
Defines functions .check_dataTypes_dep .get_response_dep .process_response_dep bold_tax_id

Documented in bold_tax_id

#' Search BOLD for taxonomy data by BOLD ID.
#' @param id (integer) One or more BOLD taxonomic identifiers. required.
#' @param dataTypes (character) Specifies the datatypes that will be
#' returned. 'all' returns all data. 'basic' returns basic taxon information.
#' 'images' returns specimen images.
#' @param includeTree (logical) If `TRUE` (default: `FALSE`), returns a list
#' containing information for parent taxa as well as the specified taxon.
#' @template otherargs
#' @name bold_tax_id-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{bold-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname bold-deprecated
#' @section \code{bold_tax_id}:
#' For \code{bold_tax_id}, use \code{\link{bold_tax_id2}}.
#' @references
#' http://v4.boldsystems.org/index.php/resources/api?type=taxonomy
#' @seealso [bold_tax_name()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899)
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, includeTree = TRUE)
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, includeTree = TRUE, dataTypes = "stats")
#' bold_tax_id(id = c(88899,125295))
#' ## dataTypes parameters
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "basic")
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "stats")
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "images")
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "geo")
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "sequencinglabs")
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, dataTypes = "depository")
#' bold_tax_id(id = c(88899, 125295), dataTypes = "geo")
#' bold_tax_id(id = c(88899, 125295), dataTypes = "images")
#' ## Passing in NA
#' bold_tax_id(id = NA)
#' bold_tax_id(id = c(88899, 125295, NA))
#' ## get http response object only
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, response=TRUE)
#' bold_tax_id(id = c(88899, 125295), response=TRUE)
#' ## curl debugging
#' bold_tax_id(id = 88899, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
bold_tax_id <- function(id, dataTypes = "basic", includeTree = FALSE,
                        response = FALSE, ...) {
  #-- arguments check
  if (missing(id)) stop("argument 'id' is missing, with no default")
  if (!grepl("true|false", includeTree, ignore.case = TRUE))
    warning("'includeTree' should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!inherits(id, c("character", "numeric", "integer")))
    warning("'id' should be of class character, numeric or integer.")
  #-- make sure user have correct data types
  dataTypes <- .check_dataTypes_dep(dataTypes)
  if (!nzchar(dataTypes)) {
    out <- data.frame(input = id, noresults = NA)
  } else {
    #-- prep query parameters
    params <- list(dataTypes = dataTypes, includeTree = tolower(includeTree))
    #-- make URL
    URL <- b_url("API_Tax/TaxonData")
    #-- fetch data from the api
    res <- lapply(`names<-`(id, id), function(x) {
      # no need to do the call if id is NA
      if (is.na(x))
        data.frame(input = NA, noresults = NA)
        .get_response_dep(args = c(taxId = x, params), url = URL, ...)
    if (response) {
      out <- res
    } else {
      out <- b_rbind(mapply(FUN = .process_response_dep, x = res, y = id,
                             MoreArgs = list(z = includeTree, w = dataTypes),
                             SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
      if (NCOL(out) == 1) {
        out$noresults <- NA
.process_response_dep <- function(x, y, z, w){
  if (is.data.frame(x)) return(x)
  tt <- rawToChar(x$content)
  out <- if (x$status_code > 202) "stop" else jsonlite::fromJSON(tt)
  if ( length(out) == 0 || identical(out[[1]], list()) || any(out == "stop") ) {
    data.frame(input = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (w %in% c("stats",'images','geo','sequencinglabs','depository')) out <- out[[1]]
    trynames <- tryCatch(as.numeric(names(out)), warning = function(w) w)
    if (!inherits(trynames, "simpleWarning")) names(out) <- NULL
    if (any(vapply(out, function(x) is.list(x) && length(x) > 0, logical(1)))) {
      out <- lapply(out, function(x) Filter(length, x))
    } else {
      out <- Filter(length, out)
    if (!is.null(names(out))) {
      df <- data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
      df <- b_rbind(lapply(out, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    row.names(df) <- NULL
    if ("parentid" %in% names(df)) df <- df[order(df[,"parentid"]),]
    row.names(df) <- NULL
    data.frame(input = y, df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.get_response_dep <- function(args, url, ...){
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url)
  out <- cli$get(query = args, ...)
  stopifnot(out$headers$`content-type` == 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
.check_dataTypes_dep <- function(x){
  x <- b_split(x, ",", fixed = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
  # corrects for the json typo in case the option is taken from a previous query
  x[x == "depositories"] <- "depository"
  if (length(x) > 1 && any(x == "all")) {
    x <- "all"
  } else {
    wrongType <- !x %in% b_dataTypes
    if (any(wrongType)) {
      warning(b_ennum(x[wrongType], quote = TRUE),
              if (sum(wrongType) > 1) " are not valid data types"
              else " is not a valid data type",
              if (!all(wrongType)) " and will be skipped." else ".",
              "\nChoices are:",
              b_ennum(b_dataTypes, "or", TRUE))
      x <- x[!wrongType]
    x <- paste(x, collapse = ",")
ropensci/bold documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 11:50 p.m.