
Defines functions authors_parse

#' Parses out each individual authors information from the reference 
#' information created by references_read.
#' \code{authors_parse}  This is the first step in parsing out author 
#' information. In cases of emails, RIDS, and ORCIDS, Jarowinkler similarity
#' matching is used to match up names with no identifying key
#' This is an internal function used by `authors_clean()``
#' @param references input 
#' @noRd
authors_parse <- function(references){
  message("\nSplitting author records\n")
  list1 <- list()
  for (ref in seq_along(references$refID)) {
    if (all(is.na(references[ref, c("AU", "AF", "C1")]))) next
    # Split out authors and author emails
    authors_AU <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$AU, "\n")))
    authors_AF <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$AF, "\n")))
    authors_EM <- unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$EM, ";"))
    authors_EM_strip <- substr(authors_EM, 1, regexpr("@", authors_EM) - 1)

    # makes a datframe of authors as they will be used as a reference later

    authors_df <- data.frame(AU = authors_AU, AF = authors_AF,
      author_order = seq_along(authors_AU),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Split out Addresses
    C1 <- unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$C1, "/"))
    if (length(authors_AU) == 1) {
      C1 <- paste0("[", authors_AU, "] ", C1)
    C1_full <- C1

    C1 <- C1[grepl("^\\[.*\\]", C1)]
    # Split names from the addresses they're associated with
    C1_names <- regmatches(C1, regexpr("^\\[.*\\]", C1))
    C1_names <- substr(C1_names, 2, nchar(C1_names) - 1)
    if (length(authors_AU) == 1) {
      C1_names <- authors_AU

    if (length(C1_full) > length(C1)) {
      C1_names <- authors_AU[1]
      C1 <- C1_full[1]
    # Split out the addresses and not the names assocated
    C1_address <- gsub("^\\[.*\\] (.*)$", "\\1", C1)
    # create a dataframe of all unique addresses 
    # and their matching affiliations
    dd <- data.frame(C1_names, C1_address, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    dd1 <- data.frame(
      names = unique(unlist(strsplit( C1_names, "; "))),
      address = vapply(unique(unlist(strsplit(C1_names, "; "))),
        function(x) dd$C1_address[grepl(x, dd$C1_names)][1], character(1)),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if (nrow(dd1) == 0 & length(C1_address) == length(authors_AU)) {
      dd1 <- data.frame(
        names = authors_AU,
        address = C1_address,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if (nrow(dd1) == 0) {
      dd1 <- data.frame(
        names = authors_df$AF,
        address = "Could not be extracted",
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    dd1$address[dd1$address == "NA"] <- NA

    # Split out Reprint Author information
    RP <- unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$RP, "\n"))
    RP_address <- gsub(
      "^.*\\(reprint author\\), (.*)$",
    RP_df <- data.frame(
      AU = substr(RP, 1, regexpr("(reprint author)", RP)[1] - 3),
      RP_address, stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # RI matching. Uses Jarowinkler similarity anaylsis to match
    # names. This is a overkill in most cases the names are the same
    # However this helps gauranttee even if its a short name or a full name
    RI <- unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$RI, ";"))
    # Need to make an exception for IB/USP which trips up this process

    if (!any(is.na(RI))) {
      RI_check <- strsplit(RI, "/")

      RI_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,
        RI_check[vapply(RI_check, length, numeric(1)) == 2]),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if (nrow(RI_df) == 0) {
        RI_df <- data.frame(RI_names = character(1),
                                       RI = character(1),
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(RI_df) <- c("RI_names", "RI")

      match_RI <- vapply(RI_df[, 1],
        function(x) {
          jw <- stringdist::stringsim(x, authors_AU, method = "jw",
                                      useBytes = TRUE, p=0.1)
          jw == max(jw) & jw > 0.8
        }, logical(length(authors_AU)))

