#' Generic plotting function for PKPDsim objects
#' @param x PKPDsim-simulated x
#' @param only_obs Only plot observation compartment
#' @param obs_x Also add observation (e.g. TDM) x
#' @param labels list with `x` and `y` labels
#' @param legend list of labels that override defaults, e.g. list("individual" = "ind.pred")
#' @param target vector of target values (dependent variable), will be shown as vertical lines
#' @param target_as_ribbon show target (only when vector of 2) as ribbon (TRUE), or just as two lines (FALSE)
#' @param regimen regimen specification from PKPDsim::new_regimen()
#' @param lines show lines?
#' @param show_single definition for plots of single patients
#' @param show_population definition for plots of populations
#' @param ci confidence interval, specified as vector of two values between 0 and 1, default is `c(0.05, 0.95)`.
#' @param theme theme
#' @param show definition of what to show in plot, overrides `show_single` and `show_population`. NULL by default
#' @param scale_colour_values values for colour scale
#' @param scale_linetype_values values for linetype scale
#' @param xlim xlim passed to ggplot
#' @param ylim ylim passed to ggplot
#' @param return_svg return the svg plot definition instead of ggplot2 object. FALSE by default
#' @param width width of plot if saved
#' @param height height of plot if saved
#' @param show_series show only specified types / series
#' @param log_y log y axis?
#' @param ... rest
#' @export
plot.PKPDsim_data <- function(
only_obs = TRUE,
obs_x = NULL,
regimen = NULL,
lines = NULL,
show_single = list(
obs = TRUE,
spaghetti = TRUE,
ci = FALSE,
median = FALSE,
regimen = TRUE
show_population = list(
obs = FALSE,
spaghetti = TRUE,
ci = FALSE,
median = TRUE,
regimen = TRUE
ci = c(0.05, 0.95),
theme = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
width = 6,
height = 4,
legend = NULL,
show_series = NULL,
show = NULL,
log_y = FALSE,
target = NULL,
target_as_ribbon = FALSE,
scale_colour_values = NULL,
scale_linetype_values = NULL,
labels = list(x = "Time (hours)", y = "Concentration (mg/L)"),
return_svg = FALSE,
...) {
if(!("id") %in% tolower(colnames(x))) {
x$id <- 1
if(!("comp") %in% tolower(colnames(x))) {
x$comp <- "obs"
if(is.null(ci) || length(ci) != 2 || any(ci < 0) || any(ci > 1)) {
stop("`ci` argument has to be of vector of length two and specify the CI (between 0 and 1).")
x$type <- "Concentration"
single <- TRUE
if(length(unique(x$id)) > 1) {
single <- FALSE
if(is.null(theme)) {
theme <- new_plot_theme()
if(is.null(show)) {
if(single) {
show <- show_single
if("ipred" %in% tolower(colnames(x))) {
tmp <- x
tmp$y <- x$ipred
tmp$type <- "individual"
if(!is.null(x$y) && length(x$y) > 0) {
x <- data.frame(rbind(x, tmp))
} else {
x <- tmp
x <- x[x$type != "Concentration",]
if("pred" %in% tolower(colnames(x))) {
tmp <- x
tmp$y <- x$pred
tmp$type <- "population"
if(!is.null(x$y) && length(x$y) > 0) {
x <- data.frame(rbind(x, tmp))
} else {
x <- tmp
x <- x[x$type != "Concentration",]
} else {
show <- show_population
if(!is.null(attr(x, "regimen")) && is.null(regimen)) {
regimen <- attr(x, "regimen")
if(only_obs) {
x_pl <- x[x$comp == "obs",]
} else {
x_pl <- x
if(!is.null(lines)) {
for (i in names(lines)) {
templ <- x_pl[rep(seq_len(nrow(x_pl)), each=length(lines[[i]]$t)),]
tmp <- lines[[i]]
for(j in names(tmp)) {
templ[[j]] <- tmp[[j]]
templ$type <- i
x_pl <- data.frame(rbind(x_pl, templ))
if(!is.null(legend)) {
for(key in names(legend)) {
x_pl[x_pl$type == as.character(key), ]$type <- as.character(legend[[key]])
if(!is.null(show_series)) {
x_pl <- x_pl[x_pl$type %in% show_series,]
tmp_y <- x_pl$y
if(!is.null(obs_x)) {
tmp_y <- c(tmp_y, obs_x$y)
## /end x formatting
## start plotting
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot()
if(!is.null(regimen) && show$regimen) {
t_end <- regimen$dose_times
if(any(regimen$type == "infusion")) {
