# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : November 2018
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
.big_number_warning <- function() {
# this warning should be given by C
warn("big number", "cell numbers larger than ", 2^.Machine$double.digits, " are approximate")
ext_from_rc <- function(x, r1, r2, c1, c2){
e <- as.vector(ext(x))
r <- res(x)
c1 <- min(max(c1, 1), ncol(x))
c2 <- min(max(c2, 1), ncol(x))
if (c1 > c2) {
tmp <- c1
c1 <- c2
c2 <- tmp
r1 <- min(max(r1, 1), nrow(x))
r2 <- min(max(r2, 1), nrow(x))
if (r1 > r2) {
tmp <- r1
r1 <- r2
r2 <- tmp
xn <- xFromCol(x, c1) - 0.5 * r[1]
xx <- xFromCol(x, c2) + 0.5 * r[1]
yx <- yFromRow(x, r1) + 0.5 * r[2]
yn <- yFromRow(x, r2) - 0.5 * r[2]
ext(c(sort(c(xn, xx))), sort(c(yn, yx)))
getLyrNrs <- function(layer, nms, n) {
nl <- length(nms)
if (is.numeric(layer)) {
layer <- round(layer)
if (min(layer, na.rm=TRUE) < 1 || max(layer, na.rm=TRUE) > nl) {
error("extract", "layer should be between 1 and nlyr(x)")
} else {
layer <- match(layer, nms)
if (any(is.na(layer))) {
# error("extract", "names in argument 'layer' do not match names(x)")
rep_len(layer, n)
extractCells <- function(x, y, raw=FALSE) {
e <- x@pntr$extractCell(y-1)
e <- do.call(cbind, e)
colnames(e) <- names(x)
if (!raw) {
e <- .makeDataFrame(x, e)
use_layer <- function(e, y, layer, nl) {
if (is.null(layer)) {
layer <- getLyrNrs(layer, colnames(e)[-1], nrow(y))
idx <- cbind(1:nrow(e), layer[e[,1]] + 1)
ee <- data.frame(e[,1,drop=FALSE], colnames(e)[idx[,2]], value=e[idx])
colnames(ee)[2] <- "layer"
if (ncol(e) > (nl+1)) {
cbind(ee, e[,(nl+1):ncol(e), drop=FALSE])
} else {
extract_table <- function(x, y, ID=FALSE, weights=FALSE, exact=FALSE, touches=FALSE, small=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE) {
if (weights && exact) {
exact = FALSE
opt <- spatOptions()
if (weights | exact) {
wtable <- function(p, na.rm=FALSE) {
n <- length(p)
w <- p[[n]]
p[[n]] <- NULL
do.call( rbind,
lapply(1:length(p), function(i) {
x <- p[[i]]
j <- is.na(x)
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!j]
w <- w[!j]
} else if (any(j)) {
w[] <- NA
data.frame(layer=i, aggregate(w, list(x), sum, na.rm=FALSE))
e <- x@pntr$extractVector(y@pntr, touches[1], small[1], "simple", FALSE, FALSE,
isTRUE(weights[1]), isTRUE(exact[1]), opt)
x <- messages(x, "extract")
e <- lapply(e, wtable, na.rm=na.rm)
e <- lapply(1:length(e), function(i) cbind(ID=i, e[[i]]))
e <- do.call(rbind, e)
colnames(e)[3:4] <- c("group", "value")
out <- vector("list", nlyr(x))
for (i in 1:nlyr(x)) {
ee <- e[e[,2] == i, ]
ee <- replace_with_label(x[[i]], ee, 3)
ee <- stats::reshape(ee, idvar=c("ID", "layer"), timevar="group", direction="wide")
colnames(ee) <- gsub("value.", "", colnames(ee))
ee$layer <- NULL
if (!ID) {
ee$ID <- NULL
if (na.rm) {
ee[is.na(ee)] <- 0
out[[i]] <- ee
if (nlyr(x) == 1) return(out[[1]]) else return(out)
} else {
e <- x@pntr$extractVectorFlat(y@pntr, "", FALSE, touches[1], small[1], "", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, opt)
x <- messages(x, "extract")
e <- data.frame(matrix(e, ncol=nlyr(x)+1, byrow=TRUE))
colnames(e) <- c("ID", names(x))
id <- e[,1,drop=FALSE]
e <- cbind(id, .makeDataFrame(x, e[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
cn <- colnames(e)
out <- vector("list", ncol(e)-1)
for (i in 2:ncol(e)) {
fixname <- TRUE
