## When adding new options, be sure to update the VALID_OPTIONS list
## (define your own custom validators by assigning a function)
## and update the default_opts() function + documentation in 'get_opts()' below
auto.snapshot = function(x) x %in% c(TRUE, FALSE),
use.cache = list(TRUE, FALSE),
print.banner.on.startup = list(TRUE, FALSE, "auto"),
vcs.ignore.lib = list(TRUE, FALSE),
vcs.ignore.src = list(TRUE, FALSE),
external.packages = function(x) {
is.null(x) || is.character(x)
local.repos = function(x) {
is.null(x) || is.character(x)
load.external.packages.on.startup = list(TRUE, FALSE),
ignored.packages = function(x) {
is.null(x) || is.character(x)
ignored.directories = function(x) {
is.null(x) || is.character(x)
quiet.package.installation = list(TRUE, FALSE),
snapshot.recommended.packages = list(TRUE, FALSE),
snapshot.fields = function(x) {
is.null(x) || is.character(x)
symlink.system.packages = list(TRUE, FALSE)
default_opts <- function() {
auto.snapshot = FALSE,
use.cache = FALSE,
print.banner.on.startup = "auto",
vcs.ignore.lib = TRUE,
vcs.ignore.src = FALSE,
external.packages = Sys.getenv("R_PACKRAT_EXTERNAL_PACKAGES", unset = ""),
local.repos = NULL,
load.external.packages.on.startup = TRUE,
ignored.packages = NULL,
ignored.directories = c("data", "inst"),
quiet.package.installation = TRUE,
snapshot.recommended.packages = FALSE,
snapshot.fields = c("Imports", "Depends", "LinkingTo"),
symlink.system.packages = TRUE
initOptions <- function(project = NULL, options = default_opts()) {
project <- getProjectDir(project)
opts <- c(project = project, options)
do.call(set_opts, opts)
##' Get/set packrat project options
##' Get and set options for the current packrat-managed project.
##' @section Valid Options:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{auto.snapshot}: Perform automatic, asynchronous snapshots when running interactively?
##' (logical; defaults to \code{FALSE})
##' \item \code{use.cache}:
##' Install packages into a global cache, which is then shared across projects? The
##' directory to use is read through \code{Sys.getenv("R_PACKRAT_CACHE_DIR")}.
##' Windows support is currently experimental.
##' (logical; defaults to \code{FALSE})
##' \item \code{print.banner.on.startup}:
##' Print the banner on startup? Can be one of \code{TRUE} (always print),
##' \code{FALSE} (never print), and \code{'auto'} (do the right thing)
##' (defaults to \code{"auto"})
##' \item \code{vcs.ignore.lib}:
##' If TRUE, version control configuration is modified to ignore packrat private libraries.
##' (logical; defaults to \code{TRUE})
##' \item \code{vcs.ignore.src}:
##' If TRUE, version control configuration is modified to ignore packrat private sources.
##' (logical; defaults to \code{FALSE})
##' \item \code{external.packages}:
##' Packages which should be loaded from the user library. This can be useful for
##' very large packages which you don't want duplicated across multiple projects,
##' e.g. BioConductor annotation packages, or for package development scenarios
##' wherein you want to use e.g. \code{devtools} and \code{roxygen2} for package
##' development, but do not want your package to depend on these packages.
##' (character; defaults to \code{Sys.getenv("R_PACKRAT_EXTERNAL_PACKAGES")})
##' \item \code{local.repos}:
##' Ad-hoc local 'repositories'; i.e., directories containing package sources within
##' sub-directories.
##' (character; empty by default)
##' \item \code{load.external.packages.on.startup}:
##' Load any packages specified within \code{external.packages} on startup?
##' (logical; defaults to \code{TRUE})
##' \item \code{ignored.packages}:
##' Prevent packrat from tracking certain packages. Dependencies of these packages
##' will also not be tracked (unless these packages are encountered as dependencies
##' in a separate context from the ignored package).
##' (character; empty by default)
##' \item \code{ignored.directories}:
##' Prevent packrat from looking for dependencies inside certain directories of your
##' workspace. For example, if you have set your "local.repos" to be inside your local
##' workspace so that you can track custom packages as git submodules.
##' Each item should be the relative path to a directory in the workspace, e.g. "data",
##' "lib/gitsubmodule". Note that packrat already ignores any "invisible" files and
##' directories, such as those whose names start with a "." character.
##' (character; empty by default)
##' \item \code{quiet.package.installation}:
##' Emit output during package installation?
##' (logical; defaults to \code{TRUE})
##' \item \code{snapshot.recommended.packages}:
##' Should 'recommended' packages discovered in the system library be
##' snapshotted? See the \code{Priority} field of \code{available.packages()}
##' for more information -- 'recommended' packages are those normally bundled
##' with CRAN releases of R on OS X and Windows, but new releases are also
##' available on the CRAN server.
##' (logical; defaults to \code{FALSE})
##' \item \code{snapshot.fields}:
##' What fields of a package's DESCRIPTION file should be used when discovering
##' dependencies?
##' (character, defaults to \code{c("Imports", "Depends", "LinkingTo")})
##' \item \code{symlink.system.packages}:
##' Symlink base \R packages into a private \code{packrat/lib-R} directory?
##' This is done to further encapsulate the project from user packages that
##' have been installed into the \R system library.
##' (boolean, defaults to \code{TRUE})
##' }
##' @param options A character vector of valid option names.
##' @param simplify Boolean; \code{unlist} the returned options? Useful for when retrieving
##' a single option.
##' @param project The project directory. When in packrat mode, defaults to the current project;
##' otherwise, defaults to the current working directory.
