
Defines functions s3_faux_inner s3_faux_bucket_list get_aws_s3_url bb_handler_aws_s3_inner bb_handler_aws_s3

Documented in bb_handler_aws_s3

#' Handler for public AWS S3 data sources
#' This is a handler function to be used with AWS S3 data providers. This function is not intended to be called directly, but rather is specified as a \code{method} option in \code{\link{bb_source}}. Note that this currently only works with public data sources that are accessible without an S3 key.
#' The method arguments accepted by \code{bb_handler_aws_s3} are currently:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "bucket" string: name of the bucket (defaults to "")
#'   \item "base_url" string: as for \code{\link[aws.s3]{s3HTTP}}
#'   \item "region" string: as for \code{\link[aws.s3]{s3HTTP}}
#'   \item "use_https" logical: as for \code{\link[aws.s3]{s3HTTP}}
#'   \item "prefix" string: as for \code{\link[aws.s3]{get_bucket}}; only keys in the bucket that begin with the specified prefix will be processed
#'   \item and other parameters passed to the \code{\link{bb_rget}} function, including "accept_download", "accept_download_extra", "reject_download"
#' }
#' Note that the "prefix", "accept_download", "accept_download_extra", "reject_download" parameters can be used to restrict which files are downloaded from the bucket.
#' @param ... : parameters, see Description
#' @return A tibble with columns \code{ok}, \code{files}, \code{message}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ## an example AWS S3 data source
#'   src <- bb_source(
#'            name = "SILO climate data",
#'            id = "silo-open-data",
#'            description = "Australian climate data from 1889 to yesterday.
#'                           This source includes a single example monthly rainfall data file.
#'                           Adjust the 'accept_download' parameter to change this.",
#'            doc_url = "https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/gridded-data/",
#'            citation = "SILO datasets are constructed by the Queensland Government using
#'                        observational data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
#'                        and are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license",
#'            license = "CC-BY 4.0",
#'            method = list("bb_handler_aws_s3", region = "silo-open-data.s3",
#'                          base_url = "amazonaws.com", prefix = "Official/annual/monthly_rain/",
#'                          accept_download = "2005\\.monthly_rain\\.nc$"),
#'            comment = "The unusual specification of region and base_url is a workaround for
#'                       an aws.s3 issue, see https://github.com/cloudyr/aws.s3/issues/318",
#'            postprocess = NULL,
#'            collection_size = 0.02,
#'            data_group = "Climate")
#'    temp_root <- tempdir()
#'    status <- bb_get(src, local_file_root = temp_root, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
bb_handler_aws_s3 <- function(...) {

# @param config bb_config: a bowerbird configuration (as returned by \code{bb_config}) with a single data source
# @param verbose logical: if TRUE, provide additional progress output
# @param local_dir_only logical: if TRUE, just return the local directory into which files from this data source would be saved
# @return TRUE on success or the directory name if local_dir_only is TRUE
bb_handler_aws_s3_inner <- function(config, verbose = FALSE, local_dir_only = FALSE, ...) {


    myargs <- list(...)
    if (is.null(myargs[["accept_download"]])) myargs$accept_download <- bowerbird::bb_rget_default_downloads()

    s3args <- myargs
    if (is.null(s3args$bucket)) s3args$bucket <- ""
    ##if (!"max" %in% names(s3args)) s3args$max <- 1000L
    ## args to pass to all s3HTTP calls
    s3HTTP_args <- s3args[intersect(names(s3args), c("bucket", "base_url", "region", "use_https"))]
    ## "key" and "secret" could go here but aren't (yet) propagated into the rget calls below

    if (local_dir_only) {
        if (TRUE) {
            this_url <- file.path(do.call(get_aws_s3_url, c(list(path = paste0("/", s3args$prefix)), s3HTTP_args)), "dummy")
        } else {
            ## make an s3HTTP call and get its URL
            query <- s3args[names(s3args) %in% c("prefix", "delimiter", "marker", "use_https")]
            query$`max-keys` <- 0L
            r <- do.call(aws.s3::s3HTTP, c(list(verb = "GET", query = query, parse_response = FALSE), s3HTTP_args))
            this_endpoint <- httr::parse_url(r$url)
            this_endpoint$path <- gsub("//", "/", file.path(this_endpoint$path, this_endpoint$query$prefix, "dummy")) ## "dummy" to represent objects within this prefix space
            this_endpoint$query <- NULL
            this_url <- httr::build_url(this_endpoint)
        config$data_sources <- bb_modify_source(config$data_sources, method = list("bb_rget"), source_url = this_url)
        return(bb_handler_rget(config, verbose = verbose, local_dir_only = TRUE))

