
#' Data source: Global Runoff Data Centre catalogue
#' @author Claudia Vitolo
#' @description This function interfaces the Global Runoff Data Centre database
#' which provides river discharge data for about 9000 sites over 157 countries.
#' @return This function returns a data frame made of 9481 rows (gauging
#' stations, as per October 2017) and 26 columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{grdc_no}}{: GRDC station number}
#'   \item{\code{wmo_reg}}{: WMO region}
#'   \item{\code{sub_reg}}{: WMO subregion}
#'   \item{\code{nat_id}}{: national station ID}
#'   \item{\code{river}}{: river name}
#'   \item{\code{station}}{: station name}
#'   \item{\code{country_code}}{: country code (ISO 3166)}
#'   \item{\code{lat}}{: latitude, decimal degree}
#'   \item{\code{long}}{: longitude, decimal degree}
#'   \item{\code{area}}{: catchment size, km2}
#'   \item{\code{altitude}}{: height of gauge zero, m above sea level}
#'   \item{\code{ds_stat_no}}{: GRDC station number of next downstream GRDC
#'   station}
#'   \item{\code{d_start}}{: daily data available from year}
#'   \item{\code{d_end}}{: daily data available until year}
#'   \item{\code{d_yrs}}{: length of time series, daily data}
#'   \item{\code{d_miss}}{: percentage of missing values (daily data)}
#'   \item{\code{m_start}}{: monthly data available from}
#'   \item{\code{m_end}}{: monthly data available until}
#'   \item{\code{m_yrs}}{: length of time series, monthly data}
#'   \item{\code{m_miss}}{: percentage of missing values (monthly data)}
#'   \item{\code{t_start}}{: earliest data available}
#'   \item{\code{t_end}}{: latest data available}
#'   \item{\code{t_yrs}}{: maximum length of time series, daily and monthly
#'   data}
#'   \item{\code{lta_discharge}}{: mean annual streamflow, m3/s}
#'   \item{\code{r_volume_yr}}{: mean annual volume, km3}
#'   \item{\code{r_height_yr}}{: mean annual runoff depth, mm}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Retrieve the whole catalogue
#'   GRDC_catalogue_all <- catalogueGRDC()
#'   # Define a bounding box
#'   areaBox <- terra::ext(-3.82, -3.63, 52.41, 52.52)
#'   # Filter the catalogue based on bounding box
#'   GRDC_catalogue_bbox <- catalogueGRDC(areaBox = areaBox)
#'   # Get only catchments with area above 5000 Km2
#'   GRDC_catalogue_area <- catalogueGRDC(columnName = "area",
#'                                        columnValue = ">= 5000")
#'   # Get only catchments within river Thames
#'   GRDC_catalogue_river <- catalogueGRDC(columnName = "river",
#'                                         columnValue = "Thames")
#' }

test_catalogueGRDC <- function() {

  the_url <- ""

  # Retrieve the catalogue
  result <- RCurl::getURL(the_url, ftp.use.epsv=TRUE, dirlistonly = TRUE)
  list_of_files <- strsplit(result, "\r*\n")[[1]]
  yesterday <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_", Sys.Date() - 1)
  today <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_", Sys.Date())
  latest_file <-
    ifelse(test = length(list_of_files[grep(pattern = today,
                                            x = list_of_files)]),
           yes = list_of_files[grep(pattern = today, x = list_of_files)],
           no = list_of_files[grep(pattern = yesterday, x = list_of_files)])
  latest_file <- paste0(the_url, latest_file)

  my_tmp_file <- tempfile()
  x <- RCurl::getBinaryURL(latest_file, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE,crlf = TRUE)
  writeBin(object = x, con = my_tmp_file)
  GRDCcatalogue <- readxl::read_xlsx(my_tmp_file, sheet = "Catalogue")

  # Cleanup non
  GRDCcatalogue <- data.frame(lapply(GRDCcatalogue,
                                     function(x) {gsub("n.a.|-999|-", NA, x)}),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Convert to numeric some of the columns
  colx <- which(!(names(GRDCcatalogue) %in% c("grdc_no", "wmo_reg", "sub_reg",
                                              "nat_id", "river", "station",
                                              "country", "provider_id")))
  GRDCcatalogue[, colx] <- lapply(GRDCcatalogue[, colx], as.numeric)