      RI_df$matchname <- unlist(apply(data.frame(match_RI), 2,
        function(x) ifelse(sum(x) == 0, "", authors_AU[x])))

    if (sum(is.na(RI)) > 0) {
      RI_df <- data.frame(RI_names = "", RI = "", matchname = "")

    # split out the OI and do the same thing we did with the RI
    # stringsim is used like on RIDs
    OI <- unlist(strsplit(references[ref, ]$OI, ";"))

    if (sum(is.na(OI)) == 0) {
      OI_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(OI, "/")),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(OI_df) <- c("OI_names", "OI")
      match_OI <- vapply(OI_df[, 1], function(x) {
        jw <- stringdist::stringsim(x, authors_AU, method = "jw",
                                    useBytes = TRUE, p=0.1)
        jw == max(jw) & jw > 0.8
      }, logical(length(authors_AU)))

      OI_df$matchname <- unlist(apply(data.frame(match_OI), 2,
        function(x) ifelse(sum(x) == 0, "",

    if (sum(is.na(OI)) > 0) {
      OI_df <- data.frame(OI_names = "", OI = "", matchname = "")

    # merge all this information together by author name, some journals use
    # the full name some the shortend name
    au_df_comp <- which.max(
      c(sum(authors_df$AU %in% dd1$names),
        sum(authors_df$AF %in% dd1$names))
    if (au_df_comp == 1) {
      new <- merge(authors_df, dd1, by.x = "AU", by.y = "names", all.x = TRUE)

    if (au_df_comp == 2) {
      new <- merge(authors_df, dd1, by.x = "AF", by.y = "names", all.x = TRUE)
    # use RP if needed
    new$address[ new$AU %in% RP_df$AU & is.na(new$address) ] <- RP_df$RP_address

    new <- merge(new, RP_df, by = "AU", all.x = TRUE)
    new <- merge(new, RI_df[, c("RI", "matchname")], by.x = "AU",
      by.y = "matchname", all.x = TRUE)
    new <- merge(new, OI_df[, c("OI", "matchname")], by.x = "AU",
      by.y = "matchname", all.x = TRUE)
    new$EM <- NA
    new$refID <- references$refID[ref]
    new$TA <- references$TI[ref]
    new$SO <- references$SO[ref]
    new$UT <- references$UT[ref]
    new$PT <- references$PT[ref]
    new$PU <- references$PU[ref]
    new$PY <- references$PY[ref]

    # Matching emails is an imprecise science, as emails dont have to
    # match names in any reliable way or at all
    # I feel its better to leave these alone as much as possible,
    # analyzing the resulting matches will lead to issues
    match_em <- vapply(authors_EM_strip, function(x)
      apply(data.frame(stringdist::stringsim(x, new$AU, method = "jw",
                                             useBytes = TRUE, p=0.1),
        stringdist::stringsim(x, new$AF, method = "jw", 
                              useBytes = TRUE, p=0.1)), 1, max),

    for (i in seq_along(authors_EM)) {
      new$EM[as.data.frame(apply(as.matrix(match_em), 2,
        function(x) x > 0.7 & max(x) == x))[, i]] <- authors_EM[i]

    if (nrow(new) == 1) {
      new$EM <- authors_EM[1]
    list1[[ref]] <- new

    ####################### Clock##############################
    total <- nrow(references)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, ref)

  # Bind all author iterations together into one large sheet that
  # should be used for base analysis from here on out
  final <- do.call(rbind, list1)
  final$authorID <- seq_len(nrow(final))
  final$EM <- tolower(final$EM)
  final$address <- as.character(final$address)
  final$RP_address <- tolower(as.character(final$RP_address))

  final$address[!is.na(final$address) & final$address ==
      "Could not be extracted" & !is.na(final$RP_address)] <-
    final$RP_address[!is.na(final$address) & final$address ==
        "Could not be extracted" & !is.na(final$RP_address)]

  final$address <- as.character(final$address)
  final$address[is.na(final$address)] <- "Could not be extracted"
ropensci/refsplitr documentation built on Feb. 14, 2022, 10:13 p.m.