
Defines functions drop_query_params uri_port uri_path uri_host uri_fetch parse_a_url is_localhost is_url prune_port prune_trailing_slash normalize_uri esc add_scheme

#' @title RequestPattern class
#' @description class handling all request matchers
#' @export
#' @seealso pattern classes for HTTP method [MethodPattern], headers
#' [HeadersPattern], body [BodyPattern], and URI/URL [UriPattern]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' (x <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = "httpbin.org/get"))
#' x$body_pattern
#' x$headers_pattern
#' x$method_pattern
#' x$uri_pattern
#' x$to_s()
#' # make a request signature
#' rs <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = "http://httpbin.org/get")
#' # check if it matches
#' x$matches(rs)
#' # regex uri
#' (x <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri_regex = ".+ossref.org"))
#' x$uri_pattern
#' x$uri_pattern$to_s()
#' x$to_s()
#' # uri with query parameters
#' (x <- RequestPattern$new(
#'     method = "get", uri = "https://httpbin.org/get",
#'     query = list(foo = "bar")
#' ))
#' x$to_s()
#' ## query params included in url, not separately
#' (x <- RequestPattern$new(
#'   method = "get", uri = "https://httpbin.org/get?stuff=things"
#' ))
#' x$to_s()
#' x$query_params
#' # just headers (via setting method=any & uri_regex=.+)
#' headers <- list(
#'   'User-Agent' = 'Apple',
#'   'Accept-Encoding' = 'gzip, deflate', 
#'   'Accept' = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*')
#' x <- RequestPattern$new(
#'    method = "any",
#'    uri_regex = ".+",
#'    headers = headers)
#' x$to_s()
#' rs <- RequestSignature$new(method = "any", uri = "http://foo.bar", 
#'   options = list(headers = headers))
#' rs
#' x$matches(rs)
#' # body
#' x <- RequestPattern$new(method = "post", uri = "httpbin.org/post",
#'   body = list(y = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION"))))
#' x$to_s()
#' rs <- RequestSignature$new(method = "post", uri = "http://httpbin.org/post",
#'   options = list(
#'      body = list(y = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION")))))
#' rs
#' x$matches(rs)
#' }
RequestPattern <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field method_pattern xxx
    method_pattern = NULL,
    #' @field uri_pattern xxx
    uri_pattern = NULL,
    #' @field body_pattern xxx
    body_pattern = NULL,
    #' @field headers_pattern xxx
    headers_pattern = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `RequestPattern` object
    #' @param method the HTTP method (any, head, options, get, post, put,
    #' patch, trace, or delete). "any" matches any HTTP method. required.
    #' @param uri (character) request URI. required or uri_regex
    #' @param uri_regex (character) request URI as regex. required or uri
    #' @param query (list) query parameters, optional
    #' @param body (list) body request, optional
    #' @param headers (list) headers, optional
    #' @return A new `RequestPattern` object
    initialize = function(method, uri = NULL, uri_regex = NULL,
                          query = NULL, body = NULL, headers = NULL) {

      if (is.null(uri) && is.null(uri_regex)) {
        stop("one of uri or uri_regex is required", call. = FALSE)

      self$method_pattern <- MethodPattern$new(pattern = method)
      self$uri_pattern <- if (is.null(uri_regex)) {
        UriPattern$new(pattern = uri)
      } else {
        UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = uri_regex)
      self$body_pattern <- if (!is.null(body)) BodyPattern$new(pattern = body)
      self$headers_pattern <- if (!is.null(headers))
        HeadersPattern$new(pattern = headers)
      # FIXME: all private methods used in the below line, see if needed or remove
      # if (length(options)) private$assign_options(options)

    #' @description does a request signature match the selected matchers?
    #' @param request_signature a [RequestSignature] object
    #' @return a boolean
    matches = function(request_signature) {
      assert(request_signature, "RequestSignature")
      c_type <- if (!is.null(request_signature$headers)) request_signature$headers$`Content-Type` else NULL
      if (!is.null(c_type)) c_type <- strsplit(c_type, ';')[[1]][1]
      self$method_pattern$matches(request_signature$method) &&
        self$uri_pattern$matches(request_signature$uri) &&
        (is.null(self$body_pattern) || self$body_pattern$matches(request_signature$body, c_type %||% "")) &&
        (is.null(self$headers_pattern) || self$headers_pattern$matches(request_signature$headers))