if (!is.factor(e[,i])) {
fixname <- FALSE
e[,i] <- as.factor(e[,i])
tb <- table(e[,1], e[,i])
tb <- cbind(ID = rownames(tb), as.data.frame.matrix(tb))
if (fixname) colnames(tb) <- gsub(cn[i], "", colnames(tb))
if (!ID) {
tb$ID <- NULL
tb$layer <- NULL
out[[i-1]] <- tb
if (ncol(e) == 2) return(out[[1]]) else return(out)
extract_fun <- function(x, y, fun, ID=TRUE, weights=FALSE, exact=FALSE, touches=FALSE, small=TRUE, layer=NULL, bind=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE) {
nl <- nlyr(x)
nf <- length(fun)
if ((nf > 1) & (!is.null(layer))) {
error("extract", "you cannot use argument 'layer' when using multiple functions")
opt <- spatOptions()
e <- x@pntr$extractVectorFlat(y@pntr, fun, na.rm, touches[1], small[1], "", FALSE, FALSE, weights, exact, opt)
x <- messages(x, "extract")
e <- data.frame(matrix(e, ncol=nl*nf, byrow=TRUE))
if (nf == 1) {
colnames(e) <- names(x)
} else {
colnames(e) <- apply(cbind(rep(fun, each=nl), names(x)), 1, function(i) paste(i, collapse="_"))
if (!is.null(layer)) {
e <- cbind(ID=1:nrow(e), e)
e <- use_layer(e, y, layer, nlyr(x))
if (!ID || bind) {
e$ID <- NULL
if (bind) {
if (nrow(e) == nrow(y)) {
e <- data.frame(e)
e <- cbind(y, e)
} else {
#? can this occur?
warn("extract", "cannot return a SpatVector because the number of records extracted does not match he number of rows in y (perhaps you need to use a summarizing function")
} else if (ID) {
e <- cbind(ID=1:nrow(e), e)
do_fun <- function(e, fun, ...) {
fun <- match.fun(fun)
e <- aggregate(e[,-1,drop=FALSE], e[,1,drop=FALSE], fun, ...)
m <- sapply(e, NCOL)
if (any(m > 1)) {
cn <- names(e)
e <- do.call(cbind, as.list(e))
i <- rep(1, length(cn))
i[m>1] <- m[m>1]
cn <- rep(cn, i)
cn <- make.names(cn, TRUE)
if (length(cn) == ncol(e)) {
colnames(e) <- cn
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="SpatVector"),
function(x, y, fun=NULL, method="simple", cells=FALSE, xy=FALSE, ID=TRUE, weights=FALSE, exact=FALSE, touches=is.lines(y), small=TRUE, layer=NULL, bind=FALSE, raw=FALSE, search_radius=0, ...) {
geo <- geomtype(y)
if (!is.null(layer)) {
if (length(layer) != nrow(y)) {
error("extract", "length(layer) != nrow(y)")
if (geo == "points") {
if (search_radius > 0) {
pts <- crds(y)
e <- x@pntr$extractBuffer(pts[,1], pts[,2], search_radius)
messages(x, "extract")
e <- do.call(cbind, e)
colnames(e) <- c(names(x)[1], "distance", "cell")
e[,3] <- e[,3] + 1
if (xy) {
e <- cbind(xyFromCell(x, e[,3]), e)
if (!raw) {
e <- cbind(.makeDataFrame(x, e[,1,drop=FALSE]), e[,2:3])
if (bind) {
e <- data.frame(e)
e <- cbind(y, e)
} else if (ID) {
e <- cbind(ID=1:nrow(e), e)
} else if (weights || exact) {
method <- "bilinear"
weights <- FALSE
exact <- FALSE
# method <- match.arg(tolower(method), c("simple", "bilinear"))
} else if (!is.null(fun)) { # nothing to summarize for points
txtfun <- .makeTextFun(fun)
if (inherits(txtfun, "character")) {
if (any(txtfun == "table")) {
if (length(fun) > 1) {
warn("extract", "'table' cannot be combined with other functions")
if (!is.null(layer)) {
warn("extract", "argument 'layer' is ignored when 'fun=table'")
e <- extract_table(x, y, ID=ID, weights=weights, exact=exact, touches=touches, small=small, ...)
} else {
e <- extract_fun(x, y, txtfun, ID=ID, weights=weights, exact=exact, touches=touches, small=small, bind=bind, layer=layer, ...)
