# this is a replacement function as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32513513/rtexttools-create-matrix-got-an-error
#' @importFrom tm weightTf
#' @export
create_matrix <- function (textColumns, language = "english", minDocFreq = 1,
maxDocFreq = Inf, minWordLength = 3, maxWordLength = Inf,
ngramLength = 1, originalMatrix = NULL, removeNumbers = FALSE,
removePunctuation = TRUE, removeSparseTerms = 0, removeStopwords = TRUE,
stemWords = FALSE, stripWhitespace = TRUE, toLower = TRUE,
weighting = weightTf)
stem_words <- function(x) {
split <- strsplit(x, " ")
return(wordStem(unlist(split), language = language))
tokenize_ngrams <- function(x, n = ngramLength) return(rownames(as.data.frame(unclass(textcnt(x,
method = "string", n = n)))))
control <- list(bounds = list(local = c(minDocFreq, maxDocFreq)),
language = language, tolower = toLower, removeNumbers = removeNumbers,
removePunctuation = removePunctuation, stopwords = removeStopwords,
stripWhitespace = stripWhitespace, wordLengths = c(minWordLength,
maxWordLength), weighting = weighting)
if (ngramLength > 1) {
control <- append(control, list(tokenize = tokenize_ngrams),
after = 7)
else {
control <- append(control, list(tokenize = scan_tokenizer),
after = 4)
if (stemWords == TRUE && ngramLength == 1)
control <- append(control, list(stemming = stem_words),
after = 7)
trainingColumn <- apply(as.matrix(textColumns), 1, paste,
collapse = " ")
trainingColumn <- sapply(as.vector(trainingColumn, mode = "character"),
iconv, to = "UTF8", sub = "byte")
corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(trainingColumn), readerControl = list(language = language))
matrix <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus, control = control)
if (removeSparseTerms > 0)
matrix <- removeSparseTerms(matrix, removeSparseTerms)
if (!is.null(originalMatrix)) {
terms <- colnames(originalMatrix[, which(!colnames(originalMatrix) %in%
weight <- 0
if (attr(weighting, "acronym") == "tf-idf")
weight <- 1e-09
amat <- matrix(weight, nrow = nrow(matrix), ncol = length(terms))
colnames(amat) <- terms
rownames(amat) <- rownames(matrix)
fixed <- as.DocumentTermMatrix(cbind(matrix[, which(colnames(matrix) %in%
colnames(originalMatrix))], amat), weighting = weighting)
matrix <- fixed
matrix <- matrix[, sort(colnames(matrix))]
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