    #' @description Print pattern for easy human consumption
    #' @return a string
    to_s = function() {
      gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", paste(
        if (!is.null(self$body_pattern)) paste0(" with body ", self$body_pattern$to_s()),
        if (!is.null(self$headers_pattern)) paste0(" with headers ", self$headers_pattern$to_s())

  private = list(
    # assign_options = function(options) {
    #   #self$validate_keys(options, 'body', 'headers', 'query', 'basic_auth')
    #   set_basic_auth_as_headers(options)
    #   self$body_pattern <- if ('body' %in% names(options)) BodyPattern$new(options['body'])
    #   self$headers_pattern <- if ('headers' %in% names(options)) HeadersPattern$new(options['headers'])
    #   if ('query' %in% names(options)) self$uri_pattern$add_query_params(options['query'])
    # },

    # validate_keys = function(x, ...) {
    #   valid_keys <- unlist(list(...), recursive = FALSE)
    #   for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    #     if (!names(x)[i] %in% valid_keys) {
    #       stop(
    #         sprintf("Unknown key: %s. Valid keys are: %s",
    #                 names(x)[i],
    #                 paste0(valid_keys, collapse = ", "),
    #                 call. = FALSE
    #         )
    #       )
    #     }
    #   }
    # },

    set_basic_auth_as_headers = function(options) {
      if ('basic_auth' %in% names(options)) {
        options$headers <- list()
        options$headers$Authorization <-
          private$make_basic_auth(options$basic_auth[1], options$basic_auth[2])

    validate_basic_auth = function(x) {
      if (!inherits(x, "list") || length(unique(unname(unlist(x)))) == 1) {
          "'basic_auth' option should be a list of length 2: username and password",
          call. = FALSE

    make_basic_auth = function(x, y) {
      jsonlite::base64_enc(paste0(x, ":", y))

#' @title MethodPattern
#' @description method matcher
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @details Matches regardless of case. e.g., POST will match to post
#' @examples
#' (x <- MethodPattern$new(pattern = "post"))
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(method = "post")
#' x$matches(method = "POST")
#' # all matches() calls should be TRUE
#' (x <- MethodPattern$new(pattern = "any"))
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(method = "post")
#' x$matches(method = "GET")
#' x$matches(method = "HEAD")
MethodPattern <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field pattern (character) an http method
    pattern = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `MethodPattern` object
    #' @param pattern (character) a HTTP method, lowercase
    #' @return A new `MethodPattern` object
    initialize = function(pattern) {
      self$pattern <- tolower(pattern)

    #' @description test if the pattern matches a given http method
    #' @param method (character) a HTTP method, lowercase
    #' @return a boolean
    matches = function(method) {
      self$pattern == tolower(method) || self$pattern == "any"

    #' @description Print pattern for easy human consumption
    #' @return a string
    to_s = function() self$pattern

#' @title HeadersPattern
#' @description headers matcher
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @details
#' `webmockr` normalises headers and treats all forms of same headers as equal:
#' i.e the following two sets of headers are equal:
#' `list(Header1 = "value1", content_length = 123, X_CuStOm_hEAder = "foo")`
#' and
#' `list(header1 = "value1", "Content-Length" = 123, "x-cuSTOM-HeAder" = "foo")`
#' @examples
#' (x <- HeadersPattern$new(pattern = list(a = 5)))
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(list(a = 5))
#' # different cases
#' (x <- HeadersPattern$new(pattern = list(Header1 = "value1")))
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(list(header1 = "value1"))
#' x$matches(list(header1 = "value2"))
#' # different symbols
#' (x <- HeadersPattern$new(pattern = list(`Hello_World` = "yep")))
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(list(`hello-world` = "yep"))
#' x$matches(list(`hello-worlds` = "yep"))
#' headers <- list(
#'   'User-Agent' = 'Apple',
#'   'Accept-Encoding' = 'gzip, deflate', 
#'   'Accept' = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*')
#' (x <- HeadersPattern$new(pattern = headers))
#' x$to_s()
#' x$pattern
#' x$matches(headers)
HeadersPattern <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field pattern a list
    pattern = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `HeadersPattern` object
    #' @param pattern (list) a pattern, as a named list, must be named,
    #' e.g,. `list(a = 5, b = 6)`
    #' @return A new `HeadersPattern` object
    initialize = function(pattern) {
      pattern <- private$normalize_headers(pattern)
      self$pattern <- pattern