#' Interface for the Global Runoff Data Centre database of Monthly Time Series.
#' Experimental, therefore not exported yet.
#' @author Claudia Vitolo
#' @description This function interfaces the Global Runoff Data Centre monthly
#' mean daily discharges database.
#' @param id String that identifies a station, GRDC station number is
#' called "grdc no" in the catalogue.
#' @return The function returns a list of 6 tables:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\strong{LTVD}}{This is a table containing seasonal variability of
#'   river discharge based on original daily data. It is made of 8 columns:}
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item{LTV_LMM_Monthly__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_LDM_Day__Value}{: lowest daily discharge value in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from lowest values
#'       of each calendar month in consecutive calendar years.}
#'       \item{LTV_LDM_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Date of occurrence of lowest daily
#'       discharge}
#'       \item{LTV_MDM_Day__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_MDM_Day__Value}{: mean of daily discharge values in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from monthly means
#'       of each calendar month in consecutive calendar years.}
#'       \item{LTV_HDM_Day__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_HDM_Day__Value}{: highest daily discharge value in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from highest values
#'       of each calendar month in consecutive calendar years.}
#'       \item{LTV_HDM_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Date of occurrence of highest daily
#'       discharge}
#'     }
#'   \item{\strong{LTVM}}{This is a table containing seasonal variability of
#'   river discharge based on monthly data. It is made of 8 columns:}
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item{LTV_LMM_Monthly__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_LMM_Monthly__Value}{: lowest monthly discharge value in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from lowest values
#'       of each calendar month in consecutive calendar years.}
#'       \item{LTV_LMM_Monthly__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Date of occurrence of lowest
#'       monthly discharge}
#'       \item{LTV_MMM_Month__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_MMM_Month__Value}{: mean of monthly discharge values in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from values of each
#'       calendar month in consecutive calendar years..}
#'       \item{LTV_HMM_Month__MM}{: calendar month}
#'       \item{LTV_HMM_Month__Value}{: highest monthly discharge value in each
#'       calendar month in the given time series, calculated from highest values
#'       of each calendar month in consecutive calendar years.}
#'       \item{LTV_HMM_Month__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Date of occurrence of highest
#'       monthly discharge}
#'     }
#' \item{\strong{PVD}}{This is a table containing ... It is made of 7 columns:}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{LQ_Day__Value}{: lowest daily discharge value in the given time
#'     series, calculated from lowest values of consecutive calendar years.}
#'     \item{LQ_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Date of occurrence of lowest daily discharge}
#'     \item{MLQ_Day__Value}{: mean of lowest daily discharge values in the
#'     given time series, calculated from lowest values of consecutive calendar
#'     years.}
#'     \item{MQ_Day__Value}{: mean of daily discharge values in the given time
#'     series, calculated from yearly means of consecutive calendar years.}
#'     \item{MHQ_Day__Value}{: mean of highest daily discharge values in the
#'     given time series, calculated from highest values of consecutive calendar
#'     years.}
#'     \item{HQ_Day__Value}{: highest daily discharge value in the given time
#'     series, calculated from highest values of consecutive calendar years.}
#'     \item{HQ_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{: Occurrence date of highest daily discharge}
#'   }
#' \item{\strong{PVM}}{This is a table containing ... It is made of 5 columns:}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{LQ_Month__Value}{: lowest monthly discharge value in the given time
#'     series, calculated from lowest yearly values of consecutive calendar
#'     years.}
#'     \item{LQ_Month__YYYY_MM}{: month of first occurence of lowest monthly
#'     discharge}
#'     \item{MQ_Month__Value}{: mean of monthly discharge values in the given
#'     time series, calculated from yearly means of consecutive calendar years.}
#'     \item{HQ_Month__Value}{: highest monthly discharge value in the given
#'     time series, calculated from highest yearly values of consecutive
#'     calendar years.}
#'     \item{HQ_Month__YYYY_MM}{: month of first occurence of highest monthly
#'     discharge}
#'   }
#' \item{\strong{YVD}}{This is a table containing ... It is made of 12 columns:}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{Year_Min_Day__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Min_Day__Value}{: Lowest daily discharge value in the given
#'     calendar year, calculated from 12 lowest monthly values in the year in
#'     question.}
#'     \item{Year_Min_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{:  date of first occurence}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Min_Day__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Min_Day__Value}{: mean of lowest daily discharge values
#'     in the given calendar year, calculated from 12 lowest monthly values in
#'     the year in question.}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Day__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Day__Value}{: Mean of daily discharge values in the given
#'     calendar year, calculated from 12 monthly means in the year in question.}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Max_Day__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Max_Day__Value}{: mean of highest daily discharge values
#'     in the given calendar year, calculated from 12 highest monthly values in
#'     the year in question.}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Day__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Day__Value}{: highest daily discharge value in the given
#'     calendar year, calculated from 12 highest monthly values in the year in
#'     question.}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Day__YYYY_MM_DD}{: date of first occurence}
#'   }
#' \item{\strong{YVM}}{This is a table containing ... It is made of 8 columns:}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{Year_Min_Month__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Min_Month__Value}{: lowest monthly discharge value in the
#'     given calendar year, calculated from 12 monthly values in the year in
#'     question.}
#'     \item{Year_Min_Month__YYYY_MM}{: month of first occurence}
#'     \item{Year_Mean_Month__Value}{: mean of monthly discharge values in the
#'     given calendar year, calculated from 12 monthly values in the year in
#'     question.}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Month__YYYY}{: calender year}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Month__Value}{: highest monthly discharge value in the
#'     given calendar year, calculated from 12 monthly values in the year in
#'     question.}
#'     \item{Year_Max_Month__YYYY_MM}{: month of first occurence}
#'   }
#' }
#' @details Please note that not all the GRDC stations listed in the catalogue
#' have monthly data available.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   Adaitu <- tsGRDC(id = "1577602")
#' }

