#' Detect Application Dependencies
#' Recursively detect all package dependencies for an application. This function
#' parses all \R files in the application directory to determine what packages
#' the application depends directly.
#' Only direct dependencies are detected (i.e. no recursion is done to find the
#' dependencies of the dependencies).
#' @param project Directory containing application. Defaults to current working
#' directory.
#' @param implicit.packrat.dependency Include \code{packrat} as an implicit
#' dependency of this project, if not otherwise discovered? This should be
#' \code{FALSE} only if you can guarantee that \code{packrat} will be available
#' via other means when attempting to load this project.
#' @details Dependencies are determined by parsing application source code and
#' looking for calls to \code{library}, \code{require}, \code{::}, and
#' \code{:::}.
#' @return Returns a list of the names of the packages on which R code in the
#' application depends.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # dependencies for the app in the current working dir
#' appDependencies()
#' # dependencies for an app in another directory
#' appDependencies("~/projects/shiny/app1")
#' }
#' @keywords internal
appDependencies <- function(project = NULL,
available.packages = NULL,
fields = opts$snapshot.fields(),
implicit.packrat.dependency = TRUE) {
if (is.null(available.packages))
available.packages <- availablePackages()
project <- getProjectDir(project)
## We want to search both local and global library paths for DESCRIPTION files
## in the recursive dependency lookup; hence we take a large (ordered) union
## of library paths. The ordering ensures that we search the private library first,
## and fall back to the local / global library (necessary for `packrat::init`)
libPaths <- c(
ignores <- packrat::opts$ignored.packages()
## For R packages, we only use the DESCRIPTION file
if (isRPackage(project)) {
## Make sure we get records recursively from the packages in DESCRIPTION
parentDeps <-
pkgDescriptionDependencies(file.path(project, "DESCRIPTION"))$Package
# Strip out any dependencies the user has requested we do not track.
parentDeps <- setdiff(parentDeps, ignores)
## For downstream dependencies, we don't grab their Suggests:
## Presumedly, we can build child dependencies without vignettes, and hence
## do not need suggests -- for the package itself, we should make sure
## we grab suggests, however
childDeps <- recursivePackageDependencies(parentDeps,
} else {
parentDeps <- setdiff(unique(c(dirDependencies(project))), "packrat")
parentDeps <- setdiff(parentDeps, ignores)
childDeps <- recursivePackageDependencies(parentDeps,
result <- unique(c(parentDeps, childDeps))
# should packrat be included as automatic dependency?
if (implicit.packrat.dependency) {
result <- unique(c(result, "packrat"))
# If this project is implicitly a shiny application, then
# add that in as the previously run expression dependency lookup
# won't have found it.
if (!("shiny" %in% result) && isShinyApp(project))
result <- c(result, "shiny")
if (is.null(result))
sorted <- sort_c(result)
# some users have seen empty package names discovered here
# although we don't know the underlying cause, we should
# just filter these out as we know they can't be valid
setdiff(sorted, "")
# detect all package dependencies for a directory of files
dirDependencies <- function(dir) {
if (as.logical(getOption("packrat.dependency.discovery.disabled", default = FALSE))) {
} else if (as.logical(getOption("packrat.dependency.discovery.renv", default = TRUE))) {
} else {
# Return renv ignore patterns based on the packrat ignored.directories option.
# Each directory is returned as a rooted pattern for renv, meaning that it
# should only apply at the root directory of the project.
# Note: The "/data/" and "/inst/" directories are ignored by default.
# See: https://github.com/rstudio/renv/pull/866
# See: renv:::renv_renvignore_parse_impl
ignoresForRenv <- function(dir, ignoredDirectories) {
ignores <- NULL
if (length(ignoredDirectories) > 0) {
ignores <- ignoredDirectories
# Make sure all the directories end with a slash.
ignores <- ifelse(
substr(ignores, nchar(ignores), nchar(ignores)) != "/",
paste0(ignores, "/"),
# Make sure all the directories begin with a slash.
ignores <- ifelse(
substr(ignores, 1, 1) != "/",
paste0("/", ignores),
# Prepend the project root and quote.
ignores <- paste0('^\\Q', dir, '\\E\\Q', ignores, '\\E$')
