
test_that("all simulated dataset-indices of equal length", {
  ## Load the theophylline PK dataset
  obs <- Theoph
  colnames(obs) <- c("id", "wt", "dose", "time", "dv")
  obs <- obs %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(sex = round(runif(1))) # randomly assign a "sex" covariate
  sim <- sim_data(obs, # the design of the dataset
                  model = function(x) { # the model
                    vpc:::pk_oral_1cmt (t = x$time, dose=x$dose * x$wt, ka = x$ka, ke = x$ke, cl = x$cl * x$wt)
                  error = list(additive = 0.1),
                  theta = c(2.774, 0.0718, .0361),                 # parameter values
                  omega_mat = c(0.08854,                           # specified as lower triangle by default;
                                0.02421, 0.02241,                  # note: assumed that every theta has iiv, set to 0 if no iiv.
                                0.008069, 0.008639, 0.02862),
                  par_names = c("ka", "ke", "cl"),                 # link the parameters in the model to the thetas/omegas
                  n = 500)
  s <- vpc:::add_sim_index_number(sim)
  h <- hist(s)
  expect_equal(length(unique(h$counts)), 1)
ronkeizer/vpc documentation built on May 11, 2023, 11:09 p.m.