##' @param persist Boolean; persist these options for future sessions?
##' @param ... Entries of the form \code{key = value}, used for setting packrat project options.
##' @rdname packrat-options
##' @name packrat-options
##' @export
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' ## use 'devtools' and 'knitr' from the user library
##' packrat::set_opts(external.packages = c("devtools", "knitr"))
##' ## set local repository
##' packrat::set_opts(local.repos = c("~/projects/R"))
##' ## get the set of 'external packages'
##' packrat::opts$external.packages()
##' ## set the external packages
##' packrat::opts$external.packages(c("devtools", "knitr"))
##' }
get_opts <- function(options = NULL, simplify = TRUE, project = NULL) {
project <- getProjectDir(project)
cachedOptions <- get("options", envir = .packrat)
if (is.null(cachedOptions)) {
opts <- read_opts(project = project)
assign("options", opts, envir = .packrat)
} else {
opts <- get("options", envir = .packrat)
if (is.null(options)) {
} else {
result <- opts[names(opts) %in% options]
if (simplify) unlist(unname(result))
else result
make_setter <- function(name) {
function(x, persist = TRUE) {
if (missing(x)) {
} else {
return(setOptions(setNames(list(x), name), persist = persist))
##' @rdname packrat-options
##' @name packrat-options
##' @export
set_opts <- function(..., project = NULL, persist = TRUE) {
setOptions(list(...), project = project, persist = persist)
setOptions <- function(options, project = NULL, persist = TRUE) {
project <- getProjectDir(project)
optsPath <- packratOptionsFilePath(project)
if (persist && !file.exists(optsPath)) {
dir.create(dirname(optsPath), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
options <- validateOptions(options)
keys <- names(options)
values <- options
opts <- get_opts(project = project)
for (i in seq_along(keys)) {
if (is.null(values[[i]]))
opts[keys[[i]]] <- list(NULL)
opts[[keys[[i]]]] <- values[[i]]
write_opts(opts, project = project, persist = persist)
if (persist)
##' @rdname packrat-options
##' @format NULL
##' @export
opts <- setNames(lapply(names(VALID_OPTIONS), function(x) {
}), names(VALID_OPTIONS))
validateOptions <- function(opts) {
for (i in seq_along(opts)) {
key <- names(opts)[[i]]
value <- opts[[i]]
if (!(key %in% names(VALID_OPTIONS))) {
stop("'", key, "' is not a valid packrat option", call. = FALSE)
opt <- VALID_OPTIONS[[key]]
if (is.list(opt)) {
if (!(value %in% opt)) {
stop("'", value, "' is not a valid setting for packrat option '", key, "'", call. = FALSE)
} else if (is.function(opt)) {
if (!opt(value)) {
stop("'", value, "' is not a valid setting for packrat option '", key, "'", call. = FALSE)
## Read an options file with fields unparsed
readOptsFile <- function(path) {
content <- readLines(path)
namesRegex <- "^[[:alnum:]\\_\\.]*:"
namesIndices <- grep(namesRegex, content, perl = TRUE)
if (!length(namesIndices)) return(list())
contentIndices <- mapply(seq, namesIndices, c(namesIndices[-1] - 1, length(content)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (!length(contentIndices)) return(list())
result <- lapply(contentIndices, function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
result <- sub(".*:\\s*", "", content[[x]], perl = TRUE)
} else {
first <- sub(".*:\\s*", "", content[[x[1]]])
if (first == "") first <- NULL
rest <- gsub("^\\s*", "", content[x[2:length(x)]], perl = TRUE)
result <- c(first, rest)
result[result != ""]
names(result) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(content[namesIndices], ":", fixed = TRUE), `[[`, 1))
## Read and parse an options file. Returns the default set
## of options if no options available.
read_opts <- function(project = NULL) {
project <- getProjectDir(project)
path <- packratOptionsFilePath(project)
if (!file.exists(path))
opts <- readOptsFile(path)
if (!length(opts))
opts[] <- lapply(opts, function(x) {
if (identical(x, "TRUE")) {
} else if (identical(x, "FALSE")) {
} else if (identical(x, "NA")) {
} else {
# ensure that newly-added options have a default value
defaults <- default_opts()
missing <- setdiff(names(defaults), names(opts))
opts[missing] <- defaults[missing]
write_opts <- function(options, project = NULL, persist = TRUE) {
project <- getProjectDir(project)
if (!is.list(options))
stop("Expecting options as an R list of values")
# Fill options that are left out
defaultOpts <- default_opts()
missingOptionNames <- setdiff(names(defaultOpts), names(options))
for (optionName in missingOptionNames) {
opt <- defaultOpts[[optionName]]
if (is.null(opt)) {
options[optionName] <- list(NULL)
} else {
options[[optionName]] <- opt
# Preserve order
options <- options[names(VALID_OPTIONS)]
labels <- names(options)
if ("external.packages" %in% names(options)) {
oep <- as.character(options$external.packages)
options$external.packages <-
as.character(unlist(strsplit(oep, "\\s*,\\s*", perl = TRUE)))
# Update the in-memory options cache
assign("options", options, envir = .packrat)
# Write options to disk
if (!persist)
sep <- ifelse(
unlist(lapply(options, length)) > 1,
": "
options[] <- lapply(options, function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0) ""
else if (length(x) == 1) as.character(x)
else paste(" ", x, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
output <- character(length(labels))
for (i in seq_along(labels)) {
output[[i]] <- paste(labels[[i]], options[[i]], sep = sep[[i]])
cat(output, file = packratOptionsFilePath(project), sep = "\n")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.