# ? 夜间的通量数据,能否使用
# ! 这里把所有的变量都进行了平均,没有区分,没有考虑夜间的测量误差。
#' @note
#' # 2020-01-04
#' Note that all variables except dhour, are averaged or sumed (for precipitation)
#' in daily-scale other than daytime.
#' @importFrom lubridate fast_strptime date
#' @export
tidy_daytime <- function(dt, minValidPerc = 0.8) {
## 1. transform timestamp
fmt_date <- "%Y%m%d%H%M"
time_begin <- as.character(dt$TIMESTAMP_START) %>% fast_strptime(fmt_date)
time_end <- as.character(dt$TIMESTAMP_END) %>% fast_strptime(fmt_date)
deltaT <- unique(difftime(time_end, time_begin, units = "hours")) # for HH dt = 1/2, HR dt = 1
date <- date(time_begin)
time_begin %<>% format("%H:%M") # %S
time_end %<>% format("%H:%M")
vars_date <- c("date", "time_begin", "time_end") # date variables
dt[, (vars_date) := list(date, time_begin, time_end)]
# dt[, .(prcp = P_F, Tair_day=TA_F, SW_IN=SW_IN_F)],
## 2. vars can't have negative values, have been manipulated in get_daily
## 3. get daily prcp
# prcp <- dt[, .(P_F = sum(P_F, na.rm = T)), by = date] #mm into mm/day
prcp <- dt[, .(P_F = sum_perc(P_F, minValidPerc)), by = date]
## 4. day light hours according to shortwave incoming radiation > 5/W/m2
.dat <- dt[SW_IN_F >= 5, ] # modified 29112017
dhour <- .dat[, .(dhour = .N * deltaT, Tair_day = mean(TA_F, na.rm = TRUE)), by = date]
# dhour <- dt_dlight[, .N, by = date]$N * deltaT #day light hours
## changed to whole time
# mean of all the variables except precipitation, and date variables
x_daily <- dt[, lapply(.SD, mean_perc, minValidPerc),
by = date,
.SDcols = setdiff(names(dt), c("P_F", vars_date))
x_daily[, ":="(VPD_F = VPD_F * 0.1)] # hPa to kPa
x_daily <- merge(dhour, x_daily, by = "date", all = T) # add dhour parameter
# 5. Convert Carbon flux units (from umol/m2/s to g/m2/d),
# Only for Var = NEE, GPP, RE
SDcols <- names(x_daily) %>% .[grep("GPP_|NEE_|RECO_", .)]
x_daily[, (SDcols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x <- x * 1.0368),
.SDcols = SDcols
] # 12*86400/10^6 = 1.0368
# merge precipitation into data.table and rename colnames
x_daily %<>% merge(prcp, by = "date")
oldnames <- colnames(x_daily) %>% setdiff(c("date", "dhour"))
newnames <- gsub("_F$|_F_MDS$|_F_MDS_1|_VUT_REF", "", oldnames) %>%
gsub("NETRAD", "Rn", .)
d_qc <- dt %>%
plyr::mutate(Tair_day = TA_F) %>%
.[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)) / length(x)), .(date), .SDcols = oldnames]
setnames(x_daily, oldnames, newnames)
setnames(d_qc, oldnames, paste0("QC_", newnames))
x_daily2 <- merge(x_daily, d_qc)
# setcolorder(x_daily, c("date", "dhour", sort(names(x_daily[, -c("date", "dhour")]))))
# 6 check the date continuity of x_daily, If not continue, then fill NAN
# values in it.
date <- x_daily2$date
vals <- diff(date)
if (length(unique(vals)) != 1) {
# message(sprintf("%s", basename(file_csv)))
dateBegin <- date[1]
dateEnd <- date[length(date)]
dates_new <- seq.Date(dateBegin, dateEnd, by = "day")
days <- difftime(dateEnd, dateBegin, "days") + 1
cols <- ncol(x_daily2)
tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow = days, ncol = cols) %>%
tmp[match(date, dates_new), ] <- as.matrix(x_daily2)
# tmp[, "date"] <- dates_new
x_daily2 <- data.table(tmp)
x_daily2$date <- dates_new
# y$date <- dates
# print(unique(diff(as.Date(y$date))))
# umol/m2/s to g/m2/d
umol_2gC <- function(x) {
12 * 86400 / 10^6 # 1.0368
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