
Defines functions delabel_df labelled_to_character as_factor.labelled rbind_labelled

Documented in as_factor.labelled delabel_df rbind_labelled

#' Combine data frames with columns of class `labelled`
#' @param ... data frames to bind together, potentially with columns of
#'   class "labelled". The first argument can be a list of data frames, similar
#'   to `plyr::rbind.fill`.
#' @param labels A named list providing vectors of value labels or describing
#'   how to handle columns of class `labelled`. See details for usage.
#' @param warn Logical indicating to warn if combining variables with different
#'   value labels. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @details
#' The argument `labels` provides options for how to handle binding of
#' columns of class `labelled`. Typical use is to provide a named list
#' with elements for each labelled column. Elements of the list
#' are either a vector of labels that should be applied to the column
#' or the character string "concatenated", which indicates that labels
#' should be concatenated such that all unique labels are distinct
#' values in the combined vector. This is accomplished by converting
#' to character strings, binding, and then casting back to labelled.
#' For labelled columns for which labels are not provided in the `label`
#' argument, the default behaviour is that the labels from the first
#' data frame with labels for that column are inherited by the combined
#' data.
#' See examples.
#' @examples
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#' area = haven::labelled(c(1L, 2L, 3L), c("reg 1"=1,"reg 2"=2,"reg 3"=3)),
#' climate = haven::labelled(c(0L, 1L, 1L), c("cold"=0,"hot"=1))
#' )
#' df2 <- data.frame(
#' area    = haven::labelled(c(1L, 2L), c("reg A"=1, "reg B"=2)),
#' climate = haven::labelled(c(1L, 0L), c("cold"=0, "warm"=1))
#' )
#' # Default: all data frames inherit labels from first df. Incorrect if
#' # "reg 1" and "reg A" are from different countries, for example.
#' dfA <- rbind_labelled(df1, df2)
#' haven::as_factor(dfA)
#' # Concatenate value labels for "area". Regions are coded separately,
#' # and original integer values are lost (by necessity of more levels now).
#' # For "climate", codes "1 = hot" and "1 = warm", are coded as the same
#' # outcome, inheriting "1 = hot" from df1 by default.
#' dfB <- rbind_labelled(df1, df2, labels=list(area = "concatenate"))
#' dfB
#' haven::as_factor(dfB)
#' # We can specify to code as "1=warm/hot" rather than inheriting "hot".
#' dfC <- rbind_labelled(df1, df2,
#' labels=list(area = "concatenate", climate = c("cold"=0, "warm/hot"=1)))
#' dfC$climate
#' haven::as_factor(dfC)
#' # Or use `climate="concatenate"` to code "warm" and "hot" as different.
#' dfD <- rbind_labelled(df1, df2,
#' labels=list(area = "concatenate", climate="concatenate"))
#' dfD
#' haven::as_factor(dfD)
#' @export
rbind_labelled <- function(..., labels=NULL, warn=TRUE) {
  dfs <- list(...)
  if (is.list(dfs[[1]]) && !is.data.frame(dfs[[1]])) {
    dfs <- dfs[[1]]

  # what kind of dataset are working with
  type <- dataset_label_type(dfs[[1]], stop = FALSE)

  # if the data has names let's grab that and append it
  if (!is.null(names(dfs))) {
    df_names <- names(dfs)
    for (i in seq_len(length(dfs))) {
      dfs[[i]]$DATASET <- df_names[i]

  # if its a foreign or reformatted dataset list then skip over the labelling
  if (type == "labelled") {

    ## Ensure same column ordering for all dfs
    dfs <- lapply(dfs, "[", names(dfs[[1]]))

    # check to see if variables are labelled
    islab <- vapply(dfs, function(x){
      vapply(x, haven::is.labelled, logical(1))
    }, logical(length(dfs[[1]])))

    ## let's catch for one variable dataframes
    islab_vec_catch <- function(islab_obj) {
      if (is.vector(islab_obj)) {
        islab_obj <- t(islab_obj)
        colnames(islab_obj) <- names(dfs)
        rownames(islab_obj) <- names(dfs[[1]])[1]

    islab <- islab_vec_catch(islab)
    anylab <- names(which(apply(islab, 1, any)))

    ## Convert "concatenated" variables to characters (will be converted later).
    catvar <- intersect(anylab, names(which(labels == "concatenate")))
    dfs <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
      x[catvar] <- lapply(catvar, function(v) {
    labels <- labels[!names(labels) %in% catvar]

    islab <- vapply(
      dfs, function(x){
        vapply(x, haven::is.labelled, logical(1))
    ) %>% islab_vec_catch()

    anylab <- names(which(apply(islab, 1, any)))
    needslab <- setdiff(anylab, names(labels))

    if (warn) {
      partlab <- intersect(names(which(apply(islab, 1, any) &
                                         !apply(islab, 1, all))),
      if (length(partlab)) {
        warning(paste("Some variables are only partially labelled:",
                      paste(partlab, collapse = ", ")))

      lablist <- lapply(dfs, "[", intersect(anylab, needslab))
      lablist <- lapply(lablist, lapply, attr, "labels", exact = TRUE)
      lablist <- do.call(Map, c(f = list, lablist))

      allequal <- lapply(lablist, function(x) {
        lapply(x, function(y) {
          identical(y, x[[1]])
        }) %>% unlist %>% all
      }) %>% unlist

      if (!is.null(allequal)) {
        if (any(!allequal)) {
            "Some variables have non-matching value labels: ",
            paste(names(allequal[!allequal]), collapse = ", "),
            ".\nInheriting labels from first data frame with labels."