} else if (weights || exact) {
error("extract", "if 'weights' or 'exact' is TRUE, you can only use functions mean, sum, min, max and table")
xy <- cells <- FALSE
raw <- TRUE
opt <- spatOptions()
e <- x@pntr$extractVectorFlat(y@pntr, "", FALSE, touches[1], small[1], method, isTRUE(cells[1]), isTRUE(xy[1]), isTRUE(weights[1]), isTRUE(exact[1]), opt)
x <- messages(x, "extract")
cn <- c("ID", names(x))
nc <- nl <- nlyr(x)
if (cells) {
cn <- c(cn, "cell")
nc <- nc + 1
if (xy) {
cn <- c(cn, "x", "y")
nc <- nc + 2
if (weights) {
cn <- c(cn, "weight")
nc <- nc + 1
} else if (exact) {
cn <- c(cn, "fraction")
nc <- nc + 1
if (geo == "points") {
## this was? should be fixed upstream
if (nc == nl) {
e <- matrix(e, ncol=nc)
} else {
e <- matrix(e, ncol=nc, byrow=TRUE)
e <- cbind(1:nrow(e), e)
if (nrow(e) > nrow(y)) { #multipoint
g <- geom(y)
e[,1] <- g[,1]
} else {
e <- matrix(e, ncol=nc+1, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(e) <- cn
if (!is.null(fun)) {
e <- as.data.frame(e)
e <- do_fun(e, fun, ...)
if (cells) {
cncell <- cn =="cell"
e[, cncell] <- e[, cncell] + 1
if (!raw) {
if (method != "simple") {
e <- as.data.frame(e)
} else {
id <- data.frame(e[,1,drop=FALSE])
e <- cbind(id, .makeDataFrame(x, e[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
e <- use_layer(e, y, layer, nl)
if (bind) {
if (nrow(e) == nrow(y)) {
e <- data.frame(e)
e <- cbind(y, e[,-1,drop=FALSE])
} else {
warn("extract", "cannot return a SpatVector because the number of records extracted does not match the number of rows in y (perhaps you need to use a summarizing function")
} else if (!ID) {
e <- e[,-1,drop=FALSE]
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="sf"),
function(x, y, fun=NULL, method="simple", cells=FALSE, xy=FALSE, ID=TRUE, weights=FALSE, exact=FALSE, touches=is.lines(y), layer=NULL, bind=FALSE, ...) {
y <- vect(y)
extract(x, y, fun=fun, method=method, cells=cells, xy=xy, ID=ID, weights=weights, exact=exact, touches=touches, layer=layer, bind=bind, ...)
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="data.frame"),
function(x, y, ...) {
if (ncol(y) != 2) {
error("extract", "extract expects a 2 column data.frame of x and y coordinates")
v <- vect(y, colnames(y))
extract(x, v, ...)
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="numeric"),
function(x, y, xy=FALSE, raw=FALSE) {
y <- round(y)
# y[(y < 1) | (y > ncell(x))] <- NA
v <- .extract_cell(x, y, drop=TRUE, raw=raw)
if (xy) {
v <- cbind(xyFromCell(x, y), v)
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="matrix"),
function(x, y, cells=FALSE, method="simple") {
method <- match.arg(tolower(method), c("simple", "bilinear"))
if (method != "simple") {
y <- vect(y)
return(extract(x, y, method=method, ID=FALSE))
y <- cellFromXY(x, y)
if (cells) {
cbind(cell=y, extract(x, y))
} else {
extract(x, y)
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="SpatExtent"),
function(x, y, cells=FALSE, xy=FALSE) {
y <- cells(x, y)
v <- extract(x, y, xy=xy)
if (cells) {
v <- cbind(cell=y, v)
setMethod("extract", c("SpatVector", "SpatVector"),
function(x, y) {
e <- relate(y, x, "coveredby", pairs=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE)
if (ncol(x) > 0) {
d <- as.data.frame(x)
e <- data.frame(id.y=e[,1], d[e[,2], ,drop=FALSE])
rownames(e) <- NULL
} else {
colnames(e) <- c("id.y", "id.x")
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatVector", y="matrix"),
function(x, y) {
stopifnot(ncol(y) == 2)
y <- vect(y)
extract(x, y)
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatVector", y="data.frame"),
function(x, y) {
extract(x, as.matrix(y))
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRasterCollection", y="ANY"),
function(x, y, ...) {
lapply(x, function(r) extract(r, y, ...))
