).
#' @param L Number of bootstrap samples. the default is 200.
#' @return This function will return a vector of the Bootstrap MSPE estimator of Augmented OBP.
#' @references Bandyopadhyay R, Jiang J (2017) "Benchmarking the Observed Best Predictor"
#' @references Jiang J, Nguyen T, and Rao J. S. (2011), "Best Predictive Small Area Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export
### Bootstrap MSPE Estimator of OBP ###
MSPE_boot_augmented <- function(theta.OBP.augmented, D, x, weight, L=200){
if(length(D) == 1){
D <- D * diag(rep(1,length(theta.OBP.augmented)))
} else if(is.vector(D)){
D <- diag(D) #If D is a vector, convert it to a diagonal matrix.
normal.sample <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(L, mean = theta.OBP.augmented, sigma = D)
y.boot = t(normal.sample)
obpFH.augmented.wrapper <- function(y_wrapper){
for (ii in ls(parent.frame())){
return(obpFH_augmented(y_wrapper~x, errorvar=diag(D), weight = weight)$obpAugmented)
OBP.boot.augmented <- apply(y.boot, 2, FUN = obpFH.augmented.wrapper)
theta.OBP.augmented.mat <- matrix(rep(theta.OBP.augmented, L), ncol = L)
square.mat.augmented <- (OBP.boot.augmented - theta.OBP.augmented.mat)^2
MSPE_boot_augmented_est <- rowMeans(square.mat.augmented)
#' Naive MSPE Estimator of Observed Best Predictor (OBP).
#' This function computes the naive MSPE estimator of OBP.
#' @param y A vector of the response variable.
#' @param D Scalar, Vector (or diagonal matrix) of random error variances.
#' @param theta.OBP A vector of OBP values
#' @param A.BPE BPE estimate of variance of random effects or the true value, if known.
#' @return This function will return the Naive MSPE estimator of the OBP.
#' @references Jiang J, Nguyen T, and Rao J. S. (2011), "Best Predictive Small Area Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' @export
MSPE_naive <- function(y, D, theta.OBP, A.BPE){
D = diag(D)
} else if(length(D)==1){
D = c(rep(D,length(y)))
MSPEn = (theta.OBP - y)^2 + D*(2*B - 1)
#' JNR MSPE Estimator of Observed Best Predictor.
#' This function computes the MSPE estimator of Observed Best Predictor (OBP) proposed by Jiang, Nguyen and Rao (2011).
#' @param formula an object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The variables included in formula must have a length equal to the number of small areas. More about the model specification are given under Details.
#' @param data optional data frame containing the variable names in \code{formula}.
#' @param errorvar vector containing the variances of the random errors for all small areas.
#' @param theta.OBP an optional vector of OBP values. See details.
#' @param A.BPE optional BPE estimate of variance of random effects or the true value, if known. See details.
#' @param beta.BPE optional BPE estimate of fixed effects coefficients. See details.
#' @details
#' \code{formula} is specified in the form \code{response ~ predictors} where the predictors are separated by \code{+}. \code{formula} has an implied intercept term. To remove the intercept term, use either \code{y ~ x - 1} or \code{y ~ 0 + x}.\cr
#' \cr \code{theta.OBP}, \code{A.BPE} and \code{beta.BPE} are optional arguments. If any of them is missing, all three are computed from the data.
#' @return This function will return a vector of the JNR MSPE estimator of the OBP.
#' @references Jiang J, Nguyen T, and Rao J. S. (2011), "Best Predictive Small Area Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' @import MASS
#' @export
### JNR MSPE Estimator ###
MSPE_JNR <- function(formula, data, errorvar, theta.OBP, A.BPE, beta.BPE){
if (!missing(data)) {
formuladata <- model.frame(formula, na.action = na.omit, data)
X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
else {
formuladata <- model.frame(formula, na.action = na.omit)
X <- model.matrix(formula)
y <- formuladata[,1]
if (attr(attributes(formuladata)$terms, "response") == 1) textformula <- paste(formula[2], formula[1], formula[3])else textformula <- paste(formula[1], formula[2])
if (length(na.action(formuladata)) > 0) stop("Argument formula=", textformula, " contains NA values.")
if (any(is.na(errorvar))) stop("Argument errorvar=", namevar, " contains NA values.")
if (missing(theta.OBP) | missing(A.BPE) | missing(beta.BPE)){
temp = obpFH(formula, data, errorvar)
theta.OBP = temp$theta.OBP
A.BPE = temp$A.BPE
beta.BPE = temp$beta.BPE
D = errorvar
if(is.matrix(D))D = diag(D)
MSPE_JNR_i <- function(i){
# for (ii in ls(parent.frame())){
# assign(ii,get(ii,parent.frame()))
# }
yi <- y[i]
xi <- X[i,]
Di <- D[i]
Bi = A.BPE/(A.BPE+Di)
Mi = matrix(0,(length(xi)+1),2)
Mi[1:length(xi),1] = xi
Mi[(length(xi)+1),2] = 1/(A.BPE + Di)
Ui = c(yi - xi%*%beta.BPE, (yi - xi%*%beta.BPE)^2 - (A.BPE + Di))
w11 = xi%*%t(xi)
w12 = (2/(A.BPE+Di))*(yi - xi%*%beta.BPE)*xi
w1 = cbind(w11, w12)
w21 = t(w12)
w22 = (3*(yi - xi%*%beta.BPE)^2 - (A.BPE + Di))/(A.BPE + Di)^2
w2 = c(w21, w22)
Wi = rbind(w1, w2)
fi = (-2)*(1-Bi)^2*Mi%*%Ui
deli = diag(c(rep(0, length(beta.BPE)), 1/(A.BPE + Di)))
G2i = 2*(1-Bi)^2*(Wi - deli)
return(list(Bi = Bi, fi = fi, Wi = Wi, G2i = G2i))
m = length(y)
t = c(1:m)
MJNR <- lapply(t, MSPE_JNR_i)
G2 <- MJNR[[1]]$G2i
for(i in 2:m){
G2 = G2 + MJNR[[i]]$G2i
G2.inv = ginv(G2)
h2 = G2.inv[nrow(G2.inv),]
MSPE_i <- function(i){
MSPE <- (theta.OBP[i] - y[i])^2 + D[i]*(2*MJNR[[i]]$Bi - 1) + 2*(1 - MJNR[[i]]$Bi)^2*(t(h2)%*%MJNR[[i]]$fi) + 4*D[i]*(1 - MJNR[[i]]$Bi)^3*sum(diag(G2.inv %*% MJNR[[i]]$Wi))
MSPE.JNR.est <- unlist(lapply(t, MSPE_i))
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