# Tell renv that these rules do not need additional parsing.
attr(ignores, "asis") <- TRUE
dirDependenciesRenv <- function(dir) {
old_filebacked_cache <- options(renv.config.filebacked.cache = FALSE)
on.exit(do.call(options, old_filebacked_cache), add = TRUE)
project <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROJECT", unset = NA)
if (!is.na(project)) {
on.exit(Sys.setenv(RENV_PROJECT = project), add = TRUE)
profile <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE", unset = NA)
if (!is.na(profile)) {
on.exit(Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile), add = TRUE)
absDir <- normalizePath(dir, winslash = "/")
old_ignored_packages <- options("renv.settings.ignored.packages" = opts$ignored.packages())
on.exit(do.call(options, old_ignored_packages), add = TRUE)
old_renv_exclude <- options("renv.renvignore.exclude" = ignoresForRenv(absDir, opts$ignored.directories()))
on.exit(do.call(options, old_renv_exclude), add = TRUE)
# TODO: add rsconnect as an ignored directory? May not be an issue for
# bundling, since we don't include the rsconnect directory.
deps <- renv$dependencies(path = absDir, root = absDir, progress = FALSE, errors = "ignored")
pkgs <- unique(deps$Package)
## Exclude recommended packages (and the artifical "R" package) if there is
## no package installed locally this places an implicit dependency on the
## system-installed version of a package
pkgs <- dropSystemPackages(pkgs)
# detect all package dependencies for a directory of files
dirDependenciesBuiltIn <- function(dir) {
dir <- normalizePath(dir, winslash = '/')
# first get the packages referred to in source code
pattern <- "[.](?:r|rmd|qmd|rnw|rpres)$"
pkgs <- character()
R_files <- list.files(dir,
pattern = pattern,
ignore.case = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE
## Avoid anything within the packrat directory itself -- all inference
## should be done on user code
packratDirRegex <- "(?:^|/)packrat"
R_files <- grep(packratDirRegex, R_files, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
## Avoid anything on the list of ignored directories
ignoredDir <- get_opts("ignored.directories")
if (length(ignoredDir) > 0) {
# Make sure all the directories end with a slash...
ignoredDir <- ifelse(
substr(ignoredDir, nchar(ignoredDir), nchar(ignoredDir)) != "/",
paste0(ignoredDir, "/"),
# Make a regex to match any of them.
ignoredDirRegex <- paste0(
collapse = ")|(?:^"
R_files <- grep(ignoredDirRegex, R_files, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
sapply(R_files, function(file) {
filePath <- file.path(dir, file)
pkgs <<- append(pkgs, fileDependencies(file.path(dir, file)))
## Exclude recommended packages if there is no package installed locally
## this places an implicit dependency on the system-installed version of a package
# detect all package dependencies for a source file (parses the file and then
# recursively examines all expressions in the file)
# ad-hoc dispatch based on the file extension
fileDependencies <- function(file) {
file <- normalizePath(file, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
fileext <- tolower(gsub(".*\\.", "", file))
r = fileDependencies.R(file),
rmd = fileDependencies.Rmd(file),
qmd = fileDependencies.Qmd(file),
rnw = fileDependencies.Rnw(file),
rpres = fileDependencies.Rpres(file),
stop("Unrecognized file type '", file, "'")
hasYamlFrontMatter <- function(content) {
lines <- grep("^(---|\\.\\.\\.)\\s*$", content, perl = TRUE)
1 %in% lines && length(lines) >= 2 && grepl("^---\\s*$", content[1], perl = TRUE)
yamlDeps <- function(yaml) {
"shiny"[any(grepl("runtime:[[:space:]]*shiny", yaml, perl = TRUE))],
"shiny"[any(grepl("server:[[:space:]]*shiny", yaml, perl = TRUE))],
"shiny"[any(grepl("[[:space:]]+type:[[:space:]]*shiny", yaml, perl = TRUE))],
"rticles"[any(grepl("rticles::", yaml, perl = TRUE))]
stripAltEngines <- function(file, encoding) {
contents <- readLines(file, encoding = encoding)
# generate a list of all the headers
engineHeaders <- which(grepl("^## --.*engine=", contents))
allHeaders <- c(which(grepl("^## --", contents)), length(contents))
# calculate the end of each alternate engine code block (the beginning of the
# very next code block)
engineEnds <- vapply(engineHeaders, function(x) {
allHeaders[min(which(allHeaders > x))] - 1
}, 0)
# exclude the alternate engine code block lines
regions <- rep.int(TRUE, length(contents))
for (h in seq_along(engineHeaders)) {
regions[engineHeaders[[h]]:engineEnds[[h]]] <- FALSE
writeLines(contents[regions], file)