    ## get list of objects in bucket that match our specs
    if (!is.null(myargs$bucketlist_json)) warning("the `bucketlist_json` parameter has been replaced by `bucket_browser_url`, ignoring")
    if (is.null(myargs$bucket_browser_url)) {
        bx <- do.call(aws.s3::get_bucket, c(s3args[intersect(names(s3args), c("max", "prefix"))], s3HTTP_args, list(verbose = TRUE)))
        all_urls <- vapply(bx, function(z) do.call(get_aws_s3_url, c(list(path = paste0("/", z$Key)), s3HTTP_args)), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    } else {
        ## for providers that don't support bucket indexing
        all_urls <- s3_faux_bucket_list(bucket_browser_url = myargs$bucket_browser_url, bucket = s3args$bucket, prefix = s3args$prefix, s3HTTP_args = s3HTTP_args)
    ## apply accept_download etc filters
    idx <- rep(TRUE, length(all_urls))
    if (!is.null(myargs[["accept_download"]]) && length(myargs[["accept_download"]]) > 0) {
        idx <- vapply(all_urls, function(this_url) {
            all(vapply(myargs[["accept_download"]], function(rgx) grepl(rgx, this_url), FUN.VALUE = TRUE))
        }, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(myargs[["accept_download_extra"]]) && length(myargs[["accept_download_extra"]]) > 0) {
        idx <- idx | vapply(all_urls, function(this_url) {
            all(vapply(myargs[["accept_download_extra"]], function(rgx) grepl(rgx, this_url), FUN.VALUE = TRUE))
        }, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
    all_urls <- all_urls[idx]
    if (!is.null(myargs[["reject_download"]]) && length(myargs[["reject_download"]]) > 0) {
        idx <- vapply(all_urls, function(this_url) {
            !any(vapply(myargs[["reject_download"]], function(rgx) grepl(rgx, this_url), FUN.VALUE = TRUE))
        }, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
        all_urls <- all_urls[idx]
        ## do all in one to avoid the repeated "downloading file 1 of 1" messages
    dummy <- config
    dummy$data_sources$method[[1]] <- list("bb_rget")
    dummy$data_sources$source_url <- list(all_urls)
    rget_args <- c(list(dummy, verbose = verbose), myargs[intersect(names(myargs), names(formals("bb_rget")))])
    do.call(bb_handler_rget, rget_args)

## construct s3 URL
get_aws_s3_url <- function(bucket, region = NULL, path, base_url, verbose = FALSE, use_https = TRUE) {
    if (missing(base_url)) base_url <- Sys.getenv("AWS_S3_ENDPOINT", "s3.amazonaws.com")
    if (base_url != "s3.amazonaws.com") {
        if (!is.null(region) && nzchar(region)) base_url <- paste0(region, ".", base_url)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(region) && nzchar(region) && region != "us-east-1") base_url <- paste0("s3-", region, ".amazonaws.com")
    url <- paste0("http", if (isTRUE(use_https)) "s", "://", base_url)
    if (nzchar(bucket)) url <- paste0(url, "/", bucket)
    terminal_slash <- grepl("/$", path)
    path <- if (nzchar(path)) paste(vapply(strsplit(path, "/")[[1]], function(i) URLencode(i, TRUE), USE.NAMES = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = ""), collapse = "/") else "/"
    url <- if (grepl("^[\\/].*", path)) paste0(url, path) else paste(url, path, sep = "/")
    if (isTRUE(terminal_slash)) url <- paste0(url, "/")

## this is a horrible workaround for providers that do not implement the standard endpoint for listing objects in a bucket
s3_faux_bucket_list <- function(bucket_browser_url, bucket, prefix, s3HTTP_args) {
    temp <- httr::parse_url(bucket_browser_url)
    if (isTRUE(temp$hostname == "data.aad.gov.au" && grepl("^eds/api/dataset/[^/]+/objects", temp$path))) {
        ## it's an aadc non-standards bucket list URL
        out <- get_json(bucket_browser_url) ## df of objects
        ## convert to urls, download links look like
        ## https://data.aad.gov.au/eds/api/dataset/UUID/object/download?prefix=OBJECTNAME
        paste0(sub("objects.*", "object/download?prefix=", bucket_browser_url), URLencode(out$name))
    } else {
        ## (slow) recursive listing of objects, to emulate bucket listing for providers that don't support it
        objs <- s3_faux_inner(bucket_browser_url, bucket, prefix)
        vapply(objs, function(z) do.call(get_aws_s3_url, c(list(path = z), s3HTTP_args)), FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
s3_faux_inner <- function(bucket_browser_url, bucket, prefix, out = c(), seen = c(), lv = 0L, max_lv = 99L) {
    if (lv >= max_lv) return(out)
    if (is.null(prefix)) prefix <- ""
    if (prefix %in% seen) return(out)
    seen <- c(seen, prefix)
    url <- sub("/+$", "/", file.path(bucket_browser_url, bucket, prefix, ""))
    obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)$objects
    to_follow <- !is.na(obj$prefix)
    if (any(to_follow)) {
        c(out, obj$name[!to_follow],
          unlist(lapply(obj$prefix[to_follow], function(prfx) {
              ##cat("following prefix: ", prfx, "\n")
              s3_faux_inner(bucket_browser_url, bucket = bucket, prefix = URLencode(prfx), out = out, seen = seen, lv = lv + 1L)
    } else {
        c(out, obj$name)
ropensci/bowerbird documentation built on March 10, 2024, 8:10 a.m.