    #' @description Match a list of headers against that stored
    #' @param headers (list) named list of headers, e.g,. `list(a = 5, b = 6)`
    #' @return a boolean
    matches = function(headers) {
      if (self$empty_headers(self$pattern)) {
      } else {
        if (self$empty_headers(headers)) return(FALSE)
        headers <- private$normalize_headers(headers)
        out <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(self$pattern)) {
          out[i] <- names(self$pattern)[i] %in% names(headers) &&
            self$pattern[[i]] == headers[[names(self$pattern)[i]]]

    #' @description Are headers empty? tests if null or length==0
    #' @param headers named list of headers
    #' @return a boolean
    empty_headers = function(headers) {
      is.null(headers) || length(headers) == 0

    #' @description Print pattern for easy human consumption
    #' @return a string
    to_s = function() hdl_lst2(self$pattern)

  private = list(
    normalize_headers = function(x) {
      # normalize names
      names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
      # normalize symbols
      ## underscores to single dash
      names(x) <- gsub("_", "-", names(x))

#' @title BodyPattern
#' @description body matcher
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # make a request signature
#' bb <- RequestSignature$new(
#'   method = "get",
#'   uri = "https:/httpbin.org/get",
#'   options = list(
#'     body = list(foo = "bar", a = 5)
#'   )
#' )
#' # make body pattern object
#' ## FALSE
#' z <- BodyPattern$new(pattern = list(foo = "bar"))
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches(bb$body)
#' ## TRUE
#' z <- BodyPattern$new(pattern = list(foo = "bar", a = 5))
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches(bb$body)
#' # uploads in bodies
#' ## upload NOT in a list
#' bb <- RequestSignature$new(
#'   method = "post", uri = "https:/httpbin.org/post",
#'   options = list(body = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION"))))
#' bb$body
#' z <- BodyPattern$new(pattern = 
#'   crul::upload(system.file("CITATION")))
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches(bb$body)
#' ## upload in a list
#' bb <- RequestSignature$new(
#'   method = "post", uri = "https:/httpbin.org/post",
#'   options = list(body = list(y = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION")))))
#' bb$body
#' z <- BodyPattern$new(pattern =
#'   list(y = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION"))))
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches(bb$body)
BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field pattern a list
    pattern = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `BodyPattern` object
    #' @param pattern (list) a body object
    #' @return A new `BodyPattern` object
    initialize = function(pattern) {
      if (inherits(pattern, "form_file")) 
        self$pattern <- unclass(pattern)
        self$pattern <- pattern

    #' @description Match a request body pattern against a pattern
    #' @param body (list) the body
    #' @param content_type (character) content type
    #' @return a boolean
    matches = function(body, content_type = "") {
      if (inherits(self$pattern, "list")) {
        if (length(self$pattern) == 0) return(TRUE)
        private$matching_hashes(private$body_as_hash(body, content_type), self$pattern)
      } else {
        (private$empty_string(self$pattern) && private$empty_string(body)) || all(self$pattern == body)