# compute package dependencies for an *.qmd file. not all Quarto documents
# require R/rmarkdown.
# Quarto/rsconnect may independently indicate that this file needs the knitr
# engine and will communicate an implicit dependency on rmarkdown
fileDependencies.Qmd <- function(file) {
fileDependencies.Markdown(file, implicit = NULL)
# compute package dependencies for an *.Rmd file. rmarkdown is an automatic,
# implicit dependency.
fileDependencies.Rmd <- function(file) {
fileDependencies.Markdown(file, implicit = c("rmarkdown"))
fileDependencies.Markdown <- function(file, implicit = NULL) {
deps <- c()
if (!is.null(implicit)) {
deps <- c(deps, implicit)
# try using an evaluate-based approach for dependencies
if (knitrHasEvaluateHook()) {
# attempt to load rmarkdown
isRmarkdownLoaded <- "rmarkdown" %in% loadedNamespaces()
if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
# unload rmarkdown after we're done with it if it
# wasn't already loaded
if (!isRmarkdownLoaded) {
try(unloadNamespace("rmarkdown"), silent = TRUE),
add = TRUE
# render with a custom evaluate hook to discover dependencies
deps <- c(deps, fileDependencies.evaluate(file))
# we don't know this file's encoding, so presume the default encoding
encoding <- getOption("encoding")
format <- NULL
# check whether the default output format references a package
if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
format <- rmarkdown::default_output_format(file)
}, error = function(e) {
# if we can't parse the YAML header with the default encoding, try UTF-8
encoding <<- "UTF-8"
format <<- rmarkdown::default_output_format(file, encoding)
components <- strsplit(format$name, "::")[[1]]
if (length(components) == 2) {
deps <- c(deps, components[[1]])
# We need to check for and parse YAML frontmatter if necessary
yamlDeps <- NULL
content <- readLines(file, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE)
if (hasYamlFrontMatter(content)) {
# Extract the YAML frontmatter.
tripleDashesDots <- grep("^(---|\\.\\.\\.)\\s*$", content, perl = TRUE)
start <- tripleDashesDots[[1]]
end <- tripleDashesDots[[2]]
yaml <- paste(content[(start + 1):(end - 1)], collapse = "\n")
# Populate 'deps'.
yamlDeps <- yamlDeps(yaml)
deps <- c(deps, yamlDeps)
# Extract additional dependencies from YAML parameters.
if (requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE) &&
packageVersion("knitr") >= "1.10.18")
# attempt to extract knitr params from yaml
knitParams <- tryCatch(
knitr::knit_params_yaml(yaml, evaluate = FALSE),
error = function(e) {
if (length(knitParams)) {
deps <- c(deps, "shiny")
for (param in knitParams) {
if (!is.null(param$expr)) {
parsed <- quietly(parse(text = param$expr))
if (!inherits(parsed, "error"))
deps <- c(deps, expressionDependencies(parsed))
# Escape hatch for empty .Rmd files
if (!length(content) || identical(unique(gsub("[[:space:]]", "", content, perl = TRUE)), "")) {
## Unload knitr if needed only for the duration of this function call
## This prevents errors with e.g. `packrat::restore` performed after
## a `fileDependencies.Rmd` call on Windows, where having knitr loaded
## would prevent an installation of knitr to succeed
knitrIsLoaded <- "knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces()
if (!knitrIsLoaded && "knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
try(unloadNamespace("knitr"), silent = TRUE)
}, add = TRUE)
if (requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE)) {
deps <- c(
fileDependencies.tangle(file, encoding = encoding)
} else {
warning("knitr is required to parse dependencies but is not available")
fileDependencies.knitr <- function(...) {
fileDependencies.Rpres <- function(...) {
fileDependencies.Rnw <- function(file) {
tempfile <- tempfile()
utils::Stangle(file, output = tempfile)
}), error = function(e) {
fileDependencies.R <- function(file) {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
warning("No file at path '", file, "'.")
# build a list of package dependencies to return
pkgs <- character()
# parse file and examine expressions -- first attempt to
# parse in system encoding, then try again with UTF-8
exprs <- quietly(parse(file, n = -1L))
if (inherits(exprs, "error"))
exprs <- quietly(parse(file, n = -1L, encoding = "UTF-8"))
# report parse errors to the user
if (inherits(exprs, "error")) {
warning(paste("Failed to parse", file, "; dependencies in this file will",
"not be discovered."))
exprs <- NULL
# extract expression dependencies
for (i in seq_along(exprs))
pkgs <- append(pkgs, expressionDependencies(exprs[[i]]))
# return packages
setdiff(unique(pkgs), "")
anyOf <- function(object, ...) {
predicates <- list(...)
for (predicate in predicates)
if (predicate(object))
allOf <- function(object, ...) {
predicates <- list(...)
for (predicate in predicates)
if (!predicate(object))
recursiveWalk <- function(`_node`, fn, ...) {
fn(`_node`, ...)
if (is.recursive(`_node`)) {
for (i in seq_along(`_node`)) {
recursiveWalk(`_node`[[i]], fn, ...)