    ## Grab inherited labels
    if (dim(islab[needslab, , drop = FALSE])[1] > 0) {
      whichlab <- apply(islab[needslab, , drop = FALSE], 1,
                        function(x) min(which(x)))
      if (length(whichlab)) {
        inherlab <- setNames(
          lapply(Map("[[", dfs[whichlab], names(whichlab)),
                 attr, "labels", exact = TRUE),
        labels <- c(labels, inherlab)

    ## rbind data frames
    dfs_raw <- lapply(dfs, haven::zap_labels)
    df <- do.call(rbind, dfs_raw)

    ## Convert concatenated variables back to labelled
    df[catvar] <- lapply(df[catvar], factor)

    ## match on haven package version
    if (packageVersion("haven") > "1.1.2") {

      ## Get the label attribute
      labl <- lapply(df[names(labels)], attr, "label", exact = TRUE)

      ## Create labelled class with the label attributes sved
      df[names(labels)] <- Map(haven::labelled, df[names(labels)], labels, labl)
      df[catvar] <- lapply(df[catvar], function(x) {
                        setNames(seq_along(levels(x)), levels(x)),
                        attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE))})
    } else {

      ## Create labelled class
      df[names(labels)] <- Map(haven::labelled, df[names(labels)], labels)
      df[catvar] <- lapply(df[catvar], function(x) {
                        setNames(seq_along(levels(x)), levels(x)))})

  } else {

    ## rbind data frames
    df <- do.call(rbind, dfs)



#' Archived dataset capable as_factor
#' @description
#' Changes in `haven` have meant that `labelled` class are now referred to as
#' `haven_labelled` classes. If `haven::as_factor` is used on old datasets they
#' will fail to find the suitable method. rdhs::as_factor.labelled will work on
#' old archived datasets that have a `labelled` class.
#' @details
#' For more details see \code{haven::as_factor}
#' @inheritParams haven::as_factor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create a data.frame using the new haven_labelled class
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#' area = haven::labelled(c(1L, 2L, 3L), c("reg 1"=1,"reg 2"=2,"reg 3"=3)),
#' climate = haven::labelled(c(0L, 1L, 1L), c("cold"=0,"hot"=1))
#' )
#' # manually change it to the old style
#' class(df1$area) <- "labelled"
#' class(df1$climate) <- "labelled"
#' # with rdhs attached, i.e. library(rdhs), we can now do the following
#' haven::as_factor(df1$area)
#' # we can also use this on the data.frame by using the only_labelled argument
#' haven::as_factor(df1, only_labelled = TRUE)
#' }

as_factor.labelled <- function(x,
                               levels = c("default", "labels", "values", "both"),
                               ordered = FALSE, ...) {

  replace_with <- function(x, from, to) {
    stopifnot(length(from) == length(to))
    out <- x
    matches <- match(x, from, incomparables = NA)
    out[!is.na(matches)] <- to[matches[!is.na(matches)]]
    tagged <- haven::is_tagged_na(x)
    if (!any(tagged)) {
    matches <- match(haven::na_tag(x), haven::na_tag(from), incomparables = NA)
    out[!is.na(matches)] <- to[matches[!is.na(matches)]]

  levels <- match.arg(levels)
  label <- attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  if (levels == "default" || levels == "both") {
    if (levels == "both") {
      names(labels) <- paste0("[", labels, "] ", names(labels))
    vals <- unique(x)
    levs <- replace_with(vals, unname(labels), names(labels))
    levs <- sort(c(stats::setNames(vals, levs), labels),
                 na.last = TRUE)
    levs <- unique(names(levs))
    x <- replace_with(x, unname(labels), names(labels))
    x <- factor(x, levels = levs, ordered = ordered)
  else {
    levs <- unname(labels)
    labs <- switch(levels, labels = names(labels), values = levs)
    x <- replace_with(x, levs, labs)
    x <- factor(x, labs, ordered = ordered)
  structure(x, label = label)

# convert labelled vector to a character vector
#' @noRd
labelled_to_character <- function(labelled) {

  # check is labelled
  assert_null_and_func(labelled, assert_labelled)

  # return as a character


#' convert labelled data frame to data frame of just characters
#' @param df data frame to convert labelled elements of. Likely this will be
#'   the output of \code{\link{extract_dhs}}.
#' @return A data frame of de-labelled elements
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#' area = haven::labelled(c(1L, 2L, 3L), c("reg 1"=1,"reg 2"=2,"reg 3"=3)),
#' climate = haven::labelled(c(0L, 1L, 1L), c("cold"=0,"hot"=1))
#' )
#' df_char <- delabel_df(df = df1)
delabel_df <- function(df) {

  # apply conversion
  df[] <- lapply(df, labelled_to_character)

ropensci/rdhs documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 6:37 p.m.