setMethod("extract", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset", y="ANY"),
function(x, y, ...) {
lapply(x, function(r) extract(r, y, ...))
extractAlong <- function(x, y, ID=TRUE, cells=FALSE, xy=FALSE, online=FALSE, bilinear=TRUE) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "SpatRaster"))
if (inherits(y, "sf")) {
y <- vect(y)
} else {
stopifnot(inherits(y, "SpatVector"))
stopifnot(geomtype(y) == "lines")
spbb <- as.matrix(ext(y))
rsbb <- as.matrix(ext(x))
addres <- 2 * max(res(x))
nlns <- nrow(y)
res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nlns)
if (spbb[1,1] > rsbb[1,2] | spbb[1,2] < rsbb[1,1] | spbb[2,1] > rsbb[2,2] | spbb[2,2] < rsbb[2,1]) {
res <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=nlyr(x)+4, nrow=0))
colnames(res) <- c("ID", "cell", "x", "y", names(x))
if (!cells) res$cell <- NULL
if (!xy) {
res$x <- NULL
res$y <- NULL
if (!ID) res$ID <- NULL
rr <- rast(x)
g <- data.frame(geom(y))
for (i in 1:nlns) {
yp <- g[g$geom == i, ]
nparts <- max(yp$part)
vv <- NULL
for (j in 1:nparts) {
pp <- as.matrix(yp[yp$part==j, c("x", "y"), ])
for (k in 1:(nrow(pp)-1)) {
ppp <- pp[k:(k+1), ]
spbb <- t(ppp)
if (! (spbb[1,1] > rsbb[1,2] | spbb[1,2] < rsbb[1,1] | spbb[2,1] > rsbb[2,2] | spbb[2,2] < rsbb[2,1]) ) {
lns <- vect(ppp, "lines")
rc <- crop(rr, ext(lns) + addres)
rc <- rasterize(lns, rc, touches=TRUE)
cxy <- crds(rc)
v <- cbind(row=rowFromY(rr, cxy[,2]), col=colFromX(rr, cxy[,1]))
#up or down?
updown <- c(1,-1)[(ppp[1,2] < ppp[2,2]) + 1]
rightleft <- c(-1,1)[(ppp[1,1] < ppp[2,1]) + 1]
v <- v[order(updown*v[,1], rightleft*v[,2]), ]
vv <- rbind(vv, v)
if (!is.null(vv)) {
cell <- cellFromRowCol(rr, vv[,1], vv[,2])
res[[i]] <- data.frame(i, cell)
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
if (is.null(res)) {
if (xy) {
res <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=nlyr(x)+4, nrow=0))
colnames(res) <- c("ID", "cell", "x", "y", names(x))
} else {
res <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=nlyr(x)+2, nrow=0))
colnames(res) <- c("ID", "cell", names(x))
} else {
colnames(res) <- c("ID", "cell")
if (xy) {
xycrd <- xyFromCell(x, res$cell)
method <- "simple"
if (online) {
pts <- vect(xycrd, crs="local")
crs(y) <- "local"
n <- nearest(pts, y)
xycrd <- crds(n)
if (bilinear) method <- "bilinear"
res <- data.frame(res, xycrd, extract(x, xycrd, method=method))
} else {
res <- data.frame(res, xycrd, extract(x, res$cell))
} else {
res <- data.frame(res, extract(x, res$cell))
if (!cells) res$cell <- NULL
if (!ID) res$ID <- NULL
setMethod("extractRange", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="ANY"),
function(x, y, first, last, lyr_fun=NULL, geom_fun=NULL, ID=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE, ...) {
first <- getLyrNrs(first, names(x), NROW(y)) + 1
last <- getLyrNrs(last, names(x), NROW(y)) + 1
if (inherits(y, "SpatVector")) {
e <- extract(x, y, geom_fun, ID=TRUE, na.rm=na.rm, ...)
if (nrow(e) != nrow(y)) {
error("extractRange", "geom_fun must return a single value for each geometry/layer")
} else {
e <- data.frame(ID=1:NROW(y), extract(x, y, ...))
a <- lapply(1:nrow(e), function(i) e[i, c(first[i]:last[i])])
if (!is.null(lyr_fun)) {
a <- sapply(a, lyr_fun, na.rm=na.rm)
if (ID) {
if (is.list(a)) {
names(a) <- 1:NROW(y)
} else {
a <- data.frame(ID=1:nrow(a), value=a)
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