    #' @description Print pattern for easy human consumption
    #' @return a string
    to_s = function() self$pattern

  private = list(
    empty_string = function(string) {
      is.null(string) || !nzchar(string)

    matching_hashes = function(z, pattern) {
      if (is.null(z)) return(FALSE)
      if (!inherits(z, "list")) return(FALSE)
      if (!all(sort(names(z)) %in% sort(names(pattern)))) return(FALSE)
      for (i in seq_along(z)) {
        expected <- pattern[[names(z)[i]]]
        actual <- z[[i]]
        if (inherits(actual, "list") && inherits(expected, "list")) {
          if (!private$matching_hashes(actual, expected)) return(FALSE)
        } else {
          if (!identical(as.character(actual), as.character(expected))) return(FALSE)

    body_as_hash = function(body, content_type) {
      if (inherits(body, "form_file")) body <- unclass(body)
      bctype <- BODY_FORMATS[[content_type]] %||% ""
      if (bctype == 'json') {
        jsonlite::fromJSON(body, FALSE)
      } else if (bctype == 'xml') {
      } else {

  'text/xml'               = 'xml',
  'application/xml'        = 'xml',
  'application/json'       = 'json',
  'text/json'              = 'json',
  'application/javascript' = 'json',
  'text/javascript'        = 'json',
  'text/html'              = 'html',
  'application/x-yaml'     = 'yaml',
  'text/yaml'              = 'yaml',
  'text/plain'             = 'plain'

#' @title UriPattern
#' @description uri matcher
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # trailing slash
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "http://foobar.com"))
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com/") # TRUE
#' # without scheme
#' ## matches http by default: does not match https by default
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "foobar.com"))
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com/") # TRUE
#' z$matches("https://foobar.com") # FALSE
#' z$matches("https://foobar.com/") # FALSE
#' ## to match https, you'll have to give the complete url
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "https://foobar.com"))
#' z$matches("https://foobar.com/") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com/") # FALSE
#' # default ports
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "http://foobar.com"))
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com:80") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com:80/") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com:443") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com:443/") # TRUE
#' # user info - FIXME, not sure we support this yet
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "http://foobar.com"))
#' z$matches("http://user:pass@foobar.com")
#' # regex
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = ".+ample\\.."))
#' z$matches("http://sample.org") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://example.com") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://tramples.net") # FALSE
#' # add query parameters
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "http://foobar.com"))
#' z$add_query_params(list(pizza = "cheese", cheese = "cheddar"))
#' z
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com?pizza=cheese&cheese=cheddar") # TRUE
#' z$matches("http://foobar.com?pizza=cheese&cheese=swiss") # FALSE
#' # query parameters in the uri
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "https://httpbin.org/get?stuff=things"))
#' z$add_query_params() # have to run this method to gather query params
#' z$matches("https://httpbin.org/get?stuff=things") # TRUE
#' z$matches("https://httpbin.org/get?stuff2=things") # FALSE
#' # regex add query parameters
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = "https://foobar.com/.+/order"))
#' z$add_query_params(list(pizza = "cheese"))
#' z
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches("https://foobar.com/pizzas/order?pizza=cheese") # TRUE
#' z$matches("https://foobar.com/pizzas?pizza=cheese") # FALSE
#' # query parameters in the regex uri
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = "https://x.com/.+/order\\?fruit=apple"))
#' z$add_query_params() # have to run this method to gather query params
#' z$matches("https://x.com/a/order?fruit=apple") # TRUE
#' z$matches("https://x.com/a?fruit=apple") # FALSE
#' # any pattern
#' (z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = "stuff\\.com.+"))
#' z$regex
#' z$pattern
#' z$matches("http://stuff.com") # FALSE
#' z$matches("https://stuff.com/stff") # TRUE
#' z$matches("https://stuff.com/apple?bears=brown&bats=grey") # TRUE

UriPattern <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field pattern (character) pattern holder
    pattern = NULL,
    #' @field regex a logical
    regex = FALSE,
    #' @field query_params a list, or `NULL` if empty
    query_params = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `UriPattern` object
    #' @param pattern (character) a uri, as a character string. if scheme
    #' is missing, it is added (we assume http)
    #' @param regex_pattern (character) a uri as a regex character string,
    #' see [base::regex]. if scheme is missing, it is added (we assume
    #' http)
    #' @return A new `UriPattern` object
    initialize = function(pattern = NULL, regex_pattern = NULL) {
      stopifnot(xor(is.null(pattern), is.null(regex_pattern)))
      if (!is.null(regex_pattern)) self$regex <- TRUE
      pattern <- if (!is.null(pattern)) pattern else regex_pattern
      if (self$regex) pattern <- add_scheme(pattern)
      self$pattern <- normalize_uri(pattern, self$regex)