# Fills 'env' as a side effect
identifyPackagesUsed <- function(call, env) {
if (!is.call(call))
fn <- call[[1]]
if (!anyOf(fn, is.character, is.symbol))
fnString <- as.character(fn)
# Check for '::', ':::'
if (fnString %in% c("::", ":::")) {
if (anyOf(call[[2]], is.character, is.symbol)) {
pkg <- as.character(call[[2]])
env[[pkg]] <- TRUE
# Check for S4-related function calls (implying a dependency on methods)
if (fnString %in% c("setClass", "setMethod", "setRefClass", "setGeneric", "setGroupGeneric")) {
env[["methods"]] <- TRUE
# Check for package loaders.
# The library() and require() calls accept symbols directly as package
# names, while loadNamespace() and requireNamespace() do not.
liberalLoaders <- c("library", "require")
strictLoaders <- c("loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")
pkgLoaders <- c(strictLoaders, liberalLoaders)
if (!fnString %in% pkgLoaders)
# Try matching the call.
loader <- tryCatch(
get(fnString, envir = asNamespace("base")),
error = function(e) NULL
if (!is.function(loader))
matched <- match.call(loader, call)
if (!"package" %in% names(matched))
if (fnString %in% liberalLoaders) {
# Protect against 'character.only = TRUE' + symbols.
# This defends us against a construct like:
# for (x in pkgs)
# library(x, character.only = TRUE)
if (!"character.only" %in% names(matched)) {
if (anyOf(matched[["package"]], is.character, is.symbol)) {
pkg <- as.character(matched[["package"]])
env[[pkg]] <- TRUE
if (anyOf(matched[["package"]], is.character)) {
pkg <- as.character(matched[["package"]])
env[[pkg]] <- TRUE
expressionDependencies <- function(e) {
if (is.expression(e)) {
return(unlist(lapply(e, function(call) {
else if (is.call(e)) {
env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
recursiveWalk(e, identifyPackagesUsed, env)
return(ls(env, all.names = TRUE))
else character()
# Read a DESCRIPTION file into a data.frame
readDESCRIPTION <- function(path) {
if (!file.exists(path))
stop("No DESCRIPTION file at path '", path, "'")
readDcf(file = path, all = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
isRPackage <- function(project) {
descriptionPath <- file.path(project, "DESCRIPTION")
if (!file.exists(descriptionPath))
DESCRIPTION <- readDESCRIPTION(descriptionPath)
# If 'Type' is in the DESCRIPTION, ensure it's equal to 'Package'.
if ("Type" %in% names(DESCRIPTION))
return(identical(DESCRIPTION$Type, "Package"))
# Some packages will have a DESCRIPTION file without the 'Type' field.
# Check that these still declare themselves with the 'Package' field.
if ("Package" %in% names(DESCRIPTION))
# DESCRIPTION for a non-R package (e.g. Shiny application?)
# Infer whether a project is (implicitly) a Shiny application,
# in the absence of explicit `library()` statements.
isShinyApp <- function(project) {
# Check for a DESCRIPTION file with 'Type: Shiny'
descriptionPath <- file.path(project, "DESCRIPTION")
if (file.exists(descriptionPath)) {
DESCRIPTION <- readDESCRIPTION(descriptionPath)
if (length(DESCRIPTION$Type) && tolower(DESCRIPTION$Type) == "shiny")
# Check for a server.r with a 'shinyServer' call
serverPath <- file.path(project, "server.R")
if (file.exists(file.path(project, "server.R"))) {
contents <- paste(readLines(serverPath), collapse = "\n")
if (grepl("shinyServer\\s*\\(", contents, perl = TRUE))
# Check for a single-file application with 'app.R'
appPath <- file.path(project, "app.R")
if (file.exists(appPath)) {
contents <- paste(readLines(appPath), collapse = "\n")
if (grepl("shinyApp\\s*\\(", contents, perl = TRUE))
knitrHasEvaluateHook <- function() {
isKnitrLoaded <- "knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces()
if (!requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE))
if (!isKnitrLoaded) {
try(unloadNamespace("knitr"), silent = TRUE),
add = TRUE
hooks <- knitr::knit_hooks$get()
"evaluate" %in% names(hooks)
fileDependencies.evaluate <- function(file) {
# discovered packages (to be updated by evaluate hook)
deps <- list()
