
# Notes
# New lines in JSON being submitted can be problematic.
#    Use toJSON(obj, collapse = "")
# We will probably need followlocation to be specified in each curl operation/handle.
#   We can set this in each call or via options(RCurlOptions = list(followlocation = TRUE))
#   but have to be careful as this affects all uses of RCurl. Also have to set this
# There is a DELETE
# I encourage use of the S4 credential rather than the reference class.
#Create new document (user_create_document.r)
# Upload file (user_upload_file.r)
# Add document to folder (user_add_doc_folder.r)

# Add Contacts (user_add_contacts.r)
# Download file (user_download_file.r)
# Create folder (user_create_folder.r)
# Delete folder (user_delete_folder.r)
# Delete document from folder (user_delete_folder_doc.r)
# Create group (user_create_group.r)
# Delete group (user_delete_group.r) # Is there delete in addition to get and post?
# Test
# Delete document (user_delete_document.r)


if(FALSE) {
  # To use this, source this file and then manually run this code
  # to get the credentials.
  # These functions should be merged into the R/ directory

cred <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey = getOption("MendeleyKey"),
                         consumerSecret = getOption("RMendeleySecret"),
                         requestURL = '',
                         accessURL = '',
                         authURL = '')

# OR

cred = oauth(consumerKey = getOption("MendeleyKey"),
             consumerSecret = getOption("RMendeleySecret"),
             requestURL = '',
             accessURL = '',
             authURL = '')

cred = cred$handshake(post = FALSE)

f = createFolder(cred, "xyz")
deleteFolder(cred, f)

f = createFolder(cred, "temp")

allDocs = documents(cred)
 # or
allDocs = documentIds(cred)
i = getDocInfo(cred, allDocs[[2]])

addDocToFolder(cred, f, allDocs[[2]])
documents(cred, f)

deleteDocument(cred, allDocs[[2]], f)

deleteFolder(cred, f)

setClass("MendeleyID", contains = "character")
setClass("MendeleyGroupID", contains = "MendeleyID")
setClass("MendeleyFolderID", contains = "MendeleyID")

   # This documentID has no folder.
setClass("MendeleySimpleDocumentID", contains = "MendeleyID")
           representation(folder = "MendeleyFolderID"), contains = "MendeleyID")

setClass("URL", contains = "character")

setAs("MendeleyDocumentID", "URL",
         sprintf("", from@folder, as(from, "character")))

setAs("MendeleySimpleDocumentID", "URL",
         sprintf("", as(from, "character")))

setAs("MendeleyFolderID", "URL",
         sprintf("", as(from, "character")))

setAs("MendeleyGroupID", "URL",
         sprintf("", as(from, "character")))

folders =
function(mc = NULL, ..., curl = getCurlHandle()) {
  val = OAuthRequest(mc, '', ..., curl = curl)
  ans = fromJSON(val)
  names(ans) = sapply(ans, `[[`, "name")

deleteFolder =
function(mc = NULL, name, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  if(length(name) > 1)
     return(lapply(name, function(x) deleteFolder(cred, x, curl = curl)))

  if(!is(name, "AsIs") && !is(name, "MendeleyFolderID"))
     name = getFolderID(cred, name, curl = curl)

  u = sprintf('', name)
  OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "DELETE", ..., curl = curl) == ""

getFolderID =
  # helper function for mapping the folder name to an id.
function(mc = NULL, name, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  fl = folders(cred, curl = curl)
  i = match(name, names(fl))
    stop("Can't find folder")
  name = fl[[i]]$id

documentIds =
function(mc = NULL, page = NA, items = NA, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
   params = character()
      params["page"] = page
      params["items"] = items

   val = OAuthRequest(mc, '')
               new("MendeleySimpleDocumentID", i))

documents =
function(mc = NULL, folder = NULL, page = NA, items = NA, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  if(is.null(folder)) {
       return(documentIds(cred, ..., curl = curl))

  if(!is(folder, "AsIs") && !is(folder, "MendeleyFolderID"))
     folder = getFolderID(cred, folder, curl = curl)

  u = sprintf("", as(folder, "character"))
  params = character()
    params["page"] = page
    params["items"] = as.character(as.integer(items))

  val = OAuthRequest(mc, u)
  ans = fromJSON(val)
              new("MendeleyDocumentID", x, folder = new("MendeleyFolderID", ans$folder_id)))

deleteDocument =
function(mc = NULL, name, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  if(length(name) > 1)
     return(lapply(name, function(x) deleteDocument(cred, x, curl = curl)))