t_end[!is.na(regimen$t_inf)] <- t_end[!is.na(regimen$t_inf)] + regimen$t_inf[!is.na(regimen$t_inf)]
t_end[is.na(regimen$t_inf)] <- t_end[is.na(regimen$t_inf)] + 1
} else {
t_end <- t_end + 1
dat_reg <- data.frame(cbind(t_start = regimen$dose_times,
t_end = regimen$dose_times + regimen$t_inf,
dose = regimen$dose_amts))
if(log_y) {
miny <- min(x_pl$y)
maxy <- max(x_pl$y)
} else {
miny <- -Inf
maxy <- +Inf
pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_rect(data = dat_reg,
ggplot2::aes_string(xmin = "t_start", xmax = "t_end"),
ymin = miny, ymax = maxy,
fill = theme$dose_fill)
if(!is.null(target)) {
if(target_as_ribbon) {
if(length(target) != 2) {
stop("To plot ribbon target should be vector of length 2.")
} else {
target_ribbon <- data.frame(cbind(t = c(0, max(x_pl$t)), ymin = target[1], ymax = target[2]))
pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = target_ribbon, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "t", y = NULL, ymin = "ymin", ymax = "ymax", group = NULL, colour = NULL),
fill = theme$target_fill, show_guide=FALSE)
} else {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = target,
colour = theme$target_color,
size = 0.75,
linetype = 'dotted')
pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(legend.key = ggplot2::element_blank())
if(!is.null(show$spaghetti) && show$spaghetti) {
col <- grDevices::rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
if(single) {
col <- grDevices::rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
if(single) {
x_pl$type <- as.factor(x_pl$type)
pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_line(
data = x_pl,
ggplot2::aes_string(x="t", y="y", group = "type", colour = "type", linetype="type"),
size = .75)
if(is.null(scale_colour_values)) {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL))
} else {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL), values = scale_colour_values)
if(is.null(scale_linetype_values)) {
scale_linetype_values <- rep("solid", length(unique(x_pl$type)))
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL), values=scale_linetype_values)
} else {
x_pl$id <- as.factor(x_pl$id)
pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_line(
data = x_pl,
ggplot2::aes_string(x="t", y="y", group = "id"),
colour = theme$spaghetti_color,
size = .75)
if(!is.null(show$ci) && show$ci) {
ci_x <- data.frame(x_pl %>%
dplyr::group_by(t) %>%
dplyr::summarise(stats::quantile(y, ci[1]), stats::quantile(y, ci[2])))
colnames(ci_x) <- c("t", "lower", "upper")
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = ci_x,
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "t", y = NULL, ymin = "lower", ymax = "upper", colour = NULL, group=NULL),
fill = theme$ci_fill)
if(!is.null(show$median) && show$median) {
median_x <- data.frame(x_pl %>%
dplyr::group_by(t) %>%
dplyr::summarise(stats::quantile(y, 0.5)))
colnames(median_x) <- c("t", "median")
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = median_x,
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "t", y = "median", group = NULL, colour = "type"),
size = 1.5, colour = theme$median_color)
if(!is.null(obs_x)) {
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = obs_x,
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "t", y = "y"), colour = theme$obs_color, size = theme$obs_size)
if(!is.null(labels)) {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::xlab(labels$x)
pl <- pl + ggplot2::ylab(labels$y)
pl <- pl + theme_plain()
if(log_y) {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_log10()
ylim <- c(0.1, max(tmp_y))
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
if(return_svg) {
filename <- paste0(tempfile(pattern="plot_"), ".svg")
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = filename, plot = pl, width=width, height=height)
pl_contents <- readChar(filename, file.info(filename)$size)
} else {
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