
Defines functions inat_handle get_inat_obs

Documented in get_inat_obs

#' Download iNaturalist data
#' @description Primary function to retrieve observations from iNaturalist, allows users to search
#' for data, or just filter results by a subset of what is offered by the API.
#' @param query Query string for a general search.
#' @param quality The quality grade to be used.  Must be either "casual" or "research".  If left
#' blank both will be returned.
#' @param taxon_name Filter by iNat taxon name. Note that this will also select observations of
#' descendant taxa. Note that names are not unique, so if the name matches multiple taxa, no
#' observations may be returned.
#' @param taxon_id Filter by iNat taxon ID. Note that this will also select observations of descendant taxa.
#' @param place_id Filter by iNat place ID.
#' @param geo Flag for returning only results that are georeferenced, TRUE will exclude
#' non-georeferenced results, but they cannot be excluded.
#' @param annotation Filter by annotation. Vector of length 2, the first 
#' element being the term ID (e.g. "1" for life stage) and the second 
#' element being the value ID (e.g. "2" for adult). Refer to the 
#' \href{https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki-part-2-of-2/18792#heading--annotations}{annotation documentation} to know which values to use.
#' @param year Return observations only in that year (can only be one year, not a range of years).
#' @param month Return observations only by month, must be numeric, 1...12
#' @param day Return observations only on a given day of the month,  1...31
#' @param bounds A bounding box of longitude (-180 to 180) and latitude (-90 to 90) to search
#' within.  It is a vector in the form of southern latitude, western longitude, northern latitude,
#' and eastern longitude. Alternatively supply an sf or sp object from which the bounding box will
#' be derived.
#' @param maxresults The maximum number of results to return. Should not be
#' a number higher than 10000.
#' @param meta (logical) If TRUE, the output of this function is a list with metadata on the output
#' and a data.frame of the data. If FALSE (default), just the data.frame.
#' @note Filtering doesn't always work with the query parameter for some reason (a problem on
#' the API end).  If you want to filter by time, it's best to use the scientific name and put it
#' in the 'taxa' field, and not in the query field.  Another issue is that the query parameter
#' will search the entire entry, so it is possible to get unintended results.  Depending on your
#' use case it may be advisable to use the "taxon" field instead of the query field.
#' @return A dataframe of the number of observations requested.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   ## Make a standard query
#'   get_inat_obs(query = "Monarch Butterfly")
#'   ## Restrict to juveniles thanks to annotations
#'   get_inat_obs(query = "possum", annotation = c(1, 8))
#'   ## Filter by a bounding box of Northern California
#'   bounds <- c(38.44047, -125, 40.86652, -121.837)
#'   get_inat_obs(query = "Mule Deer", bounds = bounds)
#'   ## Filter by taxon, allows higher order filtering,
#'   ## Here we can search for just stone flies (order Plecoptera)
#'   get_inat_obs(taxon_name = "Plecoptera")
#'   ## Get metadata (the number of results found on the server)
#'   out <- get_inat_obs(query = "Monarch Butterfly", meta = TRUE)
#'   out$meta
#' }
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom curl has_internet
#' @export

get_inat_obs <- function(query = NULL, taxon_name = NULL, taxon_id = NULL,
                         place_id = NULL, quality = NULL, geo = NULL,
                         annotation = NULL, year = NULL, month = NULL,
                         day = NULL, bounds = NULL,
                         maxresults = 100, meta = FALSE) {
  # check Internet connection
  if (!curl::has_internet()) {
    message("No Internet connection.")
  base_url <- "http://www.inaturalist.org/"
  # check that iNat can be reached
  if (httr::http_error(base_url)) { # TRUE: 400 or above
    message("iNaturalist API is unavailable.")
  ## Parsing and error-handling of input strings
  arg_list <- list(query, taxon_name, taxon_id, place_id, quality, geo,
                   year, month, day, bounds)
  arg_vals <- lapply(arg_list, is.null)
  if (all(unlist(arg_vals))) {
    stop("All search parameters NULL. Please provide at least one.")
  search <- ""
    search <- paste0(search,"&q=", gsub(" ","+", query))

    if(!sum(grepl(quality, c("casual", "research")))){
      stop("Please enter a valid quality flag, 'casual' or 'research'.")
    search <- paste0(search, "&quality_grade=", quality)

    search <-  paste0(search, "&taxon_name=", gsub(" ","+", taxon_name))

    search <-  paste0(search, "&taxon_id=", gsub(" ","+", taxon_id))

    search <-  paste0(search, "&place_id=", gsub(" ","+", place_id))

