
Defines functions snapshotHookImpl buildSnapshotHookCall makeCopyAvailablePackagesCacheCmd snapshotHook

# Hooks for library modifying functions that can be used to auto.snapshot
# and also maintain library state consistency when within packrat mode
snapshotHook <- function(expr, value, ok, visible) {


    expr = {

    # Cases where an automatic snapshot can fail:
    # 1. A library is deleted, e.g. with remove.packages.
    # TODO: How should we handle an automatic snapshot fail?
    error = function(e) {

      project <- .packrat_mutables$get("project")

      if (is.null(project)) {
        file <- "" ## to stdout
      } else {
        file <- file.path(project, "packrat", "packrat.log")

      if (inherits(e, "simpleError")) {
        msg <- e$message
      } else {
        msg <- e

      if (identical(file, ""))
        message(paste("Error on automatic snapshot:", msg))
        cat(msg, file = file, append = TRUE)



## Make a call that copies the local available.packages() cache
makeCopyAvailablePackagesCacheCmd <- function(contrib.url, dir) {

  makeName <- function(contrib.url) {
    vapply(contrib.url, function(x) {
      paste0("repos_", URLencode(x, TRUE), ".rds")
    }, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  name <- makeName(contrib.url)

  fromCmd <- paste0("file.path(",
                    paste(sep = ", ",
                          surround(dir, with = "'"),
                          surround(name, with = "'")
  toCmd <- paste0("file.path(tempdir(), '", name, "')")

  paste0("file.copy(", fromCmd, ", ", toCmd, ")")

## Builds a call that can be executed asynchronously -- returned as a character
## vector that can be pasted with e.g. paste(call, collapse = "; ")
buildSnapshotHookCall <- function(project, debug = FALSE) {

  project <- getProjectDir()
  packratDir <- getPackratDir(project)
  snapshotLockPath <- file.path(packratDir, "snapshot.lock")

  ## utility paster
  peq <- function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = " = ")

  snapshotArgs <- paste(sep = ", ",
                        peq("project", surround(project, with = "'")),
                        peq("auto.snapshot", "TRUE"),
                        peq("verbose", "FALSE")

  repos <- gsub("\"", "'", paste(deparse(getOption('repos'), width.cutoff = 500), collapse = ' '))

  setwdCmd <- paste0("setwd(", surround(project, with = "'"), ")")
  reposCmd <- paste0("options('repos' = ", repos, ")")
  copyAvailablePackagesCacheCmd <- makeCopyAvailablePackagesCacheCmd(
    contrib.url(getOption('repos')), tempdir()
  setLibsCmd <- paste0(".libPaths(c(",
                       paste(surround(getUserLibPaths(), with = "'"), collapse = ", "),
  if (debug) {
    snapshotCmd <- paste0("packrat:::snapshotImpl(", snapshotArgs, ")")
  } else {
    snapshotCmd <- paste0("try(suppressMessages(packrat:::snapshotImpl(", snapshotArgs, ")), silent = TRUE)")
  cleanupCmd <- paste0("if (file.exists(",
                       surround(snapshotLockPath, with = "'"),
                       ")) file.remove(",
                       surround(snapshotLockPath, with = "'"),
  removeTmpdirCmd <- paste0("unlink(tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)")


snapshotHookImpl <- function(debug = FALSE) {

  if (!isPackratModeOn()) return(invisible(TRUE))
  if (!debug && !isTRUE(get_opts("auto.snapshot")))
  project <- getProjectDir()
  packratDir <- getPackratDir(project)

  ## A snapshot lock file that we should check to ensure we don't try to
  ## snapshot multiple times
  snapshotLockPath <- file.path(packratDir, "snapshot.lock")

  ## This file needs to be checked, and deleted, by the async process
  if (file.exists(snapshotLockPath)) {
    ## we assume another process is currently performing an async snapshot
    if (debug)
      cat("Automatic snapshot already in process; exiting\n")

  fullCmd <- paste(buildSnapshotHookCall(project, debug = debug), collapse = "; ")
  file.create(snapshotLockPath, recursive = TRUE)
  r_path <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
  args <- paste("--vanilla", "-s", "-e", surround(fullCmd, with = "\""))
  if (debug) {
    cat("Performing an automatic snapshot:\n\n")
    cat(paste(surround(r_path, with = "\""), args), "\n")
    result <- system2(r_path, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
    cat("Captured result:\n")
  } else {
    result <- system2(r_path, args, stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE, wait = FALSE)
rstudio/packrat documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 9:17 p.m.