   if(!is(name, "AsIs") && !is(name, "MendeleyFolderID"))
       name = getFolderID(cred, name, curl = curl)

   u = sprintf("", name)
   OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "DELETE", ..., curl = curl) == ""

deleteDocument =
  #  This version works for a document or  a document within a folder .
function(mc = NULL, doc, folder = NULL, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  if(!is.null(folder)) {
     u = sprintf("%s%s/", as(folder, "URL"), as(doc, "character"))
  } else
     u =  as(doc, "URL")
  OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "DELETE", ..., curl = curl, followlocation = TRUE)

createFolder =
function(mc = NULL, name, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  if(length(name) > 1)
     return(lapply(name, function(x) createFolder(cred, x, curl = curl)))

  j = toJSON(list(name = name), collapse = "")  #!!! Note the collapse. Mendeley doesn't like the newlines.
  ans = OAuthRequest(mc, "",
                             list(folder = j) , "POST", ..., curl = curl)  # c(folder = j) also works.

  new("MendeleyFolderID", fromJSON(ans))

addDocToFolder =
function(mc = NULL, folder, doc, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  u = sprintf("%s%s/", as(folder, "URL"), as(doc, "character"))
  ans = OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = 'POST', ..., curl = curl)
  ans == ""

createGroup =
function(mc = NULL, name, type = "invite", ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  content = toJSON(list(name = name, type = type), collapse = "")
  val = OAuthRequest(mc, "",
                           list(group = content), "POST")

  ans = fromJSON(val)
  new("MendeleyGroupID", as.character(ans))

groups =
function(mc = NULL, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  val = OAuthRequest(mc, "")
  ans = fromJSON(val)
  structure(lapply(ans, function(x) new("MendeleyGroupID", x$id)),
             names = sapply(ans, `[[`, "name"))

deleteGroup =
      #  Want to allow for leave and unfollow
function(mc = NULL, group, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  u =  as(group, "URL")

    # may want to get the header of the HTTP response and check the status is 204.
  OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "DELETE", ..., curl = curl, followlocation = TRUE) == ""

createDoc =
function(mc = NULL, doc, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  jdoc = toJSON(doc, collapse = "")
  val = OAuthRequest(mc, '',
                            list(document = jdoc), "POST", curl = curl)

  new("MendeleySimpleDocumentID", as.character(fromJSON(val)))

uploadFile =
function(mc = NULL, doc, content, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
  u = as(doc, "URL")
  if(!is(content, "AsIs")) {
     # read the content

  sha = digest(content, "sha1", serialize = FALSE)

  input = RCurl:::uploadFunctionHandler(content, TRUE)
  ans = OAuthRequest(mc, u, method = "PUT",
                           readfunction = input, infilesize = nchar(content),
                           customHeader = c(oauth_body_hash = sha), ...

  ans == ""

getDocInfo =
function(mc = NULL, doc, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())
   if(length(doc) > 1)
     return(lapply(doc, function(d) getDocInfo(cred, doc, ..., curl = curl)))

   u = as(doc, "URL")
   ans = OAuthRequest(mc, u, ..., curl = curl)

downloadFile =
function(mc = NULL, doc, file = NA, binary = NA, ..., curl = getCurlHandle())

  if( {
    info = getDocInfo(cred, doc, ..., curl = curl)
    id = sapply(info$files, `[[`, "file_hash")
    if(length(id) == 1)
      file = id
      return(lapply(id, function(i) downloadFile(cred, doc, i, binary, ..., curl = curl)))

  if(length(file) > 1)
      return(lapply(file, function(i) downloadFile(cred, doc, i, binary, ..., curl = curl)))

  if(nchar(file) != 40 || grepl("[^a-f0-9]", file)) {
      info = getDocInfo(cred, doc, ..., curl = curl)
      ext = sapply(info$files, `[[`, "file_extension")
      i = match(file, ext)
         stop("Cannot make sense of ", file, " as a file identifier for the document")
      file = info$files[[i]][["file_hash"]]

  u = sprintf("%s/file/%s/", as(doc, "URL"), file)
  val = OAuthRequest(mc, u, ..., curl = curl)
  if(is.raw(val) && ! && !binary)


if(FALSE) {
 mg = createGroup(cred, "MyGroup")
 deleteGroup(cred, mg)

 doc = list(type = "Book", title = "MySQL Cookbook",
            authors = I("DuBois"))
 createDoc(cred, doc)

 doc = new("MendeleySimpleDocumentID", "4613380643")
 content = sprintf("This is simple content\n%s\n", Sys.time())
 uploadFile(cred, doc, content)
ropensci/RMendeley documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:58 a.m.