  if(!is.null(geo) && geo){
    search <- paste0(search, "&has[]=geo")
    if(length(annotation) != 2){
      stop("annotation needs to be a vector of length 2.")
    # convert to char as could be a vector of two integers
    annotation <- as.character(annotation)
    if(grepl("\\D", annotation[1])){
      stop("The annotation's term ID can only contain digits.")
    if(grepl("\\D", annotation[2])){
      stop("The annotation's value ID can only contain digits.")
    # old API doesn't seem to support several values
    # if(!all(unlist(strsplit(annotation[2], "")) %in% unlist(strsplit("0123456789,", "")))) {
    #   stop("The annotation value(s) can only contain digits and commas.")
    # }
    search <- paste0(search, "&term_id=", annotation[1])
    search <- paste0(search, "&term_value_id=", annotation[2])

    if(length(year) > 1){
      stop("You can only filter results by one year, please enter only one value for year.")
    search <- paste0(search, "&year=", year)

    month <- as.numeric(month)
      stop("Please enter a month as a number between 1 and 12, not as a word.")
    if(length(month) > 1){
      stop("You can only filter results by one month, please enter only one value for month.")
    if(month < 1 || month > 12){ stop("Please enter a valid month between 1 and 12")}
    search <- paste0(search, "&month=", month)

    day <- as.numeric(day)
      stop("Please enter a day as a number between 1 and 31, not as a word.")
    if(length(day) > 1){
      stop("You can only filter results by one day, please enter only one value for day.")
    if(day < 1 || day > 31){ stop("Please enter a valid day between 1 and 31")}

    search <- paste0(search, "&day=", day)

    if(inherits(bounds, "sf")) {
      bounds_prep <- sf::st_bbox(bounds)
      bounds <- c(swlat = bounds_prep[2],
                  swlng = bounds_prep[1],
                  nelat = bounds_prep[4],
                  nelng = bounds_prep[3])
    if(inherits(bounds, "Spatial")) {
      bounds_prep <- sp::bbox(bounds)
      bounds <- c(swlat = bounds_prep[2,1],
                  swlng = bounds_prep[1,1],
                  nelat = bounds_prep[2,2],
                  nelng = bounds_prep[1,2])

    if(length(bounds) != 4){stop("Bounding box specifications must have 4 coordinates.")}
    search <- paste0(search, "&swlat=", bounds[1], "&swlng=", bounds[2],
                     "&nelat=", bounds[3], "&nelng=", bounds[4])

  if (maxresults > 10000) {
    stop("Please provide a maxresults value <= 10000.")

  q_path <- "observations.csv"
  ping_path <- "observations.json"
  ping_query <- paste0(search, "&per_page=1&page=1")
  ### Make the first ping to the server to get the number of results
  ### easier to pull down if you make the query in json, but easier to arrange results
  ### that come down in CSV format
  ping <-  GET(base_url, path = ping_path, query = ping_query)
  total_res <- as.numeric(ping$headers$`x-total-entries`)

  if(total_res == 0){
    stop("Your search returned zero results. Either your species of interest has no records or you entered an invalid search.")
  } else if(total_res >= 200000) {
    stop("Your search returned too many results, please consider breaking it up into smaller chunks by year or month.")
  } else if(!is.null(bounds) && total_res >= 100000) {
    stop("Your search returned too many results, please consider breaking it up into smaller chunks by year or month.")

  page_query <- paste0(search, "&per_page=200&page=1")
  data <-  GET(base_url, path = q_path, query = page_query)
  data <- inat_handle(data)
  data_out <- if(is.na(data)) NA else read.csv(textConnection(data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if(total_res < maxresults) maxresults <- total_res
  if(maxresults > 200){
    for(i in 2:ceiling(maxresults/200)){
      page_query <- paste0(search, "&per_page=200&page=", i)
      data <-  GET(base_url, path = q_path, query = page_query)
      data <- inat_handle(data)
      data_out <- rbind(data_out, read.csv(textConnection(data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    if(maxresults < dim(data_out)[1]){
      data_out <- data_out[1:maxresults,]

    return(list(meta = list(found = total_res, returned = nrow(data_out)), data = data_out))
  } else { return(data_out) }

inat_handle <- function(x){
  res <- content(x, as = "text")
  if(!x$headers$`content-type` == 'text/csv; charset=utf-8' || x$status_code > 202 || nchar(res) == 0 ){
    if(!x$headers$`content-type` == 'text/csv; charset=utf-8'){
      warning("Content type incorrect, should be 'text/csv; charset=utf-8'")
    if(x$status_code > 202){
      warning(sprintf("Error: HTTP Status %s", x$status_code))
    if(nchar(res) == 0){
      warning("No data found")
  } else { res }
ropensci/rinat documentation built on June 21, 2022, 11:28 a.m.