
Defines functions qcFirst

#' This function iterates the Quality Control by single time steps.
#' @param prec matrix or data.frame containing the original precipitation data. Each column represents one station. The names of columns have to be names of the stations.
#' @param sts matrix or data.frame. A column "ID" (unique ID of stations) is required. The rest of the columns (all of them) will act as predictors of the model.
#' @param crs character. Coordinates system in EPSG format (e.g.: "EPSG:4326").
#' @param coords vector of two character elements. Names of the fields in "sts" containing longitude and latitude.
#' @param coords_as_preds logical. If TRUE (default), "coords" are also taken as predictors.
#' @param neibs integer. Number of nearest neighbors to use.
#' @param thres numeric. Maximum radius (in km) where neighboring stations will be searched. NA value uses the whole spatial domain.
#' @param qc vector of strings with the QC criteria to apply. Default is "all". See details.
#' @param qc3 numeric. Indicates the threshold (number of times higher or lower) from which a observation, in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is 10.
#' @param qc4 numeric vector of length 2. Thresholds of wet probability (0 to 1) and magnitude (in the units of input precipitation data) from which a observation of value zero, in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is c(0.99, 5). 
#' @param qc5 numeric vector of length 2. Thresholds of dry probability (0 to 1) and magnitude (in the units of input precipitation data) from which a observation higher than a specific value (also in the original units), in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is c(0.01, 0.1, 5). 
#' @noRd

qcFirst <- function(x, it, sts, neibs, coords_as_preds = TRUE, coords, crs, qc = 'all', qc3 = 10, qc4 = c(0.99, 5), qc5 = c(0.01, 0.1, 5), thres = NA) {
  n <- names(sts)
  if(!coords_as_preds) n <- n[-match(coords,names(sts))]
    stop('The number of neighbors must be at least the double of predictors')
  pb <- p <- NA
  detect <- x[length(x)] #number of suspects
  x <- x[-c(length(x))] #data
  n <- names(sts)
  if(!coords_as_preds) n <- n[-match(coords,names(sts))]
  covars <- paste(n, collapse='+') # predictors
    if(qc == "all") qc <- as.character(paste0(1:5))
  w <- which(!is.na(x))
  if(length(w) == 0) { #if no data, ends
    return(c(x, 0))
    } else if(length(w) < (neibs+1)){ # at least neibs+1 is needed
      return(c(x, 0))
      } else{
      #subset dataset based on available data
      sub <- data.frame(sts[w,],val = x[w])
      sub <- vect(sub, geom = coords,crs = crs, keepgeom = TRUE)
   if (it > 1 & detect == 0) {#if no more suspects ends
      return(c(x, 0))
   } else {
      if (max(x, na.rm = T) == 0) {
        return(c(x, 0))
      else {
        #start evaluating data
        code <- rep(NA, length(sub))
        for (h in 1:length(sub)) {
          can <- sub[h]
          ref <- sub[-h]
          #set nearest observations
          dd <- terra::distance(can,ref)/1000
            dd <- dd[dd<thres]
              # message(paste0("Not enough observations within radius"))
              # pb <- p <- NA
            } else{
          ref <- ref[match(sort(dd)[1:neibs],dd)]
          if (max(ref$val) == 0 & can$val > 0) {
                if(length(grep("1",qc))>0) code[h] <- 1
          else if (min(ref$val) > 0 & can$val == 0) {
                if(length(grep("2",qc))>0) code[h] <- 2
            else {
              if(max(ref$val) == 0){
                pb <- 0
                p <- 0
              else if (sum(diff(ref$val))==0){
                pb <- 1
                p <- ref$val[1]
              } else{
                # probability of ocurrence prediction
                rr <- as.data.frame(ref)
                rr$val[rr$val > 0] <- 1
                  f <- as.formula(paste0('val ~ ',covars))
                fmtb <- suppressWarnings(
                  glm(f,family = binomial(),data = rr)
                pb <- round(predict(fmtb, newdata = as.data.frame(can), 
                              type = "response"),3)
                #amount prediction
                rr <- as.data.frame(ref)
                MINc <- min(rr$val) - (as.numeric(quantile(rr$val, 0.50)) - as.numeric(quantile(rr$val, 0.25)))
                MINc <- ifelse(MINc<0,0,MINc)
                MAXc <- max(rr$val) + (as.numeric(quantile(rr$val, 0.75))-as.numeric(quantile(rr$val, 0.50)))
                RANGE <- as.numeric(MAXc - MINc)
                rr$val <- (rr$val - MINc) / RANGE
                fmt <- suppressWarnings(
                  glm(f,family = quasibinomial(),data = rr)
                p <- predict(fmt, newdata = as.data.frame(can),type = "response")
                p <- round((p * RANGE) + MINc, 3)

          # if(is.na(pb) | is.na(p)){
          #   code[h] <- NA
          # } else{
                #evaluating outliers
                if (can$val == 0 & pb > 0.5) {
                    if ((max((can$val + 0.1)/(p + 0.1), 
                             (p + 0.1)/(can$val + 0.1))) > qc3) {
                      code[h] <- 3
                if (can$val > 0) {
                    if ((max((can$val + 0.1)/(p + 0.1), # 0.1 avoids problems with zeros
                             (p + 0.1)/(can$val + 0.1))) > qc3) {
                      code[h] <- 3
                #evaluating suspect dry
                if (can$val == 0 & pb > qc4[1] & p > qc4[2]) {
                  if(length(grep("4",qc))>0) code[h] <- 4
                #evaluating suspect wet
                if (can$val > qc5[3] & pb < qc5[1] & p < qc5[2]) {
                  if(length(grep("5",qc))>0) code[h] <- 5
        } # end of calculations for all observations

          #encoding detected
          ww <- which(!is.na(code))
          if (length(ww) > 0) {
            x[w][ww] <- NA
            detect <- length(ww)
          else detect <- 0
          return(c(x, detect))

      } # end of maximum is zero condition
    } # end of no more suspects condition
  } # end of number of neibs condition
} # end of function
rsnotivoli/reddPrec documentation built on April 20, 2024, 11:07 a.m.