test_tsGRDC <- function(id) {

  options(warn = -1)

  catalogueTmp <- catalogueGRDC()
  catalogueTmp <- catalogueTmp[which(catalogueTmp$grdc_no == id), ]

  # Retrieve look-up table
  grdcLTMMD <- NULL
  load(system.file(file.path("data", "grdcLTMMD.rda"), package = "hddtools"))

  # Retrieve WMO region from catalogue
  wmoRegion <- catalogueTmp$wmo_reg

  # Retrieve ftp server location
  zipFile <- as.character(grdcLTMMD[which(grdcLTMMD$WMO_Region == wmoRegion),

  # create a temporary directory
  td <- tempdir()

  # create the placeholder file
  tf <- tempfile(tmpdir = td, fileext = ".zip")

  # download into the placeholder file
  # Switched from downloader::download to utils::download.file
  # to ensure it works cross-platform
  downloader::download(url = zipFile, destfile = tf, mode = "wb")

  # Type of tables
  tablenames <- c("LTVD", "LTVM", "PVD", "PVM", "YVD", "YVM")

  # get the name of the file to unzip
  fname <- paste0(id, "_Q_", tablenames, ".csv")

  # unzip the file to the temporary directory
  utils::unzip(tf, files = fname, exdir = td, overwrite = TRUE)

  # fpath is the full path to the extracted file
  fpath <- file.path(td, fname)

  if (!all(file.exists(fpath))) {

    stop("Data are not available at this station")


  # Initialise empty list of tables
  ltables <- list()

  # Populate tables
  for (j in seq_along(fpath)) {

    TS <- readLines(fpath[j])
    # find dataset content
    row_data <- grep(pattern = "# Data Set Content:", x = TS)
    data_names <- trimws(x = unlist(strsplit(TS[row_data], ":")),
                         which = "both")
    data_names <- data_names[seq(2, length(data_names), 2)]
    data_names <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "", x = data_names)
    data_names <- gsub(pattern = ")", replacement = "", x = data_names)
    data_names <- gsub(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "_", x = data_names)
    data_names <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = data_names)

    ## find data lines
    row_data_lines <- grep(pattern = "# Data lines:", x = TS)[1]
    chr_positions <- gregexpr(pattern = "[0-9]",
                              text = TS[row_data_lines])[[1]]
    lchr_positions <- length(chr_positions)
    rows_to_read <- as.numeric(substr(x = TS[row_data_lines],
                                      start = chr_positions[1],
                                      stop = chr_positions[lchr_positions]))

    if (rows_to_read > 0) {

      # find tables
      row_data <- grep(pattern = "DATA", x = TS, = FALSE)
      row_start <- row_data + 2
      row_end <- row_start + rows_to_read - 1

      # Read columns and assign names
      column_names <- c()
      for (k in seq_along(data_names)) {
        tempcolnames <- unlist(strsplit(TS[row_data[k] + 1], ";"))
        tempcolnames <- trimws(tempcolnames, which = "both")
        tempcolnames <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_",
                             x = tempcolnames)
        column_names <- c(column_names, paste0(data_names[k], "__",

      for (w in seq_along(row_start)) {
        # Assemble data frame
        row_split <- unlist(strsplit(TS[row_start[w]:row_end[w]], ";"))
        no_spaces <- trimws(row_split, which = c("both"))
        if (w == 1) {
          tmp <- matrix(no_spaces, nrow = rows_to_read, byrow = TRUE)
        } else {
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, matrix(no_spaces, nrow = rows_to_read,
                                   byrow = TRUE))

      df <- data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(df) <- column_names

      ltables[[j]] <- df
      message(paste(tablenames[j], "data are not available at this station"))
      ltables[[j]] <- NULL


  names(ltables) <- tablenames


ropensci/hddtools documentation built on July 24, 2022, 6:29 p.m.