# override any existing engines -- we don't want dependency discovery
# to, say, run arbitrary bash scripts contained in the document!
engines <- knitr::knit_engines$get()
on.exit(knitr::knit_engines$restore(engines), add = TRUE)
# generate overrides
overrides <- replicate(length(engines), function(options) {}, FALSE)
names(overrides) <- names(engines)
# retain the regular R knitr hook, and treat Rscript chunks
# the same way as "regular" R chunks
overrides$R <- overrides$Rscript <- engines$R
# save old hook and install our custom hook
evaluate_hook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("evaluate")
on.exit(knitr::knit_hooks$set(evaluate = evaluate_hook), add = TRUE)
knitr::knit_hooks$set(evaluate = function(code, ...) {
try(silent = TRUE, {
parsed <- parse(text = code, encoding = "UTF-8")
deps <<- c(deps, expressionDependencies(parsed))
# keep going on error
chunkOptions <- knitr::opts_chunk$get()
on.exit(knitr::opts_chunk$restore(chunkOptions), add = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE)
# rudely override knitr's 'inline_exec' function so
# that we can detect dependencies within inline chunks
knitr <- asNamespace("knitr")
if (exists("inline_exec", envir = knitr)) {
inline_exec <- yoink("knitr", "inline_exec")
do.call("unlockBinding", list("inline_exec", knitr))
assign("inline_exec", function(block, ...) {
# do our own special stuff
try(silent = TRUE, {
code <- paste(block$code, collapse = "\n")
parsed <- parse(text = code, encoding = "UTF-8")
deps <<- c(deps, expressionDependencies(parsed))
# return block input without evaluating anything
}, envir = knitr)
assign("inline_exec", inline_exec, envir = knitr)
do.call("lockBinding", list("inline_exec", knitr))
}, add = TRUE)
# attempt to render document with our custom hook active
# TODO: do we want to report errors here? right now we're just
# capturing and silently discarding render errors
outfile <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(outfile), add = TRUE)
rmarkdown::render(file, output_file = outfile, quiet = TRUE),
warning = function(w) {
# ignore warnings emitted by knitr::get_engine()
get_engine <- yoink("knitr", "get_engine")
for (i in seq_len(sys.nframe())) {
fn <- sys.function(i)
if (identical(fn, get_engine))
error = identity
unique(unlist(deps, recursive = TRUE))
# Extract dependencies per chunk rather than per file.
# Packages like learnr have special R code chunks that are not evaluated at run time.
# While the .Rmd file can be rendered with rmarkdown, a raw tangled R file may not be able to be processed.
fileDependencies.tangle <- function(file, encoding = "UTF-8") {
# discovered packages
deps <- list()
# unique key (line) to split R code with
key <- paste0("###--packrat-", paste0(sample(letters, 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""), "\n")
# rudely override knitr's 'label_code' function so
# that we can detect dependencies within inline chunks
knitr <- asNamespace("knitr")
if (exists("label_code", envir = knitr)) {
label_code <- yoink("knitr", "label_code")
do.call("unlockBinding", list("label_code", knitr))
assign("label_code", function(...) {
# paste a known key to split the code chunks by
paste0(key, label_code(...))
}, envir = knitr)
assign("label_code", label_code, envir = knitr)
do.call("lockBinding", list("label_code", knitr))
}, add = TRUE)
# tangle out file
outfile <- tempfile()
}, add = TRUE)
# attempt to tangle document with our custom hook active
output = outfile, # tangled file location
quiet = TRUE,
# `An integer specifying the level of documentation to add
# to the tangled script. 1L (the default) means to add
# the chunk headers to the code`
documentation = 1L,
encoding = encoding
), error = function(e) {
message("Unable to tangle file '", file, "'; cannot parse dependencies")
if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
# nothing was created
stripAltEngines(outfile, encoding)
# parse each r chunk independently to retrieve dependencies
# allows for some chunks to be _broken_ but not stop retrieving dependencies
r_chunks <- strsplit(paste0(readLines(outfile), collapse = "\n"), key)[[1]]
for (r_chunk in r_chunks) {
try(silent = TRUE, {
parsed <- parse(text = r_chunk, encoding = encoding)
deps <- c(deps, expressionDependencies(parsed))
unique(unlist(deps, recursive = TRUE))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.