    #' @description Match a uri against a pattern
    #' @param uri (character) a uri
    #' @return a boolean
    matches = function(uri) {
      uri <- normalize_uri(uri, self$regex)
      if (self$regex)
        grepl(self$pattern, uri)
        self$pattern_matches(uri) && self$query_params_matches(uri)

    #' @description Match a URI
    #' @param uri (character) a uri
    #' @return a boolean
    pattern_matches = function(uri) {
      if (!self$regex) return(uri == self$pattern) # not regex
      grepl(drop_query_params(self$pattern), uri) # regex

    #' @description Match query parameters of a URI
    #' @param uri (character) a uri
    #' @return a boolean
    query_params_matches = function(uri) {
      identical(self$query_params, self$extract_query(uri))

    #' @description Extract query parameters as a named list
    #' @param uri (character) a uri
    #' @return named list, or `NULL` if no query parameters
    extract_query = function(uri) {
      params <- parse_a_url(uri)$parameter
      if (all(is.na(params))) return(NULL)

    #' @description Add query parameters to the URI
    #' @param query_params (list|character) list or character
    #' @return nothing returned, updates uri pattern
    add_query_params = function(query_params) {
      if (self$regex) return(NULL)
      if (missing(query_params) || is.null(query_params)) {
        self$query_params <- self$extract_query(self$pattern)
      } else {
        self$query_params <- query_params
        if (
          inherits(query_params, "list") ||
          inherits(query_params, "character")
        ) {
          pars <- paste0(unname(Map(function(x, y) paste(x, esc(y), sep = "="),
              names(query_params), query_params)), collapse = "&")
          self$pattern <- paste0(self$pattern, "?", pars)

    #' @description Print pattern for easy human consumption
    #' @return a string
    to_s = function() self$pattern

add_scheme <- function(x) {
  if (is.na(urltools::url_parse(x)$scheme)) {
    paste0('https?://', x)
  } else {
esc <- function(x) curl::curl_escape(x)
normalize_uri <- function(x, regex = FALSE) {
  x <- prune_trailing_slash(x)
  x <- prune_port(x)
  if (!regex) 
    if (is.na(urltools::url_parse(x)$scheme))
      x <- paste0('http://', x)
  tmp <- urltools::url_parse(x)
  if (is.na(tmp$path)) return(x)
  if (!regex) tmp$path <- esc(tmp$path)

prune_trailing_slash <- function(x) sub("/$", "", x)

prune_port <- function(x) gsub("(:80)|(:443)", "", x)

# matcher helpers --------------------------
## URI stuff
is_url <- function(x) {
  grepl("https?://", x, ignore.case = TRUE) ||
    grepl("localhost:[0-9]{4}", x, ignore.case = TRUE)

is_localhost <- function(x) {
  grepl("localhost||", x, ignore.case = TRUE)

parse_a_url <- function(url) {
  tmp <- urltools::url_parse(url)
  tmp <- as.list(tmp)
  if (!is.na(tmp$parameter)) {
    tmp$parameter <- unlist(
        strsplit(tmp$parameter, "&")[[1]], function(x) {
          z <- strsplit(x, split = "=")[[1]]
          as.list(stats::setNames(z[2], z[1]))
      recursive = FALSE
  tmp$default_port <- 443

uri_fetch <- function(x) {
  x <- as.character(x)
  tmp <- x[vapply(x, FUN = is_url, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
  if (length(tmp) == 0) NULL else tmp
uri_host <- function(x) parse_a_url(x)$domain
uri_path <- function(x) parse_a_url(x)$path
uri_port <- function(x) parse_a_url(x)$port

drop_query_params <- function(x) {
  x <- urltools::url_parse(x)
  x$parameter <- NA_character_
  x <- urltools::url_compose(x)
  # prune trailing slash
  sub("\\/$", "", x)
ropenscilabs/webmockr documentation built on July 30, 2024, 10:37 a.m.